Installed Otf Fonts Disappear After Reboot?

Jun 21, 2010

i've stumbled upon this weird bug when i was trying to install .otf fonts. fonts installing fine and applications can see/use them with no problem. i can see fonts in 'fonts' list, everything is fine until i reboot windows. when windows comes reboots neither apps nor fonts list is showing these fonts. when i'm trying to install them again, i'm getting a message that they are already exist and if i want to overwrite them. after reinstalling fonts, everything is fine again until another reboot. i tried deleting them and reinstalling, changing permissions, etc., nothings seems to be working.

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Network Shares Disappear After Router Reboot?

Jul 20, 2011

I have a wired network that has the following connected:1) My Main PC (Quad Core) with all the Shared HDD's (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit)2) My Wife's PC (HP Touchsmart) Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit3) WD TV LiveHub (Media Player)4) WD TV Live (Media Player)5) My Second PC (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit)6) My Third PC (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit)and occasionally my laptop which has Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and Ubuntu 10Often my ADSL connection drops and I have to restart my router to get it running.Once I do that, and My Main PC is on AND any other PC is on too, the network shares disappear. If I go to "Network" on any PC only the Media Servers are shown and if I go to the Media Players, no shares are shown.If I turn off all other PC's and THEN restart my main PC all shares appear again.I have been searching the Internet but haven't found anything that worked.

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SATA DVD RW Drive Disappear Occasionally Until Reboot?

Feb 25, 2012

I have a SATA DVD RW Drive. The drive would appear when I boot my computer and I can use it with no problem.

Occasionally...,especially when I leave my computer overnight, my DVD RW would disappear. I couldn't locate it from "My Computer" or "Device Manager". However when I reboot my computer the drive would appear again.

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Windows 7 Machine Slow To Boot, Won't Keep Fonts Installed

Nov 17, 2011

A couple of months ago I was working on a logo design in Adobe Illustrator CS5 (I'm a graphic designer) when the power in my town cut out for a moment. It shut the computer down, and since then I noticed that it takes quite a long time for the machine to boot up... 5 or more minutes.

Also since then, every time I buy and install a new font it does not keep the font installed. I have to continuously reinstall them. Anything installed prior to that day is fine, but new fonts since then just won't stay put.

I'm using a Dell Studio XPS with Windows 7 Pro.

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Accessibility Of User-installed Fonts By Automated Tasks

Feb 16, 2011

I've installed an extra font that I need for an application (LiberationSansNarrow). This font is available in the application, in Notepad, and shows up in the Control Panel / Fonts utility.However, when I run a task automatically using Task Scheduler, the font is not available to the application (as is evident in the output files). It IS available if I run the same task manually, from a command window; the task is simply a script that calls some python code.The job run by Task Scheduler is run with the highest privileges box checked, and runs as a domain/active directory user (not a local user), but this is the same user who installed the font, and that user has full Administrator privileges.When I look at the font directory listing in a command window with dir /q, it shows the owner as "BUILTINAdministrators". Other fonts (installed with Win7 presumably) show up as either that, or "NT SERVICETrusted", including Arial, which works in the application under Scheduled Tasks. [code] Any clues on how to either change the owner of the font files of interest, and who that owner should be, or other possible solutions? Right-clicking on the font file does not give you normal options (such as properties, where you might change the owner).

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After Reboot WiFi Has To Be Re-installed

Aug 8, 2009

My Problem is: Every time I turn on my laptop I have to uninstall and then re-install my WiFi drivers to connect to any network. It works fine after I uninstall the driver through Device Manager and Re-install it. I can connect to most networks fine...


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Windows 7 After Installed, Always Reboot?

Mar 22, 2011

i got a big problem, my notebook is a ROG ASUS G53J(just used 2days), i format and installed windows 7, everything is ok, but after system "configuring for the first time use", he cant go to another step, always reboot, and reboo

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Installed Drivers On System Reboot?

Jul 20, 2012

For a few months now, whenever I boot up it seems that all of the USB ports on the computer, including the network adapter just simply won't work until I've reinstalled. What's weird is this is true for all but one USB port, which is located on the back of the case. I've kept my mouse plugged in there so whenever I need to restart I can easily reinstall the drivers... And really it's not that big of a problem or anything, it's just become an annoyance at this point, you know?'ve tried updating the drivers in question and it says they're up to date.I'm not sure what else I can do past that since I'm not that knowledgeable in this area. The drivers that are experiencing the problem I described are; "Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller" -and- "Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C26"Another thing I guess I'd like to ask about since I'm making this post... I have a USB port on the front end of the PC which won't work whatsoever even after reinstalling drivers. We had a power outage a while back, and I thought maybe it could have fried it or something

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Installed Programs Dissapearing On Reboot?

