Transfer Pictures From E-machine To A CD?

Jun 13, 2012

How do i transfer pictures from my emachine to a CD.i want to get a new computer

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Transfer Pictures From C195 To E-machine Desktop?

Nov 10, 2011

how do i do it? i have cable to connect but don't know how to do it

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Transfer Windows 7 From DE-commissioned Machine To Another Machine

Sep 22, 2010

I have de-commissioned an older machine that I had installed W7 on, I wish to install the W7 from this machine to another, is this possible -if so how?I think I have read somewhere, that once W7 is installed on a machine - it can NEVER be used on any other machine, is this correct?

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Transfer Pictures From The PIC Folder To Other Folders

Nov 29, 2012

I'm trying to figure out how to transfer my pic files from 1 folder to another ..... the only options I have when I click on a pic is SEND: to desktop or compressed file .... I know how to send a pic via email or share it on FB, but for the life of me I can figure out how to make THEME folders . I can copy and paste .... I've got Windows 7 .... have to laugh it says I am 972 years old, one would think with that lifelong experience I could figure this out ..

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How To Transfer XP HD To New Windows 7 Machine

Nov 25, 2012

I have programs on an old XP PC and would like to transfer the content of that drive to a second (new and faster) drive that is available on a new Win 7 Professional PC. These programs are costly to reinstall and would rather just use the old HD with the programs on it. Is this doable?

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Transfer To Save Pictures From The Old Hard Drive?

Apr 13, 2012

I have installed a new, larger hard drive in my Windows 7 computer. I used Easy Transfer to save my pictures from the old hard drive. I used an external hard drive,After doing the transfer, I get a message saying completed. I can't find where they are saved to

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Transfer Pictures From Documents To Kodak Easy Shsre?

Jun 30, 2012

How do I transfer my pictures from my documents to Kodak Easy Shsre?

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Same File Transfer Much Slower When Originated From One Machine?

Apr 4, 2011

Here is my brain teaser,One machine on my home LAN uploads files to other computers very slowly although the same file transfer originated from the other computer proceeds normally.Fundamentally there are four computers. Three run Windows 7 64-bit professional or ultimate. The fourth runs Windows XP service pack three.Zotac Windows 7 Mediacenter Windows 7,Deb Windows 7,Ben Dell -Windows XP All of the computers have one gigabyte ethernet circuitry and the switch is one gigabyte. I have used the same 1 GB file to to the testing using the straightforward Windows Explorer copy and paste functions.The computer named "Zotac" is a machine which seems to upload very slowly.Listed below are file transfer times between the C drives of the one gigabyte file. As you can see the same file transfer differs depending on which machine originates it. From Zotac to Mediacenter,uploaded from Zotac-seven hours,downloaded from Mediacenter -10 seconds,From Zotac to Deb Windows 7,uploaded from Zotac-seven hours,downloaded from Deb Windows 7-10 seconds!The Zotac machine seems to be able to upload to the Windows XP machine properly however. Interestingly the same file transfer originated from the Windows XP machine proceeds somewhat more slowlyFrom Zotac to Ben Dell-Windows XP,uploaded from Zotac 2 min.downloaded from Bendell -15 min.Because the same problematic slow file uploads from machine "Zotac" occur properly when originated from other machines I have to assume that the hard drive read write functions as well as the network infrastructure are operating correctly. There are no video streaming or other file transfers occurring on the network.

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How To Transfer Pictures From Inactive Sprint Cell Phone To Computer

Feb 6, 2012

I want to transfer fotos from my motorola 420 cellular phone to my pc.

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Transfer Settings, Files And Bookmarks From An XP Machine To A New Windows 7?

Jan 2, 2013

I got the transfer key from the old computer and entered it into the new computer to start the transfer over the network.The transfer started and it says it will take over a day to completer.I was expecting somewhere along the line to be able to select which files and settings to transfer. I never saw anything like that.

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Imported Pictures Using Picasa 3 - The Pictures Became Grey Boxes?

