Multiple Installation Of Same Operating System On Same Machine?

Oct 22, 2011

I have a licensed windows 7 home basic os installed on my pc. Can I install it as many times as I want on the same machine i.e. after formatting the machine, can I install and activate it more than once?

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Operating System - Machine Is Restarting But Not Enter Into Desktop?

Sep 25, 2012

I have one Dell Inspiron N5110 laptop.i was installed win 7 OS in it. after successfully installed my OS, machine is restarting but not enter into desktop.(I think not booting properly)

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Operating System Crashing On Boot Up - Newly Built Machine

Feb 23, 2012

Last night, I built my first desktop machine. Most of my components were brand new, but I kept my old hard drive.(Which contained my Windows Home Premium 64 bit OS on it.)

When I finally went to power it up for the first time, it booted up normally, and then when it goes to the black screen with the colors swirling together to make the windows logo, right away it quickly flashed to a blue screen and then restarted.

I then went into the repair windows mode, but the automatic repairs failed. They left me with these details:

Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 21200924
Problem Signature 05: Autofailover
Problem Signature 06: 3
Problem Signature 07: No Root Cause
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

The hard drive with the operating sytem was working fine for me yesterday in my old machine. So I am assuming it has to be a problem with the new hardware, or I failed to connect something, or i need to change a setting.

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Using Two Hard Drives Operating System Installation

Jun 14, 2012

I have two hard drives, one is SATA 500gb and the other is IDE 150gb. I had Windows 7 on the SATA and an old Ubuntu on the IDE hard drive. I hardly ever used Ubuntu and got tired of GRUB coming up every time I booted asking which OS I want so I decided to uninstall it. I wanted to go ahead and reformat the drive so I used an old Windows XP cd I have to reformat the 150g IDE drive. It wouldn't let me just reformat without installing XP so I went ahead and did that.So now whenever I turn on the PC it automatically boots into Windows XP. In XP I can see both drives, my 500gb with all my files and Windows 7 and the 150gb with just XP on it. In my BIOS the SATA 500gb is set as the main hdd, and is set as #1 in the boot priority (IDE hdd is not anywhere in boot priority). When I bring up the boot list and choose the SATA HDD it just brings up a BIOS flasher, no Windows 7.

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Windows 7 Installation: Missing Operating System After Using Imagex?

Oct 11, 2011

I'm an IT proffesional, currently going learning for my Configuring Windows 7.I used windows 7 since the first beta came out, and I must say, I never was dissapointed by it.But because I am learning I am trying to get all the computers here running windows 7, and I have a computer in my office wich I am trying to install it on.There are a few problems thoug:The computer only has a CDrom player, and cannot boot from a usb device.When I first got it, windows XP was installed, and it only had 750 mb of memory. Stupid as I was, I decided to give it a try anyway installing windows 7 from inside Windows XP using an external DVD player connected with USB.This failed, and gave me lots of error so I tried the next step.

As It cannot find a network share I had to instal windows PE on a CDrom and from there I could acces my extrernal HDD where I had a clean copy of windows 7 on as INSTALL.wim. I cleaned everything, and created everything from scratch with succes. Image X worked, and BCDboot worked. So it seemed to go great.After restarting my system, it still will only give me, Missing operating system.I tried to search on the internet but couldn't really find something related to my problem.In the bios it says I can start from IDE CD-rom device, Diskette drive, Hard-Disk Drive c:, Integrated NIC (Disabled)I bought some different memory and I am now at 1.5 mb DDRIt is an Intel Pentium 4 processor 2.4 Ghz Level Cachge 512 Integrated.It's a DELL Optiplex Gx260 Series.

The boot menu gives me:. Normal2. Hard-Disk Drive C: (Wich I used for my 100mb) (And I used D for my big partition and with BCDboot I used D:WindowsSystem32cdboot d:windows /s D: ) Wich worked because he did copy the files.

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Missing Operating System - Booting From Installation Disc Doesn't Work?

