Using An Old HDD From Laptop And Brand New SSD With New Windows 7 OEM

Jun 24, 2012

I am working on putting together my first build.My question is specific to Windows. On the old HDD, which came from a dell laptop, already has windows installed on it. I know it will not work once it recognizes all of the hardware changes. I bought an OEM Windows 7 and a SSD. My plan is to install the OS onto the SSD as a boot drive.

- Will having the old OS on the HDD interfere with the new OS installation?

- OEM Windows 7 will tie itself to the new motherboard(so I have read). Does this mean that exact motherboard, if the motherboard fries, and I get a duplicate replacement(under warranty), will it recognize this and force me to repurchase the os? Same with the SSD, can I reinstall Windows onto it, if it gives out and is replaced(by warranty)?

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Reinstall The OS From A Brand-new Laptop?

Jan 30, 2013

I just received a Toshiba Tecra A11 from work.It's quite an alright computer, but it brings, as usual, the infamous bloatware from the manufacturer. what should I do?

1. Do nothing besides disabling startup programs

2. Uninstall programs

3. Install another Windows 7 version (alias cracked) without all that bloatware

The computer brings a fingerprint scanner and, as I don't like Windows 8, I'm not planning to do the switch.

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Lagging Performance On Brand New Laptop?

Sep 22, 2011

I just bought a brand new Dell XPS 15 laptop. It has the new i-7 2630 processor, 8 gigs of RAM, 1gb nvidia 525m video card, 750 gigs WD hard drive, R+GBLED display (1920 x 1080), etc. As soon as I received it, I performed a clean install of Windows 7 HP. All the updates and drivers are current.It feels as though something is always running in the background and it's seriously screwing up my experience. The whole thing just lags. For example, whenever I edit posts in Wordpress, it takes forever to delete characters while typing (I'm using FF6). Going back and forth between Thunderbird and say MS Word takes like two seconds to switch between the windows.The interesting part is I'm not playing any games or running programs that are draining the memory. In fact, I only have MS Office, FF, Thunderbird, Adobe Reader, and Skype installed. And yet the performance sucks. The whole system feels like it's lagging, nothing is smooth. Moreover, the fan is on almost all the time, which was almost non-existent with the older system.

The system is replacing my Dell Inspiron 1545 which despite having only the Core 2 Duo processor, half the memory of this one, and on-board graphics, it works far smoother than this one with no lag whatsoever.I tried isolating the problem by minimizing the number of start-up applications but it did no good. Next I used the built in "display quality troubleshooter" and the report came back as "visual effects settings aren't optimized for best performance". But then again, the settings are exactly the same as the Inspiron. And that system ran fine on on-board graphics, let alone a dedicated graphics card available on this system.

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Brand New Laptop Won't Stream Videos Smoothly?

Jan 4, 2013

I shouldn't really be surprised but when I received my new laptop in the mail today, I had certain expectations. I've spent most of the day setting it up and getting things ready to roll and I went to stream Netflix and saw this. very. halting. stop. and. start. playback. Worse than the old crappy laptop I'm replacing! So I google and find that I need Adobe Flashplayer. I check the programs that were loaded by the manufacturer and it wasn't included. Only Adobe Reader, whatever that is. So I downloaded that. I downloaded Java for the hell of it, though I'm not sure if that was necessary.

I restarted the computer and tried Netflix again. Same. exact. problem. I'm pissed, to be frank. I haven't purchased a new computer in 12 years and I remember the first one I bought came fully loaded with virtually every program I needed to hit the ground running.

I have Windows 7 on the new laptop. I couldn't bare the thought of tackling Windows 8 so I chickened out. things to look for in the computer, or things that I should download, I'd be ever so grateful. It's nearly midnight here and I'm just going to go to bed without my favorite bedtime movie to lull me to sleep. Cry me a river. I know. Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you have to say.

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Any Way To Reset Laptop To Factory / Brand New Condition?

Jul 10, 2012

Any way I can reset my alienware Mx18 laptop back to factory condition? I am not looking to set it from a earlier back up, I want to re set it back to brand new.

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Why Is Toshiba Brand New Laptop CD/DVD Drive Not Working

Nov 25, 2011

I just bought a a brand new laptop L745 laptop computer and to my surprise the CD/DVD drive is not installed what do i do to install the cd/drive?

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Hard Drive Failiure On BRAND NEW LAPTOP?

