Reinstall Windows 7 Home Pro On My HP?

Jul 17, 2012

I'm trying to reinstall Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit for MY slimline HP Pavillion, purchased 10/2009 (HDD crashed, no recovery, I already blanked/formatted drive):


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Reinstall Windows 7 Home SSD Or Regular HD?

Nov 17, 2012

If you are reinstalling Windows 7 and detects 2 separate main hard drives (32gb SSD and 466gb HD) , which one do you install it to? SSD or HD?

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How To Reinstall Windows 7 Home Premium

Feb 9, 2012

Just bought a Japanese laptop and I am planning a reinstall of Windows 7 Home Premium with some UK installation discs. Will the Japanese OS product code still be valid with the UK install?

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Use The Product Key To Reinstall Windows 7 Home Premium?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a HP PC with the windows 7 Home Premium, I want to reinstall the windows 7 but I don't have the disc. How can I just use the product key to reinstall it?

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New Harddrive And Reinstall Windows 7 Home Preimum?

Mar 29, 2012

I have a HP Laptop that I need to replace the Hard Drive on. My question is when I replace the Hard Drive, Can I use the restore CD I create to start installing Windows 7 back onto the new Drive? Also would be possible to use a windows 7 restore CD from another Windows 7 home pc? in case I cannot create a windows restore cd on the laptop with the bad drive.

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Reinstall Cd And Dvd Devices On Windows 7 Home Computer?

Jun 3, 2012

Reinstall cd and dvd devices on windows 7 home computer

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Windows 7 Home Premium Reinstall Using Upgrade Disc?

Oct 4, 2010

I need to reinstall & was wondering if I have to install Xp first or is there a way of just using the upgrade disc.

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Reformat And Reinstall Windows 7 Home Premium Without Disk?

Oct 28, 2011

My laptop didn't come with an OS disk. I have 56GB out of 250, and honestly I don't know where it all went. Is there any way to reinstall without a disk? I'm not too big into torrenting things like this, but if its the only way I guess I would have to.

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Can't Access Other Home Computers Drives Since Windows 7 Reinstall

Oct 16, 2011

I recently did a complete reinstall of Windows 7 64-bit on my desktop computer and now I can't access shared drives on my wife's Windows 7 computer (home ethernet network). I was able to install and use the shared printer attached to her computer. I am able to add her shared drives to my Windows Explorer as mapped network drives, but if I click on one an error box pops up: "J: is not accessible. Access is denied."

Her computer and all of her drives show up in the Network section of Windows Explorer, but if I click on one, I get a Network Error popup saying "Windows cannot access \Wife-pcc. You do not have permission to access \Wife-pcc. Contact your network administrator to request access." I am able to control her desktop and transfer files using UltraVNC...that's actually the only way I can transfer files at the moment.

If, from her computer, I right-click her C: drive, select Properties -> Sharing, it shows the drive is shared. If I click the Advanced Sharing button, and then click the Permissions button, under "Group or user names" it shows "Everyone", and shows the permissions as Full Control, Change, and Read. What else do I need to do so that I can access her drives as Mapped Network Drives? I was able to do so prior to reinstalling Windows 7 on my computer, and nothing has changed on her computer.

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Trying To Wipe HD Clean And Reinstall Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OEM

Apr 30, 2012

Would like to know what the proper way to go about formating hard drive and reinstalling windows 7 all I have is the repair disk, data back up disk & the Image disk i got the dell laptop from bestbuy and geeksquad did the set up well actually 3 weeks ago my motherboard and processor took a crap and it was replaced but i dont have a windows disk and actually had to get a program to track down the cd key but i dont have any dell software installed in here and its missing to many system files to run down. so i fifgured i would just "start over".

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Windows Network Location: Public Versus Home At Home?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm reimaging one of my home systems that I intend to use as a "sterile" system (I will visit very a very limited selection sites on it, such as banking sites). I'm considering establishing the network location as "Public" instead of "Home", rationale being this would help prevent cross infection from other computers on my home network if they get a worm or virus. I do have friends that come over and hop on my network sometimes and who knows what contamination their systems have. Is this being overly paranoid? Will it cause annoying problems for this sterile system or other systems in my home network? I don't intend to share anything on this system with other computers on my home network. Seems to me that this ought to be the recommended setting for any computer always ... you can always share files using a USB drive if you really need to. Thoughts? Again maybe I am being overly paranoid. Back in the day there used to be worms that would look for ways to hop from system to system over the network, maybe that's much much harder these days. I do have a router between the DSL modem and my home network and I do run Norton Internet Security on all my systems?

