Not Enough Server Storage Is Available To Process This Command

Jan 17, 2012

I have a setup in my SOHO where I have made a desktop running Win 7 Professional as a File server and connected about 6 laptops either running XP or Win 7 through the wireless. I keep getting this error message in my XP laptop when I try to access the shared folder in the File server: "Not enough server storage is available to process this command". All along it used to work perfectly, seem to be geeting this quite recently after i increased the clients from 3 to 6.....

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Not Enough Storage Available To Process Command?

Feb 19, 2010

I've got a fairly recent Win7 x64 install on my system. Since Beta, I've been getting an error message "Not enough storage is available to process this command", which is accompanied by a stop code 0xc142 when launching items like Task Manager. I've seen the first error is typically related to the Windows Desktop Heap, but I've set from the original (2GB if I'm reading it correctly), to 4GB of space. I'm running a system with 1.7TB of available drive space (20GB on the OS drive as it's a smaller SSD drive) and 6GB of RAM. I've tried varying the windows page file from 500MB to the system-controlled 6GB with the same result.

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What Would Be Command To Kill A Process Like Explorer.exe Or Wininit.exe Through Cmd

Oct 13, 2011

What would be the command to kill a process like explorer.exe or wininit.exe through cmd?

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Not Enough Server Storage?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm getting an odd error trying to connect from my Windows 7 laptop to an XP PC.he XP computer is 'seen' on the network, and I can see the shared folders on that computer. The problem comes when I try to see inside those folders. I get this error message:[Window Title]Open Folder[Content] \DOCOFFICEDoc Office C is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.Not enough server storage is available to process this command.Anyone have a clue what's going on here? I believe all of my sharing permissions are correct, and the XP computer can see files on the Windows 7 machines (I have two laptops that I'm playing with Windows 7 on). Both Windows 7 laptops generate the same error trying to access the XP machine, though they can see and access each other just fine. I've run through all of the troubleshooters multiple times to no avail, disabled and re-enabled network access (both wireless and Ethernet connections), and still get that same error consistently.

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Good NAS Storage Server?

Feb 4, 2012

I'm looking for a 2 TB at least to 4TB NAS but I don't know which one choose, which brand works better, etc. My budget is from $200 dlls to $400 dlls. I'm posting this thread because I need help choosing it so please help me. I'm looking for one that has HDD protection (RAID1, etc). I like iomega, seagate, western digital, hp, etc. whatever brand it's ok but I need them to work with Win 7 and Win XP.

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USB Mass Storage Device Will Not Recognize External Storage Devices?

Oct 14, 2011

Keyboard and mouse drivers unaffected.USB Mass storage device properties messagewith driver check on:"Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device."with driver check off:Tells me drivers are corrupt or missing.Search show diver where it should be:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\usbstor.sys (also usbfilter.sys).Used the HP Recovery Manager to restore factory setting for USBStor.sys, it indicates it is successful but no changeon reboot, still cannot use flash drives, SD cards, external HDs. Units work find on my laptop.Called HP 4 times, after extensive troubleshooting each time, following their instructions, go to, get screen saying request has been received. Each time tech tells me he cannot find my request.After a while, read 2 hours, told they need to talk to supervisor, will call me back, KISS OF DEATH, never hear from them.

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Handle And Difference Of USB Storage And In Camera USB Storage?

Dec 15, 2011

how to handle USB removable media inside camera.With camera there is no "Safely remove hardware and eject media" option.When Photo camera is connected, a new camera device is installed and GUI window is opened with option to browse or copy photos. But there is no removable storage devise eject button on notification area. The USB removable Storage devise is also present on File Manager Computer left panel but again, there is no mouse right button eject option as normally with removable storage devices. I have checked in on several computers. How to understand. I don't believe that it's camera specific but Camera is Canon S95.

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Process Cannot Access / File Because It Is Being By Another Process

May 3, 2012

I am getting this error all the time with Windows 7. I open a text file I want to edit, then go to save my changes and I get this error:"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process".I have full admin rights, running Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1. From a bit of research I have seen where many others have been experiencing this problem or something similar too. The only "fix" (that doesn't work all the time) is to close explorer.exe and then restart it to "release the handle"? Anyway, this is not acceptable for all the money and time I spent upgrading/configuring this new OS from XP -where I never had this problem- and seriously cuts down my productivity.Has Microsoft even acknowledged this as a bug yet? I can duplicate this scenario the second or third time I try to edit/save/delete a text file and I know that explorer.exe is the problem or a big part of it in any case. I don't want to go back to XP x64 but having to deal with this headache 10-20 times a day is just too much to ask.The file here is a game's map script & has to be saved to a .pk3 and then loaded into the program's root before it can run so i know othing else is running the file. No apps running in taskmngr either.

