Wavy Lines On Webpages With 22 Inch Acer Monitor?

Oct 25, 2011

wavy horizontal on acer monitor computer seems ok ...lines on monitor (5 yrs) just started

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Wavy Lines Moving On Monitor

May 4, 2012

I don't know if it's drivers, or the monitor, or something different. I only see the lines when windows is running (I do not see the lines in BIOS). The lines somewhat change when I change the refresh rate, however they always come back (and they're always there no matter how small, or large the lines are - they differ).

(It is sorta like a fuzz, but they're lines moving everywhere) (If I put my desktop background as a darker gray, the lines sorta look darker purple if you pay close attention) [URL]

(the image is taken from a cell phone because I wasn't sure if the lines would show if I took a screenshot, seeing that I do not know the problem)

I have also provided an image which shows my specifications of my computer: [URL]

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'wavy' Lines Across Screen (like Refresh Rate, But Not)

Nov 8, 2009

I built up a PC a couple of months ago. It has an ok spec, Phenom II 550 x2, NVidia GTX 250, 4b ram, 500gig HD, 620w PSU. Windows 7 Eval. 7100.

From the first couple of days I noticed an issue that looked like incorrectly setup refresh rates - there are wavy lines accross the entire screen, and is particularly noticeable on highlighted text and the side edges of windows. I made sure the frame rate was correct, both in Windows and according to the GFX Card. I have tried all the settings but have settled at 75hz. This is the best setting but does not get rid of the problem.

I have the most up to date drivers for my GFX Card and Windows 7 is up to date too.

The intensity of the problem can fluctuate. Right now, its fairly minimal and only visable if you are looking. It can however get to the point where its becoming hard to read text, or at least tiring because you have to strain some more. This can happen at any time. The only link I have found is to games, as both World of Warcraft and Borderlands will intensify the isse, both ingame and in Windows. I am fairly sure they are set at the correct resolution and refresh rate where possible.

What could this be?

Further info, three weeks ago I turned the PC on in the morning to find the 'power' button unresponsive. After some waiting and several attempts it eventually turned on but I got a 'no signal' display on screen. Later I resorted to jump starting the PC without the power button, using a screwdriver to connect the prongs - after doing this, the power button has been fine although it took another day for the no signal message to go away and normal viewing return. This problem has not repeated since.

During this the fans were fluctuating a lot, audibly so. This dissapeared mostly along with the above problems, but I still think it sounds like the fans are fluctuating infrequently, particularly on initial bootup. I have no software for changing fan speeds, as far as they know they run at the speed I set physically.

A lot of this seems to point at the GFX Card, although I am a little more inclined to think it is the power supply, or the availability of power for each unit. But I really don't know. Either I can find the solution online or I take it to the shop and pay for a repair, not that its easy to even tell them what they need to repair.

The PC runs fast and with relatively few crashes besides that one weekend and this persistant display problem.

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Windows 7 Crashes / Freezes With Artifacts (Wavy Colored Lines)

Jan 24, 2012

I've been using my PC fine for the last 3 years. A month or so ago I updated to Windows 7 Ultimate x64. That too has been running fine, then today, after about 3-4 hours of use, in the middle of a game, my PC screen suddenly got weird wavy lines and colours all over it and crashed. Long story short this has now happened about 10 times. Interestingly, I thought it was a graphics card problem, so I tried it on my HD TV (both TV and monitor connected via HDMI) and it did it on the TV too. I then uninstalled the nvidia (8800gt) drivers and restarted my PC. It works fine in safe mode, and in normal mode, but I can't change my resolution to 1680x1050, (it's native resolution) without installing the nvidia drivers.

I don't know if the problem is the drivers, (but never had an issue before?) or with resolution, (monitor problem?) Every time I do install the nvidia drivers the PC restarts normally, screen looks fine, and the PC seems to run, until I click on anything with the mouse and then the wavy lines and weird colours appear again and I can't CTL-ALT-DEL, I have to hard reset it every time. Once I left it for 5 mins. and moved the mouse a little every min. or so and that was OK, but as soon as I click on anything, it freezes and artifacts again. Also, my antivirus flashed red a few times and so did the windows clock in the bottom right corner of the screen, (very odd!) when the PC first starts windows.

