Installing 32 Bit Programs On Windows 7 64 Bit?

Dec 11, 2012

I want to play 32 bit programs on windows 7 64 bit

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Programs Not Installing On 64-bit Windows 7?

Feb 13, 2012

It says they need too be installed on 32 bit. Anyway to run 32 bit programs on 64 bit? I think it's my system though because I know other people have used them on 64 bit systems.error message:"The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher."

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Installing Windows.old Programs

Jun 24, 2009

So I just installed Win 7 RC 7100. Before that I had the Win 7 Beta Build 7022. I did a full computer backup...the one that creates a .vhd file and such...well I can't figure out a way to get all my old programs and such back b/c it seems 7 RC needs the backup to be saved on the old OS using "Easy Transfer" in order to access the files through the new OS.

I have a full backup on my external, but the restore function in 7 RC doesn't recognize it. Is there an easy way to restore it? Can i use the windows.old files? If so, how do I install the programs from progfiles? Some are missing the setup applications it seems.

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Installing 32 Bit Programs On Windows 7 64 Bit?

Jan 29, 2012

I have 2 64 bit Win 7 computers, an HP desktop and an HP laptop. I run Quicken 2011 on both computers and save my data file in Dropbox so that I can access the file from either computer.In the case of the laptop, I can open and manipulate the QHI (Quicken Home Inventory) file, but I get error messages when I try to open the same file on my desktop computer.

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Installing Windows 7 On Different HDD - Using Old Programs Possible?

May 8, 2012

I have a windows vista pc running REALLY slow and am wanting to install either windows XP or windows 7 on a different HDD, set it as primary, and run from it. But will I be able to use programs installed on the other HDD directly? or will i need to copy/ reinstall them?

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Windows 7 Won't Shut Down After Installing Programs?

Sep 11, 2012

I bought a new asus laptop with windows 7 and when i load any program on it! it will not shut down through start menu i have tried to install in different order no

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Installing Windows 7 With Keeping Existing Programs

Aug 12, 2011

I have a problem as follows: After I restared my comp yesterday, win 7 loads up the blue-green screen with leafs, and right after that, hangs on the black screen with visible cursor.i'm only able to move it then. ctr+alt+del is not working.

What strange, in the safe mode all works well. I tried 'last known config' - didn't work. I tried system restore - same thing. I tried to repair system with the 'repair tool' from the cd - didn't recognize any problems.

My question - is it possible to re-place system files, or do un upgrade win 7 to win 7 but keeping all my programs installed? I really do not want to reinstall them, it would last 3 days.

In old xp, there was an option to hit 'r' on the second question while installing from cd, and we could have everything still installed, but system files replaced.

my system win 7 64 bit ult.

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Installing 64bit Programs On Windows 7 32bit?

Nov 25, 2012

I have Win 7 that apparently only has a 32 bit system. I need to install a 64 bit program but get the message that the laptop won't support a 64 bit program.

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Windows 7 - System Cannot Find Path Specified When Installing Programs

Oct 1, 2011

after i reinstall windows 7 ultimate i try to install Internet music downloader and it says: the system cannot find path specified, i try to run as administrator but it doesn't works. i open troubleshoot compatibility and it says: incompatible application. i am using 64 bit windows 7 and i get this error on every program i want to install.

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Sudden Slowdown After Installing Desktop Customization Programs For Windows 7

Apr 4, 2011

After installing some desktop customization programs for Windows 7, I noticed that my games run with lower framerates. I also notice that things are loading up a little slower, and when I drag a selection box on my desktop, it's very laggy. I just built this computer about a month ago, and it's meant to be a gaming computer.

My general specs are:
- AMD Phenom II X2 555 Black Edition Processor - 3.2 GHz
- 4 GBs of DDR3 RAM & 1600Mhz
- Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
- My graphics card is a PowerColor AX6850 Radeon HD 6850 1GB 256-bit GDDR5

I uninstalled the two programs (Rainmeter and Fences), restarted my system a couple of times, disabled various startup items and services, uninstalled some unnecessary programs, ran a virus scan with Malware Bytes and Spybot Search & Destroy, ran CCleaner, and I am still facing this slow down. My CPU temperatures are also staying at 20C to 25C, so that shouldn't be the issue. Could windows be running an index or something in the background? Or is there a conflict with the operating system after using these desktop customization tools?

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Installing Programs On Windows 7 64bit - System Creating Restore Point

Jan 15, 2013

On my system I have an SSD, so I have (Windows Restore) turned off. When I download a program and try to install it, it says creating a Restore Point and sits there for a while. A long while. I have found that I can go into Safe Mode and install things with no problem, fast. Even after it is satisfied with the restore point and says it is installing, it will just sit there and drag on. What can I do to get things to install without Safe Mode?

