Ubuntu 9.10 - Sun VirtualBox Not Working

Oct 30, 2009

Has anyone tried to install the new Ubuntu 9.10 with Sun VirtualBox on Windows 7 Professional. I had the previous version of Ubuntu working on the Sun VirtualBox but the new one doesn't. It just gets to a spot where it looks like i'm seeing the upper left hand corner of the screen magnified by %300 and in 8 colors.

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Using XP Mode In VirtualBox?

Feb 24, 2010

I installed VirtualBox yesterday, and now have decided I don't want Windows Virtual PC anymore. I want to have a virtual XP machine in VirtualBox instead. Is there any way to convert the XP Mode file provided by Microsoft to a format usable by Virtual Box?

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Using The XP Mode In VirtualBox?

Jun 6, 2012

I installed VirtualBox yesterday, and now have decided I don't want Windows Virtual PC anymore. I want to have a virtual XP machine in VirtualBox instead.Is there any way to convert the XP Mode file provided by Microsoft to a format usable by Virtual Box?

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Installed Ubuntu Deleted The Ubuntu Partitions

Jul 4, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my HP Mini 110-1116NR, then deleted the partitions that had Ubuntu on them, not knowing that Ubuntu comes with GRUB2, and sets itself as the default boot for that system. Now that GRUB2 is not installed, since it was on my only HDD, it looks for the GRUB2 partition, which does not exist.

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Virtual Machine For Virtualbox

Jul 15, 2009

How can I make a Virtual Machine of my laptop (running winXp) for Virtual-box.

I am using vmware converter to use it in my vmware workstation, but I would like to try Virtual-box.

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Installing Drivers Within Virtualbox?

Sep 23, 2012

I have an a6 3420m with 6520g graphics and I recently install windows 7 in virtualbox. However, I can't view it in fullscreen because it's using the generic drivers for the graphics. The best I can do is 1280x1024 even though my screen is 1600x900. I can't install the drivers off of the amd website because it can't detect my graphics hardware. This is my first time using virtualbox or anything like it.

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NT Workstation In VirtualBox Under Windows 7 X64 Ultimate

May 3, 2011

I was cleaning out some stuff in storage and ran across a Windows NT 4 Workstation CD (in original jacket). On a whim, I made an ISO of the CD and actually got it working under VirtualBox 4.0.6 running in Windows 7 x64 Ultimate w/SP1.

Windows NT 4 wouldn't recognize a 8GB virtual disk drive, so I made it 4GB with an assigned 1GB of ram and 32MB of video.

Total installation time was less than 15 minutes on a quad core w/8GB of ram.

The built in browser is Internet Explorer 2.0 It does require a valid CD-KEY to install NT Workstation 4, just in case you were wondering.

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VirtualBox Setup On Windows 7 Ultra

Dec 3, 2012

I have a couple of questions regarding the use of VirtualBox on win7 ultimate (64bit). I want to run WindowsXP (32 bit) as a guest so in regards to the installation/setup of the OS the following questions arise: 1a)Does VirtualBox "look" at the actual motherboard and peripherals, ie my gtx660 and asus p8z77-pro, or will it create generic video/mobo/audio/lan/wireless "hardware" for windowsXP to detect. If its "created" where/how do i get the drivers for this? 1b)Will running updates for WinXP (ie patches/hotfixes) or any of the other programs installs "mess" with how the virtualbox operates? 2a)In terms of creating the "storage" for the virtual OS. Should i have made a seperate partition exclusively for this virtual box? I have a 2TB HD which i have split into 1TB partitions when I installed win7. 2b)What happens when I end my guest session in virtualbox, after I install the OS and games? where does that data get saved? 3)I understand that when I run winXP through virtualbox, the ram I set aside in the setup will be unavail for my win7 to use (while i run virtualbox of course). I currently have 16 gigs or ram, should I just set the ram amt for winXP to the 4 gig max and leave 12 for Win7? or should i do some other amt? 4)Last, but most important, if i mess-up with the install of winXP or settings for the guest client, how much will it affect win7?

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VirtualBox VMS - Missing File Vmxp.vbox?

Jan 16, 2012

Installed VirtualBox with XP and Office 03 and used it several timesThen, yesterday it failed to allow me to copy / paste from my other (Windows7 Office ) environment.oday it simply fails with the messageRuntime error opening c:UsersHenryVirtualBox VMsvmxpvmxp.vbox for reading: 102 (File not found)I still have the downloaded file "VirtualBox-4.1.8-75467-Win.exe"Would very much like to avoid reinstalling VirtualBox, XP and Office03Is there possibly a way to get it from another source (BTW: it is not in my Recycle Bin)

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Kubuntu In VirtualBox Disables Windows Audio

Aug 15, 2009

When running Kubuntu in Sun VirtualBox it disables Windows audio devices. Only way to re-enable audio seems to be reboot. When running Ubuntu, it's OK. No problems with Windows devices. Both Kubuntu and Ubuntu v. 9.04.

