Windows 7 Upgrade From Home To Pro

Jun 22, 2010

I've just gotten a new computer with Windows 7 Home edition initially installed. I haven't activated it yet, seeing as I've not purchased the key as yet. There's a store that is selling a Windows 7 Pro Upgrade cheaply, and I am planning on purchasing that. My questions are:

1) Is it possible to upgrade from Home to Pro?

2) What sort of repercussions will occur? (As in losing of files etc) I only ask so that I don't start installing everything and then losing everything again.

3) If I do have to do a clean install, will it affect the hard drives other than the one that had the OS on?

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Use The Windows 7 Professional Student Upgrade To Upgrade From Windows 7 Home Premium?

Aug 26, 2011

can i use the windows 7 professional student upgrade to upgrade from windows 7 home premium?

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Can't Upgrade From Windows 7 Home To Pro

Oct 25, 2011

I am trying to upgrade two office computers from Windows 7 home edition to Windows 7 professional edition so we can connect them to the domain we have. I went to Windows anytime upgrade, typed in the product key, it was accepted everything was going smoothly then it comes up says it will be about ten minutes which is fine. Three or four minutes later it comes up and says the upgrade wasn't successful please try the upgrade again. When it is tried again it does the same thing.

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Upgrade From Windows 7 Home Premium?

Jan 24, 2011

I recently bought a laptop with windows 7 home premium x64. Can this be upgraded directly to Windows Ultimate x64?

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UPGRADE: Windows 7 32 Bit To 64 Bit Home Basic

Mar 8, 2011

I have recently bought LENOVO Z560 with pre-installed 32-bit Windows 7 Home Basic.

I want to know:
1) How can I upgrade to 64 bit Home Basic

2) How can I know/ get the PRODUCT KEY of my pre-installed 32 bit Home Basic

3) Do I need to pay extra amount if I upgrade from 32 bit to 64 bit (as, I have heard that if I purchase, I will get 32 and 64 bit OS in a single pack only)

4) Will my existing set of drivers work fine with 64 bit Home Basic. If not, from where can I get the drivers

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Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade?

Oct 25, 2011

I bought and downloaded about a year ago, Windows 7 Anytime Upgrade to install the new OS on a computer that was bought with a Vista system already installed. Now I have some problems with the computer and I'd like to perform a clean reinstallation of Windows 7.Is it possible to do so even if I only bought the Home Premium Upgrade version?Do I absolutely need the Home Premium Full version?I was thinking of downloading ISO images from the Microsoft Store and burning them to a DVD. Will that work if I only bought the Home Premium Upgrade version?

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Upgrade From Windows 7 Home To Prof?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a win 7 home version installed on my laptop. I have the code for prof on the way. Can i start installing software already? before upgrading to win 7 prof? Or is it wise to wait until the key arrives?

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Windows 7 Home Premium X64 Sp1 Upgrade

Jul 4, 2012

i using windows 7 home premium x64 sp1, so want upgrade to Windows 7 ultimate x64 sp1..i just want to know what will happen to my installer and install driver on program file after upgrade windows.. do i need to reinstall new driver and software..Does upgrade process just only change version of windows..

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Upgrade From Windows 7 Home To Professional

Jul 21, 2010

I purchased Windows 7 Professional for my old computer. Shortly after the install my old computer failed. I've since purchased a new computer with Windows 7 Home. My question is: can I somehow upgrade the Home version to the Professional version using the Professional Install disc? The old computer was 32 bit and the new computer is 64 bit if that makes any difference.

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Windows 7 Anytime Upgrade From Starter To Home?

Jul 26, 2011

My laptop has windows7 starter installed. i have purchased anytime upgrade to home premium but it won't install. The product key is recognised. Microsoft doesn't seem to offer any support without payment.

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Delete Old Files After Upgrade Windows 7 Home?

Jul 10, 2011

I ran an upgrade with win home 7. I am the administrator. When I try to delete old programs, I get a message that reads require permission from Admin or trusted installer. How do I delete these programs. I put my password as an administrator when I logged in.

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Upgrade Windows 7 Starter To Home Premium

Feb 26, 2011

I have a Samsung Netbook which came with Windows 7 Starter and I am finding that I miss the extras of Home Premium Retail which installed on my Desktop PC. I have the Home Premium installation disk which I used, but as far as I am aware it is a single use licence.

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Upgrade From Windows 7 Home Premium To Professional?

May 5, 2011

I have a new laptop that came with Windows 7 Home Premium. I bought Windows 7 Professional Upgrade from download and the backup disc.

