Taskbar Bug, Doesn't Bring Programs To Front

Dec 8, 2009

This is the second time I've gotten this bug, and it seems to occur roughly two weeks after a fresh install.

Long story short, I pin all of my favorite applications to the taskbar and when I click on a running program, I expect it to bring focus to that program (bring it to the front). Instead, it flashes yellow and the window that I want stays behind every other window. The only program that does not do this is Digsby for whatever reason.

Basically, the only way to see an existing window is to minimize all of the windows in front of it and only clicking on the window itself will give it focus. That's partly a lie, because I've discovered that a series of clicks on the taskbar icon will do it, namely: right click, left click, right click, left click. I don't want to have to do four clicks when one normally works.

I am running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit acquired through the MSDN program for students (Academic Alliance or something). I do know that I never had these issues in the beta with Ultimate edition.

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Bring To Front All Windows For A Certain Application?

Nov 20, 2009

trying to find some key+click combination to bring all windows for a given application to the top of z-order. For example, I have several Putty terminal windows open in the stacked taskbar icon and I want to display all of them, not just the last used. The only work-around I have found so far is to shift+right-click and "minimize all windows" followed by "restore all windows".

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F8 Doesn't Bring Up Advanced Boot Options

Oct 26, 2009

I have tried F8 several times to bring up advanced boot options--just to make sure it comes up in case I ever need it. Well--it has no affect; my PC continues into Windows 7. What am I missing here?

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With Some Sites, Clicking Back Button Doesn't Bring To Previous Page

Dec 1, 2011

You search google, click on a result, and then either backspace or click the back button, but instead of going back to google, you stay on the current site. Why does that happen, and is there anything to do about it?Using IE 8 32-bit in Windows 7 64-bit here, but have been seeing this problem for a long time with previous versions.

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Taskbar Doesn't Hold Lock?

Nov 7, 2010

Solved: Currently on laptop; no problem here, but on my PC the Taskbar (Lock checked) doesn't hold its' locked size. I have "Autohide" enabled and I adjust the size to my liking. It stays that size for a while, but will revert to about half the width of my selection; which was slightly over an inch.

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Taskbar Button Glow Doesn't Go Away

Nov 8, 2010

When I mouse over the taskbar buttons, the glow doesn't go away after I move the mouse away. This doesn't happen all the time, but seems to always pop up eventually on every boot, and persists until I restart.It's done this across several gpu driver updates, so it must be something with Windows 7.

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Glow On Taskbar Buttons Doesn't Go Away?

Jan 10, 2010

When you mouse over a button on the taskbar in Windows 7, the button glows in the predominant color of the program's icon, with the glow being most intense where the cursor currently is.Then the cursor leaves the button, the glow goes away.However, for me, when the cursor leaves a button and does not then enter another button,the glow stays on the previously hovered over button.This is not what is supposed to happen.

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Language Bar Doesn't Show On Desktop/Taskbar

Jun 18, 2011

My language bar is missing. How to find ??

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Cannot Pin Programs To The Taskbar

Feb 22, 2012

it has the option to do so but when i click it nothing happens. before this when i could pin programs it said that windows is using too much ram and that my computer is slow, witch it is not.

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Can't Pin Any Programs To Taskbar

Oct 23, 2012

Today I lost my quick launch Google Chrome in the task bar. When I tried to replace it, it would not allow me. I tried to pin other programs and could not get any to work. I also opened the program(s) and from the task bar right clicked the program while in the task bar, but there was no option to pin. I did the same by going to the start menu, again no option to pin.

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Internet Connection Icon Doesn't Show In Taskbar?

Apr 10, 2010

when i connect to internet i can't see the blinking aka communication icon in taskbar like xp,

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Doesn't Show Previews Of Windows On Taskbar When Scrolled Over

Jul 14, 2011

I recently upgraded a Packard Bell desktop to Windows 7. It was originally XP. When I installed 7, it didn't look the same as my laptop that had 7 pre-installed when bought. On the desktop, it doesn't show previews of windows on the taskbar when scrolled over etc. Can I make it the same as the laptop?

