Unable To Get To BIOS?

Oct 28, 2012

I have a new Alienware PC from Dell and I am trying to get to the BIOS to make a few changes. From the doc, I understand that I need to hit the F2 key when the prompt is displayed, but it never is. Nor is the prompt to boot in safe mode. If I start using the F2 key early, the system just presents a black screen and the PC seems to stop. If I am too late, it boots normally.I'm feeling that maybe behind that black screen is the BIOS but since I am using HDMI from my graphics board to the monitor, maybe there is a problem with the monitor displaying that primitive a signal.

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot - Unable To Get Into BIOS

Nov 16, 2011

Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit suddenly switched off, reboot does not show on screen which reads "HDMI CHECK SIGNAL CABLE". Using ATI HD4350 fanless with heatsink connected via HDMI lead. tried another monitor using white dvi cable monitor stays blank then shows power saving mode. So that eliminates the monitor & hdmi lead. Could a duff graphics card show this error? No on board graphics. Unable to get into bios no bleeps, Windows 7 dvd no good either, all fans come on and motherboard MSI X58 on board indicator light goes from amber to green when pc turn on so m/b must be ok.

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Unable To Boot PC / Reboots To Initial BIOS Screen

May 15, 2012

I have issues booting my desktop. It shows the initial Intel chipset screen (F10 for BIOS, F2 for boot order) and then screen turns black for 2 seconds and computer reboots back to the Intel screen. [code] Steps Performed so far:

1. I can go into BIOS but cannot boot the PC.
2. I tried reseating all memory modules and used 1 memory stick one at a time. No success. 3. Removed graphics card and connected monitor to integrated video port on mobo - no success. 4. reseated HDD connections - no success. HDD, 5. RAM are getting detected in BIOS.
6. Unable to boot to safe mode.
7. Tried reinstalling the OS using CD. Stuck at Windows is loading file. The bar moves for 5 seconds and then stops.
None of the above worked

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Unable To Get Past BIOS - No Keyboard Present Error

Feb 10, 2012

My wife's laptop broke down a few months ago, and we wanted to get some files off of the hard drive. I grabbed an extra eSATA cable and connected it to an extra port on my desktop motherboard... without remembering to connect it to the power supply. Anyway, when I booted up the machine, I was unable to get past the BIOS, getting an error message "Keyboard Error or No Keyboard Present". Even after shutting down and removing the hard drive, I'm still getting this error message. We've tried a number of different keyboards and it's coming up the same every time.

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Asus P8Z68-V LX Motherboard Unable To Enter Bios

Dec 8, 2012

I have the above motherboard. I have been using a video card which is three years old and thought I would try out the integrated video before my video card died. I switched it in the Bios and switched the monitor cable and it started fine on integrated video. The only thing is that the first screen where I can enter Bios does not show, so I am unable to enter the Bios. I tried hitting the delete button on the blank screen but nothing happens. I was able to shut down the PC and switch back to the video card, so I am OK. Does anyone have any idea why the first screen doesn't show on integrated?

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Unable To Install To Disk, Turn On Disk Controller In BIOS?

Aug 14, 2012

trying to install Windows 7 on sony laptop with a copy that is different from the original copy of Windows 7.did partdisk, clean all, create partition, and dvd install gave the "can't install to disk, turn on disk controller in BIOS" error. there is no disk controller function in my BIOS.if partdisk clean all was successful, does that mean the HDD and its controller board are ok, that is, not physically damaged, and the problem is with software/installation/setup etc.?what should i do next, in order to have a successful install?

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Bios Clock Time Changes After Every Restart Even After Replacing Bios

Aug 23, 2011

I've got an Acer Model As5742 Laptop with an i5 480M processor and 8 GB of good Ram. I'm running Win 7 Pro 64 Bit. It's only about 5 months old and this started about a month ago. I have no other problems. IE: Blue Screens or Lockups or anything, just the Bios clock changes to a random date and time after every restart. I replaced the Bios battery twice and it only effects the chore of having to reset the time in Windows every time I boot.

I'm going to send it to Acer to be repaired within a week or two, but maybe it's not a bad timing mechanism in the motherboard and one of you people have a correct solution to it. Which will save me the trouble of sending it in for a motherboard replacement.

I do have all the drivers and bios updates installed. Oh yes I've ran about 15 different virus Etc. Malware scans with several different products and they all come back clean. I ran System File Checker SFC /scannow from the command prompt several times that also comes back OK.

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[BIOS] Really Bad , Wont Boot After Bios Update?

Aug 25, 2012

so i did a bios update, and it wont boot after the update.its a asus m4a79xtd evo (rev 1.01g)i dont have a backup of the bios

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HP BIOS Update Stuck At "Verifying New Bios Image 100%"

Jan 19, 2011

I have a five-month old HP Compaq Presario Laptop, which has been working fairly decently (I've had a few virus scares, and my Norton quarrentined something a twenty days ago). On HP's advice, I just updated the BIOS on my laptop. It's currently stuck at Verifying New Bios Image, and it's at 100% - It's been stuck that way for a half-hour plus.

