Reboot Windows 7 To Access Second User Profile?

Jul 18, 2010

I have 2 users on my computer operated by Windows 7. When logged in the first user account I have to reboot Windows 7 in order to access the second user and vice versa.

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Unable To Access User Profile On Windows 7?

Oct 20, 2012

This same problem happened about 1-2 months ago on the first user profile on the computer. My cousin and I searched google and all we could find was deleting 1 of 2 registries or something along those lines, we tried and it didn't work. Since the problem seemed like a one in a million shot, we eventually settled on copying the contents of the other user profile into a new user profile through the hidden administrator account. We just used that account instead. The other account is still on the computer as well

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User Profile Blocking Access To A Certain Website?

Apr 10, 2012

There is a user in my office who needs access to a website. The site has been added to the "favorites bar" in IE. The user had access to this site last month and now when attempting to access site they recieve the error message "Internet Explorer cannot display the Webpage" When I log on as a different user, and user the same shortcut from the other users favorites the Web page opens normally. I believe that this is a profile problem but unsure of how to address it.I don't want to delete the user profile.The Machine is a Dell E6400 with Windows 7 and Office 2010, Internet Explorer 8?

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User Profile Service-service Failed Logon-user Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Nov 17, 2012

when i try to create a new user profile ~ with or without a password, it shows up on the main login page, but when i click on it to open, the message "UserProfileService_service failed the logon_user profile cannot be loaded". i have searched microsoft support with little solutions listed. and the ones that are listed seem too technical for me to be trying on my own. there are many posts there with this problem, but they all seem to be several years old.

i am using windows 7. i have never been able to create any accounts other than my administrator account & the one account i use for all my general computer use. i have been using norton 360 with no problems. i have resorted to just using any "log in/log out' links on all the sites my husband wants to use.i am really not all that confident doing anything super technical to fix this, since i don't have a real understanding of different extensions or types of files. i am afraid i could really mess everything up really bad. but, it would just be SO MUCH EASIER & FASTER if i had my account & my husband had his own account.

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User Profile Service Service Failed Logon / User Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Jul 13, 2011

My wife's Dell desktop (after a nighttime thunderstorm) will not permit her to log on. When she enters the password she gets the following message: "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded". Has anyone encountered this issue and is there a user fix, or should we take the computer back to where it was bought for service?

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'User Profile Service Failed' When Changing Default User Location

Apr 22, 2011

I changed the values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList in order to move the default user locations to my second partition. I then created a new user profile but when I try to login I get the message 'The User Profile Service failed the login'. When I set these values back to normal, new accounts work fine but I really want my user accounts on the second partition.

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User Accounts Created But Not Able To Logon - No User Profile

Feb 17, 2012

I am a lab technician for Microsoft classes at a community college. One of our students somehow messed up his hard drive. The computer is running Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-bit. The system has two administrator accounts and one standard user account. I am still able to logon with those accounts and there are SID keys for each of these users in the registry.

Now when we create a new user, the account is created without any problems. The user shows up on the logon page and after running the net user command, it shows up there as well. When I try to logon with the new user, I get a message: The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

None of the new user accounts show up in the registry. The other anomaly that I see is that the Default User folder is missing in each of the Users subdirectory for the three accounts where I have no problems.

I have read the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 947215 and none of the methods apply to my problem. I also checked Local Group Policies and the Do not logon users with temporary profiles setting is not configured.

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Windows Profile Deleted After Black Screen / Reboot

Jan 14, 2012

After installing 2 new GPU's i tried to run a game when suddenly my screen turned black. I rebooted my pc, logged into my normal account and everything was changed to basic ( like you just installed windows 7 ). A small thing popped up saying: User profile has been damaged. You are now using a temporary profile. ( Files that have been installed will be removed after the system has been shut off )I went to my User profile file and tried open it, but a messages popped up saying: C/Users/Jens Cannot be opened.File has been damaged and cannot be opened.Ive been searching on google, but i havent found anything to fix this.

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Windows 7 Reverts Back To Old Wireless Profile On Reboot?

Sep 23, 2010

Windows 7 continues to revert back to the old wireless profile despite me deleting all old wireless profiles. Wireless adapter is Edimax EW-7128g, newest drivers for Windows 7 64bit First set up a WEP profile the usual manner by connecting using the bottom-right wireless networking widget; "Save this connection", yes. Works right off the bat, first time Needed to switch to WPA on router for better security. Same router. Done. Entered new credentials using the same wireless networking widget. Works fine first time, right off the bat. Computer enters sleep mode overnight. Upon a wake (or restart, or cold boot) - Windows 7 reverts back to the old WEP profile. I go into "Manage Wireless Networks" I select the profile from the list, hit DELETE. Removes it from the list. ADD new profile, supply proper WPA credentials, "Save this connection". Works fine. Manage wireless networks displays proper information (WPA security) Restart, or reboot, or logoff. BOOM. Back to using the old WEP profile!Tried this using Administrator account and user account. Same behavior. Workaround is to change the security type credentials or delete & create a new profile every time windows is rebooted/logoff/restart. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. I am not using the vendor's connection utility. Windows cannot remember the new connection profile and despite me deleting the old one ... continues to revert back to it.

