Sort Files Globally And Save Criteria?

Mar 29, 2011

Is there anyway to sort files globally? It seems everytime I open or close a folder, it re-sorts it to another criteria from when I last set it. For instance, I'll pick "ascending" and close the folder. Then when I come back to it later, it automatically switches to "descending" on it's own. I'm really getting tired of having to right-mouse click the contents of a folder all the time to correct this.

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Globally Set Legacy Open / Save Dialog View

Dec 7, 2011

Okay, have managed to tweak *most* of what I dislike about Windows 7,diabled libraries and favorites, turned off stupid giant icons and got Explorer view back to the Details/ Date Descending that I've been using since Win3.1 days. Fixed taskbar, fixed the theme, got away from all the web styled view as link nonsense, but.I cannot get the Open/Save dialog that appears whenever you use, well, open or save in most any program, especially legacy or XP-based programs (for instance, Irfanview, VirtualDub,etc)to remain consistent folder to folder.Windows 7 seems to insist, rather lamely, that this be manually set with multitudinal clicking for each and every folder. Especially if differs from the default Explorer view (i.e. Details/Descending in Explorer, but want List/Descending in dialogs)Went thru a long process that involved customizing almost every folder I have to be "general items" instead of whatever the stupid folder contents discovery decided it would be, and then set general items to be viewed a certain way in dialogs via registry edits. But Windows 7 unilaterally decided to forget most of these changes after a short time.I also killed libraries entirely around then so that might've been it.Anyhow, is there anyway to have Windows7 actually respect global folder view settings? (without using dumbass libraries/favorites)Call me crazy, but I prefer real folders not virtual ones, named intelligently based on contents or purpose (i.e. not stuff like "my documents"),all located straight off the root C drive where I can navigate to them quickly, not buried three levels deep in some favorites menu,

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Force Globally "Sort By File Type" Setting?

Apr 11, 2012

Yes, I've tried several things on-line listed elsewhere but, everyone else has no idea what they are talking about.

Essentially there are folder types. I don't care about changing the types or whatever, I'd actually rather keep them. I just want Windows 7 to force the option to sort by file type in ANY folder, no matter what type.

It's a pain because when I right-click to sort the files, it is not even in the list and I have to click more and add it to the list, and once I click more, there's about 10 billion useless organization options and I have to dig way down to find the "file type" (which seems like the most important/useful to me).

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Files Don't Stay In Sort By Order

Oct 24, 2012

I had Windows 7 Home Premium put on my HP Pavilion a6500f last week. I had this same problem with Vista 64-bit but not with Windows XP. I have my file "Sort by" set to Name; Ascending but when I open a file it always moves to the end position when I close it. As an example say I have a folder named Book A. Inside that folder are files named Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 in that order. If I open and edit Chapter 2 when I close it the files are now in this order: Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 2. How do I make the files stay in the proper sort order? It's very irritating to have to move files back into their correct order every time.

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Sort Files And Folders Alphabetically?

Mar 18, 2012

sort files and folders alphabetically yet? I have my music on an external hard drive. I have a folder for every artist, and in those folders there�s a folder for each album. The only thing on this hard drive is music. In Windows XP, I could sort by name and show in groups. This way everything was kept alphabetical, all the �A� bands were under �A �, all the �B� bands were under �B�� With Windows 7 I get gigantic chunks of A-H, I-P and Q-Z. I have over nearly 600 folders on this drive. Grouping all those folders into 3 giant blocks is nothing short of useless. Is there any way at all to sort like XP?

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Unable To Sort Files Manual?

Oct 26, 2009

I using Win 7.when I entering Computer example D disks I can't sort item manually. when I used Win vista it's was simple, and now I can't. there are many types to sort folders ( By name, Type, Size, Date ...) but not manually?

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Sort The Files/songs So They Play In The Order?

Nov 16, 2012

What I'm trying to do: I have a FM Transmitter I want to sort the files/songs so they play in the order I want them to play in.

