Problem Networking 7 Machine With Vista And XP Machines

Dec 22, 2009

7 put up a network wizard as soon as I started the machine and I answered questions as best I could. I had trouble renaming the work-group but think I've done that ok and was connected to the Internet immediately, but wouldn't argue if you told me I had created a problem somewhere along here.

Our setup is:

Desktop running XP, which is connected to the wireless router by cable

Laptop running Vista

Laptop running 7

The problem is mainly on the (new) 7 laptop. When I go to network, only the Vista laptop appears above the line (not even the 7 laptop itself!) and below the line are media devices with the name of the 7 laptop and the name of the XP desktop.

When viewing the network map I see the 7 laptop connected by solid lines to a large question mark named "Unknown", which is in turn connected by solid lines to the router, which is connected by solid lines to the Internet. The Vista laptop is connected by broken lines to the router.

The XP desktop has no trouble seeing both laptops and the Vista laptop has no trouble seeing the 7 laptop and the XP desktop. The problem is only with the 7 laptop not being able to see the XP desktop.

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Ad Hoc Networking / Internet Access Issue Between Windows 7 / WXP Machines

Aug 18, 2012

1. my machine is a Getac B300 with a Windows XP Professional 32-bit/Windows 7 Professional 64-bit dual boot.

2. My wife's machine is a Toshiba U500 with Windows 7 Professioanl 64-bit.

Normally, I use the U500 as a hub: I connect it to the internet using a 3G-enabled Sony Ericsson Elm that I control through Sony Ericsson PC Suite 6.011.00* (I have an unlimited connectivity plan.) As soon as the U500 is connected, I set up a WEP-encrypted ad hoc network and connect my B300 (regardless of which system I happen to be booted into) and my wife's iPhone.** I can do the same if I choose to boot into Windows 7 on my B300 and use that as the hub.My question however, is as to why I can't get this whole setup to work out with Windows XP. I normally use the exact same way to connect to the internet (Elm and SE PC Suite), and I've attempted to set up an ad hoc network when I'm booted into Windows XP (through Windows and through Intel Proset), and I even managed to get the U500 and my wife's iPhone to connect to the network, but neither machine would get any internet access, even though I made sure to turn on Internet Connection Sharing for the connection.So I'm beginning to wonder if it's even possible to get it to work with XP (as opposed to 7) being the hub.

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Networking - Machine Can Only See One Another Machine

Aug 18, 2009

I have a small three PC home network. Two PC are running Windows 7 and one running Vista.

All three machines have the same homegroup settings. The ability to view machines on the network is very patchy. One machine can see the others, while another machine can only see one other machine. Sometimes machines cannot see any others on the network.

All machines are connected wirelessly with strong signals through a BT 2700HGV Business Hub router. All of the machines can access the Internet without problems.

All machines run Eset Smart Security with the Windows firewall is turned off.

Any advice to create a stable network would be appreciated.

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Networking - XP Machine Doesn't Show Up In Explorer

Jul 28, 2009

I have three computers: one Windows 7 x64, one Windows 7 x86, and XP SP3 on an Asus Eee 1005HA. The Win 7 x86 machine can see all the computers and shares. The XP machine can see all the computers and shares. The Win 7 x64 machine can see the other Win 7 machine but not the XP machine (the XP machine doesn't show up in Windows Explorer). The XP machine can browse the shares on the Win 7 machine.

Any idea why the Win 7 x64 machine can't see the XP machine? Thanks.

P.S. Both Windows 7 machines are running 7100, and all are connecting to each other over a gigabit switch.

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Networking Vista And 7 With Same PC Name

Apr 4, 2011

So I want to network my OLD Vista laptop and my NEW 7 desktop. Both are named Chase-PC. I open Networks (on the desktop) and open Chase-PC and it opens my desktop files, not the laptop. If I go to my mothers vista it opens my vista laptop..

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Networking Between Win 7 - Vista - Is It Possible?

Mar 19, 2009

I've been wondering if it's at all possible to network 2 machines, 1 running Windows 7 (build 7057) and the other, Vista??

Also, is it possible to create a network connection over long distance??

E.g. We live a few miles from my girlfriend's Mum & would like to network ours & her laptop if it's possible.

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Networking - Where Is The Password On Vista ?

Jun 18, 2009

I do try to network my files over a wifi connection but can't access to all of them...

