Windows 7 RAID Drive Access From Dual Boot XP?

Jul 16, 2012

I have set up a dual boot- Windows 7 pro & XP ultimate, both on separate SSD's, all OK. I also have two 3TB HDD's set up under windows 7 RAID, all OK. In XP under drive management the RAID drives show up twice, once as 775GB unused drives with no drive letter allocated and also as 2.7GB RAID drives with status 'failed', drives marked as 'missing'. Is there a way I can get the RAID drive accessible under XP?

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XP Cannot Access Other Drive With Dual Boot

Nov 18, 2009

I've got a bit of a perplexing problem here that I hope somebody can provide some insight on. Set up the dual boot with your (very awesome) tutorial and everything works perfectly there. Windows 7 was installed first to the C: drive, XP is on an E: partition of the same drive. The D: drive is a second physical drive that is just used for file storage. If it matters, both physical drives are paired drives in Raid1.

The problem comes when I've loaded into Windows XP, I can't access the D: storage drive. It reads as size 0, and can't be formatted or read.

Under Windows 7, everything works. I can access the storage drive fine and have no problems using it.

I originally thought it was a permissions thing because the D: drive was formatted in Windows 7, but in XP I can read from the Windows 7 C: drive just fine.

I am at a loss, can anybody offer any suggestions as to why the drive would read fine under 7 but not when in XP?

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Dual Boot Problem - Cannot See And Access To Drive D

Nov 25, 2009

I have installed XP in C (first) and Windows 7 in D. Everything works fine. When I use Windows 7 I can see and access to drive C (XP) but when using XP I cannot see and access to drive D (Windows 7). What can I do to?

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Lost Access To Windows 7 Drive (Dual-Boot Windows 7 & Ubuntu)

Aug 26, 2012

I lost access to my windows 7 drive (Dual-boot windows 7 & Ubuntu). every time I try to run Windows 7 I get the message: Bootmgr is compressed, Press CTRL_ALT-DEL to restart. I could run Bootrec /fixmbr or diskpart or attrib to rebuild my mbr table through DOS command window using my windows 7 recovery CD. The problem I cannot access drive C: where my windows 7 are. I get the error message: Cannot open volume for direct access or system cannot find the drive path or specified. I still can access all my windows folders and files through home folder in Ubuntu. I don't want to reformat and reinstall windows. Is there is a way to run the DOS commands within Ubuntu

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Dual Boot Windows 7 64 And Xp 32 Dual Boot Same Drive?

Sep 12, 2011

i have a new work laptop with xp sp3 on it. I want to install w7 64 bit as a dual boot, but only have 1 physical drive. i cannot remove my current installation as it is pre-build from work, but can partition the drive etc. However on trying to install w7 64 bit I get a message saying cannot install windows 7 on efi drive with mbr, not gpt. Can I do what I want without screwing up my xp installation?

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How Do I Keep Win7, Dump XP From Dual Drive, Dual Boot ?

Nov 12, 2009

As currently configured, XP is on drive C:, Win 7 was added to drive E:, and the system is currently run as a dual boot. Attempting to boot without the XP drive present will yield a "NTLDR is missing" error very early in the boot process.

I have already tried the following:

(1) I moved the hidden Windows Boot Manager files (bootmgr as well as the associated Boot folder) from the XP drive root to the Win 7 drive root.

(2) After physically removing the XP drive, I rebooted to the Win 7 installation DVD, and used the "Repair Your Computer" option to pull up the "Recovery Tools". Then, using the command prompt utility, ...

(3) I attempted to write a new boot sector to the Windows 7 disk using the command: Bootrec /fixboot, - that yields an error though. The Bootrec /fixmbr claimed success, but ultimately did not make Win 7 drive bootable.

I had to reconnect drive C: just to boot into Win 7 again to write this. I do have files backed up, but to format and reinstall files would take many hours beyond just the time to transfer 400 GB of data, since I have dozens of purchased applications that need to be freshly reinstalled and validated as well. Basically I want my E: drive now to be my boot drive while the C: drive is reformatted and used for general storage.

