PC Turning Itself On At Night, And Off During Use?

Oct 22, 2012

I started having the issues of my desktop turning itself on in the middle of the night, and the infinite boot loop a few weeks ago. I have tried a few of the fixes online such as restoring, checking task scheduler, and running the startup fix on the Windows disc. The pc will also randomly shut down once it loads Windows (put itself through the proper 'Windows is shutting down', not the sudden shut down of a hardware failure). Tonight I also got the bizarre happening of a black screen shortly after startup, with a small in the task bar saying something like 'This Windows version is not genuine'. I am using 7 Home Premium 64bit.

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Computer Turning Itself On During Night

Sep 13, 2009

Just wondering if anyone has any solutions to this other than a complete shutdown.

I place my computer in either stand by or hibernate and for some reason in the early ours of the morning it will turn itself on and sit on the login screen.

I think it must be some kind of back system operation which is sheduled but I have no idea what or where to find it.

Any ideas?

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Computer Turning Itself On During Night?

Sep 13, 2009

I place my computer in either stand by or hibernate and for some reason in the early ours of the morning it will turn itself on and sit on the login screen.

I think it must be some kind of back system operation which is sheduled but I have no idea what or where to find it.

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When Turning Off Computer & Turning It Back On Again Screen Is Blank

Dec 31, 2012

when my computer goes to sleep after it's on for a while when I move the mouse to get the screen back up it shows the backround no icons or anything to click. Same if I turn it off and turn it back on. I have to turn it off and on many times then go to safe mode and shut down then turn it on again for it to work. Just now I had to turn it on/off 4 times for it to show the icons and task bar. Usually it is left blank with nothing to click having no choice but to turn it off. Norton says no viruses. My computer is HP with windows 7. I bought it in 2011.

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Zebronics Zeb-280wc Night Owl?

Aug 7, 2012

i upgrade my system from XP to Windows 7. So i cant use my web cam now.

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PC Keeps Restarting Randomly After Shutdown For The Night?

Aug 22, 2012

My friend recently (in the past month) bought a refurbished Dell computer from Wal-Mart. Everything seems to work fine. The problem she is having with it is that when she does 'shut-down' for the night it randomly restarts. No set amount of time just it restarts. They keep the PC in the bedroom so it wakes them up. We have added nothing which would cause this problem. I went to 'automatic restart after crash' and unchecked it as suggested and that did not work.

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Computer Restarted Middle Of The Night?

Dec 15, 2010

Lastnight I was woken by my computer starting up. It was a little after 3am. Its not the first time this has happened so I was wondering if anyone has any incite as to what could be causing this?

Ive checked the house for ghosts as well! Maybe I should take a look at the Event Viewer?

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Every Night At 2AM Get Blue Screen Of Death?

Aug 31, 2012

I have a gateway nv53a laptop with 8 gig onboard(only thing changed from spec)..every night around 2am(and I mean within 10 minutes before or after) my laptop freezes and I get the blue screen of death. I have to do a hard reboot in order to get back to windows.. when I reboot it tells me something about windows live not fully loading or something to that effect(I usually just click ok and close screen so I cant remember) Or start me down the path by suggestions on where to start? I know this isnt the most detailed query but I dont really know what to say as this is frustrating and has been going on now for over a month.

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Programs Won't Start If Computer Left On Over Night?

Mar 26, 2011

I have had a very odd problem. I have searched all over these boards and used all the repair utilities, but nothing has worked.I will post all my computer specs at the bottom of the message.My Windows 7 64 bit computer will run great all day long, but if I leave it on over night, none of my programs will start. If I double click on them the little circle will start up for a second, then just quit. I still have full use of the mouse and can click on the task bar to shut down or restart the computer, but no programs will work.

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BSOD Randomly At Night And Sometimes While Installing Certain Games?

Jun 16, 2012

I have a custom built PC that no longer then a week old. It BSOD randomly at night and sometimes while i am installing certain games. I know how to build Computers and do a good bit of work with them...but this so far has stumped me.

Spec Info:

OS -Windows 7 home premium 64 bit CPU -I5 3570k Motherboard- Asrock Z77 extreme 4 Memory- 8 GB dual channel Patriot memory Graphics Card(s)- SLI GTX 260 Black edition Sound Card- None (On Board) Monitor(s) Displays- 20 inch HP w2007 Hard Drives- SSD boot drive 60 GB agility, Secondary 400 GB SATA HDD PSU- 1000 WATT XION gaming series Case- Thermaltake Cooler case Cooling- CPU water cooled Waterpro 2.0 and everything else Air cooled

BSOD Info:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033


my graphic cards are know to have certain problems, they have been know to crash computers. Do you think this is the case here? people say they are set for to high voltage so taking them down a little normally fixes the graphic card problem.

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Computer Wake Up Every Night At 12 For No Apparent Reason

Jan 28, 2012

Using Windows 7 x64. For some reason every night at 12am the computer wakes up for no apparent reason. I've checked the task scheduler quite extensively and can't find anything that is set to go at 12am exactly. I only have three items in my library and 2 of those are disabled. I looked pretty good in the microsoft section but couldn't find anything. How to locate this bugger?