May 23, 2011

I imported my photos from my SDCard to my PC using Picasa 3, and everything was going smoothly... until I tried to take a look at the photos! all of the photos that I've imported using this method for some reason all became greyed out! Viewing them on Picasa3, all you can see is a grey rectangle, in place of the photos. However, when using the windows explorer folder, i can see that the photos were imported correctly (it's not just a grey box, but the actual photos), but when I try to open it (using any program: Paint, Picasa3, etc), it is still a grey rectangle instead of the photos. I tried to upload the image and send it via email, and I get the same result.In my mistake, I chose to "delete the uploaded photos after uploading"'s my vacation photos from Croatia I'm not sure if there were any errors when I imported it... i stepped out for a bit while I was waiting for it to import. I looked around my SD card, and looked at the "Lost.dir" folder, and copied all of what's in there.I did use Glarysoft to recover the images, and I'm using a Windows 7 laptop as my computer. Also, are there other alternatives? I did save the lost.dir with all of the photo files in it, both in my SD Card, and on my laptop.

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Windows 7 Machine Cannot Access Win2003 Machine In A Workgroup?

Jan 4, 2012

i have Lan, all computers are windows 7 proffisional and one machine is windows 2003 , workgroup . i made shared folder in windows2003 , some computers can access the shared folder and others can not.when i open network , i see the 2003 computer, when i try to access it , it asked for user name and password. the user is administrator for all , when i enter the user and password from many computers in the lan it is work correctly but in one machine with the same settings its says , you have no permession to access this computer.

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XP Machine Can See Machine But Can't Access Shared Folders

Jul 31, 2009

I have Windows Seven 7600 and i'm trying to share files with a XP SP2 machine!


-XP machine can see Seven machine but can't access shared folders!

-Seven machine can see XP machine but when i'm trying to see shared folders it gives me an error(see on screenshot)

-Network map doesn't work(see screenshot)

-Both machines have same workgroup MSHOME but when i go to homegroup it says there is no people in the homegroup!(see on screenshots)

Other info:

Before i couldn't turn network discovery on,every time i was set it to on he was going to off so I searched on this forum(great forum) and finally i was able to turn it on,maybe others have this problem so there what i did:i go to start=>run=>services.msc and i turned on(also i switched them to automatic startup) these services DNS Client, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery, and UPnP Device Host services.

IPv6 currently is enabled!

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When Look At Pictures In A Folder And Arrange By Day See Three Pictures

Jan 9, 2011

Why is it when you look at pictures in a folder and arrange by day you see three pictures.

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Replaced An XP Machine With A Windows 7 Machine?

Feb 20, 2012

I replaced an XP machine with a Win7 machine. When I VPN into our 10 network I can't get to any 192.168 addresses. The XP machine works fine only the Win7 doesn't. I looked at a lot of settings but I can't find anything out of sorts.

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Windows Easy Transfer - Transfer To & From Computers

Jun 1, 2009

How to Transfer Files from One Computer to Another Computer with Windows Easy Transfer ?

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Can't Open A Shared File On A Windows 7 Machine If It Is Already Open On An XP Machine In Same Network

Jan 23, 2012

I have a small network of six computers. Five of them run XP and I just added a Windows 7 machine. I've got a Microsoft Access 2003 database that all of the computers share that is hosted on one of the XP machines. The Windows 7 machine can access the Access database through the network just fine, as long as no one else is accessing it. However, if someone else on an XP machine on the network is using the file, it won't open on the Windows 7 machine. Doubling clicking the file on Windows 7 gives me the circling blue icon for a second or two, then nothing happens. If the XP user exits the database, then I can open it fine. Permissions on the XP that is hosting the database is set to allow everyone. And all the XP machines can access it at the same time.