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Create A Batch File For Windows 7 To Run A Command (elevated ) In Command Prompt?

Apr 27, 2011

Trying to create a batch file for Windows 7 to run a command (elevated ) in command prompt?User: is an administrator or in administrator group ( but actual administrator account may be disabled )essentially need to be able to double click the *****.bat filehave it open up cmd in elevated ( run as administrator ) , run the command in the dos window and reboot the computer.

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Command To Change The Path Using Environment Variable From Command Prompt?

Jun 9, 2012

In UNIX, for changing the directory path, there is "cd" command. .This works fine in windows 7 too.. But the problem comes when we are trying to change the path using environment variables. .

In UNIX, cd $JAVA_HOME changes the path to the value set for JAVA_HOME,

Similarly is there any command in Windows which does the trick from command prompt for changing path using Environment variables. .

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Msconfig From Command Prompt / Or Commands For Command Promt?

Jan 9, 2012

Does any one know how to get the win.ini missing fixed when opening bootcfg/msconfig not found. Also How to change "forcing changes in msconifg" to "not forcing changes" in msconfig from command prompt, as well as opening msconfig from command prompt w/ dos command(s) / paramteters.

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Process Explorer Shows "error Opening Process"

Nov 9, 2012

New dell n7110/win7sp1x64.At startup on new machine from dell, process explorer (procexp64.exe) lists 81 processes running (seems like way too many - compared to xp with maybe 25 at startup). But which processes I can turn off is a question for another day. OK, read carefully, at least 15 processes in PE show " Path: error opening process". PID, CPU, Private Bytes, and working set columns are shown for these "problem" processes, but nothing after that, ie, description, company name etc. For all other listed running processes (with known paths), all info is shown in all columns. The problem processes include some important ones, services, crss, ism, wininit, winlogon, that must to be working for the computer to work, and everything seems to be working properly, and no cpu spikes or other weird stuff is happening. Right clicking properties on these problem processes, properties window pops up as normal, but shows "version: n/a, build: n/a, path: error opening process, no command line, no current directory, autostart location: n/a, Parent: non existent process (708), user: access denied. Again, this info can not be correct since the computer is working. And then, after a few minutes, another window pops up and says PE has stopped working, and closes the program. Now, if this was the whole story, I would go to sysinternals with this, but read on... Task manager running simultaneously with PE lists 83 processes running, more processes than PE, and also ~5 different processes than PE, and PE lists some processes running that TM doesn't list. So PE and TM show different running processes at the same time. How can that be? For the processes that PE shows "error opening", e.g., crss, etc., when I click properties in TM for the same process, sometimes I get the usual/normal pop-up window listing the path, and all the other data as normal, suggesting the process is working properly. But sometimes when I click properties in TM for the processes that PE shows "error opening", I get no pop-up at all, nothing for that process. So, IMO, it's not just a PE glitch, something is actually wrong here. This is a new machine, with PE the only 3rd party installation. I have installed several dell driver updates, but this problem occurred before I installed them. Also, remember PE and TM simultaneously list some different running processes and TM also fails to show paths, etc.

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Setup A Home Server With Filezilla Server?

Dec 19, 2012

I am trying to set up a home server with filezilla server. I am following this site's tutorial to help secure the data flow: [URL]. After doing all of this, I get an error saying "Invalid IP address/range/mask".

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Windows 2008 Server Or Linux For Server

Oct 16, 2009

Have been a LONG LONG user of Linux as a server (hosting VM's XP / Windows 7 mix) and file / print sharing.

I used to avoid MS like the plague as far as SERVER environments are concerned - probably because my first experince was Windows NT (Windows NeanderThal or Windows No Thanks) which was SO HORRIBLE that it put me off Windows servers for ages.

(Note I'm using a server in a HOME environment where we have around 8 machines (most of which are actually mine for testing -- not a corporate environment which has other considerations).

The problem now with the latest Linux distros that they are trying to be "A Better Windows than Windows". You can of course customize them but I haven't got the time or patience to do this any more. To select what packages to install / leave out now is a 100% pain and if you do it wrong the chances are the system will give errors.

I've looked at the new SUSE 11.2 -- slick and polished - bit I don't NEED "an alternative Windows".