Any idea how to make my Win 7 drive bootable? Do I need a partition program that is more adept at creating a viable boot sector, or is that even the problem?

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Raid Card Will Not Boot With Drive Installed

Nov 13, 2009

I installed a Rosewell RC-217 Raid card (Silicon Image Sil 3124 SoftRaid 5 Controller-- in Device Manager). The card installed well in Windows 7 64 bit. No problems in device manager.The problem starts when i plug the drive in then rebooted. The boot stops at the 'Starting Window' and hangs. If i boot into windows then plug the drive in all work well. Windows sees the drive and i gave it a drive letter. works great.Problem is i can't boot my system without un-pluging the drive.

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How To Configure RAID-0 On 2 Partitions / 1 Part Is On Boot Drive

Mar 5, 2012

I have 2 SSDs each partitioned into 80GB and 40GB like this:

-Drive1-80GB (boot) and Drive1-40GB
-Drive2-80GB and Drive2-40GB

Drive1-80GB is already the Windows 7-64 boot partition for the system. Can I configure a software RAID-0 with Drive1-40GB and Drive2-40GB? I know this is unorthodox but I wanted to try this for a few reasons.

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Dual Boot Access To Same Programs

Jul 26, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 on my Computer on a separate partition to Windows XP2 to have a dual boot set up. Now, I would like to allow Windows 7 access to the Programs I have operating with Windows XP. If possible without having to install them again for Windows 7. These programs are currently scattered over three partitions including the OS partition of Win XP

Majority of these appear to have system files in the Win XP OS.

Is there any simple way I can get these programs to function under Windows 7 without having to install them again for Windows 7?

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Dual Boot Problem - Access Is Denied

Nov 9, 2009

my dell laptop came with vista and i decided to install windows seven recently and i did...however whenever i turn on the computer, i get the option of going on vista or windows 7.... which sucks not only is it a waste of time but my D drive is seriously full and i want to clean it out asap. So what can i do to remove windows vista completely off my system? Just to let you know, after some research i saw how you write some prompts in command prompts e.g it /export C:ootcd However they do not work because it says : The store export has failed. Access is denied

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Dual Boot - Win 7 Internet Access No, Winxp Yes

Aug 16, 2009

I am running Windows 7 Version 7260 on a dual boot with Windows XP3. I can get internet/network access when operating under Windows xp3, yet if I shut down completely then re-start into Windows 7 I have no internet access.

However, if I start up in Windows XP then reboot into Windows 7, internet access is retained and available in Windows 7. All very curious.

Troubleshooters does not help claiming I have a missing cable connection.

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Dual Boot Computer But Can Only Access The Internet From One Operation?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a dual boot system with xp and win7, but I can only access the internet via xp

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Does Windows Xp-Windows 7 Dual-boot Block VPN And Remote Access

Feb 10, 2012

I have two SATA hard disks on my Dell Precision 690. I had Windows XP (x64) pre-installed in first disk. Recently I installed Windows 7 in the other disk. The Windows 7 works well and I get options to log into either Windows at startup. But I curiously observe that I cannot VPN to my employer from that Windows 7 installation.Also, I installed LogMein and that too is blocked. I have installed VMWare on the Windows 7 and I could perfectly run VPN and LogMein from that VMWare installation. I have tried hundreds of advises and settings in the Services section to no avail. I even cleaned the Windows 7 install and started afresh; still cannot log to VPN

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Dual Boot Dual Drive

Jan 2, 2010

I have Win XP 32 bit on my old drive. I buy Win 7 full retail and a new HD. I set bios to boot from cd etc. Win 7 starts up. It shows the 2 drives, so I select new problems. It starts install. I leave it to do its stuff.When I come back its up and all ok.I dint get any option to boot from XP. The drive was listed as "SYSTEM" but not old Windows or anything.

Also ASUS chipset drivers dont work and they were listed as 7 drivers.I tried Vista drivers but it normally shuts down and restarts. Nothing.

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Why Can Access Documents In Windows 7 From XP (Windows 7/XP Dual Boot)?

