Slow Boot Times With A SSD?

Mar 30, 2012

Slow Boot Times with a SSD?

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Windows 7 Slow Boot Times

May 31, 2011

i'm having a major issue with loading times on my windows 7 pc.every time i boot my pc it takes 5 mins or more for the hdd to stop loading files and for the computer to become responsive, after which it runs reasonably fast, but the hdd is always actively seeking. (it used to run near instantaneous but now it's taking it's sweet time and then some)i've tryed virus scans, spyware scans, i've also found and removed some stubborn malware i never knew existed.uninstalled old programs, cleared temps, disk chkd, dfrg, system restored, used msconfig and disabled any unneeded apps but there has been no improvement.

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Random Slow Boot Times After Memory Upgrade?

Jul 16, 2012

I assembled a PC a year ago based around the Asus M4A87TDUSB3.0, with it was bundled a Phenon II X6 1090T and 2 x 2 GB fast DDR3. I have a 750W PSU, running a Radeon HD5570. I have a dual boot config, with Windows 7 64bit as default but also XP as other OS because there are some old games I really like that only work in XP (I tried emulation but software rendering isn't up to it). 90% of the time I'm in Windows 7. I've set up the system to that the Windows 7 partition isn't visible to XP, so that my Windows 7 restore points don't get wiped out when I boot into XP.Anyway, to cut a long story short, system has been working well, reliable and without issues for the last 10 months. However, a couple of months ago I decided to install a second drive of the same size but faster. I migrated the entire contents from the old drive to the new faster one without problems. I then reformatted the old drive and made it a dedicated backup drive for Genie Timeline. All worked well.

A couple of weeks later, I decided to upgrade the RAM from 4GB to 16GB and used Crucial's system scanner to find suitable upgrade. I took out the old modules, installed the 16GB new ones as a complete kit (with same latencies etc). First boot didn't seem to go well, system hanged before Windows Logo. I rebooted, went into BIOS and set the memory timings to Auto and set up Memory Counter to show on screen. I rebooted and it showed 16GB and it then booted into Windows normally. All fine, I did a Windows system rating and got 7.4's and 7.5's on everything apart from the HDD which comes in at 5.9Problem is, I now randomly get slow boots. It probably happens once in about 5 times, the entire boot sequence will take around 14 minutes whereas normally things are fine after about 3 minutes. I've pared down startup programs in MSconfig to really just the stuff I need to get by, so I know it's not that. If I shut down and restart, the chances are it boots fine again. It's not Windows Updates causing this, I can see those when that happens. I've taken out the memory modules and have cleaned the contacts with Servisol, unplugged and plugged the HDD connections back in. For a few days, the problem seemed to go away but it then came back.

When it's in its slow mode, everything is a bit sluggish, it's almost like I would imagine it would be with a minimum amount of memory or if it was running some heavy process in the background. I also notice when it's like this, that rather than the drive light being solidly on when booting, it's more of a fast flicker, with periods of inactivity lasting a few seconds.I'm not a technical expert, my guess is that it's either the hard drive or the memory. However, I'm also wondering if there is something in the BIOS that I need to do. Also, I've noticed that when shutting down, sometimes it doesn't quite feel like it's shutting down right, by this I mean that usually, in the last second before power off, the chassis fan runs to max as FanXpert hands control of the fans back to BIOS I guess

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Slow Startup Times; Event ID 100, Boot Performance Monitoring

Nov 23, 2009

Yesterday morning, I re-seated my HSF and also installed an old DVD burner from my old computer into my newly built one (built on 11/6/09). It should be a pretty fast system (i7 920, 120-GB SSD, 6GB DDR3 OCZ Platinum...), and I was fine with the boot time before yesterday (though I think it was still closer to a minute), but after I started it up yesterday (post install), it took a long time to start up and seemed to hang on the "Starting Windows" screen.

I've done alot of researching, and can't quite figure out what is wrong, though maybe it has to do with the DVD drive I put in. I checked the device, and it says it is working properly and it says the driver is up to date.