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No Sound After Upgrading From XP Home SP3 To Windows 7 Home Premium SP1

Jan 6, 2012

Recently ive decided that Well i should upgrade this computer. give it a bit of ..well style.But since ive upgraded to Windows 7 there has been no sound whatsoever. Ive downloaded countless driver programs which tell you what sound card you have and not one has detected it. IVE ALSO downloaded drivers for the Windows 7 version of my sound (Realtek AC97) and ran windows updates and NONE worked. ive ran the troubleshooter on the sound thing...STILL not detecting any sound card. i tried changing the audio in BIOS from auto - enabled....nothing.


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Windows 7 Home 32 Bit Home Edtion Is Stuck On Starting Windows Screen

Mar 26, 2011

My 2 year old $400 Acer laptop that has win 7 32 bit home edition locked up while surfing last night and I cannot get it to open.I tried safe mode it hangs up on the starting windows screen. I hit F8 and tried the launch start up repair function to no avail.When the laptop locked up the screen went off white like someone was trying to IM me and nothing opened. I pulled the battery out to shut the laptop down since I didn't like the look of what was happening and none of the buttons or other prompts would work.I have a current version of McAffe and was using Firefox.

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IE9 Multiple Home Pages - Home Icon Disappears?

Sep 19, 2011

I generally have about 6 or so home pages that can change quite frequently, and since upgrading to IE9 it has been much more difficult to manage them. The Home icon is not always present, depending on which shortcut I use to open IE9. And the down arrow next to it is generally not there. I've tried turning on the Command Bar, which helps but takes up more screen real estate than I'd like, because I have quite a few items in the Favorites bar. Is there anyone that has found a better way to manage the homepages?

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Upgrading Windows 7 Home To Professional, And Re-using Windows 7 Home?

Dec 18, 2011

I purchased a new Hard Drive, and I installed Windows 7 Home Premium on it.I recently purchased an upgrade that upgraded Windows 7 Home Premium into Windows 7 Professional.I still have Windows Vista on my other Laptop, and I was wondering if I could re-use Windows 7 Home Premium to upgrade my vista into Windows 7.

In other words, I am going to maintain Windows 7 Professional on Laptop One(which I upgraded after I installed Windows 7 Home Premium on it) while being able to update Laptop Two from Windows Vista into the Windows 7 Home Premium that I upgraded into Windows 7 Professional.

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Upgrading 7 Home Basic 32 To 7 Home Premium 64

Jun 22, 2011

I have sort of a special case here. I purchased my HP laptop in Thailand, and much to my chagrin it came installed with Windows 7 Home Basic. In addition, the HP store which sold me the laptop installed 4gb of RAM neglecting to tell me that the 32bit version of 7 only supported up to 3. At any rate, I am hoping to upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 Bit edition.But while there is a glut of information online about how to upgrade from Starter, there is little to nothing about Home Basic. Do I have to buy a full copy of 7 Home Premium 64 Bit? Can I buy an Anytime Upgrade that is meant for Starter and apply it to my computer?

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Home Network Set But Windows 7 Says Can't Join Homegroup, No Home Network

Oct 8, 2012

5 month old Dell XPS 8500 Win 7 64 bit Pro as main computer connected by Wired Adapter, Upgraded Gateway 5632E also running Win 7 64 bit pro as second connected by Wireless. Both running Kapersky successfully. no network problems for 5 mo.

Both were successfully linked using homegroup. Had to take Gateway to a remote location to do a business demo. While there had to link to a local public WiFi. While connecting made mistake and left homegroup.

When Gateway returned to homebase a few days later it was fine, had no problems finding wireless but could not see or rejoin Dell machine homegroup. It would let me set up a new homegroup.