Oct 8, 2012

I've several users (windows 7 & XP) who have recently discovered a problem.After reboot, they were unable to open PDF's. I checked - and found Adobe reader gone.It reinstalls perfectly - and then dissapears again when rebooted....To date, I haveRun RKill, Unhide, Malwarebytes, F-Secure (the installed antivirus on the machines). ALL come up perfectly clean - nothing at all to report.I then ran ccleaner, just to try cleaning up the environment. Still didn't sort it, but that TOO dissapeared after reboot so it seems to be NOT limited to Acrobat reader.

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Installed MSE - Windows 7 Infinite Reboot Loop

Sep 11, 2012

So I decided I wanted to try Microsoft Security Essentials for some reason. I uninstalled Avast and all traces of it. I installed MSE and everything went smoothly. I noticed it was setup to automatically scan every Sun. night. I left it that way. Monday morning I wake up to the infinite reboot. Because of the aforementioned I am 95% sure it is software related, but maybe that is because I don't want to spend money on new hardware right now.

I've tried every safe mode. I've tried to load the last known good config. I tried to repair with my Win 7 disc, but it always restarts itself before I can get anything done. I also tried system restore and also reformatting with the disc, but I get no more than a minute once I've started the computer. I've also tried scheduling memory and system checks at startup but they never get a chance to run.

My system:
Win 7
i5 2.67 ghz
hitachi 500gb hd
4gb dd3
gtx 560ti

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Installed Programs Or Saved Files No Longer Exist With Reboot?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm currently trying to find a solution to a situation with my PC. I am able to install programs (ex: Skype, etc), but when I reboot my machine or turn it off and back again, the program I just installed does not appear on my hard drive at all. Any files I save (Word Document, Excel, favorites from Internet Explorer) doesn't appear or retain when I reboot my machine. I suspected a virus attack so I ran a virus scan with AVG but it doesn't find any viruses or errors.

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Preferences Disappear Almost Every Boot?

Sep 10, 2012

Starting last week my laptop running Windows 7 starts with the generic ASUS white background and autohides the taskbar on every new boot. I can reset the auto hide task bar and go to preferences and reselect my choice of background picture and sounds, etc. but the next time I boot, I'm back to plain jane

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Files Don't Disappear Once Deleted

Feb 26, 2010

I'm running a fairly new HP p6240f/Intel Core II Quad/2.50 Ghz/64bit with Windows 7 Home Premium. I've got a really strange issue.

When I delete a file from either the desktop or a windows explorer window the file "appears" to not go away, but if I double click I get an error that the file cannot be found. If I right click and then click on "Refresh", THEN it disappears.

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Netsend Disappear In Windows 7

Jul 5, 2011

I want to use the netsend command to send a message from my machine to another in a local network. (netsend was used to send LAN message with windows). I used Netsend before but it disapeared under Windows7. I know that netsend is no longer valid in Windows 7, so I was wondering what can I use to communicate with an alternative netsend

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UAC Shields On Icons Disappear?

Oct 4, 2011

For some strange reason all the UAC shield went poof on the desktop icons that used to have it. I did not mess around with UAC or any security stuff.

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Old Mails Disappear From Inbox

Oct 8, 2012

For some time I face a strange situation in my WLM client. In Inbox folder the old emails dissapear, only emails from last five or ten days remaining availabe. On the IMAP server the emails are not deleted. If I delete the email account on WLC and recreate it all mails are syncronized and appear in Inbox. After a while the problem repeat - old emails dissapear, only last few days emails remaining available.The problem appear only on Inbox folder and only on WLM. Sent folder is OK. On Thunderbird i don't have any problem, Inbox folder is corectly synchronized.

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Icons Disappear Drom Pc

Aug 28, 2010

One of my clients has a laptop computer with Windows 7 that they hook up to a docking station, and when its hooked up they create shortcuts on their desktop. The only problem is that when they take their machine off the desktop and bring it in to work and power on their machine, their shortcuts that they just created are no longer there. I have no idea why they would be dissapearing

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Message Dialog Does Not Disappear?

Jun 6, 2011

i bought my samsung rf511 yesterday and started it up with Windows 7. now there seems to be message which says "installation may take several minutes, please wait", i had accidently closed it and when i restared my laptop, and now just it stays there for hours. dont know what to do about it

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Pinned Programs Disappear

Aug 2, 2009

A strange issue: For the past few days I was pinning a lot of programs to the start menu and aligning them the way I want without any problems. Now when I pin a new app and unpin it, the whole list (except, for some strange reason, the snipping tool and the programs features) disappears. And it reappears if I repin the same app or some other app. And will disappear if align a newly added app or sometimes an existing one. As far as i can discern, there is no pattern and it appears totally random to me.

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In Certain Directories File Seem To Disappear

Sep 28, 2010

Running Windows 7 and in certain directories file seem to disappear. Most of the disappeared are pdfs or web pages. Though the files do not show up in Windows Explorer, if I try to restore the files by copying from my back-up drive, it tells me they already exist. Also, if I start Adobe Reader and try to open files in the supposedly empty directory, all of the missing pdfs show up.