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Some Programs Have Trouble After Installing 7

Apr 17, 2011

I have installed 7 sp1 on Dell inspiron 1520. and updated my drivers also with driver genius.I have a problem that such programs won t install. some others have trouble , f.e firefox 4 craches some times.I have never had such problems in xp.for example this is the error that on office 2010 occures while installing :or net framework 4 gives the eror :

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BSOD When Installing Programs

Apr 12, 2012

I started to experience bsods lately when I am trying to install (and sometimes uninstall) programs. PC would not boot past 'starting windows' logo and I got a blank screen with Windows failed to start.

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Not Responding When Installing Programs

Sep 22, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 RTM and everything is working just great for more then a month. But now I am experiencing some problems when I am installing larger programs or games. When installation starts, the system starts to freeze and I cant even normally switch windows or browse on internet. This lasts until the installation is complete, then everything comes back to normal. The same thing is happening on my laptop.

Does anyone know why and how can I resolve this problem?

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Lua Error When Installing Programs?

Aug 12, 2012

Any time I try to install a program from [URL] I get an error that says

"Lua Error!
[]Error Evaluating if(FIRST_BUNDLE ~=nil and not offer_events.loaded==true )
then startIntegratedOffer(1180402,1591,true) end --
C:/BM/2.5/_WEBINSTALL/BINARIES/downloadcom/production/setup.exe.nsi:Line 1372.2
Error:[[C]:-1](field addConnection)


This happens for every program that I have tried from, but I haven't had the problem with installing programs from other sites. I have a second computer and I have no problems installing programs from onto that computer. I've searched the internet for a solution but I haven't found anything like it. I can still install programs from everywhere except (at least I haven't run into problems yet), so it's not a huge deal but it would be really nice to be able to download programs from because it is a very useful resource.

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Installing Programs Which Partition ?

Nov 11, 2009

When installing programs onto your new system, do you guys install them on the same partition that you have Windows 7 on, or do you put them on another partition?

My current setup is 1 HDD with 2 partitions. I have windows 7 installed on a 40gb partition, and the 2nd partition is all the remaining space on my HDD.

Right now, as I've started installing my programs, I'm putting my programs onto the 2nd partition. I figure the system may run a little smoother if the OS is located in one place with nothing else, and all my programs, docs, pics, music, etc... are in a different place.

Does this make sense?

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Ssd Fills Up When Installing Programs To Hdd?

Nov 30, 2012

i recently built a computer with a 40 GB ssd and a 320 GB hdd. i installed windows 7 to the ssd and have been installing all applications, programs, games, ect to the hdd. Problem is that the computer is telling me i have 700 some MB left on the ssd when i haven't been installing anything on it.i recognize that programs will install a small amount of data to the ssd for windows but it shouldn't have filled up the drive.i need some ideas of how to clear data off of my ssd my operating system and/or a way to install more of the program onto the hdd. also tips for managing the data on the ssd would be useful

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Having Trouble Installing Programs?

Jan 21, 2009

If your having an issue installing programs where you get the error, "windows installer has stopped working", go into your action center (the flag icon in the lower right corner of your task bar), click "change action center settings", then click "customer experience improvement program settings". Once in the settings, select "No, I do not wish to participate" and save your settings.

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White Icons After Installing Programs

Jan 24, 2012

i am pulling my hair out,recently i installed dreamweaver cs5 on my laptop for college all went well until a week ago when i went to click on to dreamweaver and the icons had turned white and i could not open it up so i uninstalled it and installed again everything was fine until i restarted and back to the same i also noticed my icon had turned white too but when i tried in safe mode all is fine.

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Usage Of RAM While Installing Programs / Games

Oct 13, 2009

Im using Windows 7 now for a while. I was reading on another forums reports by multiple users about abnormal usage of RAM (100% usage) while installing games or programs and it causes stalling while CPU usage is near 0%. I also asked these question on another forum and didnt get anwser.

I was wondering why, because I didnt notice that behaviour on my computer never before. But yesterday when I was installing a game I noticed just that. The installation proces was very slow, RAM usage was 100%, CPU at zero. So I suspect a update of a kind or something similar is cousing this problem.

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Installing Programs On Secondary Drive?

Sep 23, 2012

Instead of installing programs on the main OS Drive and installing on a secondary drive or partition, I should still be able to run the programs if I decide to format the OS drive and reinstall Windows. If so, the problem I'm seeing is that Windows won't know those programs are installed (like using the search bar to find programs or the program list) since whatever registry entries the program installer made will be wiped. Is there an easy way to back it up?Or is it advisable to just reinstall everything when I reformat?

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Slow Computer After Installing Programs?