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Connecting 1 Windows 7 Machine And 1 Windows Xp Machine To Share Files

Feb 6, 2011

ive got 2 computers hooked up to a router by Ethernet sharing an internet connection, the internet connection works fine for both computers. i would like to share documents also between the computers

-one is a windows xp 32
-one is a windows 7 64

ive set up many networks in the past with a bunch of xp machines without any trouble but now i am having trouble my first step was on the windows 7 machine, i went to control panel -> network and sharing center -> setup a connection or network -> set up a new network this is where i believe i am making a mistake of some kind, it seems that the windows 7 machine is assuming that i want to set up the network wirelessly, when it is connected to the router via Ethernet. it simply brings me to a screen that says choose the wireless router or access point you want to configure, and hangs there with a greyed out next button everything seems to be going fine on the xp machine, i created a new network called "share bear", told it that the computer connects through a residential gateway, enabled file and printer sharing, rebooted the machine, and confirmed that there was a new folder in the network places for shared documents..i went back to the windows 7 machine where it was still hanging, rebooted it, looked for the new network in network and sharing center and it wasn't there, i tried again to "set up a new network" on the windows 7 machine with the same hanging screen

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How To Transfer XP Transfer Files To Windows 7

Apr 6, 2010

I used XP Transfer Wizard to store my files (over 200GB) on external hard drive. Now I have Windows 7 machine and can't use them directly.I tried to use Virtual PC XP mode to import files but Virtual PC can only handle something around 136 GB virtual hard disk, so after 6 hours of transfer it stopped... I don't have the XP machine anymore - I'm stuck with Windows 7 and can't figure out how to move these files over..Is there a way to actually open all these Wizard IMGXXXXX.dat files and read them?

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Networking - Machine Can Only See One Another Machine

Aug 18, 2009

I have a small three PC home network. Two PC are running Windows 7 and one running Vista.

All three machines have the same homegroup settings. The ability to view machines on the network is very patchy. One machine can see the others, while another machine can only see one other machine. Sometimes machines cannot see any others on the network.

All machines are connected wirelessly with strong signals through a BT 2700HGV Business Hub router. All of the machines can access the Internet without problems.

All machines run Eset Smart Security with the Windows firewall is turned off.

Any advice to create a stable network would be appreciated.

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"Windows Easy Transfer Can't Transfer Your Files And Settings" ?

Aug 4, 2012

I saved my files and settings from a previous installation of windows 7 to an external hard drive using windows easy transfer. Now when I try to transfer those files and setting to my new installation I get the following message:

Windows Easy Transfer can't transfer your files and settings.

The message pops up only a few seconds after the transfer begins.Why is this?! I need those files and windows has screwed me.Everything is basically the same as before I reinstalled. Same computer, same windows 7 installation just recovered to factory settings.Same system language as before.BTW I'm on a Toshiba L505 laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium.

I have tried all the usual suspects such as a clean boot and uninstalling my antivirus to rule out third party interference. I have more than enough space on both my computer and on the external hard drive. I have tried only transferring a user account a few MBs large. I have reinstalled the OS twice just in case something went wrong there. I have clicked on the .MIG file directly. All lead to the same error message.The transfer file seems to be intact and not currupt

Is there another software other than WET that can use the same transfer file that WET created to restore my files? Please help me solve this if you can or at least point me in the right direction because right now I'm clueless. I can't emphasize how important those files are to me. I've searched for solutions on several forums and it seems that this is a problem people have been having for years now and windows hasn't provided an answer yet.

An interesting note, When I reboot the laptop after trying to do the transfer, a new user account appears at startup alongside the one I normally use.This new user account has the same unique name of the user account I am trying to restore but that's where the similarity ends.All the settings for this account are default settings and empty folders.

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File Sharing From A Windows Xp Machine To A Windows 7 Machine?

Aug 7, 2012

well i'm try to copy files from my xp machine to my win 7 machine i can see the xp machine but i get a message that says "make sure that the xp machine allow incoming connections for file sharing" and i have done just that i think but its a no go i've just about everything.

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Send Ctrl+alt+del To Remote Machine From Remote Machine

Sep 23, 2012

I connect to a remote machine C from Machine B which is connected from Machine A, How can I send ctrl+alt+end to remote machine C ? I cannot access m/c C from m/c A, I need to go through B to access C.

m/c A --> Remote destktop to m/c B --> remote desktop con m/c C.

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Installing Windows 7 Using An Old HDD On An Old Machine To Install Windows 7 On A New Machine?