Went to Dell box and found 1) homegroup no longer existed, 2) router and network and wireless printing no longer found - Red X on the taskbar) even though internet was still working fine.

Took nearly a week of trying differernt fixes, on adapter- off adapter- different adapter reboot network, router, even updated router firmware (Yes I went through every ipconfig reset, renew, redecorate etc. I've used netsh functions to try to get evrything to reset. Changes services.msc settings per other posts. Finally in desperation, deleted every sub key in the registry related to network locational awareness and got the Dell to find the network, let me set it up as a "home" network and then even see the invitation to join the Gateway's homegroup.

Then I hit a wall- when I try to join- Win 7 says I can't join the homegroup because the network is not a "home network". Of course troubleshooting is useless and goes into an endless loop. Have searched in desperation for any way to make Win 7 return to a clean slate so it can sense that it really is on a home network without success. Applied the fix-it and hotpatch for when Win 7 gets stuck in public mode. No joy. Deleted the hide wizard subkey as suggested elsewhere. No Joy. Gut feeling says problem must lie in the NLA or peer networking somewhere but where?

Does anyone know of a method or set of steps (short of a clean reinstall of Win 7) to completely clear every thing the OS knows about my network and force it to acknowlege my network is a home network? Is there a registry hack that will clear the problem?

I know I could abandon the homegroup and do conventional file/print share but I am concerned that using that solution won't last as whatever is screwing up the homegroup could eventually screw regular sharing and then I'm back to reformating/reinstalling. I'm just about ready to join the Apple folks so I never have to work on Windows again.

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Windows 7 Reinstall

Aug 27, 2011

I just spent the last half day fixing a laptop, had to buy a new hard drive and reinstall the OS from recovery discs. (Win 7 64 bit, on Satellite Toshiba) I just noticed that I did not install it with a partition for the OS, Is this going to be a big problem at some point? I had checked off "Factory Settings" when installing, I just assumed that it would have installed with a partition. Before I go any further with this laptop I would like to have some input please. I just spent the last 3 hours installing updates and finally SP1.

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Lag After Windows 7 Reinstall

Apr 5, 2011

My computer was blue screening, freezing, locking up, etc so I took it to a repair shop and to make sure all the hardware was ok. All the tests passed but the problems were still continuing. They eventually decided to reinstall my OS which is Windows 7 and everything's been working fine except my computer is a lot slower and frequently feels laggy where they mouse would freeze up for a few seconds or move slowly across the screen. I have already tried cleaning out my registry with CCleaner and tried defragmenting but to no avail. I was wondering if there is another way to solve my computer lag problem.

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How To Reinstall Windows

Dec 26, 2011

So, for performance reasons I need to wipe and reinstall windows on my laptop. Do I need to buy a new registration code [$$ ] or will windows recognize that the computer is the same and let me use the same key??

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Way To Reinstall Windows Old?

Jul 7, 2011

I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and recently had a system crash. I got a blue screen stating ''hard error'' and my system was promptly restarted. Startup repair tried to do his things but it failed(and did an endless loop in trying to do so). I couldn't boot in safe mode, I couldn't do anything. I resorted to reinstalling Windows 7 using my CD. I took the custom installation rather than the upgrade because the upgrade would essentially lead to the endless startup repair loot. Now, after everything was done, it's said my old Windows is still on the computer under the file name ''Windows old'', I checked and it is indeed there. Wouldn't there be a way to reinstall Windows old? I really don't want to be forced to reinstall all my drivers and updates.

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Windows 7 Won't Reinstall?

Jan 15, 2011

I can't get windows to reinstallI changed the controllers to ahci (because i think the system isnt reconising my ssd as i only get a 5.9 experience score with it) in regedit which seemed to work then changed ahci in bios then windows won't boot , I've tried to run my genuine windows disk to reinstall windows but it won't get past about 20% then I get 'windows cannot install required files, the file does not exist, make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation, error code 0x80070002

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Cant Reinstall Windows 7?