PC1 Vista: Sees all the others

PC2 XP home: Sees the same

PC3 Win 7229: Sees the same

1) I can't find where is the password on Vista!!

2)Vista won't accept my user-name and password for Win 7

Vista won't access to XP Home

3) Xp won't accept my user-name and password for Win 7

First can someone indicate the way to find the damn password on vista, please!

I can see all the computers and their nicknames through the network on the three on them...but nothing work even with WMP who sees the others WMP shared on the three computers.

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Networking A Printer With A Vista X32 System

May 24, 2009

Can someone please help me or point me to a guide on how to enable/share a printer between a Windows 7 RC and a vista system?

I have a HP printer connected to my Windows 7 RC x64 system and it prints from my computer just fine. I pulled up the settings and told it I wanted to share the printer as "Win7HP" to make the name easy. Anyway when I went down to my roomates computer I didn't see the printer and if I try to click my computer name under his network window I get a pop up asking for a user name and a PW. What am I doing wrong? I would hate to have to install another partition of Vista x64 just so he can print using my printer.

When we had things set up before he never had to "log in" from his computer to access my printer.

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Trouble Networking Win 7 And Vista Ultimate

May 29, 2009

I have an external Toshiba cable modem -USB - attached to my computer for Internet access and I am using the Windows 7 Ultimate OS. I then have a Vista Ultimate 64 bit machine connected to a Wired Router. The Vista Machine can access the Windows 7 machine through this network but not the internet. In the Windows 7 Network dialog box it shows the External modem as a Home Network but it shows the Vista machine's ethernet card as a Public Network and it will not let me change this setting at all.

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Networking Between Win7, Vista And WinXP

Oct 5, 2009

The problem I have is that none of my computers can access either of the Windows 7 computers. The Windows 7 computers can access the Vista and WinXP computers, but not the 2nd Windows 7 computer (asks for a user and password).

When trying to access the Windows 7 computers all ask for a user and password, I had set the Windows 7 computer to be open access for networking, but this does not seem to of happened (I've done something wrong).

I had installed Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) Responder on my XP machine as advised but I got an error message saying I had a newer update so this was not installed.

I am now at a total loss as to where to go now, I have done heaps of google searches and these tried to help but still did not slove my problem. (I'm not computer dumb, so do understand 90% of what is required).
I have the following setup.

2x Windows 7 RC systems, hardwired.

2x WinXP-Pro systems, hardwired

1x WinXP-Pro Laptop, wireless

1x Vista Laptop, wireless.

No home server installed.

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Access Denied - Networking With Vista

Oct 29, 2009

Windows 7 desktop (computer A) *Home Premium

Vista desktop (computer B)

Need step by step outlined / understanding how to get windows 7 to not only see but connect to Vista desktop.

note1: both computers are on same work-group (MSHOME).

note2: attempted from either station to connect A -> B or B -> A and was

unsuccessful each time (access denied).

There appears to be some permission issues preventing this from working. I need to understand how to be at root (top) level to allow for steps you outline to work.

**Please don't spare any details in describing how this can work.

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Home Networking Problem Between Win7 And Vista PCs

Jan 3, 2010

I just bought a laptop with Win 7 Home Prem 64 bit installed that is wirelessly connected to my router. I have another desktop with Vista Home Prem 64 bit wired connected to the router. I was trying to set up home network from my laptop and it gave me a password. After that I could see my desktop in my laptop under Network but whenever I click on the desktop, a popup asks for user name and password.

The password that my laptop provided doesn't connect to the desktop saying "wrong pass". I can also see my laptop from my desktop but can't communicate. Both the comps are running under Administrator accounts and doesn't require any login/pass to log into them. Please note that I don't have any problem with accessing the internet. I would appreciate it very much if someone could tell me how I could set up a home network between the two to be able to share files.

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Enabling File Sharing From A Windows 7 To Windows XP/Vista Machines?

Sep 10, 2011

I have Quicken 2000 Deluxe on my computer when using XP; I had a new HD put in and installed a new Windows 7; Can I install my Quicken 2000 Deluxe

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Unable To Install Vista As A Virtual Machine?

Jul 25, 2011

unable to install windows vista as a virtual machine as it says its not compatible with my laptop which is 64 bit so should be.I get an error saying that something ive recently installed needs to be removed. The only thing i could think of was VMware which i have got rid off

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Clean Install Of Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit From Vista Machine?