Oct 8, 2011

I was running a dual boot XP SP3/XP SP3 until I recently clean installed Windows 7 32bit on C: partition (while keeping the other XP install). I used a boot manager to "find" my XP install, and I now dual boot Windows 7/XP. Both OSes start and run like they are supposed to.My issue is with Windows 7 MyDocuments security. Quite by accident, I discovered that when running XP, I could access, rename, change, and delete files in my Windows 7 MyDocuments folder. I went to Windows 7/Windows/system32 to see if I could rename or delete system files (yes, I made a backup just in case) but was denied. I booted into Windows 7 and tried the same thing to XP, but got the familiar "permission denied" popup.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Linux Drive Letter?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm using multiple hard drives to install both fedora and Windows 7. I've followed this online tutorial exactly: Dual-booting Fedora 14 and Windows 7 on a computer with 2 hard drives

The problem I seem to be facing is on the "Add a new Entry Step". His secondary OS partition has a drive letter assigned to it and I do not. I've gone into computer management and have tried to assign a drive letter to either of my secondary OS's hard drive partitions and it will not let me.

All I need is the boot loader to link to my second hard drive when the second option (OS) is chosen.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Ubuntu On External Hard Drive

Jun 21, 2010

Is it possible to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu, with ubuntu on a external hard drive? I can connect my external hard drive via USB 2.0, USB 3.0 or E-SATA. I want windows 7 as my main OS.

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Dual Boot Issue With ' Boot Drive '

Apr 26, 2009

ok so im having a weird problem thats probably very easy to fix.

background info: before my Windows 7 install i had 3 partitions

vista 64

xp 32

empty (soon to be linux)

when i downloaded the newest win 7 build i deleted my xp 32 partition and installed Windows 7 on that partition. because Windows 7 creates that "reserve partition" or what ever, it extended my EMPTY partition with my vista partion. which cause it to become a "logical drive" rather than a "boot" drive. aka i cannot figure out how to access my vista OS.. rather annoying since im just toying with Windows 7 atm.

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Windows 7 / Linux Dual Boot Missing Hard Drive Space?

Sep 29, 2011

About 6 months ago I set up a new machine dual boot using GParted with the following configuration:

/dev/sda1 ntfs (Windows 7 system reserved) 100 MB
/dev/sda2 ntfs (Windows7 C: drive) 99 GB (includes 4 GB of preloaded page file space)
/dev/sda3 ntfs (Shared drive - Windows7 E: Drive / Ubuntu sda3) 801 GB
/dev/sda4 extended partition 32 GB
/dev/sda5 ext4 (Linux Root) 30 GB
/dev/sda6 linux-swap 2 GB

I set it up so that I could access my E: drive from either the windows or ubuntu operating system. It has worked perfectly so far (about 6 months). But, here is the problem:For some reason as the share drive (my E: drive / sda3) grows Windows thinks that the windows system drive (sda2/c:drive) is also growing. So that now I have a low storage warning stating that there is only 8.76 GB of free space left on my 99 GB C: drive. When, in reality, there should be about 77 GB of free space. I've made hidden files/folders viewable and downloaded treesizefree so I know what should be on the drive. The Treesizefree output shows the expected 22 GB of space but also shows only 9 GB of free space. So, the missing space is nearly exactly the size of my shared drive (sda3/E:drive). So somehow, I think the windows OS is double counting my shared E: drive against my C: drive.

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Partition The New 1TB Drive For Dual Boot Setup With Windows 7 Home X64 / WinXP Pro (32-bit)

Nov 11, 2010

The motherboard died on my 3-year-old Compaq, so I just ordered a new computer that comes preloaded with Win7Home Prem x64. It was from Dell Outlet so I couldn't choose the OS. I've been using MCE (XP pro 32-bit) for several years and love it.I'm worried about program and hardware compatibility with Windows 7 x64. I don't use very graphics-heavy apps like CADD, Photoshop, etc. I only plan to do a little video editing with my .avi clips. I also have an older version of Replay AV that I use to record live streaming radio. I don't want to buy a new scanner (Canoscan LiDE 20 - no x64 drivers!) so here are my options:

A-Partition the new 1TB drive for dual boot setup with Windows 7 Home x64 / WinXP Pro (32-bit). I would buy the XP Pro OEM Branded DVD.