This Error appeared yesterday in the log (though I just checked the log today). This error comes up as a Warning almost everyday in the event log (except 2 Fridays ago ?), along with Event ID 300 for most of the previous week.

Any ideas? The only thing that I can think of is to do a re-install of Windows 7 (64bit), but I'm a bit nervous about that.

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Laptop Going Slow At Times?

Mar 1, 2012

I am running Windows 7. Everything was running fantastic and life was free of tensions. But now my laptop has started behaving like a tortoise. Browsers get unresponsive, media players get unresponsive, CCleaner is so slow, that it took 2 hours to assess the files to clean. It makes weird noises inside as if it's making poop. But hell I don't know what it is. I turned it upside down and removed all the screws except one, so I don't if too much dust is making this happen. Whatever it might be[CODE]

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Very Slow Shutdown Times?

Jan 15, 2013

Occasionally shutting down my computer may take thirty seconds longer than normal(which is 10 seconds). All the peripherals shut down, but the computer keeps "shutting down" for 30 more seconds. Normally peripherals shut down just a second or two before the computer itself shuts down, but here the shutdown is just really delayed.

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Slow Booting At Times

Feb 13, 2012

Windows 7 usually takes about 40 seconds to load, but after install or un-installing things and/or changing the registry, Windows can take 2 or 3 minutes to boot. Is this normal?

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Slow Computer Restarts At Random Times?

Oct 25, 2011

My computer is relatively new. It's a little over a year old Dell Vostro with Windows 7. Lately it's gotten extremely slow, restarts randomly and basically doesn't act the way it should. I've done the virus scan (I have Trend Micro). Everything looks alright but the computer is still a bit of a mess.

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Windows 7 (64 Bit)- Sudden Slow Start Up Times?

Feb 17, 2011

i'm having some problems with windows 7 home premium 64 bit, on my sony vaio vpceb2c5e. i got my sony vaio laptop in november 2010 so it's not too old. upon booting up windows 7 on the 15th feb 2011, i noticed the time it took windows to be functional had drastically increased from the night before when it was loaded. i hadn't installed any programs on it over the past several weeks, and about the only things i had running were google chrome (watching videos on Internet), minecraft and msn every time when i boot up and i've logged in, i have to wait 5-10 minutes or so before i can even start to load programs or connect to a network, otherwise windows seems to not load the program i double clicked and seems to stop loading anything, but the mouse and keyboard still work and a hard shut down (holding down the power button) is required.

i tested ubuntu on the vaio and it seems to load fine, i have even tested out windows 98 which also works fine (thus eliminating the possibility of a faulty hard drive), it's just windows 7 which had suddenly got a slow load up time for me. once i have waited a long time windows seems to work fine and i can run and open everything i want, as quick as i would normally do prior to this problem.

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When Open A Browser Window / Internet Is Very Slow Or Times Out

May 19, 2011

I've just got a brand new laptop (Sony Vaio). I'm trying to connect to the internet through my existing home wireless network which a Macbook, Macbook Air, Toshiba Windows 7 laptop and iMac in the house can all connect to and access no problems.I've got an ADSL modem set up in bridge mode and an Airport Extreme as router and wireless access point.I can connect to the router fine. I am assigned an IP address fine. When I open a browser window the internet is very slow or times out.When I ping the router it usually times out or I get a very high ping.I've tried so many things to fix it I'm getting desperate! including:

-Disabled and uninstalled firewall and security software
-Changed wireless channels
-Disabled Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
-Setup a static ip and specified dns server

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Slow Boot Time Slow Startup And Hangs?

Nov 18, 2011

I bought this Fujitsu laptop for less than a year. Its only for my school work. It takes forever to bootup, startup and it sometime hangs when I open up a program or typing.For the bootup, it takes very long time on the window logo, after that the black screen, followed by the welcome page with the loading cursor. Each of this process take a long time. For startup, its not so long but its still quite lag. For the opening up of program and typing, everytime I open up my visual studio, it will take a long time to show up and even if it showed up, it will be "not responding".So I will have to open it a second time before I can start using itWhen I am typing my codes, it will randomly hang and show that the program is not responding. I am still able to move my cursor though.