That made me think it could be a virus, (even though I'm very careful about what I DL), but I had Avast run through a deep clean check and it found nothing. I also tried to get Win 7 to repair itself, which did nothing either! I've tried reinstalling the drivers, using newer and older nvidia drivers and I've tried to install my HG216 monitor driver, but since it's a few years old there is no official Win 7 support and all I have is an inf. file I can't install on Win 7. I haven't included a dump file, I know a fair amount about computers but I haven't worked out how to do that yet. Also, since I have to hard reboot everytime, in my event view the only errors listed seem to be about 'power failure', so I don't know if the bug or whatever would show up in the dump file?

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Lines Across Webpages Only?

Jan 14, 2013

I have a family friend that emailed me about computer issues (we all know how that is), but this one is new to me and wanted to see if anyone had some suggestions before I made the 45 minute drive out to see them.

You will find the screenshot below. As you can see, they are getting lines across the screen but in a way that I have never seen before. Now, i am holding their words loosely, but they state that this only happens in the web browser. Looking at the screenshot I can see the line are contained within the browser window, as the IE tabs and window at the top of the screen are intact and normal.

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BenQ FP241VW 24-inch LCD Monitor Support

Jan 31, 2010

I know my monitor is not under the Windows 7 compatibility list. But it's under the Vista list. Is their any possible way to make this work or am i just out of luck?

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Lines Across Monitor Then Shuts Down

Dec 21, 2012

When I open up in regular mode, as it is setting up I get hundreds of small lines across the monitor.They are thin lines like on notebook paper but very close together. Then within a few minn. the computer restarts. My operating system is windows vista.When I restart it in safe mode I don't get the lines and it works fine except for the programs that don't start up like sound and some of the programs I try to use. [code]

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Lines On Computer Monitor?

Jun 23, 2012

My monitor starts OK but in a few minutes the screen is either covered by a fine mesh multi colored grid or 4 verticle bars approx. 1-1/2" wide made up of fine multi colored lines similar to those seen when I defrag but running top to bottom of the screen.

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Fuzzy Faded Lines On Monitor

May 6, 2012

I have faded blackish lines moving all over the screen (kind of a fuzziness). It will gradually change as I change the monitor refresh rate,however it's always there. I have noticed, I can only see it in windows; if I'm in bios, It's not active. I can not try another monitor because I have no other monitor.

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How To Get Rid Of Lines Of Flickering Red Dots Across Monitor

Nov 20, 2012

I recently purchased a computer in Sept 2012 from Dino PC in the UK where I live. It has been running very well apart from an irritating red dot problem. My pc has an Intel i5 3570k processor (not over clocked) which has no additional graphics card and runs using the on board graphics HD 4000. I don't play computer games. I have connected my monitor (a Hanns G HG 216D) to another computer to check that my monitor or cables were not at fault and the lines of red dots do not appear.

I have my monitor connected to the pc with a VGA cable but I have also connected my monitor to my pc with 2 different HDMI cables and the red dots still appear. I have also connected my pc to a tv to use as a monitor with a different HDMI cable and the red dots still appear. These red dots didn't appear immediately when I first had the pc. I believe that they began to appear once I started updating my pc with the latest windows 7 updates (x64 bit).

The red dots appear horizontally across the monitor screen each time I switch on the pc at the very bottom edge of the screen (in small columns) then when the Asus screen appears (motherboard is Asus p8z77-V LX) in a single line horizontally across the middle of the screen, then again in a single line horizontally when the windows 7 start up screen appears. They then appear again if I have an image in the centre of the screen which is a dark block.

In this case they are grouped together in a horizontal block about 4 dots high and about 30 dots wide to the centre right of the dark area. The line of dots only appears horizontally and in red on dark screens. Occasionally I have seen the same lines of dots on a light coloured block in the centre right of the screen when the dots are pale blue and in the same formation. If I move the mouse over the red dots when they appear in a centre block of a dark colour the red dots momentarily disappear.

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Horizontal Lines Scanning Monitor Display?

