Seagate Freeagent 1Tb Portable Not Working Or Recognize On WD Streaming Media Player?

Jan 26, 2013

how do i get my Seagate portable hard drive to start working or be recognize by my WD streming media player

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Seagate Freeagent 1TB

Sep 7, 2009

I recently upgraded from Windows Vista Business to Windows 7 Professional. The problem I am having is that my Seagate Freeagent 1TB drive wont load in Windows 7. I have to keep going to Device Manager and Uninstalling the driver and then plugging it back in so it automatically installs itself and then when I shut down the computer I have to do the process again.

I thought things that worked with Windows Vista were supposed to work with Windows 7.

Any solutions or help on this problem would be appreciated. PS I have already tried installing newer drivers, I have the latest ones, and I know this is a software issue as I am able to access the drive as normal after re-installing it each time.

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Streaming Radio Has No Volume On Media Player?

May 30, 2011

An local station can be seen on W7 media player, but no sound comes thru. And the mute is not activated. All other internet radio stations can be heard. The radio station in question says it's link is working.The audio and video are working with other applications.

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Windows Media Player No Longer Streaming

Nov 17, 2012

I had windows media player set up to be able to stream content(e.g. videos, music, picture etc) from my PC to my T-box.I havnt use this feature in a while and I went to use it last night but my tbox can not pick up my PC.When I go to windows media setting I go:Stream > Turn on media streaming > Then I get a pop up saying turn it on, with UAC logo next to it.I am admin on it so it should work. I click on it nothing happens.How can I get media player to stream again or how do I reset media player to default setting so I can set it up again

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Driver For Seagate Freeagent Go Downloads

Oct 28, 2011

have a seagate freeagent "go" but computer doenot recognize it--what to do

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How To Get Driver For Seagate Freeagent Goflex

Nov 12, 2012

how can i gey the driver software for seagate external hard drive 1TB

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Seagate FreeAgent Request System Restart

Sep 4, 2011

I am using FreeAgent Go 5oo GB , when I try safely remove FreeAgent Go always show the error massage " Seagate FreeAgent Go USB device can not be uninstalled right now because the system request system restart " and I have to restart every time.I have already tried the following :

1. Close all application and end recent file process.

2. Check " don't remove file to the recycle bin, remove file immediately when delete" in the recycle bin.

3. Disable write caching on the device in devive property "policy" tab.

4. Using third party sync.exe to flushes disk buffers together with HotSwap!.exe yet still shown the same error massage.

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Format A Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk 2 TB?

Jul 20, 2012

I have a 320GB GoFlex that my computer has out grown. I purchased a new one for my computer and would like to use this smaller one for our other computer.

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Seagate Freeagent Go Usb Device Driver Download?

Jan 28, 2013

My seagate freeagent go portable hard drive is showing up as unformatted now, but has data onboard that I cannot access.

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Seagate Freeagent Goflex 500gb Software Download?

Jun 28, 2012

I have seagate freeagent goflex usb device of 500GB its not reading .please hlep in the same. i have lots of data in that hard disc.

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Media Player 12 Fails To Recognize Any Discus?

Aug 28, 2011

I'm not pc savy as most of you probably are, thus why I'm here seeking your expert advice. For some reason media player12 is not working. It fails to read any type of discs. My store bought cds or dvds. Nothing will play. It was working fine as I was able to burn a cd from my music files but now no longer works at all. I recently had the mother board replaced and main power source as well. Not sure if this has anything to do with it or not. All settings I went through and think they are correct but not entirely sure.All drivers come back as working and windows claims all is up to date. If anyone could assist me with this issue I'd be very grateful! Please however try to make the instructions as simple as possible as i'm not too familiar with pc terminolgy yet,

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Media Player Cannot Recognize An Existing Library

