PC Keeps Freezing Very Big Annoyance

Aug 28, 2012

Lately my computer is freezing like crazy. i havent did anything with it, didnt downloaded any software etc, plus my system is clean but the freezing is such a big issue, what can i do to resolve this?

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Mouseover Annoyance

Mar 1, 2009

Don't know if this is just me or if it's a specific Windows 7 issue.

Navigating through Explorer sometimes you need to find out some information about a file. Hover your mouse over the file and you get information. I was looking to see if any of the tracks on an album were larger than expected thus containing a secret track at the end.

Why is it the mouse over works sometimes and not others with no seeming pattern. You hover over some files and you get info, some not and some will eventually if you move away and back and away and back.

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The Driver Signing Annoyance

Feb 24, 2009

Well I'm thinking to make Win Seven my primary OS on my system by today and I want to know if there is anyway possible to turn the annoyance of the Driver Signing Enforcement on 64bit systems since that is the only way I tried and managed to get the internet on my netgear PCI card working.

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Windows 7 Logon Annoyance Requires To Click 'Switch User'

Apr 23, 2011

For about a month now, I have had this Widows 7 logon annoyance: Sometimes this annoying glitch occurs which won't allow me to login to my account even though I have entered the password correctly; I have to click the Switch User button and then the 'logged in' account. My laptop is set to stay on when I close the lid; I normally ctrl-alt-del and close the lid.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Persistent Freezing Blue Screens And Freezing

Mar 14, 2012

Computer is currently suffering from persistent freezing and bluescreens. It seems to happen almost randomly, and usually very soon after startup and loading of Windows. System restore has not helped.'fraid that's all the info I can give right now. Any recommendations? If anyone wants me to run hijackthis or dxdiag and post results I'd be more than happy to (assuming I can get that far before it freezes!). Safe mode does work, and the problem does not occur while in safe mode.

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Freezing In IE8?

Jan 20, 2012

I am running on the 64-bit version of Windows .My computer is an HP s5680t with an i5 chip @ 3.2GHz and 6 GB of RAM.Every time I use a browser (I typically use IE, but have tried Firefox and Chrome with similar results), the computer will ultimately freeze.First, I won't be able to move the bar or click on anything and then, moments later, the cursor will freeze permanently, and if the machine doesn't bomb right there, my only way out is a hard reset.

At first, I was told that the version of IE was the problem, so I downgraded to IE8. Still happens. Then, I was told that it was Adobe Flash that was causing the problem, so I disabled it (much to my dismay, since there's a lot you can't do without it), and it still happened.I'm aggravated that I got the 64-bit version, because I'm certain it's the problem, but I don't know what to do about it at this point.

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Freezing When Using 3gb Of RAM

Sep 23, 2012

When i strat withmy 3gb my pc eventualy freezes. I ran memtest86 and it found 1 error.

test: 8
Pass: 0

Failing Address : 8885f20b610 - 1522.6

good - fffffffb
bad - fffdfffb
err-bits - 88820000
count - 1
cpu -1

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It Is Freezing Constantly

Dec 9, 2011

I am having huge problems with my pc. I very rarely use is as my wife and kids tend to always be on it but, when I've come to try and use it, it freezes all the time for about 5 minutes, then works for a few more minutes before freezing again with the message (not responding) at the top. My wife tells me it's been like this for months and months. I've tried everything on the Norton 360 package that I have but nothing at all seems to speed it up. I've spoken to the tech guys who supply my broadband and after running several tests they insist it's not a broadband problem. I don't know what to do next to try to get rid of this problem.

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Freezing At / After Startup

Dec 27, 2012

recently my computer has been acting a bit odd. When I turn it on it starts up like normal, I input my password and it starts loading everything. But once everything is loaded at the start up the taskbar freezes and so does the rest of the desktop. I can move my mouse but it does nothing and I'm not able to open the taskmanager at all with ctrl+alt+del. The computer runs fine in safe mode. I've already gone through and cleaned up my system, fixed any registry problems, and defragged my hdd. I've scanned for any malware and came up with nothing. I've disabled all non-necessary programs in msconfig for startup. I've been able to do a system restore to about a week ago, and that would fix the problem for a bit, but it would happen again if the computer went into sleep mode.

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Windows 7 Keep Freezing

Jan 6, 2013

I have A network with two computers. Both have Windows 7,also have the same problem.I can have a page open,and it will close,showing Desktop. I move the mouse and it opens back up. [code]

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Computer Keeps Freezing?