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BSOD Last Night - Windows Won't Boot Anymore

Jun 28, 2012

Last night I updated my GPU drivers(NVIDIA) and 5 mins later after I had rebooted from the Driver install, I get a Blue screen.

I tried to reboot but it gets stuck at Windows 7 Loading screen(Windows logo and black background), after about 10 mins of being stuck, I get a Blue screen flash on the screen and it reboots itself, repeating the process over and over again.

I try to boot in safe mode, it gets to the screen where it says "Loading Drivers". Then it goes to "Please Wait" and it stays there for about 10 minutes again until Blue screen flash and reboot on its own.

After that I got frustrated and decided to just stick the Win7 installation DVD into the machine and do a full reinstall. However, after it has gotten past the first screen where it "loads the files from disc"(literally the first screen you get when you try to install Win7), it turns black and won't respond anymore.(Serious "wait what?" happened in my mind at this point).

Next day at work I spoke to some IT guys about it, they suggested it was a hardware failure and then other guy suggested it has something to do with the RAM, whether not working or the RAM slots on my MoBo are broken. Also said that Dual channel might not be working either then. I got instructed to try each piece(I got 2 sticks of 4gb ram) of RAM seperately to see if I can get Windows to boot to see if it's faulty RAM.(I got the same suggestion from the place I ordered my PC parts from)

I am by no means expert, I know the basics of computers, but this is just mind boggling. I might have had faulty hardware all along(Browsers are very laggy and slow) and Windows loads really slowly. The computer is only 6 and half months old.

ASUS P8P67 WS Revolution MoBO
i5-2500k @ 3.3GHz
Kingston 2x 4GB 1333MHz Ram
ASUS GTX 580 DirectCU II
Western Digital Black Caviar 1.5TB 7200RPM HDD
Kingston 64GB SSD
Corsair 650W PSU

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Laptop Turns Itself On In Middle Of Night Then Freezes Till It Dies

Nov 26, 2012

I got my hard drive replaced a few weeks ago (dropped my laptop) and had an OEM version of Windows 7 installed. After getting home and re-installing all my drivers /programs, I used it like I normally do. Fast forward 2 weeks. I wake up and press the power button but the laptop is dead (this is odd because I usually put it in hibernate on a full charge before I go to bed). This continued to happen every day, my computer s dying overnight. Since last week I have been observing it overnight. Whether it be hibernate or sleep, my computer will turn itself on and become completely unresponsive (sounds like it's on but the screen is off. My test to see if it's frozen is to hit the 'num lock' key to see if it lights up). This event is a 100% occurrence. The only way to turn it off is to hold the power button for 5 seconds. Basically if I leave my laptop in sleep or hibernate, it will turn itself on at a random interval and immediately freeze. It will stay this way until it dies or I do a hard shut down. Also, if I leave it alone and go afk while working, it will go into sleep mode and freeze completely.

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How Bad Is Turning Off UAC

Apr 13, 2011

How bad is turning off UAC?To install the scalix connector for windows 7 we have to turn off UAC i understand that this will also disable virtualization. Will this impact a users performance? And what if any are issues that we might run into by disabling UAC?Should we turn UAC back on?

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Bluetooth Not Turning On

Jan 12, 2009

The upgrade from Vista to 7 was a smooth one with one exception; my internal bluetooth adaptor is not working.I have a Dell XPS M1330, and I tried enabling it via BIOS, but it does not want to turn on.The BT Tray icon is not showing up, which is the way I normally turn it on, and Fn F2 isn't bringing up any Bluetooth options. It's not in Control Panel under Network, either.There's got to be a way to turn it on.

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Lag, Freeze, And Turning Off On It's Own?

Mar 30, 2012

Obviously I use Windows 7 since i am posting in this category. I am in desperate need of some assistance. My computer lately has been lagging or momentarily freezing when I open a program or window. The most disturbing problem is that my laptop shuts off whenever it feels like it. I had to do a System Restore just to get it to turn on yesterday. Luckily I have come acrossI have a working knowledge of computers, enough to get me by so far, but this is way out f my league. In case the info is important I use AVG for anti-virus and also Windows Advanced Care (recommended by a friend). My computer is used mainly for gaming so I would love to get this fixed ASAP since shutting down mid boss fight is highly irritating.

