Simultaneous Updating Of Edited Documents On Two PC's In Homegroup?

Nov 1, 2011

When you have identical/copied documents/folders on two PCs, Is it possible to set up the Homegroup system, so that any document edited on either a Windows 7 x64 Desktop or a Vista x 32 Laptop, simultaneously update the other document when sharing on Homegroup?

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Privacy In HomeGroup - Restricting Users From Accessing My Documents

Mar 27, 2011

I want to restrict other users in my home group from accessing MY documents. (C:Users*User Name*Documents). And only allow other users in the home group to access public folders. (C:UsersPublicPublic Documents). I would also like to do this for Pictures, Music, Videos, etc...

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HomeGroup Setup - Documents / Pictures Folders Visible But Locked

Jul 4, 2011

I have two pc's in my home. One running windows 7 32 BIT, and one running Win 7 64 bit. I created a home group on the laptop, as I want to grab some files from the laptop and bring over to the Desktop unit (the desktop unit is the one running 64 BIT win 7). Both machines have different names and the clock is set with the right time. When I create the home group on my Laptop, and select files that I want to share, the basic libraries ARE viewable on the Desktop machine.

I can see Documents, Picture folders, but I cannot open them! I can also change the password on the Laptop, and then PC will be able to enter the correct password to join the homegroup, so I know they can see each other. But again, not able to open the folders. If I go on my Laptop computer and "right click" on a folder, and then go to "share with"... the default is set to "nobody" with a lock icon next to it. If I select "Homegroup" it does not change! It stays locked with "nobody"?

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Windows 7 Control Panel Homegroup Not Revealing Homegroup Password?

Aug 3, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and I also have a desktop running Windows 7. I am trying to connect my laptop to my homegroup with the password for my homegroup, but my desktop will not reveal it. Is there any other place that I can find it?

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Pen Drive Cannot Be Formatted Nor Edited

Jan 24, 2013

i have a mosebear 4gb pen drive which now cannot be formatted nor edited. adding new contents is also not possible. As i insert my pen drive in usb port a message appears " you need to Format the drive before use... and as i try to format it pushes an error msg you donot have sufficient rights to perform this operation".. I tried cmd command to format it but there it states "please insert a disk in drive i".

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Lost Edited Email Document

Jan 31, 2011

I sent myself an email with a word document attached. I did this so I could finish the editing at home. I opened the attachment, edited the word document, then saved it when prompted when I closed the document. Where did I save the document? I can't find it.

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Files Disappearing From Folders When Edited?

Jul 20, 2011

I have a very strange problem. I have recently experienced that MP3 files and JPEG files disappear when I edit them. I have for example rotated a JPEG image in the Windows photo viewer and changed the album name on an MP3 file in windows media player. After this I can no longer find the file in the folder. The MP3 file can still play in windows media player but in the folder where the files used to be it says "folder is empty". What is going on? I do not understand it

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IE 9 - How To Increase Number Of Simultaneous Downloads

Feb 7, 2012

What is the "correct" way to increase the number of simutaneous downloads under IE9. I read that prior to IE8 that the number of downloads was limited to 2 for HTTP 1.1 and 4 for HTTP 1.0. Per MS, in IE8 this was increased to 6 and 6 and they provided a Fix-It to go up to 10 and 10. It appears that IE9 is back to 2 and 4? I found 3 different options on how to change the registry to provide an increase.

1. Appears to be the hack of choice prior to IE8, but claims are it will work on IE9.
add two DWORD (32bit) Values and Value data

2. MS advised regarding IE8:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftInternetExplorerMAINFeatureControlFEATURE_MAXCONNECTIONSPER SERVER and modify the existing value data
and modify the existing value data

3. MS advised to utilize the Group Policy
Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Internet Explorer>Security Features>AJAX then set the desired number of connections.