Aug 14, 2012

I have a problem where my computer gets super slow after I install a Program. It doesnt matter what program it is, but it gets slow. The way I used to fix it was to just uninstall random programs but it has changed, I cant use my computer since it's so slow. The only way to fix it is reinstall windows but I dont want to do that as I already did that 2 times. Help Would be Great. Could it be the Hard Drive Itself, I doubt it the cpu or memory

I have a Intel Core 2 Quad core
4 GB of mem
Radeon HD 5670 GPU
and The mother board is HP's motherboard Asus IPIBL-LB Benicia

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Error 1935 While Installing Programs?

Sep 8, 2011

anytime I go to install a program whether it be Office, Quicken I get this install Error?error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly conponet {97F81AF1-0E47-DC99-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}. HRRESULT:0x80070422

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Problems Installing Programs / Freezing

Jan 27, 2010

I had a MSI mobo before but had a broken ram slot so I sent it back, but was using it fine for a week, everything worked perfect accept for the ram. but I ended up sending it back for the ASRock, put everything back together and the windows 7 64 bit that I had installed just fine a week before wont install, I end up having to take out two of the ram sticks to install it.

So it gets installed and then I start adding programs, but it will only let me add certain ones.

the programs I have installed so far are:

vlc player,

programs that I haven't been able to install,

Steam launcher
Microsoft Office

It gives me an NSIS error every time, but since it is happening with almost everything I try to use I think its not the files I'm trying to install.

Also every once in a while it will say that explorer has crashed and will close all of the windows I have open, but I am still able to use the computer after a few seconds.

Also every once in a while, for no reason the computer screen will go a grey color with faint horizontal lines and the speakers will start buzzing if there was sound coming out of them. If left alone in this state the computer eventually reboots.

spces are:

Windows 7 64 bit
I7 920
Radieon 5850
ASRock X58 Extreme
6 gb ddr3
Thermal take TR2-600w
western digital 750gb hd

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Launching / Installing Programs Suddenly Slow

Nov 23, 2012

Suddenly opening programs took much longer than usual to load, I have a SSD and everything had been fast before. So today I just went ahead and reinstalled Windows and the speed returned for the most part. The problem I am having now is that if I launch an install program it takes 15-30 seconds to load, but if I right click and "run as admin" it launches instantaneously. I turned UAC off and I'm on an admin account.

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FPS Drops In Games After Installing 2 Safe Programs?

Feb 1, 2012

Last night I installed two programs, one called honor buddy, which is a WoW bot, and the other tortoise.When I later started WoW (MMO Game), I got extreme FPS drops. I usually have 70-100 fps depending where I am, but now I can barely turn the camera without getting freeze lag/ massive fps drop for some seconds, then it goes back to normal fps for a few seconds and then it starts to freeze again. And as I said I normally have around 100 fps in this area.f I dont move my camera and just walk forward I dont fps drop, but as soon as I do, I freeze..So something happened when I installed these two programs, I do not think I've got a virus because I have not heard anything negative about the programs. I ran a scan for viruses and similiar with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and didnt find anything harmful.So what can be wrong, can it be fixed without reinstalling windows

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Successful System Image Restore But No Programs Installing?

Dec 12, 2012

I just installed a ssd harddrive. Windows (7) backup discs ran fine. System image restore seems to have worked fine, only thing is programs are not showing up. This is my first time doing this and everthing I read, prior to, lead me to believe the programs would be included in the system image.

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Installing Programs On 64bit Computer Intended Only For 32bit

May 10, 2011

Is there a program or configuration tool that can make it possible to install a 32-bit program on my 64-bit computer? I wanted to install either the free Spyshelter or Dataguard, both antikeylogger programs, but the free versions do not support 64 bits.

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Installing Programs On 64bit Computer Intended Only For 32bit?

Sep 13, 2012

where is the magic bullet that will allow me to play my 32bit software on windows 7 64 bit?

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Application That Restricts/locks User From Installing Programs

Feb 6, 2013

is there an application what can allow me to setup a password protection to prevent users from installing random programs to my computer?

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Windows 7 Will Download Programs But Not Install Programs?

Aug 24, 2011

I have just bought a new acer aspier 5750z-4830 intel core b940 processor 4gb ddr3 memory 500 gb hdd 3 days ago and I am unable to install any new programs.I have tried to download meny sotwer not at the same time but the results are chrome: 7 hours and never downloads. yahoo mesenger: connection is always lost and retrys never work. when i click cancle it says that it maybe my firewall but even when i allow the progrom through it won't work. so i turned if off for a little while still nothing. java: my laptop dose not come with java so i tried instlling it...121 hours to install this is rediclious.The download speed may not be so good right now beacuse we where hit by a storm 3 days ago however i have to ability to downlod but not the ability to install which i think is a bit weird

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