May 6, 2012

Firstly I should say that I am primarily a mac user, and it is not my laptop I am posting about. Although I am reasonably knowledgable about Windows, I haven't used it since XP, about four years ago, and so am pretty rusty.Basically, my girlfriends computer randomly turned off about a week ago, she assumed it was a dead battery, plugged it in, and then when it turned back on it wouldn't boot displaying error message: missing operating system.As it is a Dell laptop it didn't come with any installation discs, and I totally forgot to even make a repair disc when we got the laptop. I managed to get hold of a Windows 7 Installation Disc and license key for Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit through my university. I think the laptop was previously running Windows 7 Home Premium, but that's all I know, and I'm not entirely sure of that fact.

Anyway, burnt the .iso to disc and have tried to boot several times from DVD Drive. The laptop loads the files from the DVD fine, and gets as far as the "Starting Windows" screen, where it seems to get stuck for a few minutes, until it becomes a black screen with just a cursor (the cursor still moves). This also happens with an 64 bit repair DVD I also managed to get hold of.

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Download Original Operating System Installation Disk From Factory For Future Purposes?

Sep 25, 2011

I want to download the original operating system installation disk from the factory for future purposes

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Skydrive App Multiple Users Same Machine?

Feb 1, 2013

I want to use the skydrive app for users on the domain. They would all share this drive in the notification area but log in and out of the drive with each accessing their own files on a windows 7 machine.this will be for clients logging in with an active directory account. Is this possible? use it as secure online storage obviously they would all need a hotmail address.This would be for multiple domain users on the same physical computer? or is there any free alternative that can accomplish the same

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"missing Operating System" And "installation Media Driver"

Aug 19, 2012

A couple of days ago, my Gateway Laptop born in 2009, crashed. Now I get a messages "missing operating system" and "installation media driver". I truly need help getting this running so i can finish my work for school.

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How To Delete Multiple Operating Systems

Mar 26, 2011

i recently installed windows 7 pro after having vista for a while. Ive noticed i have somehow managed to install 2 windows7's onto my HDD, and my windows vista is still there, just wondering how i completely get rid of vista and only have 1 windows 7 installed

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Putting Multiple Operating Systems On Laptop?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a couple of games that do not agree with 7 at all no matter what, and I would like to have multiple operating systems on here. How would I go about putting 98 on here?I have the disk and key. I want it to where I can choose which one I want.

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Backing Up A HD With Multiple Partitions And Operating Systems?

Dec 4, 2011

I just finished setting up a triple-boot-system with Windows 7 and 2 Linux distros, and it got me thinking about the perils of making backups.Should I treat every individual partition as if it is it's own Hard Drive, meaning I only Image 1 partition at a time?Or should I image the whole drive as one, imaging all partitions?

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One Pagefile / Swap - Multiple Operating Systems?

Nov 19, 2011

In my first partition I have windows xp, and in the second partition windows 7.Is it safe to use only one swap / pagefile from only one partition (first one where resides windows xp)?My pagefile size is set to be in the first partition and at fixed size (minimum 4096 Mb maximum 4096 mb).Or should I make/move/user a swap file from the second partition (windows 7 partition). Far as I know from my benchmarks the hardisk is faster in the first partition (first 20 GB), that would be the xp partition, fast in the second one (from 20 to 50 gb) after this the speed is decreasing.I am using windows xp because Photoshop and some games seem's to be far more resposive and faster than in windows 7, and I use windows 7 for internet related & other stuff

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No Operating System Found But It's Operating

Dec 27, 2012

Ran F12 to regain Operating system - long version. Says computer passes everything but there's no operating system found. Did this Twice. Tried "Operating System" CD that came w/ Studio 17 laptop. Hit option to run via CD & never got anywhere after an hour. Tried Reinstall Hardware disk that came w/ laptop. It shows Vista, but laptop came w/ Windows 7. See where it shows the system's checking things out, but never get anywhere.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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Missing Operating System" Error Massage When System Starts?

Feb 18, 2012

"Missing operating system" massage is coming when i start my system and i am not able to start. I think because , i had given "mark partition as active" option for one hard dive (E) in disk management when last time i opened. it did not have any data. i did not know, this will make any problem. Now i am not able to boot windows re installation dvd also. i can only take BIOS settings.

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'Missing Operating System' Error Massage When System Starts

Feb 17, 2012

"Missing operating system" massage is coming when i start my system. I think because, i had given "mark partition as active" option for one hard dive (E) in disk management when last time i opened. it did not have any data. i did not know, this will make any problem. Now i am not able to boot windows re installation dvd also. i can only take BIOS settings.