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Windows 7: User Accounts Profile Missing

Feb 11, 2012

On Windows 7 that I am having here I have number of users using it and they have their account as well on it. Well that is not the issue there. Now I have seen that when the user tries to login to the account he can see a message saying that the user profile is not loaded correct manner. After that it just gets the user logged in an account. After seeing the login I have seen that Windows make the loggin for that user in with a temporary profile.

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How To Restore User Profile Folder In Windows 7

Jan 1, 2013

i deleted my user profile to solve a problem of win7 locking up. now i realize i deleted 20 years of my kids pictures and my wife's documents. i ran a system restore but it did not restore the pics and docs. Are these recoverable?

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Windows 7 Loads Temp User Profile On Every Two Reboots?

Sep 21, 2012

since about two weeks ago, every two times I power my laptop on, windows fails to load the my user profile and greets me with the temp user profile where I can't access my files and such. however, if I reboot after that it loads my user profile sucessfully. but if I reboot again It loads the temp profile. I scanned unsing My antivirus, and it turned up no bad results. I then tried a disk check, but it only was on for less then 5 seconds when it just said "the disk is clean." i'm not sure what to do now. any suggestions? it's really irritataing having to constantly reboot every time i turn my laptop on.

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Creating Default User Profile In Windows 7 64bit?

Oct 30, 2010

Since windows 98, We have always been able to do the first time logon, setup all the applications, desktop settings, IE settings, everything, with a 'profile' user. We then rebooted the machine, logged on as administrator and Deleted the contents of the 'default user' folder and copied that 'profile' user sub folders into the 'default user' folder. We would then reset the permissions on that, 'default user' and all the sub folders of the 'default user' folder to allow access. This way when ANY user logs into the machine all the settings are as they should be rather than having to go through them all again from the beginning each and every time a FTL (first time logon) occurs.

It is also very good when a profile becomes corrupted and you have to start over. When I try this in windows 7 64bit I've now messed it up so that any new user that logs in gets an error message saying they've been logged in with temporary profile and all changes will be lost when log out. Although, all the setting seem to be there. So I'm just missing the something that tells windows 7 this new default is ok. Can this still be done? What are the steps now? What has changed and how do we accomplish this, at one time, simple task? {I have done this successfully with Vista 32 bit} .

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Admin Account On Windows 7 Says User Profile Service Failed

May 3, 2012

So I only have one account on my computer and its my admin account and when I log on it say user profile service failed to log on. I've read a bunch of stuff online and so far nothing has worked for me. I really need to solve this problem so I can get back to using my computer. I don't have any system backups so I need to be able to solve this without one. When I open my computer in safe mode I get an error that says c:windowssystem32configsystemprofiledesktop refers to a file that is unavailable. I cant get into cmd mode in regular safe mode but I opened safe mode with cmd and put in a few different things online I found, one was net user administrator /active:yes and the other was something similiar but with no at the end. Both cmd's were accepted but they did nothing.

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User Profile Folder - Static Folder Instead Of Created By User Signon

Feb 18, 2012

A twist on the creation of user folders on a drive other than C: in Win 7 Ultimate. Does anyone know if one could designate a user folder location such as E:Data instead of using the users name and being a subdirectory of "Users". I am the ONLY one on my computer - and it would seem much easier to look to the top folder in the E drive than clicking thru E:, users, name, documents, project. I fully realize that I can set up shortcuts, but when you are in an application that wants to place a file somewhere else and presents you with an explorer windows it is a pain. The only method I thought of is using redirection with symbolic links.

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Cannot Log On User Profile

Jul 31, 2011

I cannot log on to either of the accounts on my HP laptop running Windows 7. I get a message saying " The User Profile service failed the logon" User Profile cannot be loaded. I cannot procedd any further with loading up.

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No Access To Windows 7 Main Profile

Jan 4, 2012

Windows 7 Enterprise desktop is black and icons on desktop and taskbar can't access shortcut destinations. Can't change desktop background t normal.MS Excel icon on desktop doesn't function at all. When starting MS Excel manually, there doesn't seem to be any problems.Lightroom can't start because cannot create files in temporary file location c:users...AppDataLocalTemp Pinned Windows Media Player on the Taskbar gives an error: Can't open this item, it may be removed, deleted and etc.At first glance Advanced security settings of Usersuser folder are correct.Looks like user doesn't have access right to profile.

