Space Between Taskbar And Exit Button

Aug 17, 2011

I have recently moved my taskbar to the top of the screen. Some programs it works fine, like chrome starts up with the bottom of the application on the bottom of the screen.However, Mass Effect 2 (I run in windowed mode) and Itunes both are not touching the bottom of the screen, there is a space where the taskbar was and the exit buttom is covered by the actual taskbar.

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Make Space Button Act As A Shift

Sep 14, 2012

The reason: I write a lot of code with use of such symbols as (){}",#$%$^$&<> and i have to use shift all the time.

The problem: After a while my hands feel some discomfort especially my tiny finger which i use to press shift.

So i was thinking if i can remap shift to space it could be a lot better. I know there is a lot of software that can do simple remap but then i have to press shift when i need to put a space. Doesn't make any sense.

What i am looking: I way to make work space button like this: If i just press down then immediately release space button it acts as usual space (ie. reacts on key up event)but if i hold it and press another keys it acts as a shift button.

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No Taskbar, Start Button, Or Taskbar/start Menu Properties?

Aug 13, 2012

Yesterday, the task bar and Start button mysteriously disappeared.I've also found that the "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" windowdoesn't come up. There are two places to click on in Control Panelthat should bring up this window, but it doesn't. The Control Panelborder changes color as if something is starting to happen, but thennothing happens, possibly indicating that some program starts to runbut then finds something wrong and exits. I didn't see anythinginteresting in the error logs. The desktop icons appear normally.The problem exists only when logging onto my son's account. When Ilog on as administrator, the task bar and Start button appearnormally.The usual tricks don't work: Ctrl+ESC, or bringing up Task Manager andtrying to rerun explorer.exe. I tried sfc to check for corruptedfiles, but none turned up. I ran an AVG scan and it did find one fileit considered a threat, which it removed, but that didn't solve theproblem.

I found a web site that referred to the registrykeyHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerwhich has a NoSetTaskbar value that can be used to disable the"Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" window. On the administratorlogin, the Explorer subkey is there all right, but doesn't haveNoSetTaskbar. (It does have NoDriveTypeAutoRun.) But when I log ontomy son's account, the Policies key had no subkeys at all. I triedadding an Explorer subkey without adding any values, but this didn'tsolve the problem. I haven't yet tried adding a NoDriveTypeAutoRunvalue, but since this seems to pertain to AutoPlay it didn't seemrelevant to this problem.Any thoughts as to what might be going on or what might fix it?

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To Add An Icon Button In Taskbar

Aug 17, 2011

Does anyone know how to add an icon button in the taskbar that not only takes me to hotmail email, but displays current amount of emails as well for my windows 7 home premium OS desktop?

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Remove Taskbar Button Highlight?

Jul 26, 2012

Is it possible to remove the white highlights or whatever it is? I want it so it still retains the outline but the button is all one colour. Everything else is almost perfect but i just hate this!

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Taskbar Button Right Click Menu Is Cut Off

Sep 2, 2010

The red x icon for the close window option is cut off. Using stock skin. Probably easier to understand if you see a pic, What's caused this and how can I fix it?

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Taskbar Button Glow Doesn't Go Away

Nov 8, 2010

When I mouse over the taskbar buttons, the glow doesn't go away after I move the mouse away. This doesn't happen all the time, but seems to always pop up eventually on every boot, and persists until I restart.It's done this across several gpu driver updates, so it must be something with Windows 7.

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Grouped Taskbar Icon Button - Cascade

Nov 21, 2009

How to Cascade All Windows in a Windows 7 Grouped Taskbar Icon ?

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Taskbar Button Grouping - Enable Or Disable

Nov 18, 2008

How to Enable or Disable Windows 7 Taskbar Button Grouping ?

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Having Multiple Tabs / Windows Open On Taskbar Button

Nov 10, 2011

I recently upgraded my FF 7.0.1 (or whatever the most up-to-date version of 7 is/was) to 8.0 and am noticing an issue. The problem I am experiencing is that when I launch FF (regardless if its done via the start menu or the button pinned to my taskbar), it adds a separate taskbar button (a la previous versions of Windows) instead of how Windows 7 normally handles such things. In addition to this, it also does not reflect having multiple tabs/windows open on the taskbar button (the attached image shows how the button for IE(9) displays the different tabs I have open in it, as well as the vertical lines next to the button which represent the number of tabs/windows open; however, the Firefox button does not function in either way, but you can see in the image that I have 3 tabs open in the browser window).Are these compatibility bugs between Windows 7 and Firefox (that the Mozilla devs need to address)?