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Volume Keeps Turning Itself All Way Down

May 3, 2012

I have an HP Pavilion DV7 laptop... The volume slider keeps turning itself all the way down, even as I try to turn it up. Its been happening for a while now. I've tried:

1.) Completely removed everything attached to the MOBO, only the LCD, DC Jack, RAM and HDD. Issue still persists
2.) Same as above only added battery, and unplugged the ac adapter and ran off battery. Issue is resolved.
3.)Plug power back in the issue happens again.
I tried many combinations of removing and adding hardware components and they all have the same result.
4.) I update the drivers, then uninstalled and download new drivers. Installed the software and disabled the software. The issue persists
5.) Tried updating windows and then disabling the sound software along with HP Smart software. Issue persists.
6.) installed a new HDD and clean installed windows 7 with only the provided drivers. Issue persists
7.) Replaced the Sound/Smart Media Power panel. Issue Persists
8.) Changed the RAM. Issue persists.
9.) Disabled the sound devices in the "Sound" control panel. Issue Persists.
10.) Flash the BIOS, already has the newest revision so I re-flashed it. Issue Persists.
11.) Tried switching AC Adapters. issue persists
12.) Changed DC Jack & AC Charger.

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BSOD When Turning On A Second PC?

Aug 16, 2012

I have a home network with two desktop PCs and three laptops, all running Windows 7.I mostly use a desktop PC with Windows 7 Ultimate. I have installed the same version on my girlfriend's laptop. (All other computers use different versions of Windows 7. All 5 copies are legal.)However, when she turns her laptop back on, I get a BSOD on my desktop PC. This doesn't happen when any other PC is turned on.

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Computer Is Not Turning On

Sep 2, 2010

For some reason my computer's just not turning on. The motherboard light is on, showing the PSU is working. But when I turn on the PC it just doesn't boot or even start at all.

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Laptop Turning Itself On?

Jan 9, 2011

I'm very confused by this. Twice now at my uni house where my computer stays out on the desk it has turned itself on. This hasn't happened to me while I was at home over christmas where it lives in a bag .I told it to hibernate last night, turned off the plug and there were no lights on anywhere, but when I got up today it was on. I went to the event viewer but they only start at 13:45 (about when I got up).

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PC Keeps Randomly Turning Off

Jun 21, 2011

i have been having problems lately with my PC.It has been turning off randomly.But only seems to happen when i am playing games requiring high performace.Say im playing Call of Duty Black Ops on my PC.After 1 hour or 2, my PC randomly turns off. url...And i have added a new Graphics card, the nVidia GTS450.When i am playing my core temps are usally 40-46 Celsius and GFX card 50-60 Celsius.I play on highest settings with 1600x900 and get 60 fps (limit)

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Turning On Pc From Internet?

Feb 22, 2011

I can turn on a pc from another machine on the same home network, but can not from the Internet.I am doing this Wake-On-WAN experiment at home by using two machines each connected to the Internet through different ISP.The problem must be somewhere in the BIOS or the router setting for the machine to be turned on.I reviewed the BIOS and found the relevant option was enabled by default. As for the router(D-Link DIR 655), I set the portforwarding for the machine with a arbitrary port number assigned. I did not see anything else relevant but I might have missed something.To send the magic packet, I am using depicus GUI. I also tried one at dslreports website.

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Computer Turning On And Off?

Jul 13, 2011

When I press the power button on my computer, everything lights up briefly, then turns and then continuously trys to start about every five seconds.

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Laptop Not Turning On

Mar 22, 2012

I have a toshiba laptop that will not turn on but shows its charging,what can i check for fixing this problem?

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Webcam Is Not Turning On?

Sep 8, 2012

my loptop is of hp pavilion g series,i have purchesed it about 11 month ago, but its webcam is not turning on. what to do

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Toshiba Satellite Keeps Turning Off

Aug 6, 2011

I'm just trying to find out why my labtop keeps on turning of on me randomly. when it shuts down it resests itself and comes to the "you havnt shut down your computer corectly" screen. if i go on safe modes then i doesnt turn off, but i cant use all my stuff. i have recenly bout a cooler pad and some compressed air to blow it out but nothing seems to work

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Turning Itself Off Randomly During Boot Up?

May 30, 2012

My father has a Toshiba Satellite P755-S5215 laptop with Windows 7 and an Intel inside Core i3 processor. It has occasionally had the issue of turning itself off randomly during boot up, upon logging on, or shortly after logging on. However, it has become much more chronic ever since I hooked it up to use the television to use as a monitor. I plugged it in using a 15-pin monitor cable. The computer was off when I plugged it in and when I removed it. I don't know for sure if the two events are related.

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Turning On Netbook Automatically?

Jul 29, 2012

I have an Asus Eee PC Seashell series and I'm trying to find a way to get my netbook to turn on everyday at a set time and open up a webpage like weather.com. It would be nice to be greeted by my netbook with the daily weather when I wake up. How can I set my netbook so that it turns on/wakes up at a certain time while opening a website as well?

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Windows 7 Antivirus Keep Turning Off?

Oct 22, 2012

my Action Center in windows7 keep telling me about my windows security is turn off seems ok after i turned it on. But when computer restart/reboot it happen again.

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Why Are Screenshots Not Turning Out Clear

Jan 9, 2011

I am getting fuzzy screenshots. what to do about this? I say "fuzzy" in the sense of their being difficult to read.

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Display Turning Off After 5 Minutes?

Nov 20, 2009

I'm using Windows 7 x64.No matter what I set the power settings to, the display turns off after 5 minutes, and moving the mouse turns it on.

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