May 27, 2012

I have an old Toshiba Satellite L355-S7905 that was handed down to me back in 2009It gave me some problems beforehand (needed a new OS twice since I got it) but over the past year it's been fine. Suddenly, out of the blue, the OS crashed on me a few days ago.The crash was pretty bad and the OS wouldn't boot anymore. So, I did what any logical person would do; I reformatted my HDD (to ensure no viruses or spyware remained) and attempted to reinstall Win7 Ultimate. After the install, I manually updated all my drivers, and went underway resituating my programs. All was well with the universe, and then it happened.My system froze. One reboot later and it started freezing any time I tried to launch Firefox. Shortly after that, it started freezing whenever I tried launching any program at all. It even froze when I launched the Command Prompt. I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to solve the problem of the CPU spiking then the system locking up. I've tried virus scans, registry cleaner, disk defragenation, and disk clean up

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Windows 7 64 Bit Is Freezing

Jun 6, 2011

I installed windows 7 ultimate 64 bit version very recently and it seems to be freezing between 1 min - 1 hr after I start up and there is no error before and when I check to see if it posted an error it didnt.

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Freezing At Log On Screen?

Jan 2, 2012

I have been using Win 7 Ultimate 64bit for about 6 months. About 2 months ago this behaviour started and I was unable to associate it with any changes I had made to the machine.Windows boot proceeds normally until the jingle and appearance of the logging on screen. At this point the computer becomes unresponsive to keyboard or mouse for a random time varying between 2-3 seconds and indefinitely. In the case of indefinitely I have to shut down by the power switch 3 second press and try again. My guess is that something I installed or something that installed itself is trying to call home at this time and prevents all other actions while it waits for a reply. Sometimes I have found that I can log in immediately after removing the network cable. I run Norton Internet Security which is up to date and reports nothing. If I try using the windows repair facility from the Win 7 disk to detect boot problems it reports that the boot that I had to abort was in fact successful. I guess it doesn't count anything after the log in screen.

The only time I ever got infected in the last 10 years was by a driveby trojan and I had to solve that by a drive image restore. That was a previous machine though.

I could solve this problem by restoring one of several drive images that I have but they are quite old and would have to reinstall quite a bit of software agin so I would rather not.All I am looking for is an opinion as to whether I have a windows problem or a malware problem. I never open attachments so a driveby hit is the only likely source of any malware.

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Windows 7 Freezing?

Feb 19, 2012

sorry to be like the other other posts but my windows 7 keeps freezing also, more and more each day. its mainly my girlfriend who uses it to watch tv series nothing too demanding and some really bad freezes/glitches, have no idea. run various spyware / virus / defragging / reg & cache cleaning software and i still the same problem.after about 5 mins on turning it really starts. i have attached logs as requested

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Windows 7 Freezing On HP 630?

Jun 11, 2012

It seems that seven freezing occupies a substantial part of this forum but I cant find anything to help me solve my problem. My wife's laptop started freezing a few weeks ago(keyboard gets red card and leaves the field and mouse goes on strike too). Now uinlike most of the freeze problems on this forum, I still occasionally have programs running in the background(I noticed this while downloading latest drivers with DAP which continued without a bump until the download had completed and still opened a new window asking me if I would like to run the app etc). I as per usual had to switch the machine off and on to get it running again. Sometimes pushing the power button briefly, thereby sleeping the machine, then pressing to wake up is enough to get the ball rolling again but it often comes down to complete power-down/power-up.