I've just been looking at Windows Server 2008 R2 (got it from Technet) and I'm REALLY IMPRESSED with it so far. I've installed the STANDARD version - you don't need datacenter or Enterprise version for a home server.

It runs vmware server on it just fine (although I might go the whole hog and use the Hyper-V virtualisation -- need to do a bit more research).

I'm quite happy letting MS do the updates than having to mess around with Kernel compiles etc.

Incidentally as a HOME server there are some considerations that you might want to do to make it more like a Desktop OS than a pure server for example add multi-media to it.

This guy does a great job at this .

Convert your Windows Server 2008 R2 to a Workstation! - Multiboot Installation

Windows 7 VM's run just fine on W2008 server (they should as there is a lot of common code).

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Run Administrative Command Prompt From Command Prompt

Jul 22, 2011

Ok So I got myself into a unique bind here. I was trying to install some custom system files (for a theme) and I did it wrong and now I cant open explorer.exe . I dont want to goto a backup because this is a easy fix. (in my view). So I need to know how to run command prompt with administrative privleges from command prompt.

I am trying to do this command: copy explorer.exe C:Windows

So if there is also another command I can just tack onto that that gives me admin rights to do it. I would be happy.

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Settings.ini Is Being Used By Another Process?

Oct 27, 2009

Installed Windows 7 over Vista with no trouble except when Windows starts a window titled "Desktop Gadgets" pops up with the following message:"Settings.ini is being used by another process. Close the other program...."The above results in having no sidebar or gadgets, and I have no idea what the other process might be in order to close it.

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Is There Any Way To Automate Process

Aug 16, 2011

-At home, I want to use DHCP on my wireless network.

-At work, I want to IGNORE the DHCP address that the wireless network gives me, and force an IP address. Configuring the router to reserve an IP for my MAC is not an option due to a bloated corporate bureaucracy.

Right now, I have to go into control panel and manually configure the network EVERY DAY and while it's not all THAT much work, it's annoying.Is there any way to automate the process?

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Process Explorer V15.0

Jul 19, 2011

The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top window always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: if it is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected in the top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'll see the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded. Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that will quickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLs loaded.

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Just Restarts At The Booting Process?

Aug 8, 2011

I have CD-RW's and I like to know I can use them to recover my laptop failure system. My problem is that I can't access my desktop,Dell XPS. Its just restarts at the booting process. I think its a virus that is causing it. But I also want to restore my computer to its original factory position. How can I resolve this without going into the desktop?

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Svchost.exe PID / Process During Idle?

Jan 8, 2012

When I don't touch my computer for a while, I get CPU 100% (or CPU 50% on this dual core). As soon as I touch the mouse, in one second the culprit escapes. I know it's something under svchost.exe and I know I could see which svchost with Process Explorer or Svchost Viewer. But since the whole process disappears as soon as I touch mouse, it's pretty difficult to pinpoint. Svchost Viewer doesn't list all the processes in one screen, scrolling is needed. So it's basically always hidden and I can't scroll to it as that kills the process.How do I find out what exact process inside svchost.exe is eating my CPU during idle? My goal is to prevent the offending process altogether from starting.By the way, which settings of Windows Defender can cause this CPU 100% on idle problem, I didn't yet try shutting down all the settings there.

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The Process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used

May 3, 2012

I am getting this error all the time with Windows 7. I open a text file I want to edit, then go to save my changes and I get this error:

"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

I have full admin rights, running Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1. From a bit of research I have seen where many others have been experiencing this problem or something similar too. The only "fix" (that doesn't work all the time) is to close explorer.exe and then restart it to "release the handle"? Anyway, this is not acceptable for to money and time I spent upgrading/configuring this new OS from XP where I never had this problem and seriously cuts down my productivity.

Is there a fix for this? Has Microsoft even acknowledged this as a bug yet? I can duplicate this scenario the second or third time I try to edit/save/delete a text file and I know that explorer.exe is the problem or a big part of it in any case. I don't want to go back to XP x64 but having to deal with this headache 10-20 times a day is just too much to ask.

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Process Of Windows 7 Installation?

Jan 21, 2009

First things first. Brand new discovery! Did you know that it's impossible not to backing-up and lose your old files during Windows 7 installation? That's right! Microsoft contradicting it-self in the first steps of installation preparation step by step information. At first they say that we should back-up our old files as they WILL BE deleted. Then they practically force an option of where our old Windows files will be backed up into Windows.old folder. So the folders such as "Users, Program Files, Windows ...etc" will be stored in Windows.old folder. And any other files created by you that are stored in "C:" directory will remain untouched! So don't worry about upgrading or backing up anything, since Windows 7 does it all for you! My advice, just go with a clean install and you'll be safer that way. Now back to business. Have you ever experienced a really bad day with such as Windows 7?Possible solutions for your headache have finally arrived:We need to try almost everything possible in our powers to locate and solve the problems, right?NOTE: I'm gonna do these steps backwards like if we don't really know how to solve this quick!