I like KDE more than Gnome, that's the reason for Kubuntu.

Any ideas?

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Download Virtualbox On Windows 7 Home Premiun 64-bit?

Feb 28, 2012

Virtualbox wich one to down load i have windows 7 home premium 64bit ,i would like to down load it so i can run windows xp ,question is after you down load it do you have to down load xp onit are does it do it automatic i do have three disc of xp home ,plus ,pro. they are reinstall disc off other computors .

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Windows 7 Home Premium - How To Install VirtualBox

Jul 26, 2012

I already have VirtualBox installed and I'm at the point where I need to get windows 7 installed on virtualbox. How the hell do I do this. Apparently I am missing something because dos says "Boot Fail" blah blah blah and that's as far as I am. Do I just make a boot disc and then use it some how? Do I need other software? Maybe some basic instruction on starting a new virtualbox session. I've tried looking for the boot.ini but I'm thinking it's hidden in dos.

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Windows Seven Or Ubuntu?

Feb 17, 2009

I currently have driver problems on my laptop in Vista. How is Seven beta for drivers because I am thinking of installing it. Or Ubuntu. What do you think?

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Installing Ubuntu

Dec 16, 2009

currently have Win 7 On one hard drive and XP on another drive.

Neither drives are partitioned. I want to install Ubuntu and would like some recommendation as to how I go about it and what is best to do I know I will have to partition one of the drives.

If I install on the Win 7 drive will I get the dual boot option for Win 7 & Ubuntu ? At the moment I am using the system boot option to boot into XP as standard boot goes straight into Win 7.

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XP Mode In Win 7, Ubuntu In Win 7

May 4, 2009

XPMode in Windows 7,Now Ubuntu in Windows 7

Well i guess most of the members here Prefer Windows over Ubuntu

still for those few members who got ubuntu as secondary boot,Now can port Ubuntu in Windows 7.

Free application Portable Ubuntu for Windows runs an entire Linux operating system as a Windows application. As if that weren't cool enough, it's portable, so you can carry it on your thumb drive.

So you have heard of Linux and one of its most popular flavors (Ubuntu) and want to try it out on your Windows system. (Most people probably don’t know what Linuxis and where it came from.) So, if you are new to Linux I just wanted to quickly mention that the name is derived from Linus Torvalds (the creator of Linux) a kick-ass Software Engineer and Computer Scientist from Finland.

To make a long story short Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you’ll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.

Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.

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How To Remove Ubuntu 8.10

Jul 16, 2011

how can i remove ubuntu 8.10 from my lap even i use windows 7?

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How To Access Win 7 From Ubuntu ?

Jan 18, 2010

how to access particular windows files from if u are working in ubuntu ?

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Remove Ubuntu 12.04 From Netbook?

Jun 10, 2012

The first time...well, was a failure on my part. Got the error screen upon reboot because the MBR was still looking for Ubuntu when it wasn't there. The second time I ran EasyBCD and it said Windows 7 was my only entry in the bootloader. Then I deleted my Ubuntu partition and when rebooting, I got the same GRUB error screen. I have a netbook so I don't have a Windows disk. I do have a USB drive if that helps.

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Can't Boot Windows 7 Tried Ubuntu And Other

Sep 28, 2012

I've downloaded Bluestacks to sync my android apps with my pc and it worked just fine. Shortly after I've gotten a request from Microsoft to run some updates which I've accepted. I left my workstation and when I came back 2/3 of my desktop icons had vanished and there were about 30 application error windows on my screen. The pc was blocked and only CTRL+alt+del worked, so I've shut down the pc. Since then nothing worked. I can't boot Windows 7, can't start safemode.The only thing that works is F2 (Setup) and F12 (boot options), but I don't get far there.Remedies: I've tried the following without success:

1) Rebooted W7 from the CD, ran the repair option out of which system image won't work and although I see system restore points (I have bi-monthly points), I get an error abort message. So no luck there

2) I've downloaded the Ubuntu 12.04 ISO on a UBS flashdrive and at least succeeded to get the initial Ubuntu screen but couldn't install (subinstall it under Windows 7 was suggested) and thus had no chance in recovering my files/docus/media. The computer goes back to the black screen with the blinking unusable cursor.

3) I've tried to follow the suggestion from your Tech JSntgRvr by downloading the "Farbar Recovery" program and execute it in the Window command prompt, but I get an error message that states:x:sources>i:frst.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. (with "i" being the drive where the usb flash was)So now I am out of my "very limited" wits.

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Using Ubuntu To Repair Windows 7?

Apr 2, 2011

Curious, is it possible to use Ubuntu to repair files in windows 7, like a copy & replace or add type of job?