Feb 2, 2012

I had bought new HP envy 14, NOW I AM GETTING HARD DRIVE FAILURE MESSAGES, Here is the story

I have used it for making reports, reading, using some map making software and watching movies apart from using internet, havnt used any huge softwares or games, i was just using internet then a windows pop-up msg arrived stating hard disk failure u have to repair or replace it. i have checked HDD from BIOS it is ok from BIOS but smart HDD check on startup states a potential hard disk failurewhen checked from SMART HDD check it asks to contact HP consumer care centre. ALthough laptop is running preety smooth but warns for imminent disk failure.last night i created recovery media and made default factory settings for it but this problem hasn't been solved.

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Cannot Install Microsoft 2007 On Brand New Laptop?

Jul 31, 2012

Brand new Toshiba laptop. Trying to install Microsoft 2007. I have an unlimited use Microsoft CD. What is the issue??? Installed on several office computers and never had this issue!

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Toshiba Laptop Brand New First Time Boot-up Failed

Sep 17, 2010

brand new toshiba satelitte laptop, preinstalled windows 7, turned it on for the first time out of box and it began some 'partitioning' thing..i have no idea what it is but i was excited to get going so i selected 'Windows 7 64bit' clicked next and it loaded with a blue bar, took about 20mins......then it went to another screen and said 'creating crc file' , or something like that and the blue bar never loaded..time elapsed went up to 2hrs, time remaining never showed. i figured something was wrong, clicked cancel, rebooted and its now stuck on the windows starting up, black screen..

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Brand New Laptop - Stuck On Blue "Bird" Screen After Windows 7 Automatic Update Install

Aug 4, 2011

I just received a brand new laptop less than 24 hours ago. It's an HP, 4 gig RAM, Windows 7 pre-installed, etc.I was using it all night on the internet, putting my music collection on iTunes, etc. I had a lot of fun and was very impressed with this laptop.The second time I turned on the computer (the first being the initial install), Windows Updates was configuring and installing all of these automatic updates that it downloaded the first time I turned off the computer. I couldn't believe my eyes, it actually said it was configuring over 22,000 updates after I booted it up. Yes, THOUSAND. This went on for less than half an hour.Then it went to "installing" the updates, which had a progress bar that reached 100% in maybe 5 minutes.Then it was "starting Windows".Then it got hung up on a blue "bird" desktop background that said Windows 7 Premium at the bottom. The mouse was completely moveable but there was absolutely no action I could take. I left it like this for 30 minutes thinking, "well, it's just installing, but it really should give me a progress bar so I know what the hell is happening."At the 45 minute mark, I couldn't take it anymore. I called HP (the manufacturer of the laptop) for support. The guy asks me for the serial number, and I regretfully wasn't pleasant. I think I said "serial number? I haven't even owned this computer for 12 hours yet!"Anyway, he had me force a shutdown. And then upon booting the computer, I got the "this computer wasn't shut down properly". This is complete BS for a computer that even as I write this,hasn't been in my possession 24 hours yet. I am returning this piece of crap, but I want to know how can I prevent this from happening to the next computer I purchase. Is it necessary to not use Windows Updates, because whoever made these has their head up their ***? I mean "configuring 22,687 updates" on a brand new, 64-bit Windows 7 machine?

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Windows 7 Freezes On Three Different Brand New Computers

Aug 18, 2011

Over the past couple of weeks, I have purchased three different computers. Two from HP and one from Dell. All three computers have the same freezing issue, even if there are no programs running. The only programs that have been installed are Quicken 2010, Turbotax 2010, and Microsoft Office 2007. The only other change made was uninstalling Norton AV and installing eset.The computer freezes up and the only way to get it working again is to hit ctrl alt delete to bring up the task manager. If I bring it up, everything starts working again for a short time. All three computers freeze often even when they have just booted up. All of the computers have been plugged into a power strip which is shared by a bunch of devices, so it's possbile that it could be a power issue, or maybe it's a compatibility issue between Windows 7 and one of the aforementioned programs.

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Brand New Windows 7 Randomly Shutting Down

Feb 25, 2010

I received my new system yesterday, and it works amazing well. Unfortunately, at random times, the computer will freeze for 15-30 ish seconds, then shut down and not restart. When i restart the system, i get the option to boot in safe mode. I choose to boot normally.

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Brand New Windows 7, Slow Startup?

Aug 11, 2011

3 minutes upwards on my new Windows 7 x64 Ultimate system It was already like that before I even installed anything. I already tweaked it and disabled a lot of startup services using Black Viper's Configurations. Still no go.Intel i7 2600 @ 3.4 Ghz8 GB RAMATI Radeon 4650 HD ASUS P8H67-M L67 (motherboard)

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Windows 7 Just Hangs On Install (brand New Pc )

Aug 13, 2012

I haven a brand new pc with intel 8 core i7 and 16 gb ram and a asus p8z77-LX motherboard

So I go and buy all this and I then go to install windows 7 ultimate and then nope it just hangs on starting windows ahh I can't find anything that works in the forums and ite not the PSU.