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Have Lost Start Button / Taskbar And All Desktop Icons

Sep 23, 2012

All my desktop icons are missing, no start button or task bar.The only way I can access my computer is via safe mode.Two things happened this morning so I am not sure which one is the culprit. Firstly I had an update from Java.Then I shut my computer down and went to bed.During the night, my UPS board starting beeping. We were having power problems, I think a brown out.The power went out completely then all my other electronics like my tv, kettle, washing machine etc, starting working properly again.So I can't say whether it was the power problem that has caused this or the Java update. I have done a system restore which didn't help. I have done Windows+R and typed in 'explorer.exe"..which only gave me a black screen. I have run all antivirus programs and nothing is being picked up.

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Laptop Freezes When Hidden Symbols Button On Taskbar

Dec 5, 2011

laptop freezes for 10 seconds time to time (especially streaming on Internet, scrolling with arrows, clicking the hidden items in taskbar)

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Taskbar - Change Icon Button Width Size

Aug 20, 2009

How to Change the Windows 7 Taskbar Icon Width Size ?

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Hide Icons Button Is Missing On Bottom Taskbar?

Sep 4, 2011

The hide icons button is missing on bottom taskbar & icons are smaller

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Auto-Hide Will Not Take Effect In Taskbar Properties When Apply Button Is Used

Sep 10, 2012

Auto-Hide will not take effect in Taskbar Properties when Apply button is used - even though Apply button grays out indicating change has been made. If Auto-Hide is set ON in Taskbar Properties and RESTART is performed, Auto-Hide may work one time but then TASKBAR will not hide again. This is on an HP Dv6 Notebook that came with Windows 7 installed. Auto-Hide feature used to work most of the time?

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Windows 7 Doesn't Show The Taskbar, Start Button Or Icons After Waking From Sleep?

Aug 9, 2010

I just bought a Gateway computer yesterday with Windows 7 preinstalled on it, and last night I tried to wake it from sleep but when I did, it didn't show the taskbar, icons or start button. All I could see was the background. I tried the "ctrl+shift+esc" method to fix it, but when I hit those keys nothing happened. I'm at a loss, and I don't want to return the computer!

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Taskbar Button Flash - Change Flash Count

Aug 3, 2009

How to Change the Count of Flashes for a Activated Window on the Taskbar ?

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Make Aero Peek Button A Show Desktop Button?

Aug 4, 2011

I only learnt about this a couple of weeks ago!If you want to make the Aero Peek button at the far right of your Taskbar into a plain and simple Show Desktop button:Simply right-click the Aero Peek button and un-check the "Peek at desktop" option. Et Voila!! That's it!

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Wireless Switch Button / F2 Button Not Working / Disabled

Jun 9, 2011

recently I used a software AVG PC Tuneup and it has never been a problem for me until a couple of days ago when I decided to install it on my DELL. Now, I went to system advisory and did a system scan on recommended settings, I pressed 'fix selected' and my Wifi was disabled, I tried everything. I can't get my wifi to work without plugging in my modem directly ot my pc. I noticed my wifi radio was disabled, so I pressed the F2 button but nothing worked. I am trying to re enable my wifi radio / wireless radio connection button but it won't work.

My program intel my wifi utility tells me my wifi is disabled but I can't enable it.

System information
Manufacturer: Dell
PC Model: Inspiron N5010
System Type: 64-bit
Windows 7 Professional
Screen Caps

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Reply Button And Forward Button Are Missing All Of A Sudden?

Dec 14, 2012

reply button and forward r missing all of a sudden?

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Applications Do Not Close On Exit

Mar 8, 2011

From looking at others' questions, this seems to be a recurring problem under Windows for a long time. My version: running Windows 7, 64-bit, with Spyware Doctor. Several applications fail to close on exit, and I have to manually close them in Task Manager before they will work again. Always happens with Outlook 2007, Google Chrome, sometimes happens with Firefox and Acrobat Reader. Outlook also hangs on the last message in a "send and receive" operation.