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BIOS Changed By Ubuntu

Jul 25, 2010

I used to have Vista basic installed on my Medion Intel Core 2 Duo machine but then gave Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) a try.After buying Win 7 Ultimate I want to install it and erase Ubuntu (mainly because of poor support for Tascam audio/midi interfaces). I do not want to install them side by side and then erase Ubuntu as I want to avoid the Fix MBR issue.After inserting the installer DVD I get the usual message "Click any key to boot from CD" but pressing keys on my USB keyboard or mouse does not appear to do anything. I have tried various keyboards including serial port devices but the result is always the same.Has Ubuntu changed anything in the BIOS or else how can I solve this problem of not being able to use the keyboard when trying to boot?

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Windows 7 Freezing But Not In Ubuntu?

Dec 23, 2010

But lately my computer automatically scheduled a "chkdsk" during boot and it stops checking and i wait and a while later it shuts down i start it up and skip the chkdsk and starts up normaly and i login and after a while my mouse freezes i wait nothing works and the hard drive activity light is off. In Ubuntu i go to the disk utility it says there is a bad sector but i cant fix it on ubuntu. on windows startup features there is repair, safe mode, and others i tried going to the repair i click repair startup it says scanning for problems then it says it is doing something with the disk and never does anything.

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Stuck With Ubuntu In Boot

Nov 11, 2009

I wanted to play around with Ubuntu but the install failed.

So I tried to uninstall it. Went to Control Panel>Programs and found Ubuntu there. However when I clicked it I got a message that there was no such program on this computer.

There is no Ubuntu on my machine but when I start the computer I get an option to either launch Windows or Ubuntu.

Is there a way to get rid of this message during the boot up?

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Installing Ubuntu With Windows 7?

Oct 15, 2010

I have downloaded 695MB Desktop Edition from it's official website,I'm installing it along with Windows 7 Home? While Installing I got the following screen first :allocate drive Space

1) Install alongside other OS
2) Erase and Use the entire disc
3) Specify partitions manually(advanced)

I have chosen Manually Partitioning option(3rd Option).There I got directed to free space option which is Unallocated space that I created in Windows 7.it shows free space 20973MB After clicking on free space, I got one window for "Create Partition" which says:

A)Type of new partition 1) Primary 2)Logical (Selected)

B)New Partition size in MB 20972

C)Location for new partition 1)Beginning 2) End Question:Which one to select,1 is selected by default.

D)Use as Ext4 Journalising File System

E)Mount Point / After pressing "OK " button,I got the following message:You have not selected any partition for use as swap space Go Back Continue? how to select swap spaces.

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W7 And Ubuntu Time Problem

Jun 7, 2009

im currently dual booting Windows 7 and ubuntu, and both of them are set to the correct timezone, however, when i go on ubuntu, the time is correct, but when i go onto Windows 7, the time is ALWAYS 2hr ahead, and ive tried everything i can think of.. any ideas?

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Installing Windows 7 Over Ubuntu?

Dec 29, 2010

I'd like to start by saying I'm not very good with computers. I'm a complete noob, infact. Which is why it probably was not a good idea to install Ubuntu. But now, I am trying to rectify this problem.So I popped in the full install version of Windows 7 Home Premium and booted from the disk. I got up to the part where it asks me to select a partition. One is something like 293 GB with no free space, and the other is 8 GB with no free space. It won't let me install on either, and the reason it gives is something like it's not in NTFS format... I don't know what this means.And if you do choose to reply, act like you're talking to a preschooler, because I am when it comes to computers.

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Add Ubuntu Installed On Ext4 To MBR?

Jan 17, 2011

I think MBR is the bootloader if not then whatever it is the ideais not havin to install GRUB.

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How To Install Windows 7 Over Ubuntu 10.10

Feb 10, 2011

how to install Win 7 over ubuntu 10.10? I have tried booting from the disc (has a trial on it) but it says something like one of the drives are missing i.e. a usb or disc or something.

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Change From Ubuntu To Windows 7?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm trying to load Windows 7Ultimate over an already installed Linux Ubuntu 10.10 os. Now, I am the opposite of a tech head...techno-phobe! I can not seem to get any response from the disk! How do I disable Ubuntu and load Windows . I don't mind loosing Ubuntu as all my files are saved to a flash drive thing.

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Windows 7 Installation Over Ubuntu?

Jun 25, 2011

I have ubuntu Gnome and am a new user and a clued out one at that. I am a huge time managment game nut but have not been able to play my games on here since ubuntu was put on. I have tried wine and any other suggestion but to no success. Anyway I want to install windows 7 but my cd won't work, I have a second hard drive hooked up by usb or a usb geek stick how can i get windows installed from one of these. I have iso files of windows but becuase of the cd issue I have not been able to use the file.

Vista was originally on this computer and I am willing to put that on but am lost for solutions.

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Deleted Ubuntu 10.04 Partition

Mar 5, 2012

I deleted the Ubuntu 10.04 partition in windows computer management/disk management. Then i shut down the computer, upon booting up i was greeted with an grub error and unable to boot into windows. I used super grub disk, now windows boots up fine now. I'm left with this now, three other partitions and a 218gb of free space. How can i allocate my free space (218gb) to my C: drive? I right click my C: drive but the extend volume is grayed out. Only the Shrink volume is selectable.

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