Dec 12, 2012

I have horizontal lines that scan my monitor whenever i play a game. I can see the horizontal lines only on darker colors like grey, dark-green etc. I have a Samsung E2220 display that runs at 1080p on 60hz on a vga cable (no hdmi/dvi support on it). I tried another vga cable, i tried another power cable but with the same result.I have all drivers updated (monitor and other hardware). My current PC specs are: AsRock N68-C S UCC, Phenom II x4, 4Gb DDR3, Radeon HD7770, 500gb HDD Sata3 and a power supply Sirtec 500W 80+.If I open Far Cry 3, for example, i get those horizontal lines. If i minimize the game i still get the horizontal lines if i have something dark on my display (a grey/dark-green/dark-blue website).Before the HD7770 i had a GTS 450 and had the same problems. Could it be the PSU, or the motherboard or what? I also tried a different display monitor (on the VGA) and had the same horizontal lines scaning my display monitor.

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Dell LCD Monitor Has Horizontal Lines On All Resolutions But 1280x1024

Sep 30, 2012

I have a Dell Monitor model # 1908fwpt and we have used it as an external for a few laptops now, and on the last two hook-ups it has constant, non-flickering white horizontal lines across the screen. The only resolution that doesn't is 1280x1024 for some reason. I have changed the cables, used both VGA and DVI, and run the self-diagnostics and updated all drivers. I have chased this issue up and down and not been able to come up with a way to fix it. The monitor is not old, it hasn't been used very much, and I really don't want to replace it...

Since its done it on a few different computers I tend to think its not a driver issue, or a cable issue... And the one resolution it works on is all stretched out and flat.

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Vertical Coloured Lines Appearing On HPW1907 Monitor?

Nov 25, 2012

i have been facing with vertical lines on my HPW1907 monitor?

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On The Graphs Of The Resource Monitor, What Do The Blue And Green Lines Represent

May 1, 2012

On the graphs of the Resource Monitor, what do the blue and green lines represent?

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Wavy Screen

Sep 10, 2009

I don't know if its the video card or not. When i open a new window the screen sometimes gets all wavy. any window. explorer, chrome, docs...

but it never happens on the desktop. and when i go onto certain sites it stops like gmail.

the whole monitor gets wavy its weird. if i do a screen shot it comes out fine. my video card seems to be fine. ati x1600 512mb

and it didn't do this with XP. it started when i installed 7

i can get a photo of it later.

why does it do this?

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Monitor Driver On Acer 5920g

Oct 22, 2009

Today i installed windows 7 professional 64-bit on my acer 5920g laptop. My problem is that at device manager, the monitor driver is generic pnp monitor and i can't install the right driver for my laptop.

I visited the acer website and i didn't find any monitor driver. Is there anything else i could do?

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Acer Al1714 Monitor Issue

Nov 13, 2009

I need help because my monitor shows up as a acer al1714 and the resolution can only go up to 1280x1024 but i have a v7 22" monitor every thing is horrible.

Right now i have to monitors both 22" and i also have 2 evga 9600 gso cards running on SLI i don't know whats wrong i just turned it on and it was all resize and this was after i updated my nvidia drivers.

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Windows 7 HDMI Sound Through Acer Monitor?

Apr 14, 2012

I wanted a break from the HDMI sound through the monitor to use headphones, and after several other methods, I tried disabling the HDMI sound. That worked great, but now that option for playback device is completely gone! How do I get it back so I can use the (admittedly weak, but still functional) monitor sound?

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Acer Monitor S201hs Not Compatible With Windows 7 And Hp Desktop?

Mar 30, 2012

I cannot change screen resolution and it shows as too big and want to find out how to reduce it?

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LG 24 Inch Screen Resolution

Jun 2, 2009

I've widnows 7 build 7100 ... an i've a problem in resolution, i've screen LG 24 inch, and the desktop look very small when i put 1920*1200 (recomanded), when i put other resolution the length and the high look very small, how i solve this problem?? ...

show the images , first when i put 1920 * 1200, secondly when i put 1024*768, and show the skype fonts how they were when i keep the resolution 1920 * 1200.

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3 Inch Wide Black Bar When Starting Up BF3

Jul 12, 2012

Currently I am running a Windows 7 machine, with a 22 Widescreen LG monitor as my main and a 19 Normal Aspect NEC as my second monitor to the right. I'm also running an nVidia GTX 570. With 285.79 drivers, all is well. However, when I try to upgrade, and I've tried to upgrade to all drivers since, anytime I start up a DX10 or DX11 game (mostly BF3) my main screen offsets approximately 3 inches to the left pushing the game off to the left about 3 inches and leaving a black bar about 3 inches on the right side. This can be fixed by screwing around with the resolution settings and eventually all is fine, but I shouldn't have to screw around with anything.