B-Install my old 200GB SATA Seagate Barracuda 7200 as a second drive and run XP programs and scanner from that.

C-Buy Win 7 Pro 32-bit OEM Branded discs, remove Windows 7 home x64, and do a complete new install with the new discs, and hope that my XP programs work with XP Mode. (new i5 processor supports virtualization)

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Formatting Drive And Reinstalling Windows 7 - Dual Boot (Ubuntu / OpenSuse)

Jul 27, 2012

I have a Toshiba laptop that came with a preinstalled copy of Windows-7 (64 bit) version purchased in July 2010. No setup disk came with the laptop, but there is a "Toshiba recovery media creator" utility. Now, I want to format my laptop, and here I have few queries regarding this:

[1] What is the better option for formatting my drive? Should I use the Toshiba media-creator or install a clean version of Windows-7 from an ISO download (am I allowed to do that? If so, what is a good site to download?) There is a "sticker-certificate" on the bottom of my laptop with a product-key. Will it work with the new install?

[2] Do I have the option of installing a 32-bit version of Windows-7 instead of 64-bit with the above license? The reason is that most applications I use are 32-bit and hence a 32-bit OS is better suited for me. But does the license allow me to do that?

[3] (The tricky part) - Since I have a good 320GB HDD, I want to dual-boot by creating two partitions - with a linux distribution (Ubuntu/openSuse) running on the second partition? Assuming I don't have the option of clean-install, will I be able to create the extra partition for linux using the Toshiba utility?

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Dual Boot (Server 2008 And Windows 7 Pro) - Cannot Delete Volume Or Format Drive

May 5, 2011

I have a desktop that I installed Windows Server 2008 Web Edition on, and then later added Windows 7 Pro on a separate physical drive.

Server 2008 is C:
Windows 7 is Z:

I used bcdedit to delete the boot entry for Server 2008, and now I'd like to remove the install of Server 2008 and reformat the drive. However, I am not able to delete the volume or format the c drive.

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Dual Boot Issue And XP With DVD In Drive

May 27, 2009

I installed windows 7 on my desktop where XP was already installed. Now, unless I have the RC1 DVD in the drive, the computer automatically boots to XP with no option. If I leave the DVD in the drive it gives me the ''press any key to boot from CD or DVD" then automatically goes to Windows 7 if I dont press anything. I used BCD while in 7 and it didn't seem to have an effect.

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What Happens To Drive Letters When You Dual Boot ?

Jun 14, 2009

1. My machine has XP on a single hard drive w/ 3 partitions. In order to try Windows 7 the easiest thing for me to do is to install it on my E: partition. If I boot into Windows 7, do the drive letters change around or do the Windows 7 system files still show up as E:WINDOWS?

Are there any downsides to this installation that I don't know about? If I got tired of Windows 7 would it be a problem to get rid of the bootloader?

2. My original plan was to buy a second hard drive, install it by itself, and load Windows 7 onto it. Then reconnect the original hard drive and dual boot by changing the boot order in the BIOS. What does this do to the drive letters?

I would have one hard drive with 3 partitions and another hard drive with one partition. If I boot Windows 7 I'm guessing that its hard drive would become C: and the other hard drive would become D:, E: and F:. But what happens if I boot XP from the other hard drive? Does it stay C:, D: and E: and the second hard drive becomes F:, or do the letter scramble differently?

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Dual Boot With New Hard Drive

Oct 23, 2009

I currently have a system running XP with two IDE hard drives and 3 partitions.

I have taken Windows 7 as a chance to get myself some much needed extra space! and purchased a new 1tb SATA drive.

I really dont want to lose the exisitng data I have so my original plan was to take my main IDE harddrive with most of my data stick it in an external USB carrier and then start fresh in the system with the 1tb and Windows 7.

What would be cooler would be if I could add the 1tb to the exisiting system and install Windows 7 on that (ideally with that as C and either then have much quicker access to transfer data to the new drive or even dual boot with XP at first incase I have any issues with Windows 7. Can anyone advice me on how easy/risky this is? And what they would suggest to someone trying to maximise the uptime of their PC?