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Windows Taskbar Doesn't Disappear When Streaming Movies

Dec 26, 2011

I just re-installed the OS after upgrading the MOBO and RAM 2 days ago. When I stream videos on line, I usually select the full screen option. In the past, the video would automatically take up the entire screen of the monitor. Now, even if I select 'Full Screen Mode', the task bar still shows at the bottom of the screen.This does not happen if I'm watching a DVD, only when I stream movies/videos online.

I checked my browser but didn't see any options for that sort of thing. Seems like it's a setting somewhere in Windows that needs to be changed.

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Taskbar Doesn't Show - Library Folder Popped Up

Sep 24, 2010

I logged onto my computer this morning and instead of getting the normal taskbar and being able to do what I want, my Libraries folder popped up and I got no taskbar. I can't use any keys or shortcuts on my keyboard. Only the mouse and open programs through the folder window. There was no error message in the booting process and it was fine last night.

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Taskbar Recent Programs

Nov 1, 2009

I enjoy windows 7, and I love the new jumplist feature. Problem is, in order to use it I have to enable the "Store and display recently opened items in the start menu and taskbar".

I can pin folders that I frequently visit, and the same goes for just about anything else - I do NOT want to see the recent files, websites, or folders that I have visited. If I disable it completely though, it completely destroys the ability to use custom jumplists.

Steam has a very cool jumplist feature, I'm able to change my status on it, pin favorite games to it, as well as open specific tabs. The program "Jumplist Launcher" also lets me create categories to use for programs and games, and I love it.

In order to use all that however, I have to enable recent items. Those items clutter the crap out of my jumplists and they're annoying to clear, so I'm wondering if anybody knows how I can completely disable the ability to see these. Can anything be done other than simply deleting everything in the recent items folder?

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Unable To Pin Programs To The Taskbar

Dec 3, 2009

am i correct in saying that you are unable to pin programs which are ran in compatibility mode onto the taskbar?

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Programs Keep Opening Below The Taskbar

Dec 23, 2009

I had this problem with some programs, when I was running windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit and now that I’ve upgraded my notebook to Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, I’m seeing this problem happen much more often.

When I open some programs, either the main program window or message box’s or menu’s, open up extending below my taskbar. In Outlook 2007 when I try to set up email accounts, the setup wizard go’s below my taskbar which means I can’t click on next or Finish. True Launch Bar is also another program that does the same thing and half a dozen other programs.

My screen is set at its max 1900 x 1200 resolution and the DPI is currently at 170%. Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT.

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Why Don't Programs Display On The Taskbar

Dec 30, 2011

if I were to minimize a program, the only way to access it again is by pressing Alt + Tab.

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Programs Have No Icons On Taskbar

Jul 29, 2012

Used the universal theme patcher, to use themes from Deviantart etc. Got it working fine but some of my programs have no icons o_O, Ventrilo has none, GPU-Z, Battlefield 3, etc. They all show up with that icon that windows uses when it doesnt have one, Any way I can fix this?

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Taskbar At Top Of Screen Interferes With Some Programs?

May 11, 2010

I keep my taskbar at the top of the screen. I just like it there for ease of use. I'm not trying to make windows look or act like a mac (they annoy me with a lot of their button positions and whatnot)... I just like it up there on the top of my screen.

However, a lot of applications start out up at the very top of the screen. In XP, they started out in the middle of the screen, but in 7... well they are all the way at the top. And my taskbar is covering the menus and title bar, thus not allowing me to grab and move them.

Any of these which are resizable by grabbing a side or bottom edge, I just click there and windows will pop it down to just below the task bar. But several aren't, and I can't move the window in any way, shape, or form. If I know the menu layout, I can use alt keys to duplicate most functions... but some don't have alt key equivalents, or I just don't know them.

Is there any way, short of moving my task bar, or making it auto hide (which I do NOT want to do), to prevent this from happening, or even just reliably fix it each time it does happen?

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Unlocking Combined Programs In Taskbar

Jan 20, 2011

My taskbar buttons are set to never combine. Each instance of a program is separate. However, they seemed to be locked together when I want to move them. What's particularly annoying is that if I want instance A of this program to be on the left I can't move it if I already have another instance of the program open (instance B). They are locked in their left and right positions.

If I wish to move them around relative to different programs open in my taskbar that's fine. However, if I wish to move them among each other they're locked in place.