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Samsung Bios Software Update For Bios / Update Fails

Dec 1, 2012

My Samsung series 3 laptop has been sending out popup messages telling me I need a bios update, I go to the Samsung software update site and this bios update has been failing, I have made several calls and chats to techs at Samsung who tell me to do what I have already done, they tell to ask for tier 2 tech, who can go in my computer and fix it , When I finally got a tier 2 tech, they told me the same thing, I told him what I had been told about him and what he could do, He said, is it working , I said yes, but settings on computer change on their own,like wifi turns itself on and that concerns me. Anyway, He said that it didn't need a bios update,even the Samsung website said this computer needed a bios update. I posted this on hardware,firmware concerns, and they told me to post here, I was going to go to a site ,that had a download that checked drivers,

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What Are Types Of BIOS Over Years Up To Present BIOS Types

May 26, 2012

What are the types of BIOS over years up to present BIOS types ? What make each BIOS unique and better then the previous ?

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Unable To Format The New Flopy Drive Showing Error Windows Is Unable To Form

Feb 28, 2012

i have new flopy drive when i m formatting its showing the error that windows is unable to format the drive

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Unable To Restore / Unable To Login

Sep 25, 2011

I have an ASUS N51Vf on which I just changed a defective hard drive with a new one, same size and specs as the old.After a clean windows 7 install all was working fine. I created a System Restore Point. No errors reported, restore point created.I then tried to restore all my data and settings with a back up I had on a external hard drive.This back up has been made with LaCie Genie Back up Assistant, a program with decent review online.After having finished to restore the back up, I was asked to restart windows, which I did. Windows restarted but then it failed to log in giving an error (which appears to be quite common googling it). A window pop up saying "Interactive logon process initialization has failed. Please consult the event log for more details."If you say ok the windows keeps appearing again and again.There was no way to access windows whatever mode (safe, normal and all the other boot option appearing when pressing f8) I choosed. Startup repair was as well ineffective (since there was no problem in the startup process itself.)

People online reported the only way to fix this was to check the event log files on another computer. So I installed Ubuntu on the unallocated space I left when installing win 7, I copied the logs files, I went through all the errors in the event viewer of another computer, particularly those in application.evtx, I copied safe version of winlogon.exe logonUI.exe and userInit.exe on windows/system32 through Ubuntu but nothing worked. Same error preventing log in.I then went into the System Restore Point nasty affair. As I previously mentioned, I created this point prior to restore the LaCie backup. The Restore point was there, accessible through the standard recovery options. What appears is this: standard final window of System Restore and I couldn't select any of this drive and proceed.So I go to the Command Prompt and I realize that windows has been installed on D:, not on C:, which appears to be the system reserved partition with 70Mb free. Something standard when you install Windows 7 apparently. Since my backup was made copying files from C: and I didn't care for the path when restoring my LaCie backup, I thought I messed up things attempting to copy to the wrong drive, even though no error was reported to me.So I formatted everything, reinstalled windows paying attention not to create other partitions. Clean install, all went through fine. I check on Computer what's the windows unit label, and it is C indeed. I didn't check for the presence of other partitions. I re-restore files from the LaCie Backup. At the end I try to create a new System Restore point, but a weird error tells me that I can't. Already suspicious, I restart, to find myself on the exact same position as before, unable to login, unable to restore (both same as previously described) and, moreover, checking through command prompt, win 7 appears to be in the D: unit again with the C: set up to be the system reserved!!

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"Unable To Download... Unable To Open This Internet Site"

May 18, 2010

I am using Windows7 and IE8 on a Dell2350. The computer was working fine till last Friday and now I can't download anything. I keep getting a message saying "Unable to download... Unable to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later." The dialog box itself doesn't show how big the file is or the download speed or the time left. I also keep getting a message saying a program has corrutped my program setting.

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Ram Not Showing Up Even In Bios?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite, A305 S6905 with a New Install of Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.Bios was updated to latest 2.20 version. I put two new, matched 2 GB ram modules in it. It does not show but 2 GB installed even in the Bios. I checked both modules by putting each one seperately in the primary ram slot and both were showing up as good. I even put the old 2 GB and 1 GB modules I had before under Vista and it still only shows 2 GB installed.It only shows 2 GB installed and 1.87 useable..It boots OK and seems to run fairly smoothly but I have not put it to the test under some memory hog programs yet.

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How To Updating Bios

Dec 13, 2012

i want to update my bios ( i have asrock motherboard N68-VS3 FX ) and i am a gamer who interested in performance i have bios ver 1.20 can i use the last bios update 1.70 ? or i have to download all the previous updates first what i mean is the update cumulative?

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SSD/HDD Not Found In BIOS?