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Cmd Prompt Disappear Automatically After Second?

Oct 20, 2011

i have a problem ,whenever i open cmd prompt it will appear and after some time it will disapppear

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Command Prompt Appear And Then Disappear?

Apr 17, 2012

Why does my command prompt appear and then disappear?

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Cursor Disappear While Typing?

May 20, 2012

I am totally tired because cursor is disappearing after few seconds while typing. I have to click anywhere on the working page to bring back the cursor again. I am using window 7.

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Printers Disappear After Boot, Need Reinstall

Oct 5, 2011

My laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 has an annoying problem.

Each time the machine is booted all installed printers disappear and need to be reinstalled. This goes both for physical printers and .pdf printers.

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When Closing Some Programs The Window Do Not Disappear

Jun 5, 2011

I have 4 PCs running W7 Home Premium 32 bit all with the same annoying problem. Very often when I close Windows Live Mail 2011, Microsoft Security Essentials or Word Pad the corresponding process is killed but the window will not disappear before I click the Desktop Ikon. It only happens with those 3 programs. The 4 PCs are 1 Sony Vaio Laptop, 1 ThinkPad T60 and 2 ASUS Desktop PCs. It have been the same alle the time (for more than 1 year). Everything is 100% updated. W7s are OEM Versions. The Log do not show any problems referring to this issue.

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Something Caused All Of Saved Tabs In FF To Disappear?

Jan 4, 2013

I don`t know how, but something made all my tab groups and current tabs completely disappear. They don`t even show up as closed, so I can`t restore them from the closed tabs function. Would the tabs have been stored anywhere for me to retrieve them? I really need them back!! (I had 100+ !!! )

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Desktop Icons Sometimes Don't Disappear After Delete?

Jan 8, 2012

This happens quite often; sometimes when I delete icons from the desktop, they don't disappear from the desktop. If I try to click one, however, it gives me a message that it cannot be found. I have to go to the task manager and close explorer and re open it.

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Minimized Windows Open And Disappear?

Feb 19, 2012

Minimized windows open and disappear immediately behind maximized windows. Like as soon as it finishes opening! In order to view it or work on it I have to minimize the maximized windows. Or exit them. I know I caused it somehow.

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Icons Doesn't Disappear From The Desktop?

Mar 12, 2012

i have an icons on the desktop. and when i create a new folder and after that try to delete the folder the folder doesnt disapper from the desktop and when i transfer a file from winrar to desktop its still happening! i need to refresh the desktop to see the folder. or if i delet a folder from desktop i need to refresh the desktop to see the desktop clean.

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Taskbar Stuck - Does Not Automatically Disappear

May 23, 2012

Sometimes my taskbar gets "stuck", i.e. it doesn't automatilcally disappear (as it is supposed to do according to my settings). This might happen for instance when I remove a USB stick. On these occasions I have to restart the computer to fix it. Is there an easier way?

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Desktop Icon Disappear Windows 7?

Jul 25, 2012

I have spent weeks researching this for an effective solution and nothing out there is working. What makes it even more maddening is everything seemed to be fine until an auto download of MS Updates went through and then this icon disappearing act started. I have already restored my computer once and that appeared to fix the problem for a while but then it reared its ugly head again and now no matter what version I restore it to, the icons still disappear. Here's the thing though! I can almost tell, by watching the lower right corner of the start bar when the start bar symbols pop up, about when the desktop icons will go away. SO ISN'T THERE SOME WAY TO GENERATE A LOG (EventViewer maybe?) THAT I COULD POST OR SEND TO SOMEONE SMARTER THAN ME, THAT MIGHT NARROW DOWN WICH APP OR STARTUP ITEM IS DOING THIS? I have looked at the Event Viewer but I'm not of a mind to understand what I am seeing or looking for. But I have to think if I know roughly which startup symbol showed up just before the icons went away, we could ascertain what's causing it.

Otherwise has anyone found the "REAL" working solution yet? Specs and DiagnosisWin 7 32Bit, ASUS laptop) Have already ran all sorts of anti virus, anti spyware, anti malwares. I do believe one of those found a virus and perhaps that changed a registry setting to make this problem start. But then again I did not notice the issue until after the auto Windows Update went through so it's hard to know which brought this on. I am serious when I say I've tried just about all of the posted solutions - some are so rudimentary (like turning off-and-on the desktop icons selector, and turning off the Windows orphaned shortcut (4 allowed) checking). And others I've tried, like registry changes and the like, are a lot more involved - BUT NONE DO A THING. And since it appears this is a relatively new issue that A LOT of users are struggling with - could it be something in the most recent Windows Update perhaps? Oh, and BTW I DO NOT show that I have INFRAREDRECORDER installed in my system, unless it might go under a different name? Because I do seem to also recall that about the same time that my system loaded the latest Windows Update I also had downloaded a new media player program (long since removed and name is forgotten). Could that media player have changed a reg setting perhaps? And how do we find it

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