Jan 11, 2013

I currently have vista 32 and ordered a full version of windows 7 professional sp1 64-bit. The disk that came in the mail says "Reinstallation dvd windows 7 professional sp1 64 bit". Will this Reinstallation DVD allow me to do a clean install of windows 7 64-bit on my computer?

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Can Reformat Laptop And Reinstall Vista And Then Upgrade XP Machine To Windows 7

Aug 19, 2010

I upgraded my Vista Laptop to Windows 7, I also have a WindowsXP machine.My question is, can I reformat my Laptop and reinstall Vista and then upgrade my XP machine to Windows 7?

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Not Seeing XP Machines On Windows 7 Machines?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a network of about 90 computers connected together and i am currently running server 2003. Now when i go to network place on my xp machine, i am able to see all of my computers that are connected together. But when i go to network place on my window 7 machine, i am only seeing some of my window 7 computers and not the xp computers. The network discovery is turned on, on all of my window 7 and still nothing.

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Windows 7 Machine Cannot Access Win2003 Machine In A Workgroup?

Jan 4, 2012

i have Lan, all computers are windows 7 proffisional and one machine is windows 2003 , workgroup . i made shared folder in windows2003 , some computers can access the shared folder and others can not.when i open network , i see the 2003 computer, when i try to access it , it asked for user name and password. the user is administrator for all , when i enter the user and password from many computers in the lan it is work correctly but in one machine with the same settings its says , you have no permession to access this computer.

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Transfer Windows 7 From DE-commissioned Machine To Another Machine

Sep 22, 2010

I have de-commissioned an older machine that I had installed W7 on, I wish to install the W7 from this machine to another, is this possible -if so how?I think I have read somewhere, that once W7 is installed on a machine - it can NEVER be used on any other machine, is this correct?

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XP Machine Can See Machine But Can't Access Shared Folders

Jul 31, 2009

I have Windows Seven 7600 and i'm trying to share files with a XP SP2 machine!


-XP machine can see Seven machine but can't access shared folders!

-Seven machine can see XP machine but when i'm trying to see shared folders it gives me an error(see on screenshot)

-Network map doesn't work(see screenshot)

-Both machines have same workgroup MSHOME but when i go to homegroup it says there is no people in the homegroup!(see on screenshots)

Other info:

Before i couldn't turn network discovery on,every time i was set it to on he was going to off so I searched on this forum(great forum) and finally i was able to turn it on,maybe others have this problem so there what i did:i go to start=>run=>services.msc and i turned on(also i switched them to automatic startup) these services DNS Client, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery, and UPnP Device Host services.

IPv6 currently is enabled!

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Replaced An XP Machine With A Windows 7 Machine?

Feb 20, 2012

I replaced an XP machine with a Win7 machine. When I VPN into our 10 network I can't get to any 192.168 addresses. The XP machine works fine only the Win7 doesn't. I looked at a lot of settings but I can't find anything out of sorts.

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2 Machines With Same CD Key

May 15, 2009

I have installed windows 7 7100 X86 on my machine. (got my own key)

Lent the RC disk to someone else who got their own key, but installed with my key...

Both activated fine and updated.

Could this cause issues later?

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Same Windows 7 OS On Two Machines?

Jul 7, 2012

I have two HP laptops. One came with Win 7 Pro while the other has home edition. Is it possible to install the pro version on both the machines with the same installation disk.

I think since I own both the laptops and their respective OS, I might try to do that. The main reason is one has a clean installation disk while the other has OS image with all the bundled HP bloatwares which I dont want to go thru.

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Can't Connect With XP Machines

Jan 26, 2009

I have a home network with 7 or 8 XP machines. All are on the same workgroup. All share EVERYTHING. All have passwords. All are logged in with an ADMINISTRATOR account. All can see each other on the network. They all talk to each other just fine. All the GUEST accounts are turned ON.I loaded Windows 7 on a machine, and turned on sharing for drive C: I gave everyone ALL permissions. I also went into the Network and Sharing Center. I had no idea what a "HomeGroup" was, so I went a few more menus deep and found the Workgroup setting. I set that up with the name of my workgroup.From the Windows 7 machine, I can see all the XP machines on the network, and they can see the Windows 7 machine. But when I try to view anything (drive C: , for example), I get the "you might not have permission to view this network resource....". I get the same thing when I try to log on to the Windows 7 machine from the XP machines.Since I can't log on to my XP machines, I also can't connect to, and use the printers attached to them.I basically want a big, open, flat network. No security at all between machines. What do I need to do?