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Dual Boot Win XP From External Drive

Dec 6, 2009

I've just got a new HP laptop with windows 7 Home Premium.

Anytime Upgraded to Ultimate.

i want to boot to windows XP (SP2) on this new laptop..(Not necessarily Dual-Boot). there is only on program i need to use under XP.

the dual-booting tutorials here are quite in depth and potentially problematic for none techie like me. i would prefer not re-partion the drive and 'hide' one operating system from the other, so what i would prefer to do is this...

1. Plug in an External hard drive (USB 2.0).Clean and factory formatted.

2. Go into my BIOS > Disable boot from internal hard drive > enable boot from CD Drive (first)

3. Exit BIOS having saved changes

4. insert win XP Install disk in drive.

So, in theory XP Install should be like on a brand new machine.

when i want to use windows 7 i would reverse the BIOS changes and make sure external drive with XP is not connected.

So, windows 7 would not know XP is even in use.

Is all this viable... or is there something that would prevent it from working?

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How Do I Dual Boot XP And WIN7 Without A Dvd Drive ?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a simple xp 32 computer and would like to dual boot (from a partition) with windows 7. my problem seems to lie in whether i have enable my usb to be bootable as a dvd install of windows 7. it seems very complicated, and i am interested in figuring out whether it was possible to simply create the partition (with gpart) than in windows mount windows 7 and when it asks where it wants to be installed, I would than chose my new partition.

I don't know... (don't want to screw up)
I hope this makes sense...

I really would like to try widows 7, and any help would be very much appreciated .

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SB600 ATI RAID AHCI Drivers? (BSOD On Boot If In RAID/AHCI Mode.)

Jan 6, 2009

anyways, my main drive is a RAID 0 with Vista x64, but I have a second HD that is a SATA 250GB, which I installed Windows 7 on. The only way I could get install to work was to switch my BIOS to IDE mode rather than RAID. I would of course though, like to be able to access my Vista drive from Windows 7 (and more importantly, not have to switch between IDE/RAID mode at all in the BIOS, it's a pain).

Now, the one odd this about this all is that the drivers I have for Vista (x86/x64 drivers) for this mobo's RAID controller WORK when loaded on installation to identify and install to the drive, but seem to not load or not work in any way once the first reboot on install occurs. Maybe this is because I installed from within Vista x64, though.

(Incedentally, my motherboard is an M3A Asus, using ATI's SB600 for a RAID controller)

I've tried loading the drivers from within Windows 7 while in IDE mode, but the install program won't let me. At first it didn't allow because of version restrictions, but then I altered the ini file to get around that, but it encounters some sort of error when installing and quits.

Any help that can be offered, would be grateful. I realise it's a beta and not a real release, so I can get past the BSOD from my odd setup, and I really am enjoying playing around with it so far. Very very impressed.

Edit: Just in case anyone thinks of suggesting me to right-click the inf file and install that way, already tried, won't allow for it.

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Dual Boot With External Hard Drive Or USB

Dec 30, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 1440 laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. Some of my older applications do not support this platform. My processor does not support Window Virtual PC and Windows XP mode so I was hoping to add XP as a dual boot. Is it possible to boot XP from an external harddrive or USB instead of having to partition the internal hard drive. Or do you have any suggestions on how I can load XP after Windows 7 is already loaded.

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Drive Letters On Dual Boot System

Dec 30, 2009

Well, I did a dual-boot system with Vista 32-bit and 7 64-bit. Now the problem is that, when I'm in Vista, the drive letter of Vista would be C: and 7 would be in B:.

But when I'm in 7, its partition would have the letter C: while Vista would have B:.

Is this normal? What would happen if I installed a program on the path C: in Windows 7?

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Easiest Way To Keep XP And Move It On Drive C In Dual Boot?

Jun 1, 2011

I ve managed to install Win XP after Windows 7 installation as in tutorial. Win 7 is on Drive C and Win XP on drive G. Then Ive decided to only keep the XP version and move it on drive C (currently occuied by Win 7).

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