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Installation Driver For VMware 7 Virtual Machine

Nov 7, 2009

I am trying to install Windows 7 on a VMware 7 virtual machine, and it is asking for a driver. Windows 7 installs on just about any hardware you can throw at it. I have tried it on an ancient workstation with SCSI drives, and it installs without a problem. The same with serial ATA machines. Under Windows XP you would have to first supply it with a driver.

But now when I try to install Windows 7 on a VMware 7 virtual machine, it won't install. After the preliminary steps of asking for language and localization, it asks for a driver. Any idea why it does that, and what kind of driver it wants, and where I can get hold of one?

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System Builder Versus Regular Operating System

Jun 14, 2012

I am looking to upgrade my desktop from an xp to 7. System builders are very cheap which concerns me. What is the difference from a system builder and the regular version.

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Whenever System Boots It Asks To Choose Operating System

Nov 22, 2012

whenever i boot my pc i starts making sounds for like 15 secs and later asks me t choose my operating. this started wheni removed my battery for like 3 weeks and then inserted it back. am using acer mini.

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How To Know Which Operating System You Have

Jan 20, 2012

I was just wondering is there anything within the fabric of your p.c. (the p.c. equivalent of a clothes label) which specifically states its operating system.I have Windows and Windows Office 2007, but as I said, is there anything that clearly stipulates on my hard-drive which operating system I am using.

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Operating System Not Found

Nov 9, 2011

I tried to restore my laptop to factory default today and i must have clicked the wrong option because it deleted my Hard Disk. now when i try to start it it says Operating system not found. Is there any way i can fix this? Oh and i have Windows 7 Starter edition, and its a Toshiba notebook laptop

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Operating System Not Found

Dec 11, 2011

This morning my computer, Sony Vaio, was working perfectly. I turned it off and after a couple of hours put it back on, to get to my surprise the following message " OPERATING SYSTEM NOT FOUND".Is it possible to recover my information still?

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No Operating System Found

Jan 22, 2012

My computer was on this evening, all of a sudden it went off saying no operating system found. What can I do to fix this?

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Operating System Windows 7?

Aug 29, 2012

i have a dell lattitude d620. I received an error message bootmgr is compressed and i do not have an installation disk.

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Operating System Not Found?

Sep 23, 2012

the boot manager was missing for my dell inspiron n4030 so i put the windows 7 repair disk in but when i start it it doesn't have any operating system listed

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Two Operating Systems On A Same System?

Nov 12, 2012

have got windows 7 ultimate version of operating system on my system, . but i also want to install windows xp in it for some reasons related to my education. can i install an other operating system along with the existing one, such that at every start up i could select the required os to be functioned

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Operating System Not Found?

Nov 23, 2012

Basically I loaded up my Sony Vaio PCG-71811M laptop and it just has a black screen with 'operating system not found) I clicked F2 for the utility help to see what it said about the HDD. It doesn't say 'HDD not found, all it says is '0GB'. Really worried because all my university work is on there

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Operating System Not Found

Feb 20, 2011

I dropped my acer extensa 5235 from 1.5ft it landed flat. But now when i turn it on it says "operating system not found". Ive been searching everywhere for a solution but have not one. I do not have my windows 7 install disk as it was already pre-installed but i do have the windows 7 iso on a usb-stick. But when i go to install from the usb and choose custom install it starts to "Copy Window Files" but stays at 0% then an error comes up and says "Windows Setup could not reinitialize the deployment engine. To install Windows, restart the installation." ive tried to restart the installation but always comes up with same error?

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Restore Without Operating System?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm studying abroad in France and made a the great decision to try to restore my laptop to a system image on an external while in class. Anyway, my battery died half way through and on start my machine says missing operating system. I don't happen to have my restore disks here and would prefer to not have to go rebut windows 7.

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Operating System Is Not Found

Jan 29, 2012

My laptop is a HP Pavilion dv6500 (dv6647cl) just crashed randomly during basic internet browsing. I turned it back on and I get the Operating System Not Found error. In the BIOS I do not see the hard drive recognized. I connected the hard drive to a different computer and it is recognized and it appears as though nothing is wrong with the drive. Is it safe to say that internally the SATA controller is dead? Will edit after running diagnostics and sector tests on the drive.

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