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Possible To Install A 32 Bit Windows 7 Pro Upgrade On Home Premium 64 Bit

Jun 11, 2011

can we install the 32 bit version from the Professional upgrade in place of the 64 bit Home Premium with comes preinstalled? I would do this from the very beginning, so we wouldn't have installed any of our software yet, I don't think there is any bloatware form Dell that we will want. I will make the recovery copies of the 64 bit OS first, and then hopefully upgrade to the 32 bit Professional. Things are "tight", and hopefully will not have to purchase a full version of Professional.

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Upgrade From Vista Home Edition To Windows 7

Jun 18, 2011

i want to upgrade my hp dv2000 laptop from vista home edition (64bit) to win 7the Q: can i do the upgrade using a win 7 ultimate full version? or do i have to use an upgrade version?note. i don't want to use a clean instal because i don't want to lose my existing programs.

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Vista Home Premium 32 Bit Upgrade To Windows 7 X64

Jul 22, 2009

I have a laptop with vista home premium 32 bit.. (OEM)..No install disk But can make one.I was going to install it on pc. I have ordered an upgrade disk for windows 7 x64 professional.. I was wanting to put it on my pc. It is running Windows 7600-16384 at the moment. From what I see it seems I won't be able to upgrade because:

1. Vista home premium to Windows professional won't work.

2. You can't upgrade with windows 7600-16384 to RTM

3. Not sure about going from 32 bit to 64 bit.

I am correct in my thinking??? If so I may have to cancel my upgrade buy from Newegg..Or change it somehow.

Would I be able to do clean install (RTM) on the pc with 7600-16384 on there????

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Upgrade From Vista Home Premium To Windows 7 Pro

Dec 7, 2009

I've been researching online that there is ONLY one way of going to from version to version when upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 7. For example, Vista Home Premium to 7 Home Premium. You technically (In Microsoft's eyes) can't go from Windows Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional. People bought the $30 Student 7 Professional from DR when it was available, and had Vista Home Premium on their laptop.

Mistake? I don't think so. We are also assuming that you have a legitimate copy of Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows 7 Professional Upgrade. We also assume no liability for any damages or data loss this may occur from doing my tutorial..

First off we need things done before we can do the upgrades. (Yes Upgrades).

1. Backup everything you need saved (Make an image with Acronis or any backup program)

2. Have a copy of Windows 7 (Any edition works, I'll tell you why later)

3. Have a quite some time to do this (Upgrades took a total of probably half a day)

Assuming you did the first 3 steps continue....

So you have a DVD copy or image of Windows 7. Extract the image or copy the disc to a folder on the HD of the computer you are upgrading. We are going to be going from Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Home Premium as this is the only way we can do it (THANKS MICROSOFT).

View the extracted dvd/image on your HD. You will see a Sources folder, and you will see a ei.cfg. This can be edited with Wordpad or notepad, either one will do fine. Read more at the forum...

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Windows 7 SP1 Upgrade - Home Sharing Disabled?

Mar 22, 2011

I just upgraded all home PCs to SP1, and can no longer connect to my homegroup. Is it possible that SP1 actually kills homegroup? Or is it my work domain administrator that disabled the feature?

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Windows 7 Upgrade Key Not Valid With Home Premium

Apr 14, 2012

I bought two licenses for Windows 7 Professional Upgrade when the Pre-Release special offer was in place. One I used on my laptop and the other has never been opened. My laptop died and I bought a new one with Windows 7 Home Premium installed. I want to use my upgrade disk but MS Canada Support told me that the upgrade key on my disk is NOT able to upgrade from Home Premium - only Vista. She told me I had to buy ANOTHER upgrade to be able to use it with Home Premium. This is even though the disk and the box say they include Anytime Upgrade It is the key that is wrong.

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How To Upgrade From Windows 7 Home Basic To Ultimate

Jul 9, 2011

i wish to upgrade from a windows 7 home basic to an ultimate.

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Upgrade New PC From Windows 7 Home Premium To Professional?

Dec 21, 2011

I bought Windows 7 Professional and installed it on my computer. Recently, that computer died unexpectedly and I bought a new one that came with Windows 7 Home Premium installed on it. Since getting a new computer was unexpected, there were things I needed to get installed right away, so I just started installing it on the version of the OS that was already installed on the new PC. Now that I have a moment to go back and upgrade it to 7 Pro to take advantage of the features I want/need, this is appearing to not be an option, or at least not an easy one. The only options I'm seeing are to do a full reinstall or to do a Windows Anytime Upgrade which requires a separate license key. I have enough software installed now I really don't want to have to reinstall the entire machine again. Plus there were some applications that came for "free" on the new PC that I'd like to keep, but reinstalling would mean that keeping those apps also was not an option. And it seems stupid that I'd have to buy an upgrade when key when I have a full version of what I want to go to. Is my full version DVD of 7 Pro a paper weight now?

