Screensaver Virus-can't Get To Desktop?

Feb 16, 2013

I downloaded something I should not have downloaded in my email. I caused a screensaver to popup demanding $300. I rebooted into my other drive and ran AVG. It said if found NOTHING. I booted back into my other drive. After inputting my password to get into windows I do't get to destop there was a white screen staring at me with a mouse curser spinning around and eventually I was taken to a blank desktop with no icons and no start button.

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Icon On Desktop To Activate Screensaver

Dec 14, 2009

Is their a command I can use to active the screensaver from my desktop?

I presently have screensaver off because if I'm watching TV it will active in so many minutes unless I move the mouse. So I had to turn off but still like to active the screensaver if I walk away using an icon command from the desktop.

Is that possible?

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Screensaver Won't Load After Changing Theme Of Desktop

Jan 20, 2012

I'm having a problem with my screensaver and I don't know why I can't get it to load. I had it working just fine until I accidentally changed the theme of the desktop. I changed it and it went to some high contrast theme but I changed it back soon after. I noticed when I went back to my original theme, the screensaver was set to none. I left it alone and it never went to screensaver like it was suppose to.

I tried changing the settings to see if that would work but it refuses to move from none. The window will let me set the screensaver but the overall theme still says none on theme. No matter which theme I set it to now. The registry still has screensaver enabled, all permissions are properly set and double checked, there are no wireless mouses or keyboards that are hooked up to my computer. Its windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

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Windows 7 - Screensaver Disappearing And Desktop Appearing In Loop

Jun 21, 2011

I have my screen saver set at 15 minutes. I first noticed something odd this past weekend. The screen saver was on when I drifted off to the land of sweet dreams. Sometime during the night I woke up, looked across the room, and I saw my desktop. Other than thinking "why do I see my desktop" I thought nothing else about it. Since then I have actually seen the screen saver disappear and my desktop appear. I was on the other side of the room, not on the computer, the mouse did not get moved, and nothing happened that would cause this.

I've not been able to figure out why all of a sudden the desktop would appear. What I can do to keep the screen saver on until I want to go to my desktop? I noticed that after a while the screen saver would come back on and stay on a while before going back to the desktop. It's caught in a loop of going back and forth. In the grand scheme of things, this is not a biggie but I'd still like to know why this is happening.

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No Desktop Icons After Removing Virus?

Jul 24, 2011

I just removed a virus from my grandmothers computer, it was the Win7 Security 2012 Virus. After removing the virus there are no desktop icons and i cannot send anything to the desktop?

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Virus Moved Every File To Desktop?

Jul 26, 2011

When he came back EVERY file was moved to his desktop. I'm not talking about a few dozen files, or just doc. files. But files connected to programs, sample pics, txt. everything. Hundreds or even thousands of files have been moved onto the desktop, being layered on top. When we move a file to a temporary folder that has been created, others appear.

It sounds like every file had its address changed to be on the desktop. (ie C:UsersNameDesktop).

We are trying to get virus protection up (Norton is on the computer) but obviously the computer is only half working right now.

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Virus Moved System Folders To Desktop?

Jan 9, 2012

User, Computer, Network, and Control Panel are showing up under Desktop in windows explorer. I recently removed the fake system malware virus, which just refused to die. Everything works, but I reall don't want to have to reinstall everytWhat I want to know is how to move all the system folders back where they belong.

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Blank Desktop Screen After Clean Up Virus?

Aug 25, 2012

my laptop got totally affected by different malwares,trojans..etc. So i used avira to scan my system and removed all the viruses it showed...but after rebooting a black desktop appeared with only cursor present and no icons n no wallpapers....cursor only moves no right-click..i did some searching on how to get my desktop screen back...n i tried Ctrl-Alt-Del..then new task n typing error mssg shows up saying u dont have permission..

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Can't Change Desktop Background After The "Windows Repair Virus"?