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Cannot Exit Sleep Mode

Jul 24, 2010

First the system specs:

Intel DX48BT2 motherboard
Intel QX9770 3.2 GHz Core 2 Extreme
Nvidia GTX 295
8GB of OCZ 1333MHz DDR3 Gold Series RAM
30GB OCZ Vertex SSD
1TB Samsung HD103UJ HDD
Windows 7 SP1 Public Beta

For two nights in a row whenever I have put my computer to sleep before I go to bed it has not been able to exit sleep mode the following morning. The screens get no signal even the the computer is on. I should note that I have hibernation disabled on this computer due to the fact that the SSD boot drive is so small and an 8GB hibernation file would be too large. Instead I enter standby. I should note that last night as I was entering sleep mode I accidentally hit a key which caused it to come right back out of sleep mode before the fans had turned off.

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How To Make Own Exit In Animation

Mar 14, 2012

it is possible right?

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Games Does Not Stop After Exit?

Apr 27, 2011

When i exit a game i open the Task manager and the game is still running there and if i try to stop it its still there and it the process dosent stop . I have two partitions which in one i keep my files and folders and the other its the windows7 32bit which i currently using . Is there a way to stop this ---S: i have the cd of windows 7 - is it possible to move the programs to the other partition - install a new windows 7 and then like make the extension of the progam to pick from the other partition

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Button And Pressing Up Button Its Not Scrolling Or Not Moving Up

Oct 1, 2010

Ok so when ever i hold w button and pressing up button its not scrolling or not moving up i mean i play fifa 11 and fifa online i have w as sprint i cant sprint up.

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Task Manager Exit Missing?

Nov 23, 2011

When I access Task Manager the window opens and Task Manager operates fine;howeverthere is no way to exit. There is no minimize maximize close in the top right corner.The only way I can exit the program is to manually shut down the computer and re-boot.

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WLM No Longer Compacts Files On Exit?

Dec 31, 2011

My email store was about 4Gb, quite stable (I have run the 2011 version since its arrival). Because of recent troubles, ably resolved on this site, I had to temporarily shift many files out, and eventually back in. With lots of backup copies during this, the ending volume was about 8Gb.Then I deleted all the unneeded files.Previously the compacting variable was untouched, at the default of every 100 program exits, no problem. Now I set it to every 1. It refused to run. So I set it to every 2. It exited normally on the "off" times, but on the "on" time it produced the error messageThe folder is currently in use by WLM or another application"It does this even when I close everything, reboot and immediately run WLM and exit. And the message store is now up to 9Gb.

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VB6.0 Application Process Does Not Exit Under Windows 7?

Apr 24, 2012

My VB6.0 application process does not Exit under Win 7 but it exits properly on Win XP. After exiting the application process VB6 exe remains running in Task Manager. So every time I need to manually end that process. Is there any way to release all resources held by VB6.0 exe & VC++ dlls on Win 7 OS through VB6/C++ code.

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Resolution Changes To Minimum After Game Exit/

Sep 28, 2011

after i play some game sometimes the monitor resolution changes to the smallest value something like 1100 x 700 .. i must log out and log back in to user or reboot to get back my normal resolution 1920 x 1080 on my SyncMaster B2330HD monitor .WHY and how do i fix this annoying problem

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IE 9 Is Deleting Stored User Names On Exit

Sep 2, 2012

My IE 9 has suddenly decided to delete my stored User Names. I'm guessing the change is due to a download update? Looking at Internet OptionsBrowsing History On Exit it seems that if you check delete Temporary Files, History and Cookies you now also delete saved user names and passwords. Is the only way to save User Names now to uncheck the Delete Browsing History On Exit and do it manually every time?

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When Playing Any Of Games They Will Just Exit Out Of Full Screen?

Jan 2, 2013

When playing any games like planetside 2 or tf2 anything on full screen. It will just got to the desktop. So then I would have to go click on the game to open it back up to play and then a minute later it will do it again. Is there any way to fix this because I have become frustrated with this occuring repeatedly.

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