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Windows 7 And Boot Times

Nov 17, 2009

PC: Eee PC 900HA

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit

Disk: G.Skill Falcon 64GB SSD

So, long story short, I reformated my Eee PC because I couldn't run WEI after the first time. Boot times were great (a bar and a half at the 7 boot logo). However, I installed Daemon Tools Lite and this went up to 5 and a half bars while booting. I am speed obsessed. So, I uninstalled this software and boot times are the same. How can I fix this?

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Usb 3.0 Driver Slows Boot Times?

Jun 14, 2012

i have a laptop. Been working on optimizing boot times. Found a 10 second gap where my computer is doing nothing. Uninstalling usb 3.0 host driver and hub controller fixes the problem but creates another. I cant use the 3.0 ports anynore. Not even with 2.0 usb. Is there a way to load these friver well after windows has started[CODE]

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STOP & Boot Loop At Random Times

Jan 21, 2012

Something similar has happened before (about half a year ago) but it got fixed when I did a system repair through command promt, until these few days...the loop came back again, sometimes it would boot like normal, at times it would get stuck or it'll go into a "checking file system" screen. It first started when I was browsing the web like usual, the comp suddenly froze and popped out a blue screen, it was too quick for me to capture it tho...In the past few days its gotten the BSOD a few times ive managed to take down a couple of the STOP codes 0x0000003D and 0x0000003B, im sure Ive gotten other ones too but i only remembered these 2.I've tried system repair & restore and command prompt but none worked...i have no idea whats wrong (hardware or software?) so im hoping someone can help me find a permanent fix if possible?

I have attached the dumb files through jcgriff2.Im using a Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit which my friend installed for me so i could use the 4gb ram i had. It used to be Windows 7 Home Edition 32 bit.My system is about 3-4yrs old now and OS is about 2yrs old i think.

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BSOD At Random Times Then Cannot Boot Into Windows 7

Aug 25, 2012

Every now and then, my computer BSODs, then restarts, but then it cannot boot into the drive that windows is installed in. It says that there is a broken windows installation and that I should use the Windows install disk to repair it. Thing is, I don't have a windows install disk because I'm using an .iso provided by my school.Anyway, after waiting some time or unplugging/plugging back the hard drive, it randomly successfully boots into windows again. I can't think of any reason why this would this a software or hardware problem?My setup is Windows 7 on an SSD and Ubuntu on a standard hard disk, with Grub as my boot loader.I also looked in minidumps and there aren't any crash logs from when my computer BSOD'd, which is even weirder.

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Long Boot Times On New Computer After Install Of Equipment

Jul 9, 2012

I recently purchased a new PC and it was working very well the first few days. I eventually installed a power source and video card from my previous computer into my new computer, and I began to have issues. When I boot up computer, I will see a solid underscore for about at least a minute before it finally boots up. Previous to this, it would boot up in under 10 seconds. I installed an Antec earth watts 500 and a nvidia gts 450. I updated the drivers. Other factors: Installed avg free, malwarebytes free, installed a couple of games and some programs like MSI Afterburner. I scanned my entire system with both of the security programs listed earlier. I checked my connections inside the computer and everything is snug and secure. I couldn't see any issues.

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Can Adobe Design Premium CS4 Cause Long Boot Times

Oct 23, 2011

I recently installed Adobe Design Premium CS4 on my HP Pavilion Elite desktop computer. Soon after, I started to experience long boot times of up to ten minutes.