So you ask, what order do they play in now? If you go to the command prompt or cmd and type Dir, this is the order it is playing in

Question 1 In Windows 7 File Explorer or My Computer can you sort the same way the Dir command will sort files in?

Question 2 Is there a way to change the order Dir sorts files in. And I want to have the files sorted the way I want by just typing dir. Not using any /'s after dir.

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Files Doesn't Automatically Sort By Name In Folder?

Sep 16, 2010

I just bought a new 1TB drive. On my previous drive, everytime i (i.e) copy/paste files to that directory, it automatically sort itself out by Name. Now, it does sort by name but not if i don't click refresh or navigating to another folder and coming back to that directory.I've set it to sort by name. Is there something that's missing?

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Explorer Slow To Sort Folders/files?

Nov 5, 2009

Why is there a huge delay on the sorting of files/folders in windows explorer?

If I enter a folder that has many subfolders and extra files, it seems to load everything at once in alphabetical order, then there's a delay while it sorts the folders and the individual files separately, also in alphabetical order. This delay can be something like 5 seconds with just a few hundred items, and it just grows from there.

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Did Edit-registry Fix To Be Able To Manually Sort Files But Not Worked

Jan 13, 2013

I got a new laptop but it has windows 7. 1 of the extremely huge problems this operating system has is this absurd thing where you cant arrange your own files in the order that you want.Im not gna waste my time ranting on here as it wont make any difference, but it does astound me that microsoft would employ such thickos who were unable to create an OS that was capable of offering such a basic function! i followed the (this) registry-edit steps lastnight to enable free-positioning of my files (unawave. de/windows-7-tipps/disable-sorting-auto-arrange.html?lang=EN).I did it lastnight and it worked perfectly!I then turned my laptop off as it needed to install its daily updates, but when i restarted it i can no longer move my files around in my pictures/videos/or my music folders!Photo/video files in other folders can still be moved around freely, however as all my pictures and videos are saved by default into those 2 folders this causes me a huge problem!

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What Criteria Or Method Is Used To Cycle The Images In Desktop Slideshow

Oct 27, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.I use the desktop slideshow feature, directed to a folder in my pictures folder that I named desktop slideshow, I have about 1000 images in there, it's set to change image once every 30 seconds.Here is the problem, I tend to see the same 20 images or so go by over and over, and only once or twice in each loop does a new image show up, eventually I see a great number, but it tends to favor those same 20 or so images predominantly.They don't have similar names, they are widely differing in size, dimensions, and every other aspect. But for some reason the slideshow tends to pick them to go by more than anything else. I removed the images, and it chooses another 20 or 30 seemingly at random to give priority over the rest, only slipping in a random one between those repeated choices once or twice in each loop again.

So here is my question, does anyone know what criteria or method is used to cycle the images in the desktop slideshow? The whole reason I started using it was because I like the idea of seeing any one of a thousand or more pictures on my screen when I close a window, and it's kind of nice to have something I'm working on in my main screen while random art goes by on my second monitor, but with the same images repeated, it sort of loses the appeal.So far my only option has been to remove the over used images after a while and cycle in some of the old ones I removed before. But that's not really all that satisfying a solution.I searched around google, talked to some friends, and generally applied my brain to the issue for a few months without any breakthrough, and decided to seek some info from this forum since it seems to be fairly chocked full of people who have considerable knowledge of the concerned operating system, big surprise considering that is the point of the forum eh?

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Cannot Save Files To Alternate PCs

Apr 13, 2011

I have a desktop (A) and a laptop (B) with W7 Home Premium 64-bit and a laptop (C) with W7 Home Premium 32-bit. I have been trying to connect all three so that I can have full control of files. For example: When I am on A I would like to access and alter files on B. When I try to save a file I have worked on, I get the message that I do not have permission or could not save file is blocked.

I have given each PC a unique user name and given each full control on the respective PCs by going to Properties > Advanced Sharing > Permissions. I have gone into Windows Firewall to allow programs to communicate and added the programs I wish to use. I have done Take Ownership.

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Where To Save Programme Files

Sep 30, 2011

Still very new to Windows 7 but getting to like it more each time I use it.