Dec 26, 2012

New system build with Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3(v1.1), AMD FX8350 4.0Ghz/8coreVertex4SSD, Gigabyte GeForce GTX660 2GB video, 500wPSU, Win7 Home Premium/64.System ran/loaded/updated fine for about 6 hours then crashed during game play.BIOS/Windows unable to recognize SSD, unable to re-install Windows - get as far as "No drives were found. Click Load Driver to provide a mass storage driver for installation"that is followed by:"To install the device driver needed to access your hard drive, insert the installation media containing the driver files, and then click OK"I have burned CD\DVD's and USB flash drive files for a couple of days now looking for the "device driver", but I still hang up at the same screen.I have switched SATA/power cables, reseated memory (crucial Ballistic 2x(2x4)DDR3 PC3-1(16GB total)/video card, installed a WD Caviar Black 1T HDD (not recognized), (re)Flashed the BIOS to F9 from the Gigabyte sight (system had the most current version/flash was successful - no problems with that)but.

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No BIOS On Computer At All?

May 3, 2012

Tried pressing DEL ESC f2 and basically every key on the keyboard during startup.. but no BIOS..

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How To Update BIOS

May 11, 2012

As I mentioned how can I update my BIOS version I download the latest BIOS files from the manufacturing site but cant be able to update it.I have HP Compaq dc5850 Small Form Factor PC and My Current version of BIOS is 2.1 and update is 3.3

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Bios Flashing

Oct 12, 2009

how do you flash a bios for a motherboard using a usb?? I have an Asus P5KPL-CM and need the lastest bios cause it fixers a problem i have with my audio....

if someone could let me know how to go about this i wound be ever so greatful

NOTE: I have the right bios file.... I have no Floppy drive.

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Try Not To Do A Bios Upgrade When Using Win 7

Apr 17, 2009

Just thought I would mention this as it is the second machine I have bolloxed now due to doing a bios upgrade.

A while ago I did a bios upgrade on a desktop machine and after doing it got a BSOD and windows would not boot. Had to format and do a fresh install to get over it.

This time round I did a bios upgrade on my laptop so that I could put a T9500 processor into it and got the same problem.

Bit of a pig this one though as I have 3 weeks of non backed up emails I will lose amongst other things.

It seems that if you do a bios upgrade windows 7 see's it as a different machine and just errors out without trying to load. There seems to be nothing you can do to recover from it.

Only option I have it to install another oppperating system on it and then see if I can downgrade bios. See if that will work.

Just be aware of this as not something that will show to often as not to common to have to upgrade bios. Hope this helps someone.

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Flashing The Bios

May 16, 2009

i never flashed bios before and have recently noticed there is an update on the Acer web site. The bios mine is running on at the minute is R01-B3 and the new one is R01-B4.

Is it worth updating to the new one?

Will Win 7 take to it?

What will be the benefits of the newly released bios over the one I have?

How do I go about doing it and are there any safety precautions I could take so I can roll back incase I F it up?

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How To Upgarde BIOS

Nov 9, 2010

my laptop is vaio VGN-FZ31Z, is there any software i can use to update the bios?

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How To Setup BIOS

Dec 30, 2010

I have two SATA hard drives. I was poking around in the BIOS yesterday and noticed that they were setup IDE instead of AHCI. I am not sure what either does and did not want to change anything without asking. When I first got my PC, it had XP installed, so I am thinking that is why IDE is set. Do I need to change it to AHCI? I am not having any problems. Would it be of any great advantage to change it? I understand that after the OS is installed, it is a problem to switch to AHCI.

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Set Bios To Boot From CD?

Jul 10, 2011

how to set bios to from CD. I have dell computer

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PC Does Not Boot To The Bios?

Jan 7, 2012

PC does not boot to the bios.. motherboard is z68x-UD3H-B3F10

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Blow Out BIOS With Sp1?

Jan 14, 2012

I was updating with sp1 and some other updates and when it rebooted the 2nd time it got stuck on the motherboard logo so when I tried to boot with my Window7 disk "nothing" I can not boot into my BIOS so I guess I should go down and get another motherboard? I just put in a new SSD drive and loaded my Windows from scratch a couple of days ago so I hope I haven't lost 10 hours of work?

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BIOS Will Not Work

May 20, 2012

my computer when being booted up sits for about 30-45 seconds then goes to the welcome screen and turns on. My BIOS will not work. I need to change my primary graphics adapter and apparently need to do it in bios since its currently disabled. Does anyone know how to fix this? Ive tried pressing the keys to open it and it does nothing. When I force shut down my computer and you would receive the startup menu recommending safe mode etc my keyboard lights up and if I press enter it will bypass the 30 second count down before starting up my computer, but my monitor does not identify until the welcome screen and BIOS will not start.

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Fan Option In BIOS?

Nov 25, 2012

There are 2 options in the BIOS for my laptop fan:Silent and Normal.Right now, it is running under option 1 - "Silent".This may well be the reason why I don't hear any sound of the fan (unlike my other laptop that has a relatively noisy fan coming ON and OFF from time to time).Do I need to switch to "Normal" mode?Will there be any problem in the long run if I stay with the existing setting?The touchpad area and its vicinity are sometimes hot (not too much though) under the current setting. Has this anything to do with that BIOS option for the fan?

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Flashing Bios - Flashing Bios

Nov 16, 2009

I have never done this before. My computer is two years old. Is this something that should be done every so often or does it need to be done before I install .

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PC Doesn't Run In Bios

May 27, 2011

I've built new PC and can't runs in bios

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