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User Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Feb 6, 2013

I had to restore my computer. After I did so and it went through the new setup, I supplied a new password. When I went to logon, it accepted my password but then at the next screen, iit read:The User Service service [sic] failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

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Recreate A User's Profile?

Mar 31, 2010

I've already stumbled onto an issue with a users's profile and am trying to apply what I would typically do in XP to Windows 7 but it's stuck on wanting to load the Temporary profile for this user. So as a novice of this sort, how can I recreate a users profile?

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Cannot Copy User Profile

Oct 29, 2011

Windows 7 Home premium. I have done everything I can think of and am stumped. The old XP way of creating the new user account,logging into it to create a profile, then copying one profile to another doesn't work. Perhaps there is a good reason. In desperation I even enabled the built in administrator account in cmd prompt and logged on as that user. But the copy area is still greyed out.

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How To Remove User V2 Profile

Jul 2, 2012

I've upgraded my desktop system from XP to Vista then to Win 7 Home Premium and now have the infamous User.V2 profile which I would like to get rid of. I've searched for information on how to do this but all of the information I've found is way above my pay grade.

1) Is it OK to remove the User.V2 profile?

2) Simple, but complete, step-by-step instructions on how to to remove it?

This is a home system, I share some files with a Win 7 laptop via a wireless home network but do not connect to any other networks.

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How To 'Un-Hide' User Profile

Jun 6, 2010

I was just in Windows Explorer, planning to modify my Startup programs. Navigated to "C:/ Windows7_OS / Users" and right-clicked on my User Profile "Bill". From the right-click menu, I selected "Properties", and then on the "General" tab, there is a checkbox under Attributes called "Hidden". I thought, "oh great, I will check this and then I will be able to see all of my hidden files".I selected "Hidden", and clicked "Apply".Now my User Profile "Bill" is hidden, and I cannot figure out how to unhide it. Everything associated with my User Profile is now hidden application shortcuts, My Favorites, etc.Can anyone tell me how to "Un-Hide" my User Profile?

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Renaming User Profile?

Jul 22, 2010

I just purchased my new (to me) HP laptop, a former demo unit at the local wal mart, and went through the motions of setting up the system.course, that sticks me with the user name brenda. I've tried to copy the user folder contents to a new account, but some of the files are access protected (even from the owning user, I checked).not really to far in to start fresh, but I absolutly hate having to redo all that work cause of one little (really should be easy to fix) issue

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Migrate 1 User Profile To Another?

Oct 27, 2010

I have Windows 7 installed and I need to migrate everything from 1 user to another on the same machine. I looked at the easy migrate tool, but it seems to only work if 2 computers are connected to migrate from 1 to another. Is there a way to be logged in to bothe old and new user at the same time to accomplish this?

I have also downloaded USMT with Windows AIK, but I have no idea where to start with this. I am not technologically savvy at all, so I am having a hard time even knowng where to start.

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Migrating User Profile

Mar 30, 2011

Windows Easy Transfer doesn't work the way I think it should. After completing the Transfer Windows itself takes on a similar look to the original configuration, but the settings that I most desire to migrate are left behind. I'm talking about all the little tweaks to the registry, stuff like mousehoveractivate, tootip delay times, etc. The stuff that is transfered seems aimed more towards applications. Is there something I'm missing? Perhaps there is a way to get the tweaks straight from the registry and transfer them that way?

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User Profile Won't Load

Jun 29, 2011

Logging in to the PC profile won't load the usual settings and programs.This occurred after changing the PC from a workgroup to a domain and back to a workgroup after the domain failed to connect to Windows SBS 2008 R2.

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User Profile Cannot Be Loaded?

Apr 12, 2011

My computer will not allow me to log on because it cannot find my user profile. Is this a serious error or something that a computer person could fix quickly and easily?

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User Profile Cannot Be Loaded?

Aug 24, 2011

When trying to log on as Administrator, computer apparently does not recognize password. I get messages, "The User Profile Service service failed the logon" and "User profile cannot be loaded".

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Computer Can't Load User Id Profile And Cannot Log In

Jan 19, 2012

My computer after I type in my password to log in says that my user profile cant be updated. I can access it in safe mode which I am currently on. I have already installed malware bytes and run it in addition to combo fix. Maybe I did something wrong while using either of those programs and they did work correctly but nothing has changed.

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Failure Of User Profile Service?

Dec 6, 2012

Just had error report " user profile service service failed the login User profile cannot be loaded" on a longstanding Standard User Account. Password entered was OK and no other Accounts giving any probs.

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User Profile Service Failed

Apr 29, 2011

I created a new User but when trying to logon the following message appears:"The User Profile Service failed the logon.User profile cannot be loaded"I have tried both Administrator and Guest account types

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