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Windows 7 Getting Repeated BSOD's On A Brand New Desktop

Jul 21, 2011

I am getting repeated BSOD's on a brand new desktop.

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Installing Windows 7 On Brand New Desktop - Computer Restarts

Jan 10, 2012

I recently purchased a new desktop computer, the specs are:

Intel Core i7 2700K CPU - 3.5GHz
Gigabyte / Asus Z68 Motherboard
16GB DDR3-1600MHz RAM
1TB SATA3 7200RPM Hard Disk
BluRay Combo Drive(LG)
2 x ATI HD6970 2GB PCI-e in Crossfire configuration
Antec Nine Hundred Gaming Case
Thermaltake Tough Power XT 875W PSU

Now it comes time to install windows 7 professional, so I purchase a copy of the OEM version (because I'm stingy). When I put the DVD in the drive it boots straight away and it comes up with a black screen that says "Windows is loading files........." . The bar on the screen loads and then it says "Starting Windows", after that a blue screen with some leaves and what looks like a very small bird appears in what I am assuming is meant to be the start of the windows 7 professional setup screen, however nothing comes up and after a while (5 minutes or so) my computer restarts and it's groundhog day (has been doing it for the last 3 hours).

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Brand New Hard Drive Disappears From Windows 7 After Sleep?

Sep 25, 2011

Brand New Hard Drive Disappears from Windows after sleep; WD Raptor only 450GB, disappears from Windows 7 after system resumes from sleep. The drive is just a storage drive. I've got three other hard drives that work fine. Could this be a port issue on the motherboard, Asus P8P67 LE?

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Brand New Dell With Windows 7, Won't Let To Install Microsoft Office 2007

Aug 29, 2012

I get D is not a Win32 application. There is no "run as adminstrator"option, I can't change compatibility mode because it only brings up a list of already installed programs, I bought it retail and have installed it on my computer, my kids computers, etc., no limit on installations.. If I try autoplay I can feel the disc spinning but it never starts to load. I really need it for work as I work from home and it is a requirement.

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Brand New Dell With Windows 7, Won't Let To Install Microsoft Office 2007

Aug 29, 2012

I get D is not a Win32 application. There is no "run as adminstrator"option, I can't change compatibility mode because it only brings up a list of already installed programs, I bought it retail and have installed it on my computer, my kids computers, etc., no limit on installations.. If I try autoplay I can feel the disc spinning but it never starts to load. I really need it for work as I work from home and it is a requirement.

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Brand New PC, Blue Screen Of Death 1min Into Windows Installation

Jan 23, 2013

I am new here and I hope I don't have to stay here for too many days.. I was excited to get my new beast of a computer I paid so much for up and running, and it gives me a BSOD on 3 different Windows CD's one minute or so into the installation.

Motherboard: gigabyte ga-z7x-ud5h
CPU: i7 3770k
750W PSU
16 GB Ram

PC store won't accept returns and is refusing free repair/check up.

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Install Windows 7 Home Premium On A Brand New Crucial Real SSD C300 64bg Drive?

Nov 13, 2010

how to to install Windows 7 Home Premium on a brand new Crucial Real SSD c300 64bg drive? Is there anything special I should know or do? It will be installed on my first build.

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Bluescreens On A Brand New Pc?

Jan 11, 2013

I just built myself a new gaming PC, and I've been having bluescreens within a day of building it... It's obviously quite discouraging to have a expensive build have problems already, but I hope you guys here can give me some help.   I usually check the BSoD with Bluescreenview, and I often see Drivers:  ntoskrnl.exe+7efc0, dxgmms1.sys+1ded3, Ntfs.sys+f00c0,( and I got this one only once, usbfilter.sys+1d31,) fltmgr.sys+30eb0, nvlddmkm.sys+146003, dxgmms1.sys+7f01, dxgmms1.sys+1e8af, hal.dll+4a56. So OBVIOUSLY, I have a few problems... I hope they are easily solved, I don't mind a reinstall honestly, cause it wouldn't take long but thats always like the last option. Here are my PC specs: Sabertooth 990fx OCZ 3 120gb ssd (OS), 1.5tb seagate hdd (Storage), NZXT Phantom 410 case, 16gb of vengeance ram 1600mhz, AMX FX 8350 Black Edition, Corsair GS800 PSU and a friends GTX550 TI Galaxy graphics card, till I get a newer one.