So far, I have:

1. Ran HP diagnostics on all my hardware - all passed.

2. Checked in Event Viewer, which confirmed the long boot times, but gave me little idea of what causes it.

3. Rolled back my NVIDIA GTX 460 driver to version 270.61, but that made no difference.

4. Ran a full anti-virus scan in Safe Mode using Malwarebytes - nothing showed up.

5. Checked running processes in case the CPU was being overworked - again, nothing showed up.

6. Disconnected my Hitachi USB backup drive and my SD MS Office documents-backup flash card.

7. Ran a boot trace using Cluberti's tutorial, but the computer blue screened shortly after the trace started to run, so I decided not to pursue that line of fault-finding any further.

8. Reinstalled Windows and my applications and discovered that the long boot times only restarted AFTER I reinstalled Adobe Design Premium CS4.

7. Uninstalled CS4 and the long boot times appear to have disappeared.

So, as the title of this thread suggests, can Adobe Design Premium CS4 cause long boot times with Windows 7, and if so, why?

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Incredibly Long Boot Times And Freezing On Lenovo Laptop

Dec 26, 2012

I bought a Lenovo G555 laptop in new condition, and it can't be more than two years old. For quite some time, it's had several annoying problems. Most notably, it occasionally completely freezes; this can occur while using it, or when opening the lid after it has not been in use. The second issue is that the time it takes to boot up is no less than 20 to 30 minutes. This occurs whether the computer is restarted or booted up after being off.Here are the remedies I have already tried:

-Restoring to factory condition (several times)

-Daily antivirus scans (full scans once a week) with the most up to date virus definitions (I use avast! and nothing is detected)

-Full Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware scans with the most up to date definitions (no malware found)

I do not have an extreme amount of software installed, as I think I'm pretty careful about what I install on my PCs.On top of this, beginning today, Windows is now reporting there is a problem with the battery and it needs to be replaced, but the problems described above began long before this happened.

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Power Outage Made Boot Up Time Ten Times Slower?

May 17, 2012

I literally just built this today and was able to enjoy a very fast boot up speed with wim7 64-bit installed on my ssd drive but the power cable of course found a way to get unplugged from the wall and now the it takes an extra 20-30 seconds in order t boot up (at the "windows starting" ) screen. Right after I turned it back on the computer wanted to go into system repair and then it reset the pc to the back up that I had just set,

Is there anything I can do in order to get it too boot up like it was at first?

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Incredibly Long Boot Times And Freezing On Lenovo Laptop?

Dec 27, 2012

I bought a Lenovo G555 laptop in new condition, and it can't be more than two years old.For quite some time, it's had several annoying problems. Most notably, it occasionally, completely freezes; this can occur while using it, or when opening the lid after it has not been in use. The second issue is that the time it takes to boot up is no less than 20 to 30 minutes. This occurs whether the computer is restarted or booted up after being off.Here are the remedies I have already tried.Restoring to factory condition (several times).Daily antivirus scans (full scans once a week) with the most up to date virus definitions (I use avast! and nothing is detected)-Full Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware scans with the most up to date definitions (no malware found)I do not have an extreme amount of software installed, as I think I'm pretty careful about what I install on my PCs.On top of this, beginning today, Windows is now reporting there is a problem with the battery and it needs to be replaced, but the problems described above began long before this happened.I don't know if this makes any difference, but this PC is nearly always plugged in, as we only unplug it to take it elsewhere on fairly rare occasions.

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Boot Trace (from Slow Boot)

Apr 2, 2012

Gathering a Startup, Shutdown, Sleep, Hibernate, or Reboot Trace As cluberti said, the trace may not show useful data as it came after a BSOD - I have not been able to get a startup trace without error messages coming up at the end: I can avoid BSODs by removing the +DRIVERS part of the string, but I still cannot end up with a proper boot trace for some reason (please see the above thread for details of the error message I get).This trace is the one gathered after a BSOD. I have another trace which measures 3.5GBs in size - no idea why so large, I guess part of the error ('can't stop trace'). Can't upload it anyway.

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Slow Boot Up

Sep 18, 2011

whenever i boot up windows 7 ,i see the circle over the wireless network icon in the taskbar.It takes around 3 minutes to connect to the home network.Once the connection is established windows works fine with optimum speed.