Apr 9, 2011

So I had the "Windows Repair" virus. I succesfully removed it with MalwareBites and Ad Aware and everything seems to be working fine, with exception to my desktop background. It's pitch black.When I try to change it through personalize ->desktop backgrounds nothing happens, I can only change my background to some collor, for example from all black to all white etc.When I open My Themes folder, it's totally empty.When I try opening a picture and pushing "set as background image" it says : "the image can't be set as background. Internal error occured".Also, I don't know if it's relevant, but the virus hid some files, like my documents and internet explorer shortcut and so on. I used unhider.exe to unhide them. Also scanned my computer a couple of more times and there's no trace of adware or viruses anymore.However, I also noticed Windows Repair file can't be located, and I don't have the windows disk ( It's a Toshiba Satellite, which doesn't come with a windows cd). So frustrating..

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How Tocheck Laptop For Virus And Virus Protection

Jan 21, 2013

how do I check My labtop for virus and virus protection

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Screensaver Will Not Run?

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to run a Screensaver to install using Windows 7 I was given this to do Go to the attached .zip file and click it to run ,it will return a file called Install.exe right click on this file and select "run as administrator" the Batman screensaver will install. Next find a blank spot on your desktop and right click select personalize open screen savers and select install set you time interval and all should be well. When I click it to run , file called Install.exe right click on this file and select "run as administrator" the Batman screensaver The "run asadministrator"i it always ends up in Windows system c drive runs from their when I

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Add Screensaver

Nov 26, 2009

Just setting up a new laptop with Windows 7 Pro. I would like to add a .scr file I created and used in my Windows XP Pro. Can I just move a copy of it into the Windows>System32 directory and then select it in the Personalization window (selecting the theme I'm using and then Screensaver)? In XP of course this was all done by right clicking on the desktop and selecting Properties. This brought up the Display Properties window where everything could be changed.

Anything to be careful of when adding to the System32 directory? Just don't want to screw anything up!

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Dec 30, 2009

I set my screensaver for two minutes to check that it works properly. I have Windows Media Player running, and after 5 minutes, it still hasn't kicked in. Does it not work if WMP is running? I haven't touched the mouse or keyboard.

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Screensaver Bug

Apr 27, 2009

If I set my screensaver, It still shows "none" (see pic) I have had this problem on 7077 and 7100 (i think before that too) on this machine the screensaver still works but is everyone else having this issue? I also have power issues on another machine. It keeps turning the monitor on. That could be a mouse issue although I've tried two mice and it still happens. I am having all sorts of issues with themes in general but have any of you seen this?

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Screensaver Will Not Work

Dec 16, 2009

I just bought a new Gateway SX2802 desktop with Windows 7. I cannot get the screensaver to come on.

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Screensaver Does Not Work

Aug 2, 2011

I am trying to run a Screensaver to install I was given this to do Go to the attached .zip file and click it to run ,it will return a file called Install.exe right click on this file and select "run as administrator" the Batman screensaver will install. Next find a blank spot on your desktop and right click select personalize open screen savers and select install set you time interval and all should be well. When I click it to run , file called Install.exe right click on this file and select "run as administrator" the Batman screensaver The "run as administrator"i it always ends up in system 32 runs from their when I go to the screensaver list install which is the Batman Screeensaver name is frozen can I post a screenshot please can someone run the

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Screensaver Keeps Failing

Oct 7, 2012

Win 7 Home Prem SP1, 64 bit, 8 gb ram. Only using the screensavers that come with Windows, no matter which one I select at varying times it will fail. I can normally reboot and it works again for a time or switch to a new selection where it will work for 2-3 weeks again. I can't find any information on others experiencing the same issue and have been using numerous virus/spyware apps to find anything. MS Security Essentials, Avast, Stinger, Housecall, SuperAntiSpyware and only find tracking cookies.I know it would help if I could get the exact error message and will update when I do get a chance to write it down.

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Can't Get Screensaver To Activate

Mar 11, 2012

cant get screensaver to activate

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Set A Screensaver As A Wallpaper

Aug 10, 2009

While looking around i find an app that was make for windows 95 it worked on windows 7 also

What it does it that it runs your screensaver as wallpapers

link to app here

i have worked out if you go

task manager > processes > then close scrPaper.exe

that will close the box but leave the background running

(stop background to go processes then find (name of screensaver).scr

There is only one problem with this, it hides all your desktop icons anyone have an idea how to fix this?

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Photo Screensaver

Jan 15, 2009

can anyone help is there a way to get photo screensaver to show photos in wide screen?

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Screensaver Will Not Start?