The problem started occuring more and more frequently until the machine was barely running for more than 3minutes a time and occasionally didnt make it from boot to login. This screamed hardware to me(I may be wrong as I've been out of IT for over 10 years) so I started all the usual diagnostics which all passed consistently. I have an identical machine and was tempted to start part swapping but decided to leave that until I'd covered the drivers, etc. I checked the Event Viewer and discovered no really informative logs as the recording always seemed to stop a few minutes before the laptop froze. There was almost always an event 41 immediately after restart but I figure this is from forcing power-down! I updated the BIOS to the latest version 33 then did my utmost best to find the latest version of every driver on the machine. I updated the Realtek Audio driver, Intel HD graphics driver, Hard disk Driver etc. (�'m not to sure I have all the latest drivers as I ran Radar sync which listed driver versions that neither Microsoft, HP nor Intel have listed on their support sites so I chose the latest drivers between the three sites).I ran the machine in Safemode with Network suport to download and update the drivers and becoming a little impatient loaded two or three drivers at a time before restarting in normal mode to test and the machine never skipped a beat while in Safemode. Now comes the interesting part: I loaded the the Realtek Audio driver and restarted the machine. It froze almost as soon as windows opened and I pulled the power cable and got into bed to continue on battery power. On restart I double checked my drivers and got a few messages that the drivers had not properly installed so re-installed the affected ones. The machine ran in normal mode perfectly for a good five hours (compared to the usual few minutes) and I believed the problem to be solved.The battery was low so I plugged the power cable in to recharge the laptop for my wife and the machine froze instantly! I tested the machine with and without the main power plugged in and the result is the same. Each time the main power is plugged in everything goes south! There is no predicting how long it will run before crashing as it can be anything from 1 second to a few minutes but it never crashes on battery power. I've played around with the power profiles a bit matching the battery profile with the mains-power profile �nd visa-verse but nothing changes the end result.

I dont know if there is any relevance in this but my wife with her sharper eye sight pointed out that when the main power is plugged in, moving images on the screen start to wobble slightly shortly before the machine freezes. I could comprehend this being a power or PSU issue on a desktop machine but with the AC/DC converter and battery between the raw power and and the guts of the machine I feel this shouldnt be a problem (though I'll stand to be corrected). To be on the safe side, I have so far swapped power cables between my laptop and the problematic one but swapping the batteries seems a long shot to me and I have a nagging feeling that I'm being side tracked.One thing common to other issues on this forum is an occasional loud buzzing sound from the speakers when the machine hangs(the screen goes black when and only when the buzz occurs) but this is rare. Other than that there is no BSOD and I have almost no common hardware with most machines mentioned in the forum.One thing I havent done yet is reinstall windows. The relation between the main power cable and the crashes makes me feel that it would be a waste of time but I was an IT techy back when CPU's were shipped to clients on flat-bed trucks.

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My Mouse Keeps Freezing

Jan 27, 2012

Just come back from my honymoon, overseas and i now have a problem i can't locate.My mouse keeps freezing, only for a few seconds at a time (very annoying).

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Laptop Keeps Freezing?

Feb 3, 2013

Sometimes when I try to put my laptop to sleep, all that'll show up is a black screen and I can hear the laptop still running. Then, I'll either wait for my laptop to restart itself or I'll hold down the power button for 5 secs. When I restart my laptop after this problem has occured, there'll be a message saying "Windows has not shut down properly, do you want to run it in safe mode" or something along the lines of that.

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Videos Is Always Freezing

Jan 14, 2011

Why does it always freeze when there's some slow scene going on? I have K-Lite Mega Codec Pack installed. And here's my hardware:

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PC Keeps On Completely Freezing

Dec 31, 2010

i built my new pc a couple of weeks ago, with mostly new parts (kept my psu and hdd). my pc keeps on completely freezing (no audio, can't move the mouse), forcing me to force shutdown and turn it back on again. sometimes after turning it off it works fine, other times it freezes again at any point during startup (once during bios, sometimes during windows setup, and sometimes minutes after it is fully started). the problem is, this freezing happens randomly. so far it's occurred while the system was idle, while watching a Internet video, and while opening google chrome. what is weird is how it rarely happens during gaming. i played 6 hours straight of bad company 2 on max settings with no problems. i've also played about 10 hours of the witcher this week and have only had it freeze once. sometimes the pc will freeze multiple times in a day, and sometimes it will only freeze a few times a week.i've run memtest 86 and memtest86+ when i initally bought the computer, and it found no problems. i ran these tests again two days ago and it still found no problems. i also ran a couple of stress tests (using prime96) and the pc never crashed when it was under full load. when i use speedfan, my system is normally 29c, my cpu is 36c, my video card is 40c, and the "core" is 35c. the only thing it has a problem with is something called "aux" which changes from anywhere between 40c and 130c. i read on the internet that it shouldn't matter, but... that's what it is.i've also checked the error logs, and so far i can't really find anything that corresponds to the times that is freezing. i've also ran my computer with all the startup items turned off, but it also froze that way too.

i've messed with ram timings, and gskill says they should be set to 9-9-9-24-2n with a voltage of 1.5. i've done that in the mobo, with the exception of "2n" which i don't really understand.at the recommendation of someone else, i've started running my pc with only one stick of ram at a time. i just tried the first stick yesterday in the first slot, and it froze at the very end of the day (after i had already played the witcher and watched a movie on it).it was suggested to me that i run memtest with one stick in it at a time (which i haven't done yet). is that really necessary? i was under the impression that memtest simply found errors on all the sticks, if there were any.finally, as just a side note, i built my brother a pc very similar to mine (everything except the case and the hdd are the same) and he has had no problems with his yet, telling me that everything is physically compatible and that the memory timings must be right.