Now that I have a few more programmes installed, Word, CorelDRAW etc, what is the correct way to save the files? At the minute everything I save goes into one file called My Documents. Should I somehow be saving files for different programmes in different areas.

It's not to bad at the minute as I only have a few files for Word and CorelDRAW. Most of my work is still on my older XP system.

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Text Files, Can't Save As

Apr 27, 2012

My txt files are identified with the icon of another program, Sigil, in my windows explorer. When I open these files and try to update them I get the message that Sigil files can't be changed. I am sure there is an easy way to get rid of this identification as Sigil. As a matter of fact many of the files were created before I had Sigil. It just took over my txt files. It is NOT a question of the extension. They all have the .txt extension.

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Can't Save Downloaded Files

Dec 3, 2012

My problem is that when I download files, the download proceeds normally, but the file is never saved on the specified destination regardless of the chosen destination. It doesn't give any error, the download window simply closes. If I instead of choosing "save" select "run" nothing happens after the download is complete. I have tried to reset my internet settings and I am not using a download manager. I am using Explorer 8 and since I can't download files I can't try with Firefox or Chrome. I have also tried to use "Windows Update" to see whether that helps, but this function gives an error message saying that the service is not running.

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Cannot Save Files To Altenate PCs

Apr 13, 2011

I have a desktop (A) and a laptop (B) with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and a laptop (C) with Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit. I have been trying to connect all three so that I can have full control of files. For example: When I am on A I would like to access and alter files on B. When I try to save a file I have worked on, I get the message that I do not have permission or could not save - file is blocked.

I have given each PC a unique user name and given each full control on the respective PCs by going to Properties > Advanced Sharing > Permissions. I have gone into Windows Firewall to allow programs to communicate and added the programs I wish to use. I have done Take Ownership.

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Unable To Save Files

Oct 25, 2011

I have a new Windows 7 laptop from my work. I can open files (Word, Excel, Adobe and so on) on the server but when I try to save them it seems to be hit and miss. Most of the time I get a flag that says the file can't be saved because it is in use already. I can usually save it to my HD by renaming it but this is inconvenient

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Cannot Save Files In Sd Card

Jul 20, 2011

cannot save files in sd card

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Cannot Print Or Save PDF Files

Oct 19, 2011

Can open pdf files but cannot save nor print. What can I do to correct?

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Can't Save Files To Computer

Jan 4, 2013

I recently built a new PC and got windows 7 64 bit up and running. However, I can't seem to install programs to my SSD. When I try to install a program, I get this message "You don't have permission to save in this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission," but I'm the only who uses this PC and I checked to make sure I was the admin and I am.

I also have two drives if that means anything. I tried to install the programs to my C drive, which is my SSD. Installing programs to my D drive seems to work fine, which is my HDD. My SSD has the OS on it.

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Can't Save Files That Are Downloaded Through Browsers

May 14, 2012

os: windows 7 home premium x32

he sent in his laptop to be fixed(dead screen) and when he got it back, he cant save files that he downloads no matter the extension( .msi, .txt, .rar, .exe, .jpg, .zip). it worked fine before.when he downloads something through any browser( ie, firefox, chrome) the download will start for 1sec and then stop as if its done. the default download location is desktop and no incomplete files or anything is made.he can browse sites, watch Internet, or anything else fine. speedtest and pingtest results are normal. i can upload files directly to him through skype and he can download that without issue.things i have had him try

.clean boot (no anti virus or anything else running)
.safe mode
.reset ie to default
.made a new windows admin account
.changed broswer default download locations
.no router to configure
.system restore to before he got it back
.ran chkdsk (no errors)
.made sure windows updated
.disabled windows firewall and defender
.scanned pc with malwarebytes
.cleared all browser cache and history
.no content restrictions
.no proxy
.ran the cmd "sfc /scannow" (results were fine)

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Can't Delete Files On HP Simple-save

Sep 17, 2011

I have and HP SimpleSave 1TB it plugs in to the USB. I recently tried to delete some files and folders but am unable to do so. I only have files and folders, no Windows backup or restore points.When I try to delete a file or folder I get this message, "Can't read from the source file or disk". Which is strange because I can open files.

