Listing Hidden Files At Command Line?

Oct 22, 2010

How do you list/view hidden files in a DIR using command line. (Got it wrong on a test today) couldnt find it im my A+ book on which switch to use. I put /h but apparently that was wrong

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Showing Hidden Files Using Command Prompt?

Aug 3, 2012

I can show hidden files using the 'Tools, Folder Options, View' path, but I was just wondering if anyone knows of a way to do this with a single action e.g. with the command prompt. My web searches only turn up ways to change the attributes of individual files/folders. It's not really a problem, I'm just looking for a shortcut :)

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Command Line - Can't See Partition

Oct 8, 2012

Recently, I'm assuming a virus or whatever made my system un-bootable. I have a Dell XPS 420 ... Windows 7 ... a single 500GB hard drive with three partitions.

- partition 1 - the OS, approx 250GB
- partition 2 - docs, approx 20GB
- partition 3 - other stuff, approx 230GB

I booted from the installation disc, and I tried everything imaginable to be able to boot up again, but was unsuccessful. So I made the decision to re-install windows, but before that, I wanted to copy everything off the hard drive onto a portable drive.Going into the command line tool ... I am able to read from the hard drive fine ... I copied everything from the first two partitions off to an external hard drive. No problem.HOWEVER ... the system is not recognizing, or not allowing me to see, the 3rd partition. I went into DISKPART and looked, and it does not have a drive letter assigned to it. I can't find it. Something I can do? Or is this part of the corruption of the disc that is preventing me from booting?if I re-install the OS on partition 1 ... will partition 3 be harmed and would I still able to see it in Windows when things are back to "normal"? If so, I won't worry about the previous question and I'll just re-install. But if not, I won't re-install until I can figure out how to get that data off the 3rd partition.

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Game Command Line Parameters

Aug 13, 2009

I simply want to add the -nointro parameter to my BioShock game shortcut.

I go to the shortcut, then properties, but where I think it should be added, similar to what XP looks like, is greyed out (the word "BioShock").

What do I need to do? I'm new to Windows 7, coming from XP.

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Windows 7 Explorer Command Line?

Sep 14, 2010

On one of my PCs running Windows 7 Pro 32 bit I'm getting odd behavior when I use command line switches for Windows Explorer.When I create a shortcut with the following command line it works perfectly everytime: C:Windowsexplorer.exe An normal Explorer window opens.If I create a shortcut with the following command line it rarely works. It starts but just hangs and no Explorer window opens: C:Windowsexplorer.exe /e,c:That switch at the end of the command line should cause an Explorer window to open with the C: drive selected on the left pane. That's exactly what it does on all of my PCs except one.Obviously something is set differently on this one PC but I don't know what.

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Registry Editing From Command Line?

Jun 21, 2011

So I am trying to delete some keys from the registry using command line, eventually I am going to turn it into a batch file because it is something I may have to do frequently. Basically I want to delete a folder full of registry keys without having to list every key individually.

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Command Line PING Response?

Jun 22, 2012

I work within the IT department and i require to install some software etc on machines remotely on our network, the machines tend to be offline due to been portable computers so i wanted to see if there was a way to create a script or something so if did a ping response from command line (ping machine name -t) so that when the machines did actaully appear back on the network i would receive say an email from Microsoft Outlook (exchange) This would be weather the command line has to stay open (which i know i could do with the Asstrix syntax but i dont want to keep it open, just have something to notify me when its back on our network?

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Open Any Folder From Command Line [cmd]?

Jul 3, 2012

Example ProgramData or Any Hinden Folder. Sometime I Don't Need Check Show Hidden Files In Folder Option

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Open C Drive From Command Line?

Aug 2, 2012

how do u open C drive or any other drive from CMD?

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Web Admin Command Line Parameters?

Jan 31, 2011

WBADMIN command line parameters provides a possibility to create batch files running advanced, automated backup.But, I need a scheduled task for backup of the entire system image. It seems this is not possible, and that the only way to create a system image backup is by using the GUI?/Per What I'm looking for i the Windows 7 equivalent to the Windows Server 2008 "wbadmin start systemstatebackup" command line parameter.

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Text To Speak From Command Line?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm looking for a Text To Speak software to be accessible from a command line.

TextToSpeech will read text inside the application. I'm looking only for text to be read from a string given by a command line

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Running Program From Command Line As Administrator

Sep 13, 2012

How can I run a program from the command line as an administrator. I'm looking for a command line equivalent to right-clicking on the program icon and choosing "Run as Administrator".

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Chkdsk -- Use Command Line Or 'Tools' Dialog Box?

Dec 25, 2011

What is the best way (not really sure what I mean by "best") to check file systems for errors?

(1) Run chkdsk from command line? --OR--

(2) Use the "Check now..." option in the drive's Properties dialog box?

Does #2 do the same operation as #1, or are there differences?

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Running Program From Command Line As Administrator?

Sep 13, 2012

How can I run a program from the command line as an administrator. I'm looking for a command line equivalent to right-clicking on the program icon and choosing "Run as Administrator".

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Installing Fonts Via Command Line/script?