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Toshiba Sat A70 Freezing

Nov 6, 2009

I recently installed Windows 7 32bit on my Toshiba Satellite A70 series. Windows 7 Update found a lot of drivers that I installed. After I installed them my laptop would keep freezing out of nowhere frequently. Anyone else having this problem?

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PC Freezing During Gaming?

May 30, 2011

built computer using a p4r=800=vm motherboard, have an nvidia geforce 520 video card, curretly all drivers are said to be uptodate. playing games from iwin,com. computer freezes up, is it due not enough memory. or is sofeware related. all driver had to found on the internet

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Computer Keeps On Freezing

Nov 4, 2011

does anyone know what is wrong with my computer? can u please tell me if it is a virus or what can be the problem, and how to solve it if possible?
alot of times whenever i use itunes or go to Internet on my computer, my computer freezes. my computer wont allow me to do alt control delete so i can end task the programs that r opened cause nothing pops up when i do it.about the freezing i hear the song play on Internet but my computer screen just starts becoming blurry and starts to glitch.i have tried to scan my computer with avira and malwarebytes anti-malware full scan and quick scan on both, but it does not detect anything.

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Windows 7 Keeps Freezing?

Dec 31, 2011

My computer is a dell. It is just over a year old and when I try to turn it on, it freezes while starting windows.

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Pc Is Freezing Constantly

Feb 6, 2012

I have a a win 7 64 bit PC. For the past few weeks my PC has been locking up by the mouse pointer having a hour glass next to it and then freezing. This happening a lot. Sometimes I am able to X out of it but sometimes I have to hard boot it.

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Laptop Keeps Freezing?

Mar 27, 2012

I have an Acer Aspire 5732Z that, just lately, started freezing randomly. I've cleaned the registry, there are no viruses, and other than the freezinjg, it's in good shape. When it freezes it either takes a few seconds to get back to normal, shows the blue screen and restarts my computer, or recovers and says "Display Driver stopped responding but has recovered." It's battery has been shot for a while (I am in the process of buying a new one), could that have anything to do with it

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Computer Keeps Freezing

Apr 19, 2012

My computer keeps freezing. Doesn't matter what I'm doing. HD is good swapped a new one same issue. Reloaded windows to no hope as well. Yet runs fine with linux systems. No BSOD/ black screen just locks up no activity at all ( on windows). Computer is only two years old.

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Windows 7 Keeps Freezing

Aug 12, 2012

Every Time I try to do something it works for a little bit but then freezes. So i wait 30 minutes and it still is frozen. So next I Do a fresh Install of windows 7 and now on top of all the freezing i get things like the blue screen of death. I try to install updates but i can't because it freezes

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Acer Is Freezing

Sep 11, 2012

my laptop is stuck on the following mess " setup is starting services " I have no idea what this means cause its been stuck on this mess for days.. I can shut it down but when i turn it back onit goes right back to same mess and its frozen there. I have tried pushing the F8 button and that doesnt wk either.

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Windows 7 Freezing

Dec 30, 2012

I have looked all around the Internet and tried everything I could find and think of, but my new (refurbished, it's new to me) Gateway Laptop from Newegg (url) < that one. I can load up windows fine and log in fine but when it gets to desktop, it freezes and becomes unresponsive. **Note: I can go into safe mode fine, that's how I'm on the internet right now. I have tried the MSCONFIG stuff, I have tried CCleaner, Malwarebytes, and Puran Defrag. I have also done two reinstalls of windows, and yet the problem still persists.

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PC Is Hanging And Freezing

Feb 7, 2013

My windows 7, IE 8 is freezing, hanging quite a lot lately. It happens when I click on links in emails or go from one website to another while surfing. I have only email and a website page or pages open, so shouldn't be putting a lot of demand on memory. Do security settings cause this while checking security in the background before allowing page to come up. Often my mouse also freezes so I have to wait. When I start task manager (ctrl-alt-del), it reports all applications are running; however they are not.

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