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PC Is Slow To Boot Up?

Jul 23, 2011

My Computer is running Windows 7, 64 bit.

Everytime when I do a restart, it takes a while to boot up my PC. I forgot the procedure to cut those softwares from running up. The only thing I remember is unchecking some software in a list. So when I do a boot, it doesn't take long.

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Slow Boot On New Pc?

Jul 28, 2012

I recently build my first pc and it runs great. the only problem is that it boots real slow. here are my specs:

Graphics Card: Asus HD7970 GDDR5-DC2-3GD5
Memory: Gskill Ripjaw x 32gb (4x8gb)
PSU: CoolerMaster Silent Pro Gold series 1000w ATX
CPU: AMD FX-8150 AM3+ 3.6Ghz
MOBO: Gigabyte GA-970A-D3
CPU Cooler: Corsair H100
Case: Corsair Obsidian 650D
Boot Disk: Two OCZ Solid 3 60gb RAID 0
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 3TB 7200rpm

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Slow Boot Into Desktop

Oct 27, 2012

I have been noticing a gradual increase in boot time to the desktop - not actually sure when it was relatively normal. However yesterday it took so long to get there ( 5 minutes plus), I though it was not going to boot up. Did eventually get there after a few reboots.

This morning it's still slow but at least I'm getting there. System seems fine once it's up and running. This is what I'm getting;

Black post screen - seems to take a while to initialise USB controllers - around 30 seconds or so. Goes onto Windows splash screen - sits there for around 20 seconds.

Screen then goes black - monitor says "no signal detected" - sits there for around 30 seconds Welcome screen appears with whirring thing in the middle - around 20 seconds

Desktop appears but can take around a minute to fully load. Going into event manager and viewing the ID 100 log shows;

Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance
Date: 27/10/2012 10:57:58


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Slow Boot With 565 Errors

Dec 13, 2012

]I have been experiencing a real problem with my computer. It started to Boot slower and slower about 2 months ago.First, the computer: A VM Win 7 w/ 1 CPU @ 2.4 GHz & 2 GB of 1067 MHz DDR3 RAM.

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Slow Boot Windows 7 64 Bit?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a new Dell Latitude E6510 I-5 that I have only had for about 4 weeks and it is booting up slow taking over a minute.Once the computer starts up it runs great.with what is slowing down the boot up[CODE]

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HDD Light Is Always ON, Slow Boot

Apr 18, 2012

like the title says.the hdd light is ALWAYS on.ALWAYS..even not a second OFF..and most of the time..boot pauses at motherboard name screen..and it makes the boot slow.

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Slow Boot Problem

Jun 4, 2009

Ok so I have a brand new install of the RC

It is loaded on a I7 920 gigabyte x58 ud4p mb /12g ddr3 1600 ram /raid 5 set up with a rocketraid 2640x4 /4 wd 32m cache 640gb hard drives and It takes forever to boot from power button till log in screen 2.5 min approx

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USB First Insert / Boot Is Slow

Apr 25, 2012

i want ask , my USB First insert / detected is slow , then after i plug out and pluggin again , the usb is fast detected ... it's normal like this ? or have something problem with my driver or OS?

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Slow Boot On Tester

Sep 21, 2012

I have an idea I have asked before but cannot find the query but the machine is getting slower. I have an old prebuilt that I picked up for nothing that I run as a tester for various things. It has an Intel quad core Q9650 @3.0GHz 4GB G-Skill DDR2 RAM @ 800MHz an Intel D43NB (LGA 775) board (chipset G45/43) Rev 3 running 7 64bit from a Crucial M4 120GB SSD. Now this machine has always been a bit slow from power on to Windows actually starting up (flag forming) then it goes quickly to login. The BIOS is set to boot from the SSD. Now I have tried all the tweaks in the optimise tut including that one that shortens the Menu show delay time. I have also kept the start up items to a minimum and stopped service that I don't or very rarely use.

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