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Ghosting OEM Machines - Possible?

Nov 17, 2011

I have used ghost before to image XP PCs over the network, but have yet to try either Windows 7 or an OEM Operating System (xp was an enterprise license).

My Qs: Is it legit to ghost OEM PCs? I have 60+ new PCs, with OEM Windows 7. I was thinking that I could take one PC, set it up the software etc then push the image. I would then change the license key to the one on the box.

Is this correct? If all the systems are the same, do I need to sysprep? I have heard horror stories of system preping Windows 7 -

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Can't See NAS On XP Machines On Network

May 16, 2009

So I have a network with 3 computers, a readynas, and multiple network printers.

Two machines have 64 bit RC 1, one has XP.

XP machine can see both Seven machines, and NAS.

64 bit machine one can see everything as well.

64 bit machine two could see everything when I did the first install of RC. I reinstalled to fix some boot manager issues, and now it cannot see the XP machine, nor the NAS from windows explorer. I can connect to the readynas through it's IP address in a browser no problem, I have full internet and networking between it and the first 64 bit machine.

No homegroup is set up on either seven machine. The network is set to Home. Drivers are installed for the Ethernet properly, latest drivers.

I looked through settings and everything seems to be gravy. What am I missing. Nothing changed between the two installs except 18 hours of time.

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Can't Network 2 Machines

Apr 15, 2011

I have 2 machines MACHINE1 and MACHINE2 running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and am trying to map to the D: drive from MACHINE1 machine on to MACHINE2. I enter \MACHINE1D$ as the drive address but then it tells me access is denied. The account name and password is the same on both machines (no domain here) and I have tried specifying MACHINE1Qu0ll as the user name but it still won't let me map the drive.

Curiously I can see the D: drive when I double click on MACHINE1 in Network but I cannot write to it without "Access denied" messages again.

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Can't Access One Of Machines

Sep 25, 2011

I have 4 machines on a work network. All machines are Windows 7 Pro 64bit. Password sharing is on. All computers have only 1 user account you can locally log in from.

Sharing used to work perfectly by entering the username/password of the computer you were trying to access. I did not need to have the same local username/password on all.

Now on one of the computers I enabled the Guest account and I can no longer access it from the network. All other computers work fine.

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Laptop With Windows 7 Does Not See XP Machines

Sep 21, 2011

Network printer and two wired XP machines not discovered by new Win7 laptop. System says I'm in "workgroup". My XP machines see the laptop in "network places", but laptop with Win7 does not see the XP machines or an ip/ipp network printer. I can print to the printer if I plug on hard wire ethernet, but can not print if I unplug. Still can not see either XP computer or Printer.

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Can't See/connect To Other Machines On Network When VPN'ed In

Dec 27, 2011

I have VPN service running on my Linksys DD-WRT router at home, so I can VPN back into my home network when using unsecured wireless internet on travel. I also have remote desktop port forwarding to my home machine if I want to just remote desktop in without using the VPN. However, often times I will VPN in, then remote desktop to my machine. Lately, I can VPN in, but can't see any other machines on the network so remote desktop to the machine's 192.168.x.x address on the local network doesn't work. I used to be able to do this and I'm not sure what has changed. The home machine runs Windows 7 and the laptop I use on the road for VPN'ing back in runs Windows XP. why after I VPN in to the home network I can't see any other machines on the network anymore? I have a folder shared on the home machine that I'd like to map to my laptop once I've VPN'ed in but can't do that either since it can't see the machine.

I've got all the sharing options enabled on the Windows 7 machine as well as the XP machine. Network discovery is turned on as well. No clue what has happened with this. The DHCP pool is and the VPN pool consists of only 2 addresses of and

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Windows 7 Machines Can't Get Network But XP Can

Nov 6, 2009

I've recently installed some windows 7 machines on our network and they don't seem to be getting valid network configs. It sees the correct DHCP info and DNS servers and you can ping the gateway and other computers on the same subnet but when you try to ping other subnets or out to Google it won't go.

You can see local computers on the same subnetwork and even view webpages on the server on the subnet but everything else network wise outside of the subnet doesn't work.

We have a subnet firewall and it is set to allow everything on the trust side out on any port to any computer. I've even made a rule that let everything in from the outside (untrust) on every port to these windows 7 machines and they still don't get an identifiable network.

My windows XP machines work perfectly though.

Has anyone else seen this?

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