Feb 26, 2011

i am using thoshiba laptop with OS windows 7. two days back my battery part became very hot and in a quick i turn off my system.But then after i cant boot my system with battery.. that means my battery is last day on wards i cant do any thing with my lap...i cant boot..then i tried to re install my system. so i put my os dvd and trid to boot from dvd..any hw it worked and when i select my system drive it is showing a message " windows canot installed to disk 0 part 1". then i formated that drive and tried once again this time also i got the same error message. then i clicked the more details their they are showing the error message" Winodws cannot installed to tjis disc. this computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the bios"

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Windows 7 Reinstall From 64 Bit To 32 Bit

Apr 26, 2011

We purchased 2 new computers for work and they both contain Windows 64 bit. Our accounting program is not compatible with 64 bit. I have found a work-around but it isn't very stable (using Windows XP virtual mode).

So, my plan was to reinstall Windows 32 bit on the machine. The machine is an HP 505B Microtower. I have an official version of 32 bit Windows 7 Professional. I understand that the one on the HP is OEM, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it with the serial number (I did back up the activation certificates using the ABR Utility).

I downloaded the ISO from the Microsoft store, so it's an official Windows version. I created a bootable USB drive using DISKPART to clean and format the drive and using the bootsect.exe file from the mounted ISO to make it bootable. I then copy the entire contents of the mounted ISO to the flash drive. I have done this to install Windows 7 before and it has worked flawlessly.

Then when I boot from the flash drive on the HP, it gives me the "Install" screen and then it asks for CD/DVD drivers. I am assuming it really means the SATA drivers for the HD, because the DVD drive isn't even in use at this point. So, I go to the HP site and download the drivers for the storage devices. When I browse to that directory on the CD, Windows Install sees the driver and tries to install it, but still says that it cannot find any appropriate drivers.

I've read about possible reasons this error occurs. Some people have had bad burns from their ISO. Since mine is on a flash drive, it's not the burn. I have re-copied the files. I even re-downloaded the ISO and did the process all fresh just in case some random file was corrupted, still with the same error.

I can't seem to figure out why it won't let me get past the drivers point. I've never had to load drivers when installing Windows 7. All my other installs have gone flawelessly, even on machines that have come with OEM version of Windows.

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How To Zap Windows 7 And Reinstall

May 20, 2011

I've got fundamental problems with my music software (Sonar) that other users and the company can't replicate. After days wasted trying for solutions I've decided the only route is completely clean reinstall of Windows 7.I just tried a custom clean install from the disk, but now on switch on I'm given a choice between 'windows 7' and 'windows 7', the former taking me to a bare bones version (what I need really) and the second to my old fullblown setup that I want to lose. I've got my data on other drives so I'm happy to zap all this. How do I do I good old fashioned format and then a reinstall? I'm not computer savvy so I know I need to proceed carefully as the OS disk I think is part of a real hard drive.

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Can't Reinstall Windows 7 At All

Aug 15, 2011

I have this problem since i "hacked" the Registry and I can't reinstall windows 7 at all.

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How To Reinstall Windows 7

Nov 21, 2011

My computer has a ton of viruses and I want to do a clean reinstall of windows 7. My computer originally came with Vista but a year later I upgraded to 7 Home Premium. I upgraded by buying a product key (no disc) from the Microsoft website and downloading some file/application to install 7. I cannot find this file nor can I find anywhere on the Microsoft website which would allow me to download it again.

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Reinstall Windows 7 On New Hd?

Jan 15, 2013

I want to put a new and large hd in aspire 5517 laptop. Can I use my original disk for this? Someone told me I would have to buy a new version.

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How To Reinstall Windows Xp

Jul 25, 2010

i have dell inspiron 630m, how do i reinstall windows xp from dell hidden partition?

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Reinstall Ie8 Windows 7 64 Bit?

May 21, 2011

remove ie9 and replace it with ie8, so my printer will work with ie!! Itworks well with firefox 3.6.17

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Reinstall Windows 7?

Jun 19, 2011

I bought a HP tm2 notebook and it came with Windows 7 home premium 64bits installed. wanna know if I can re-install windows (with any windows 7 home premiun 64bits DVD) and using the code which is in a sticker in the notebook. Would it become a pirate copy? I wanna re-install windows, because HP installed too many unuseful things and I want a clear instalation.

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