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Can't Save Files To Libraries Via Browser?

Feb 23, 2010

When I try to save a file - any type of file from either Firefox or IE by right clicking and selecting "save link as" or save image as" etc... and try to save it to a library I get "the specified module could not be found" I can save it if I browse to the "C" drive and navigate the tree - I also notice when the common file dialogue comes up for the libraries it shows how many locations the library has - but the window does not populate with the contents on that library - I have scoured the internet and just cant find a solution

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Unable To Save Files On Desktop?

Mar 18, 2012

I run Windows 7 as an administrator but recently I have lost the ability to save files on my desktop or other library locations. I receive the following message:"You do not have permission to save in this location Contact the Administrator to obtain permission Would you like to save in the My Documents folder instead?"

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New Laptop - Can't Save To Program Files?

Mar 14, 2012

I just received my new Toshiba Satellite laptop. It has Windows 7, and the first thing I did was go to download Firefox so I could get rid of IE.I want to save the Firefox program in Program Files, where I always used to save programs, and it tells me I "don't have permission" to save and would I like to save to the downloads folder instead. This is making me crazy, as I'm the ONLY user on the computer, it's brand new, and I should have the "administrator" permissions! How in the heck do I make it able for me to be the administrator/have access to everything? I should install/uninstall immediately to protect myself regarding this new laptop, What is the best anti-spyware out there these days? And someone told me I should NOT use Norton. My laptop came with it--should I automatically uninstall it?

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Windows 7 - Cannot Save Files From Internet

May 20, 2012

I am using Windows 7 and Chrome, no Antivirus or Firewall. I have a problem - when I download my files from Rapidshare (others hostings seems to be working) to disk D (not system disk), when file is downloaded, I go to folder and I see nothing. I have used a Windows Search, Windows Brandmawer is off. No viruses.

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Cannot Save Files On Network Places

Jan 20, 2009

on xp i used to be able to connect to my school web folder and it used to look like any other folder (i could save directly to it etc). now when i connect to it by the same means it comes up with a text with of my documents with blue links next to them. i can open them up but i cant save directly on to the server.

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All Word Files Are Read Only - Cannot Edit / Save

Dec 8, 2011

I can't save anything. All my word files are read only.

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU P6200 @ 2.13GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 1844 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 730 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 260242 MB, Free - 208221 MB; D: Total - 29690 MB, Free - 28507 MB;
Motherboard: LENOVO, MoutCook
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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Plugging In A USB Save Any Hidden Files To Computer HDD?

Dec 12, 2011

I was wondering, I'm very OCD and I like to keep my computer clean of any unwanted files.When you plug in a USB does it save any files/hidden files to your computer HDD?When you clean all/format a USB does it save any backups or anything to your computer HDD?I'm just quite autistic and I want to know what happends when you plug USBs in

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Vista 32 To 7-64 Clean Install Save Files

Oct 2, 2011

what I have: Vista 32 bit system - 2 hard drives

what I want: Win 7 64 bit system - 2 hard drives

what I want to do: a clean install of Win 7 64 bit on the primary hard drive

the second hard drive is free to be used as a backup location during the clean install process

question: how do I backup all critical data to the secondary hard drive before doing a clean install on the primary drive? and then how do I reinstall the data from the secondary drive back to the primary hard drive with the new Win 7 64 bit system on it?

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Need To Reinstall Outlook, But Can't Access It To Save Pst Files

Nov 17, 2012

My primary user profile is corrupted and I am going to have to reinstall Windows 7. Because I cannot access my old user profile, I cannot start Outlook 2010 and access my email files. However, I have located the Outlook.pst files and have saved copies of them. What I am wondering is, once I have Outlook 2010 installed on the fresh OS install, how can I restore my email and email settings? I suspect that it is far too much to expect that I can just copy the pst files to the proper location. However, without being able to start Outlook, I can't follow the recommended procedures for backing up the mail data.

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