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Upgrade From Windows 7 Home Basic To Ultimate?

Mar 14, 2012

i have version of window home basic now and want to upgrade to ultimate. is this possible. if yes tell me about how i can upgrade my window.

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Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade?

Jul 15, 2012

I had a couple of questions about Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade. Is it the actual windows 7 software or is it some sort of piggy back? I think for 109 it should be the full version of the windows 7 software.[URL]There is windows 7 SP1 OEM version but hear it is buggy.Also if your building a rig how will it know what you want? 32bit or 64 bit?

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Upgrade From Windows 7 Home Basic To Ultimate?

Sep 10, 2012

upgrade from windows 7 home basic to ultimate?

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Upgrade Windows 7 Home Basic To Ultimate?

Dec 7, 2012

How to upgrade windows 7 home basic to ultimate

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Reinstalling Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade?

Feb 13, 2013

Not sure where to post this but I went from XP Professional the 7 Home premium Upgrade.All went good and Win 7 ran smooth. With Crysis 3 coming out I installed a new Mother board and CPU. Now 7 won't boot up.My old board was a P5GD1 and the CPU was Intel Pentium 4 at 3GHzMy new board is a P8Z77-V LE Plus and the CPU is Intel Core i5 3330 at 3GHzWhen I boot up now I get two options 1) to do a repair, 2) start windows normally. but neither will work.How can I reinstall win 7 Upgrade? It will not boot from the Win 7 disk.

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Vista Business To Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade

Mar 20, 2010

My wife has a toshiba laptop with legal copy Vista Business OEM on it, And would like to get Windows 7 home premium.If she gets the upgrade version can we just do a clean install or am i going to get in all sorts of problems? On my Desktop i just installed the upgrade on a clean hdd and had no problems but i did have the number for vista home premium.Can someone say on this forum just buy the upgrade and you have no problems or do i have get the professional or ultimate upgrade?

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Returning To Windows 7 Home After Failed Ultimate Upgrade

May 24, 2011

I purchased a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate at an auction. I subsequently installed it on one of my computers and everything went well. Not knowing that I could only install it on one computer I then installed it on my other computer. Everything was running well for a few days and now I keep getting a message that Windows 7 cannot activate. I don't want to purchase another copy of Ultimate and want to return to the original OS - Windows 7 Home that was preloaded on my Dell computer when I bought it.

I tried to do a system restore to the date that I installed the Ultimate but it didn't work. Ultimate is still running. Do I have to do a complete reinstall from my backup recovery disks and return to square one from when my computer was new or is there something I can do to stop getting the activation error code.

If I have to return to square one and reload from my recovery disks, I will, but I am trying to get around having to go through all that work, as well as the many, many, updates I will have to wait through. I am also worried about having to reinstall all of my software, addresses, etc.

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Can Upgrade From Vista Home Premium To Windows 7 Professional

Jul 20, 2012

Can I upgrade from Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional? I have a disk with W 7 P on it. I am using a 32 bit PC.

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Windows 7 Home Premium Reinstall Using Upgrade Disc?

Oct 4, 2010

I need to reinstall & was wondering if I have to install Xp first or is there a way of just using the upgrade disc.

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Windows 7 Home Premium X64 Oem: Hardware Upgrade Concerns?

Feb 12, 2012

I plan on doing some hardware upgrades at the end of the year, however I am concerned about the OEM EULA this is what I will be upgrading to:

.1x Corsair 600W CX Series V2 PSU - 6x SATA 2x PCI-E
.2x Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600Mhz CL9 1.5V Non-ECC Unbuffered
.1x Corsair Carbide 400R Case
.1x AMD FX-6 6100 Black Edition 6 Core 3.3Ghz Socket AM3+ 8MB L3 Cache Retail Boxed Processor
.1x ASUS Crosshair V Formula 990FX Socket AM3+ 8 Channel audio ATX Motherboard

Will this be considered a new pc, and when I do get this upgrade will I then be able to upgrade my graphics card from a 6870 to a 6970 at a later date, When or if I need a new windows 7.also if I do need a new copy can I keep my one I have on my hard drive but buy a new CD key off of Microsoft?just in case you needed it here is my system specs:

.x1 AMD Phenom ii X6 1055t 2.8Ghz Processor.
.x1 Sapphire HD 6870 Graphics Card.
.x1 MSI 870A-G46 Motherboard.
.x2 G-Skill 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1600mhz Ripjaws Memory Kit.
.x1 Artic 700w PSU.
.x1 Seagate Barracuda 500gb HDD 7200.12.

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