I first tried option 3, but could not detect any change to the registry areas stated in 1 or 2 so not sure what this group policy setting changes. Option 2 seemed the most logical since the sub-keys were already there and HKLM makes system wide changes vs HKLU which also needs more entries. Interested in knowing what the best way to do this is and what data values you are using.

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Burning Edited Recorded TV To DVD For DVD Players

Feb 4, 2013

I found that MC was ideal to work with my TV tuner and making immediate or scheduled recordings is a doddle. The .wtv recording is readily burned to a DVD in Video-TS format using MC and this is playable on my DVD player. There is still the problem of having to fast-forward the run-in and commercials but for a one time review on my TV this is not really a problem.

What is a problem is where you have a particular recording which you want to edit and and then produce a DVD which can be played on any player. I found the basic editing of removing start and end sections and splitting to remove commercials easy using Windows Movie Maker. This edited version can be saved as a Windows Media Video (.wmv) file which can be viewed on the computer in Movie Maker but if burned to DVD, cannot be played in a DVD player. It can also be saved as a .mp4 file but this also cannot be read by any DVD players. Media Center does not recognise either of these formats so cannot be used to burn to DVD.

is there a convenient way to both edit the recorded TV and then save it on a DVD in a format which can be played on a regular DVD player? Alternatively, is there a program which can read .wmv and .mp4 and burn to DVD in Videa-TS?

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Edited Tags Not Working In Itunes?

Mar 13, 2011

When I edit tags for music files in windows explorer, either right-clicking and going into properties or editing whilst viewing the details, when I import the song into itunes it doesn't show up.Sometimes it will work, where the album, the year, the genre, artist, and title show up. But sometimes when I upload an entire album 2 or 3 songs wont display the tags correctly. They only show 'artist - song' (which is the name of the file) in the name field in itunes. (It used to only show 'artist - song' when I imported using xp when the files didn't have any info in them except for the file name).

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Running Multiple Simultaneous Networks?

Dec 21, 2011

I would like to be able to use 2 networks at the same time, one is a wireless internet connection through my USB adapter, and the other is a wired Ethernet connection to separate router, which i use to connect to a Playstation 3 with Playstation Media Server. Frequently I am wanting to download a video from the internet while watching a different one on the PS3. he problem is when I connect both networks, I am unable to use the internet.nd what I have learned.

1. I made sure that the two networks have very different IP addresses and Default Gateways.

2. I have tried to change the priorities of the networks through Control Panel>Network and Internet>Network and Sharing Center>Change Adapter Settings. Then right clicking the connections, clicking Properties, clicking both Internet Protocol Properties (one at a time), clicking Advanced, un-checking Automatic metric, and placing my own values. Obviously i set the wireless to the lowest priority and the wired higher.

3. Also in the Network Connections list, pressing Alt, clicking Advanced, then clicking Advanced Settings; I set the order of the connections, wireless first, then wired.

(Also I did reboot the system after trying each thing)Going to command prompt and typing "netstat -rp", under Interface List I am shown the metric priorities of network devices.It seems no matter how I try changing priorities or access orders or anything, those values do not change. I am thinking if the priority of the wireless adapter was first, I would be able to use the internet while connected to both networks, and still be able to stream to the PS3 through the wired connection.

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Win 7 Performing Simultaneous Tasks On Network

Aug 13, 2009

This is a bit annoying. Not sure what the cause.. This very machine used to pull this off without issue both with xp and vista. Seems when I start to move a large file from one machine to another, and then simultaneously start browsing the file systems on networked computers, everything drags to a halt. I will click to open a network directory, and then wait a good 40 seconds before that directory will open. I wonder if anyone else has had trouble multitasking on the network like this. My lines should all be gigabit..

I can browse the internet while moving the file no problem. The file I am pulling to my computer, is coming from a different computer than the one I am trying to browse..

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Finding An Edited Spreadsheet Saved From An Email?