Aug 15, 2012

Several years ago I embarked on the task of digitising my music collection. I acquired the tools for converting the analog signal from my record player or tape deck into digital form, cleaning up the resulting ".wav" file to remove the noise and finally splitting it down into individual tracks and converting them to ".wma" format to match files "ripped" from CD�s. The resulting individual track files are named Track sequence + Track title and held in folders having the Album name. Neat and tidy and WMP 8, 9 and 10 could read them quite happily. However, these versions of WMP could not differentiate between various versions of the same piece of music and simply gathers up and stuffs into the library everything that has an audio extension even recordings of noisy meetings and Police interviews. A typical 12" vinyl record being digitised produces Side1.wav, Side2.wav, Sides 1+2.wav, depopped Sides 1+2.wav, Track1.wav, track2.wav ..............Track11.wav, Track12.wav and finally Tracks 1 to 12.wma. All of these get pulled into the library - five copies of the same piece of music. It is prudent to keep the .wav files as backup but they don�t belong in the library When I began to organise the files ripped from CD�s I was horrified to find them completely incognito, the file name is simply the track number in a folder named unknown album plus the date and time of it�s creation and itself a sub-folder the folder Unknown Artist. Useless I deleted everything that had been ripped and started afresh renaming everything. I now have - My Music, Artists, Album, Album Track1 Track2 etc. Unknown Artist, Various Artists. and this works perfectly under WMP 10 because the only audio files it has access to are those on the USB drive. Recently, two machines have died and been replaced by machines pre-loaded with Windows 7 and including WMP 12. Show this an existing library, mine has 6,095 tracks in 393 albums, it picks up ten albums at random and says that there is only one track in each. To play music I have to find the album I want to hear using Windows explorer, highlight the tracks I want to play then right click and select "Play". The front screen is fine without the swirling patterns of earlier versions but the rest is useless. Reading through other posts I gather that WMP12 follows the previous versions in building its own library but instead of using locations it copies files across to its own drive. This is not acceptable behaviour for me - so Is there a way of saying to WMP12, "My Music is on Drive x, dont mess about copying it just use it"?. or - have I to discard WMP12 and install WMP10?

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1Tb Seagate Expansion Portable Cannot Be Detected By Any Computer

Dec 13, 2012

I bought my external hard drive for about 8 month now.. it use 2.0 usb and i'm afraid i cannot recover my files inside it.

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Media Player Not Working?

May 16, 2012

my media player used to work well before, but since 2 months its not playing any music in the playlist, if i put a song it will play but then i can't put it on pause and no further songs can be played

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Windows 7 Media Player Not Working?

Nov 11, 2011

why i cant use my Window Media Player anymore..When i click on it just appear nothing..

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Windows 7 Media Player Not Working?

Jun 25, 2012

After regular updates, everything on my notebook seems to be going on the fritz.The finger print reader that came with the notebook no longer functions and I'm being told it's just not compatible with the newer versions of everything.Now my media players are not working.I've looked at those updates and still nothing works.understand how to get this working again. I can't afford to bring my notebook in and leave it somewhere for a week. I work with it every day.

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Media Player Has Stopped Working

Oct 5, 2012

Media player has stopped working suddenly does not appear as a program.

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Windows 7 Starter - Media Player Not Working

Jun 22, 2011

the file wmploc.dll. has a version number of 12.0.7601.17514 has 12 where was expected 12.0.7600.16667 windows player is not installed properly and must be reinstalled do you want to reinstall the Player from the website? this is the prompt says..

I believe i change something i dont know something like Thursday and Saturday I can't recall where did I browse it and I accidentally reset all the defaults from the auto media player devises I dnt know what is the settings. I am using a genuine Windows 7- starter Lenovo G460e.......

I cant open my media player to play music and video.

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Windiows Media Player / Vlc Has Stopped Working

Jan 3, 2013

every-time i try to open media file (let's say: .xvid) either from wmp or vlc, it gives error message wmp/vlc has stopped is checking for solution of the problem.then after 2 seconds or so i get the following message;wmp/vlc has stopped working.a problem caused this program to stop working will close the program and notify it when solution is available.then when clicked on close the program option, it closes wmp/vlc whatever was tried this on. [code] i actually have no clue why this problem is caused and i've already done following thing; [code] while running Internet vid's, flash plugin's seems to be crashing too and they are already updated.browser tries, mozilla firefox/chrome/ie.

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Windows Media Player And Most Sounds Aren't Working?

Feb 26, 2011

I was modding Morrowind and I added one too many which broke it, so I uninstalled it, thinking i could just re-install it. But then it didnt work, so i used uniblue registry booster to clean my system registry, and after that no music or sound (apart from the UAC bloop sound) worked.

What do I do guys? should I just format my drive and reinstall Windows? i could move all my important stuff to my mac

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Task Scheduler & Windows Media Player Quit Working Together?

Oct 20, 2011

I used to run a nature sound file in Media Player, to help me sleep, with Task Scheduler set to wake me up with an online radio program. First task stops, "wakeup" task starts immediately after; worked great for almost a year.Suddenly, doesn't work. Running task doesn't stop, and either wakeup task never starts, or, if it does, it runs as some sort of "ghost" instance: no window showing in the Taskbar, nothing showing in Task Manager (neither as application or as process). I have to restart the whole computer to get it to stop!Checked all the settings in Task Scheduler, tried drawing up new tasks; no change.Too bad I bought this PC with Windows 7 preinstalled--no disks to rebuild from.