Other games such as Dragon Age 2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2 actually require me to change my resolution from 1680 x 1050 to 1440 x 900 (I run my screen in 1680 x 1050)

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Fan Control On Macbook Pro 15 Inch Under Windows 7

Jul 19, 2009

I have the latest macbook pro 15 inch. I have installed windows 7 build 7100 on it via bootcamp. Most things are working but the box is running very hot. At idle I see 75C on the GPU and 60C on the processor. The fans will not come on until 80C. I don't want to run my computer at 80C. I talked to Apple and they told me that there was no way to change the EFI settings. They also told me that Windows 7 had no way to manage the fan settings via Apple's EFI. Is this true?

I downloaded speedfan and it was not able to control the fans.

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Inch Of Black Space Above Screen?

Nov 9, 2012

When I bring up a web page there is about an inch of black space on top of screen where there was none before. The only thing that I did was take out the battery and put it back in. I tried to move it up with the cursor but the cursor stops at the botton of the black space. I put the screen resolution on high but it didn't change anything.

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3 Inch Black Borders Suddenly Appeared On Computer?

Aug 22, 2012

Why have 3inch black borders suddenly appeared on my computer?

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How To Play Games Fullscreen On 14 Inch Laptop Using Windows 7

Sep 27, 2011

My laptop is 14" most of the games opens in small window. How to play those games in fullscreen?

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Macbook Pro 13 Inch A1278 Sound Driver For Windows 7?

Feb 24, 2012

i need a sound driver macbook pro a1278 for w7 64bit??

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Play Pes2012 Football Game From Laptop On 32 Inch TV Screen?

Jun 2, 2012

is it possible to play laptop discs onto my 32inch tv screen. im trying to workout how i can play my pes2012 football game from my laptop onto my much bigger 32inch tv screen?

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Certain Webpages Are Grayed?

Nov 2, 2012

Is it a viewer program problem when certain web site pages begin to gray out so they are not visible? Or is it a browser setting that is not working?

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How To Save Webpages As Pdf

Aug 13, 2012

how do i save a webpages as pdf, cause i want to read this later/offline/without web browsers

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Cannot Access Some Webpages?

Jun 10, 2011

Until about 2 months ago my friend's Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit laptop was working fine with a wireless connection to an Edimax home router. Then he started to get problems accessing some web pages - note he can generally access the sites but some pages will not load - eventually IE8 or FF4 will timeout and the troubleshooter will engage and eventually say it cannot find a problem.One such site is www.hpb.co.uk where he can get the home page up but when he enters his logon info it just sits there and looks at him. Another strange happening is with Hotmail where, going through the web interface, he can access his inbox perfectly but if he tries to access the Calendar or his Profile the page just sits there again. The Windows Live 2011 Mail client cannot connect and comes up with error code 0x80048820 but none of the solutions I can find for this code seem to resolve the problem (neither do they explain exactly what this return code means, but that is another issue).

We don't think it is the router that is the problem because we have had a replacement one from the vendor and it gives the same problem. We installed FF4 after the problems started but it immediately suffered from the same problem.We have tried resetting the DNS Cache, the IE settings - we've cleared out all the IE temp files - once after doing this the problem went away for a couple of days! but further attempts do not get us working again.

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Windows 7 Will Not Display Webpages

Aug 7, 2011

I'm not sure what's wrong with my computer, and that's a first for me. In Windows 7 whenever I try to visit a webpage through a browser the page will not load. The three browsers I have installed are IE, Chrome, and Firefox. None of them are able to show webpages, but Chrome does give me an error 137. I've already scanned Windows 7 for any viruses, malware, etc., and I've found nothing.

Now the tricky thing is that I'm able to ping websites without any issue, and system updates work fine as well. In Jolicloud and Kubuntu I'm able to surf the web without a problem. I've already scanned Windows 7 for any viruses, malware, etc., and I've found nothing.

I believe the root of the problem is that I incorrectly uninstalled the program Net Nanny, causing it to block all Internet browsing.

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