Nov 25, 2011

I have received a spreadsheet in an email, and have opened it, edited it, saved it (by pressing CTRL + S), but I don't know where it has saved. I know I should have copied it to a folder first before editing/saving.

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Opened Document From Email And Edited Not 'save As'

Dec 18, 2009

I have spent the day editing a document which i stupidly just opened from an email attachment in my hotmail account and proceeded to edit. I diligently saved it throughout the day but did not use the save as function.

I have tried to open a similar document and choose save as to see where the document would have saved but this does not seem to work in Windows 7. I have tried looking in my 'temp' folder but this is empty.

Does anyone know how else I could retrieve this document? It is the only version i have...i really ought to have looked after it better!

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Simultaneous Large And Small Desktop Icons?

May 4, 2012

I know I can change all the icon sizes. I was wondering if its possible to have different sized icons on the desktop at the same time? Either inherently through windows 7 or through a 3rd party app? I'm running a business, I would like to have all business related icons large and all the others small.

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Number Of New Device Drivers Simultaneous Search?

Nov 17, 2011

When I have several new devices, for example device1, device2, device3, windows starts to search drivers for all three devices looks like:evice1 searchingdevice2 searchingdevice3 searchingnd it searches up to four devices in parallel (as far as I noticed).Is there some way to change this behaviour?I need windows to search driver for one device at a time. and start to search for next device only after first device driver setup complete. and so on.

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Multiple Simultaneous Users On One Windows 7 Computer?

Aug 3, 2011

I am thinking of upgrading our family's two computer systems, which are about 8 years old. To build/buy a decent computer will cost about $500. Could be done a bit cheaper, but then two computers will double the priceSo, I was thinking.Most modern computers have multiple output video cards. Most computers have multiple USB ports. Would it be possible to plug two keyboards, two mice, and two monitors into one computer and have two people using that computer simultaneously?This should work just fine from a hardware perspective. With USB hubs and multiple video cards, maybe 4 or more people could use the same computer simultaneously. I would like to do this on Windows 7.I come from a UNIX background and this sort of thing is done all the time on UNIX systems, either text mode or graphics mode. The available hardware is very ripe for this type of usage. Its easy to get multiple monitors and multiple keyboard/mouse connected to a computer. Even multiple sound cards. CPUs are powerful and multi-core. Memory is cheap and plentiful. I think this would be a very good use of multi-core CPU

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Simultaneous Mouse Button Press Unrecognized?

Feb 6, 2012

I have two new Windows 7 computers (laptops) that I run 3D design software on. I have multiple programs that utilize a simultaneous pressing of both left and right mouse buttons (not double-click). This command goes unrecognized in my software and is used extensively to go into 3d rotational manipulation. I also have a mouse that has the central scroll-wheel button that will activate this feature, but the dual button press also goes unrecognized from from the mouse. My old XP computer recognized this input just fine. I have already been through mouse properties and found nothing obvious. I have also checked for updated mouse drivers.

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Windows 7: Simultaneous Cellphone Bluetooth Tether?

Feb 27, 2012

In Vista, I was able to use my at&t sim card in an LG cell phone, bluetooth connect my laptop to the internet. I now have Windows 7 /64bit and cannot connect.The Bluetooth pairing is fine, but i cannot get to the data connect.I never did and don't want to use the DUN connect.I also have a friend that does connect with windows 7, but he has 32bit?

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Windows 7: Simultaneous IPhone Bluetooth Tether And Wifi

Oct 24, 2011

I am looking to connect to a wireless network that does not have an internet connection and at the same time tether to my iPhone so I can connect to the internet.My iPhone tethers through Bluetooth without any issue and I have a connection to the internet.As soon as I join a wireless network, Windows drops the internet connection to my iPhone. The iPhone and Windows are still connected to each other through Bluetooth, but under the task bar icon it says "No Internet Access" below the Network name.The task bar icon also changes from the ethernet Icon to the wifi strength icon.It seems like the wifi connection is overriding the bluetooth connection. Is there a way to maintain the IP address and Bluetooth internet connection and at the same time connect to the wifi network and access the devices I need on the wifi network?