Jan 15, 2013

I've asked the screensaver to become active after 10 minutes of inactivity on the computer.For some reason this does not happen. I've tried to disconnect USB services such as wireless mouse, keyboard and joystick without any luck. The preview of the screensaver will start perfectly and moving the mouse a bit stops it, however in normal use of the computer the screensaver will not start.

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Screensaver Not Working

Oct 15, 2009

my screensaver has worked in the past. at some point i noticed it was no longer working, so i messed around a bit. i think all i did was change the time to something different, and it came back to life for another day or so. it has stopped again, and all of my old tricks are no longer working. i'm pretty sure i have all the power settings correct, and i've been using the screensaver window for years, so those are correct too. I've read about wireless keyboards and mice being a problem, but both of mine are wired.

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Screensaver Music

Nov 22, 2009

When my monitor powers down after inactivity, music starts to play. I'm assuming this is part of windows 7 themes but I cant find an option to turn it off.

How do I turn it off?

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Screensaver: Using Two Monitors

Nov 24, 2009

I am using two monitors on my system at work, and for some reason my "Monitor 2" goes blank when "Monitor 1" is showing the screensaver in action.

Is there any way to have the screensaver on both monitors simultaneously.

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Avatar Screensaver

Dec 12, 2009

I am looking for a screensaver from the Movie "Avatar" that is coming out on 18th December to go with my Windows 7 Official Theme. Can you point me in the direction or can anyone make one ?

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Keyboard And Screensaver

Jan 11, 2009

1: Screensaver does not seem to kick in when it should (at all) I am updating my wireless MS 5ooo driver, that did the trick in Vista not allowing the screensaver to kick in....hope that works, or anybody else notice this too?

2: I am looking fo an HP multimedia keyboard driver to use so I can use the buttons to open my cd drawers, etc.... keyboard model kb-0630

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Screensaver Not Starting

May 22, 2009

Like many others I was having a problem with the screen saver not starting, and the monitors not powering down (had the same problem in Vista).

After going through a series of tests using msconfig and getting no results, I started to un-hook hardware. The first thing I un-plugged was my Contour Shuttle Pro v2 NLE editing controller.

The screensavre started right away and the monitors will now power down.

No solution for the moment except to keep it un-plugged from the USB port until I need to use it.

My hardware:Asus P5E-VM-HDMI mobo, core duo E6750 2.66GHz, 4GB RAM, Nvida geForce 9500 GT and 2x Dell 2209WA monitors.

A trouble report was sent to Contour, and I hope they will respond positivly.

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The Screensaver Is Not Loading

Jan 13, 2011

I want the screen saver to load after 20 minuets. But currently after 20 minutes the power saver of the screen is loading instead...

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Screensaver Problem

Dec 29, 2009

Iv'e recently bought a new laptop and it came with Windows 7 Home Premium x64. I was setting up my computer and decided to set a nice little screen saver. Well I went to the menu and selected one. A message appeared that read "You need to download Direct 3D 9.0" or something like that. Iv'e tried to find it but I cant....Can anyone give me a download link? Or is it some other kid of problem?

MORE: It now appears that Windows Media Player will not play any videos or photos...only audio.

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Screensaver Cannot Turn On

Jul 24, 2010

For the longest time now, I'd say about 4 months, my screensaver has not been able to turn on for whatever reason. I did my research online and found that my wireless mouse (Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 3000 is what I have) could very well be the problem. I found, through research that 2 Windows Updates ("Microsoft - Other hardware - Microsoft Hardware wireless mouse driver", and "Microsoft - Other hardware - HID Non-User Input Data Filter (KB 911895)") could resolve it. While it had already said they were installed on my computer, I ended up uninstalling both updates in order to reinstall them but once I did, the screensaver still didn't come on.

I also went through Microsoft Help and they said there were other alternatives such as installing Intellipoint for my Wireless mouse (Which I did) and ending some "PowerDVD service" thing which I don't have. And now my screensaver STILL doesn't work when I have it set. Anyone else have any ideas or tips on what I should do? I also went to CRTL+ALT+DLT to bring up processes and went to the "services" tab and I don't know if there is any service I should END in order for my screensaver to work again.

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Symbols On Screensaver

Jul 23, 2012

Our screensaver is supposed to use images from the My Pictures folder, but it also displays symbols from some deep system root directory. These symbols are annoying. How do I stop them?

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