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Random BSOD At Brand New PC?

May 20, 2011

I bought and assembled a new computer for a friend of mine, tested it, everything seemed fine, until they proved not to be. I've tested all components (proccessor, GPU, RAM, HDD) with all the tests I know for painstakingly long periods, with no errors whatsoever, but neverthelese computer keeps rebooting with BSODs at *random* intervals (independent of use).

is that it *might* be an incompatibility issue between the ram modules and the motherboard. Here I attach the SF tool results and an speccy image of the system.

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0x109 Errors On Brand New PC

Jan 16, 2012

I've been having some trouble with error code 109 on my PC. I have a dump file but I'm a noob at this and I don't know how to upload it. The specs are below: --- ASUS P8Z68-V LX motherboard Intel� Core� i5-2500K Processor (4x 3.30GHz/6MB L3 Cache) 8 GB [4 GB X2] DDR3-1600 corsair ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti - 2GB - Single Card 120 GB ADATA S510 SSD (for boot) 1 TB HARD DRIVE -- 32M Cache, 7200 RPM, 6.0Gb/s - Dual 1TB Drives (1TB Capacity) - RAID 1 Data Security Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Realtek Sound card ---- I literally got this computer up and running two days ago. Everything was running fine until I tried putting games on it. First I started blue-screening during games, then eventually during web browsing, watching movies or idling. I then did a system restore back to before I installed any games and there were no blue screens. I tried installing a different game and the computer blue screened again with the 109 error code.

I've read that this problem could be due to faulty memory, so I ran Windows Memory Diagnostic with no errors. I am hesitant to run memtest because I really doubt it is a memory issue, since I bought this computer from ibuypower and they test these sorts of things before shipping it out.

My first guess is that this is a registry problem or a compatibility issue with Win 7 64-bit and these games (Bioshock 2 and Fallout 3) but I'm not certain. I've also read about issues with Realtek audio drivers and DirectX. I've seen others have problems with their HDD in RAID. I've just run a registry cleaner and hope this will solve some problems, but it is too early to tell yet.

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How To Remove Pc Brand Name From Start Up

Oct 2, 2011

I know it can be done via BIOS but I can find it in there.

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What Sort Of Specifications And Brand Name Should Be Looking For

Jul 5, 2011

What sort pf specificatgions and brand name shoud I be looking for when purchasing a new 2 TB external hard drive,also what does SATA mean please?

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Adding Different Brand Memory?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a new M7 64 bit machine with 8GB of memory installed, specifically Samsung 4GB DDR3-1333 PC3-10600 memory (times 2) and I was wanting to add identical memory sold by Micro Center for half the price. Should I pay twice the price for Samsung memory?

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Brand New Netbook Downloads Not Opening

Nov 16, 2012

Brand new netbook with windows seven running on it.Tried to download VLC player install. When I go to open it I get the NCIS error:"Install integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy".Re-downloaded it from different sites. Cleared browser, checked settings, tried cmd /NCRC. No luck. Then downloaded a no installer version of it and when I went to open it with WinRar.

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Brand New LCD Monitor Looks Washed Out And Blurry

Jun 29, 2012

I just got a brand new computer last night, but the monitor looks very washed out, and blurry. I have researched the matter, but have found no solutions, and I really don't want to have to take it back. I ran a display quality test, and it found two errors, but didn't explain how to fix them... "Visual effects settings aren't optimized for best performance" "current video card driver isn't compatible with the wddm" My exact computer is this one... AX1430-UD30P | Product Model My exact monitor is this one... Acer S230HL 23" Class Widescreen LED Monitor: Computers & Accessories?

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Random Crashes With Brand New Computer

Feb 21, 2012

We recently purchased parts to build 2 completely new PC's for our company. Both PC's have the exact same specs, hardware and software...
yet one of them keeps crashing every couple of days. The other one has not had a single problem yet.

I'm providing the 2 crash dumps from the offending PC. If anyone could help us out in assessing the problem, we'd greatly appreciate it as we have absolutely no clue what's gong on currently.

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Apparently No Audio Devices On Brand New Computer?

May 16, 2011

I've just bought a new computer and put it all together, installed drivers etc but no sound is working.If I go to Control PanelHardware and Sound it says "no audio devices are installed".However, if I go to Device Manager, under "Sound, video and games controllers" there are 4 instances of "NVIDIA High Definition Audio"Now I guess thie Nvidia drivers might work through the HDMI connection on the GPU, but my soiund setup is with the old audio jacks that plug in to the back of the motherboard.I tried uninstalling the nvidia audio drivers in device manager but when I rebooted they just installed themselves automatically!

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