Oct 12, 2009

Windows 7 has apparently changed the way fonts are installed. I have a web page that I use that when visiting the page it looks to see if a file called barcode.exe is installed in a particular folder and if it is not present it downloads the file and executes it.The exe file is designed to place 2 carolina bar code fonts into C:windowsfonts. This works with no issues in both Windows XP and Windows Vista but is not working in Windows 7. I can manually install these into Windows 7 font folder with no problem, but need to be able to do it automatically. Does anyone know an effective command line to use to place a font into the font folder in Windows 7?

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Change Color Depth Through Command Line?

May 13, 2009

how to change color depth to 32-bit in windows through command or registry?

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Windows Management Instrumentation Command Line

Mar 30, 2012

I have never needed to use the Windows Management Instrumentation CLI before and i am unfamiliar with the syntax. Any tutorial for the WMI CLI before?

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Windows Command Line Keyboard Shortcuts

Jan 10, 2011

Can I make custom keyboard shortcuts eg; say perhaps when I press Ctrl, Alt, R & J it would input my login name to a site I use frequently (and have a simila one for my password)? I can't have windows just remember my login & Pasword as my wife & I log into the same site (Facebook) and I don't want her to have to erase my info every time she wants to log in.

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How To Change Hostname In Windows Xp By Command Line

Jan 31, 2012

how to change computer name using command line in windows?

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Get Two Start Menu Shortcuts To Same Exe With Different With Command-line Switches?

Sep 21, 2012

have two desktop shortcuts to the same exe but with different command-line switches. How can I get them both onto the Start menu? When I drag the first to the Start button, it appears fine - but when I drag the second, it replaces the first. So what even I do, only one appears on the menu.

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Use Command Line Switch When Browser Opened Via Association?

Nov 23, 2011

Seems like in Windows Seven there's no way to add a command line switch when setting up default programs? What I'm trying to do is ensure that Chromium is always opened with this command line switch:-allow-outdated-plugins.I have it in the shortcut pinned to taskbar. All is fine until I open a page via association when the browser isn't open.Chromium has Flash built in. I have it disabled. So without the switch I'm going to keep seeing "your plugin is outdated".I don't understand why command line params when setting up file types has been removed.

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Command Line Task Scheduler Power Options

Jul 28, 2011

I was trying to create a scheduled task via command line (schtask.exe) and I want it to run regardless of whether the user is on battery power or on AC power. I created an event and it runs fine on AC power but when I try it on the battery power, it doesn't work. I checked the task in the task scheduler and saw in the condition for my event the following options checked:

- Start the task only if the computer is on AC power

- Stop if the computer switches to battery power

After I create the task via command line, I can't modify the settings. Either way, I MUST only use the command line to create/modify the tasks. Is there any way to modify this variable? Or am I stuck on only having the task run on AC power?

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Stop Command Line Window Message From Closing

Mar 29, 2010

I have a problem running a task with Task Scheduler. The task doesn't run. I have to debug it. When I try to make it run from the app a message appears on a command line message, but it appears and disappears so quickly that I can't read it. To fix the problem I need to read it to know what is going on.Can someone please tell me how to stop that command line window message from closing, please?

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Hidden System Files Are No Longer Hidden?

Sep 11, 2011

Some of my important system files are no longer hidden and I can't hide them even with the Command Prompt "attrib" command. Files such as bootmgr and ntldr are shown and I can't hide them. Also, show Protected System files is unchecked and show hidden files is also unchecked so they shouldn't be showing. I tried to re-add their system file attribute but I keep getting an "Access Denied" error in CMD and I do not have user account control on and I'm on a Default Administrator Account.

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At Startup: Visual C# Command Line Compiler Stopped Working?

Jun 2, 2011

I started my computer today to find it starting up verrrrrry slow. I then repeatedly kept getting the notification box with visual c# command line compiler has stopped working.I looked through various threads via my phone and saw to run a sfc /scannowI tried that under administrator and it says windows resource protection could not start the repair service.

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Creating Custom Command Line For File Association Table

Sep 7, 2011

How can I create a custom command line to be used when I double click on a file with a specific extension. For example for a .jar file I'd like to have this:
javaw.exe -jar "%1" -myOpts

Can you have more than one custom command line for an extension and use the RightClick context menu to chose the one you want to use?

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Adding Folders In Indexing Options Using Registry Or Command Line?

Jun 28, 2012

I'm trying to add folders in the indexing options by using either registry or command lines. This is for an unattended silent install.

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Attrib Command For Hidden Folders?

Nov 10, 2012

Can't find my folders in external hard disk and it shows in the volume that there still in the disk, but can't find them. What should i do to retrieve them?

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Explorer Search Is Sometimes Not Listing All Files?

Dec 31, 2011

If I search in "c:users" for *.xls I get 2 files listed - both are in deep subfolders.142.xls in "c:userspaulappdataoaming emp emp emp emp emp emp emp" If I search in "c:userspaul" for *.xls I get 100+ files listed, eg:list.xls in "c:userspaulackupICT2010" Which leads me to think that the search is not working correctly - a file found in "c:userspaulackupICT2010" must also be in "c:users".Or am I missing something?

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Wmc Stopped Listing Mpeg4 Files In Video Library?

Apr 8, 2012

windows media center 7 64 has stopped listing mpeg4 files. How can i fix this?I did install nero 9 and then uninstalled it. and i installed power2go8 could these programs messup wmc?

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Open "All Control Panel Items" From The Command Line?

Feb 10, 2013

How to open "All Control Panel Items" from the command line?

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