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Possible To Set Windows Media Player Open As Default Media Player

Oct 29, 2012

I wanted to ask if it is possible to set Windows media player to open as the default player inside media center.The reason that I ask this is that I find media center sound is very low quality. I am using it inside windows 7 ultimate X64. I also use Media Browser and have set it to use media player as an external player but it loses some functionality after something is played I have to restart media center and media Browser to play anything again because it will go back to menus but not play anything untill

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Windows Does Not Recognize Seagate Hard Drive

Jul 11, 2011

I have a Seagate external hard drive filled with photos from a mac. I am now trying to copy those onto a pc. Windows does not recognize the drive

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Portable Dvd Player To Play MPEG4?

Dec 4, 2011

how to get a portable DVD player that can play MPEG4 files to see the MPEG4 tv shows that ive copied to an SD card from my itunes library?

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Portable Super Multi Drive LG DVD Player Will Not Work With PC

Jan 19, 2012

I have an LG portable dvd player. Never had a problem using it before, had some repairs done on laptop and now can not view any movie on laptop, even using power dvd?

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Windows Media Player For Windows 7 Ultimate Not Working?

Oct 11, 2011

The windows (Windows7 Ultimate) media player on my laptop is not wrking properly. Its not playing the newly added songs , it always palys the same defalut songs from "All Music" setion. Should chnage the extension of the files to ".mp3" before oprning them on Windows Media Player.

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Windows 7 64bit Windows Media Player Not Working?

Jan 11, 2013

I have a Dell INspiron 1525 laptop with Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on it. My windows media player will not work. Cannot play CD's or burn them. How do I fix this?

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Media Streaming Is Not Turned On?

Jan 15, 2011

I want to stream to my files to my PS3. My problem lies in that clicking the 'Turn on media streaming' button does not do anything. I've tried clearing the .wmdb files in the "%userprofile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftMedia Player" folder, but it appears that WMP is not able to populate any of my files in its "Library" (I don't actually use WMP, I use Winamp).I had it working in the past but don't know what I have changed. Also, I am using HomeGroup as there are other units in the house on Win7.

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Streaming Media From PC To Xbox 360?

Dec 30, 2011

What I would like to do is to be able to access all of my music and videos from my computer and external hard drive, on my Xbox, through my router. I am using the Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus and firewall, and no third party antivirus/antispyware or firewall programs.I have an Xbox 360 Elite, not one of the new wireless versions. I went into HomeGroup on my computer and checked 'share media with devices' and also checked music, pictures, and videos. So far I can play music on the Xbox by going to the music app and choosing my PC. The problem is, I can only play songs that are directly in the Music folder on my computer. And only certain songs at that, I'm not sure why. I have a subfolder within Music called Full Albums and I cannot play ANYthing in that subfolder. What am I missing?Also, is it possible to access music and videos on my external hard drive? Provided my external hard drive is connected to my computer of course.Lastly, I can't access anything unless I disable Windows Firewall. How do I set up an exception for the Xbox so that I don't have to disable the firewall every time I want to do this?

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Cannot Turn On Media Streaming?

May 9, 2012

I have a home network setup and am running Windows 7 Pro on my main computer. I am trying to stream my media from this computer to other devices on the network and have successfully many times on this network, mainly to a Sony tv in the living room. I don't know when or what happened, but one day I tried to watch a video on my TV, and the Windows Media Server was unavailable.-Network is setup as a "Home" Network-I have Windows firewall turned off-Am running Norton 360 firewall instead of Windows firewall-Have reset Norton firewall to all the default settings (which I believe allows media sharing by default)-Have my libraries shared-But, here's the problem I believe- when I go to Windows Media Player to ensure Media streaming is enabled, a button says "Turn media streaming on", but when I press it, it grays out for a few seconds, like it is turing it on, but then dosen't change to "Turn media streaming off", nor do I get the button at the bottom to "Save" settings.I recently converted to a SSD drive for OS and seperate data drive in RAID0, so changed a regristry key to move the user files to another drive location (all programs and files open the way they should on the computer right now, and I believe media streamiing has worked since then.

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Sync To Ipod Player Windows 7 Media Player

Nov 24, 2012

if I can sync my ipod on Windows 7 Media player.

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