Is anyone aware of a way to disable this? I believe I was able to do this at some point on my laptop which also used windows 7.

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Windows 7 Programs Don't Open From Taskbar?

Feb 22, 2011

I apologize - I know I made a post about this a while back, but I have since forgot what the solution was and so I have to ask again.Anyway, I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. A problem I run into every once is when I click on a program icon in the taskbar that program never opens. This doesn't happen a lot, but enough to be annoying. I have never found any solution or even a clue to what could be causing this in all the forums and web sites I've visited.Whatever info you need me to post I will be glad to do it.

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Minimized Programs Not Showing Up On Taskbar?

Apr 3, 2011

recently any programs I minimize won't show up on the taskbar, but if I alt-tab it'll show back up. I tried google for answers but I could not find anything.

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Icons For Certain Programs Are Getting Replaced With Others In Taskbar?

Jul 29, 2011

Dunno why this is happening but for some reason the programs Quicktime and Adobe Reader are taking on the icon of some other random program in my task bar. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling both but it didn't seem to work.

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Pinning Documents To Taskbar Instead Of Programs

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to pin a document to the taskbar. However, what gets pinned is the program that opens the document and not the document itself, so instead of just clicking on the icon to open the document I need to right click on it and then select the document.

Is there any way to pin the document itself so that clicking on the icon will open the document?

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Right Click Menu On Programs In The Taskbar

Aug 22, 2009

In Vista and older versions, if I right clicked on a program in the taskbar I could then move the mouse up ever so slightly to click "close."

Now there is a weird little "box" that pops up instead of a menu, and I have to move my mouse significantly further to get to "close." Sounds trivial, but if I am shutting down several applications in a row it is much slower this way.

Is there a way to return the right click menu to normal?

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Hide Programs In Taskbar (Cascade)

Sep 21, 2009

Does anyone know if I can pin my programs in the task bar but hide them until I require them and click on the arrow as you can in Vista?

You can do this on the right hand side of the task bar but I can't seem to make it work on the left.

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Odd Problem With Pinned Programs On Taskbar

Oct 30, 2009

I seem to be having a problem with the pinned programs on my taskbar and I was wondering if anybody can help me here. Most of the programs on my taskbar simply highlight the icon that I clicked when I want to start the program or start a new instance of the program. However, a select few programs (iTunes, Peggle Nights, Plants vs. Zombies), for whatever reason, when I click on them, they form a new icon for the program on the right of the rest of the icons.

For instance, when I click on iTunes (when the program is not already running), it will highlight the icon I clicked for a moment then form a new iTunes icon in addition to the old iTunes icon and the new one will be the one I must use to control iTunes. This exact problem persists in the other programs as well. Can anybody help me fix this?

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Taskbar - Separate Pinned Programs

Jan 3, 2010

How to Sort Pinned Programs into Categories on the Taskbar ?

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Running Programs Won't Show Up On Taskbar

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running 64-bit Windows 7. Last night my computer was fine, and I just booted up today to find that whenever I run programs, they don't show up on the taskbar. I have two monitors, one is my laptops screen and the other an external one. If I drag the applications to my laptop screen, they show up on the external screen, but if they are on the external screen, they don't show up at all.

The external is set to my main display.

Any ideas on what's going on?

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Clicking On Start Menu And Taskbar Items Doesn't Launch Program

Aug 25, 2011

Essentially, upon starting up my computer, from time to time, I have no yet been able to isolate what may cause this issue, I will find that I cannot launch programs from their shortcuts in the Quick Start or Taskbar menu. As of right now I have not tried to launch said programs from the original .exe file in this scenario.I've noticed that when I try to open these programs from the Taskbar, the icon will be surrounded by a square to indicate that it is active, but, after a period of maybe 5 seconds or so, sometimes longer, it will disappear and the program will no longer look active. Opening up the task manager, the programs usually show up in the Processes under the appropriate name. Multiple instances of a program can appear, even when, under normal circumstances, multiple instances aren't allowed (such as with Firefox). The processes will usually show a static amount of memory used, like 108k for any firefox.exe in the process list, and will simply sit there until they are ended, despite the program not actually running. When this happens I generally have to restart the computer and hope it works on the restart.

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