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Copied Flash To Harddrive, And Cannot Save Edited File In Folder?

Oct 27, 2011

I have Windows 7.i copy entire flash drive to a folder (Call it "RemovableDrive" folder under My Document) from flash drive (USB).In "RemovableDrive", folder, I right click and select Properties, then I uncheck READ ONLY, and select Apply to set all files and folder/subfolders to uncheck READ ONLY.

In the "RemovableDrive" folder, I opened a file, and edit it. Then I try to save would not let me. I also set the property of the file to READ ONLY, but still has the same problem.

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Group Policy Edited In Windows 7 X64 - This Type Of Login Not Allowed

Jun 11, 2011

I recently edit my Group Policies in Windows 7 x64. I disabled several SQL accounts and set those accounts to deny logon locally. When I rebooted the machine none of my accounts can log in. The machine is not a domain controller, but the error is along the lines of this type of login is not allowed on this machine. How do I resolve this?

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Converting ClarisWorks Documents To Word Documents?

Dec 1, 2011

Does anybody know of any file converters out there (free if possible) that can convert ClarisWorks files to Office Word files? I have a lot of old documents that I wish to convert.

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[HomeGroup] 1 Pc Not Listed / Identified In Homegroup?

Aug 28, 2011

I have an issue which I can't find anything obvious on.I have 4 Windows 7 machines, 1 x W7 Pro, 2 x W7 Home Premium & 1 x W7 Starter all in the same Homegroup.The W7 Pro machine can see all the others under Homegroup in Windows ExplorerAll 3 of the others can see each other in the same way but the W7 Pro machine isn't listedThe 3 others can access the Shares on the W7 Pro Machine by going to Network rather than Homegroup in Windows Explorer.

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MSE Not Updating?

Sep 4, 2012

Has anybody tried to update MSE lately? It won't update anymore for some reason

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Windows 7 Not Updating?

Nov 9, 2012

On closing down, a new computer with Win 7 Pro 64 bit downloads 44 updates correctly and then switches itself off. On booting up the following morning, it tries to install them but fails to do so and reverts to previous installation. This has happened two days running. Does anyone have an idea what is happening and how to get round it

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Updating From XP To 7 Not Working?

Mar 2, 2011

Recently I upgrade my system from XP to 7, but then today I messed something up so I figured I would just reinstall it because I figured it would be easier. I was able to load XP back on alright, but when I went to use the upgrade discs to 7 is when I ran into problems. When I put the disc in it says loading files, and there is a progress bar at the bottom, and when that's done I get the "starting windows" text but Windows never starts.

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How To Updating Bios

Dec 13, 2012

i want to update my bios ( i have asrock motherboard N68-VS3 FX ) and i am a gamer who interested in performance i have bios ver 1.20 can i use the last bios update 1.70 ? or i have to download all the previous updates first what i mean is the update cumulative?

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Updating Drivers

Oct 21, 2009

I ran a scan that showed that I need to update 5 drivers 1 Realtek Hi Def,

4 nvidia drivers what is the easiest way to do it and should I just wait till the Windows 7 comes out in a couple days?

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Drivers Not Updating

Jan 2, 2010

I need to update all my drivers. I have tried to do it the traditional way through the control panel but my drivers claim to not need updating. Is there another fix?

I would prefer not to download driver update software that requires me to pay them for updating my drivers.

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Updating From XP To 7 Not Working?

Mar 3, 2011

Recently I upgrade my system from XP to 7, but then today I messed something up so I figured I would just reinstall it because I figured it would be easier. I was able to load XP back on alright, but when I went to use the upgrade discs to 7 is when I ran into problems. When I put the disc in it says loading files, and there is a progress bar at the bottom, and when that's done I get the "starting windows" text but Windows never starts.

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