Dec 17, 2012

Installing W7 using an old HDD on an old machine to install W7 on a new SSD to be used on a new machine.I'm currently using this old machine from '09 and its performance levels have died down a lot. I bought all the components to build a new machine except I didn't want to spend extra money on another HDD to install the OS on my new 180GB Intel SSD. So basically, I want to use the HDD from my old computer, install W7 onto the SSD, then transfer the drive to my new computer, and use it on the machine and just reinstall all my other files.

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Delete Either "My Pictures" Or "Pictures" Folder In Windows 7?

Jan 1, 2012

The frustration has been for more than 2 years now. I tried to move the photo folders & files from "My Pictures" to "Pictures" but Window's geniouses did not give us that option. I do not need to click to "My Pictures" since they are ALL MY pictures. So are we stuck with this decision or is there a way which I can get rid of 1 of the folders? Same with "Documents" & "Videos".

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Connecting 1 Windows 7 Machine And 1 Windows Xp Machine

Feb 6, 2011

ive got 2 computers hooked up to a router by Ethernet sharing an internet connection, the internet connection works fine for both computers. i would like to share documents also between the computers

-one is a windows xp 32
-one is a windows 7 64

ive set up many networks in the past with a bunch of xp machines without any trouble but now i am having trouble my first step was on the windows 7 machine, i went to control panel -> network and sharing center -> setup a connection or network -> set up a new network this is where i believe i am making a mistake of some kind, it seems that the windows 7 machine is assuming that i want to set up the network wirelessly, when it is connected to the router via Ethernet. it simply brings me to a screen that says choose the wireless router or access point you want to configure, and hangs there with a greyed out next button everything seems to be going fine on the xp machine, i created a new network called "sharebear", told it that the computer connects through a residential gateway, enabled file and printer sharing, rebooted the machine, and confirmed that there was a new folder in the network places for shared documents.i went back to the windows 7 machine where it was still hanging, rebooted it, looked for the new network in network and sharing center and it wasn't there, i tried again to "set up a new network" on the windows 7 machine with the same hanging screen.

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Using .vhd File From One Virtual Machine To Other Virtual Machine?

Feb 5, 2012

I am using MS Virtual PC v6.1.7600.16393.I had created a virtual machine on my system, which has been deleted now, but I have .vhd file created for that virtual machine.Now I am trying to create a new virtual machine by using the previous .vhd file.Unfortunately, when I start this newly created virtual machine, it asks to Insert Boot Media in selected Boot Device.I want to retrive few of my data stored in previously created virtual machine.

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Saving Pictures From The Web?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm running Windows 7. When I "right click, save" pics from the web, they oftentimes show up as a flat colored line. In the folder they've been saved in, the thumbnail looks normal, but when you open it, it's a mess. Or the picture is compressed to the point it no longer resembles the original photo.

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Can't Even Go Into Pictures And Set A Background

Nov 16, 2011

I recently did a system restore on my laptop... HP 625. Windows 7.Then I logged in as normal and I've somehow lost the Personalise option on the desktop drop down menu.I can't even go into pictures and set a background.Also, the Windows 7 theme has completely disappeared and it's changed to a windows classic theme? I had to do the system restore because it wouldn't log in, even though the password was correct.It interrupts with the internet speed and looks plain freaking ugly.

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No Text Only Pictures?

Jul 28, 2011

I was having a problem on my laptop with Windows 7 not booting properly so I did a system restore of the windows files only using the Samsung software that came on the laptop. After that had completed, I can not see any text on web pages and even the Microsoft docs in office are messed up. I use Google Chrome for a browser and tried viewing web pages in IE but the same problem. I can not see any text in the dialog boxes either so to do a complete restore is next to impossible because I cannot read anything

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Lost Pictures On DVD?

Aug 12, 2011

I saved a bunch of pictures on a DVD and now I get only thismessage[.ShellClassInfo]LocalizedResourceName=@%SystemRoot%system32shell32.dll,-21815and all the folders are gone. Is there a way to retrieve them

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