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Shutdown Process Has Become Very Slow

Nov 6, 2012

I bought this computer with Windows 7 since about 8 months. Within the last two months ago, shutdown process has become very slow. It's take 1-2 minutes every time. Startup time seems normal.I have now licensed kaspersky Internet Security and Comodo free Firewall (Does this affect?)The operating system updates have automatically installing since the beginning of my use.Most of my use is surfing the Internet and web design programs.Asus A52F with 3gb memory.

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CD/DVD Driver Stopping My Whole Process

May 29, 2009

I am trying to install Windows 7 RC into to different machines. Both are self built machines. Both are running Win XP w/ sp2.

On one machine I have tried everything to get past a CD/DVD Driver request. The first DVD driver is a NEC ND-2500A. I found what I thought were the drivers, but whenever I get to the point of selecting the drive (with the drivers in it) they don't appear within the DVD drive.

I even went as far as to load the driver onto the HDD I am installing Win& to. After may attempts, with no luck, I installed a plug and play CD/DVD player. Now, I have never had driver's for this unit, but it still wants drivers for it.

What am I missing here? Why won't it get past this point. I have even gone as far as disconnecting C drive and tried loading directly to D drive (second HDD drive).

On the second computer it mentions something about an I/O shield problem and wont even let me get into the setup stage.

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Set Priority (on Process) With Script?

Mar 20, 2011

Is there a way to set the priority of a process with a vbscript? If so, how? Say I want to set ProcessA to High and ProcessB to low.

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System Idle Process Uses A Lot Of CPU?

Oct 30, 2011

Dont know why but System idle process is randomly using so much CPU ! Anyone know what mabye the problem that causes so much CPU usage .

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Why CONHOST.EXE Process Starts ONLY When Use TOR

Apr 17, 2012

I have read in other threads the function of CONHOST.EXE process in Windows 7 (the legit process located in SYSTEM32 folder).But I wonder why in my pc this process appears only when I use the Tor Browser, and not when I use the stardard Firefox browser or in any other situation.

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100 Percent CPU Usage By No Particular Process

Jun 7, 2012

Some days ago I noticed after a couple of minutes I start mi PC, my CPU usage goes to a constant 100% , so I checked for viruses and such but MSE gave me nothing and neither Malwarebytes. Here's the weird thing, I checked the Task Manager to see witch process was causing this and it's always a different process (Sometimes MsMpEng.exe, sometimes dwm.exe and even taskmgr.exe itself) so I started killing processes like a maniac leaving just the few essential ones but nothing changed. I also stopped all the services with a delayed start, since the problem starts after a couple of minutes but the problem was still there. My system restore is disabled.

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Way To Have An Automatic Boot Process Run?

Jan 8, 2013

I am wondering is there a way to have an automatic boot process run?Example: I work and get home at around 5:30-6:00 PM, I would like my PC to boot at 5:00 PM.If there is a way to do it great, if there isnt, no great loss.

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Open In New Process - Folder

Nov 10, 2008

How to Open a Folder Window in a New Process in Windows 7 ?

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Can't Find The Other Csrss.exe Process

Feb 4, 2012

The other day I noticed two csrss.exe processes going one went up to 10% cpu. So i did some research on how to remove the faulty one. I checked my system32 folder found a csrss there but that is the legitmate one. I guess could be bad still. I then tried to look in the Start up folder where they said to look so I went there and the folder was empty. I then read that you have to rigth click the start up folder and hit "For all users" still empty! So i went into msconfig and nowhere to be seen is the csrss.exe in the startup. So i tried looking for my C:\user\ app data\startup folder that way no use.

I have some info too on both the process. Looking in Spybot search and destroy's process list both are there and one process has 9 threads and the other has 10 threads whatever that means I noticed that one of the csrss had 12 threads before i rebooted. Maybe its building back up to 12. The other one has stayed at 9 always. Also whenever I right click on the processes in Spybot S&D theres a "show process in windows explorer" when I hit that it takes me to my user folder and nothing happens. Its obviously not there.

The first csrss the one that I think is the legitmate one is 1424 K memory size
2nd is 1748 K memory: this is the one that uses the cpu

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