How To Move Items On Windows 7 Logon Screen

Sep 17, 2011

I tried to edit windowssystem32authui.dll - UIFILE with Restorator to customize my windows 7 logon screen.What I want to do is to move the user icon, user name and also the password editor to bottomleft of the screen. I found it uses layout and layoutpos to decide where a element should be put. But I don't know how do functions like "filllayout, flowlayout(0,2,0,2)" work.

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How To Move Taskbar Sub-items In Windows 7

Aug 17, 2010

Is it possible to move/drag those penguins to the left on windows 7?

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Can't Move Items Onto Desktop

May 16, 2011

I am able to copy and paste items onto my desktop. I can right click and create a new folder or text file on my desktop, I can move folders onto my desktop, but I can't move files from anywhere else on my hard drive to my desktop. Attempting to move a file to the desktop does not return any error, it just does not move from its location.

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Can't Move Items In Folders

Nov 29, 2009

Whenever I drag things (Photos, music, etc.) they do not move. Is there some setting somewhere I need to check/uncheck?

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Screen Saver Windows 7 Logon Screen Slideshow?

Jul 28, 2011

From Windows 7 logon screen how to run screen saver slide show. Try the hack here but it didn't work I have a lab of 30 systems and try it again on another two systems but it didn't work. I'm runing Windows 7 64Bit.

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Logon Screen For Windows 7?

Aug 28, 2012

So I was looking around the internet trying to customize my logon screen for win7. I was able to change the background but I've no clue how to get rid of the icon. Is there anyway to make it so there's just a place to type a password and no icon above it? Been poking around for awhile and I can't seem to find any info on it.

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Windows 7 Black Screen After Logon

Sep 11, 2011

OK A few days ago my computer kept freezing and I rebooted it 7 times to finally get it working. I removed about 40Gb of crap (mainly files) that were still present on my machine. Last night it happened again and I did the same. Only this time when I log in to my account I can't do anything. There's no desktop. Just a curser. Nothing else.

The first time I just used CTRL+ALT+DEL and closed dwm.exe which I guess restarted itself because I could use the desktop freely again. The same incident happened again this morning however I cannot access the security screen via CTRL+ALT+DEL.

I am able to run everything in safe mode so it's not a core issue (I hope). I was able to activate the Hidden Admin however the same problem persists across both accounts.

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Change Windows 7 Logon Screen?

May 23, 2012

I have bought hp probook 4530s recently which came with orignal windows 7 home premium. I want to change the logon screen of windows.

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Windows 7 Flashing At Logon Screen?

Sep 14, 2012

I am working on a Dell Inspiron laptop (model 1750) that boots fine to safe mode however, when i boot to regular mode the screen starts to flicker at the logon screen. No visible buttons are available to select the user. I have tried startup repair, uninstalled video drivers and scanned for and removed malware. The machine is running Win 7 SP 1(64 bit).

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Windows Hangs Up On Logon Screen?

Mar 8, 2011

I just finished installing updates from microsoft and restarted my computer, it boots to a blank windows 7 screen without my username and a moveable mouse, i also ran diagnostics everything passed,,and it wont let me boot to safe mode, i press f8 and it just trys to boot like normal

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Windows 7 Took Almost 30 Seconds At Logon Screen?

Jul 18, 2011

I am running Windows7 Ultimate 32bit for almost 1 year.But now for approx one month i am having a problem and the problem is that when I enter the password at login screen the welcome screen appears for at least 30 second and after desktop appeared, the icons appear after 5-6seconds.I have applied all the fixes from Microsoft and also searched the internet but none of them solved my problem.I also uninstalled unnecessary programs, disabled startup programs, turned off Aero but none of them work too.

Here is list of programs installed on my PC: [URL]

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Black Screen After User Logon In Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently just battled the virus Win32:Small-NNE [trj] from the Anti-Phishing Domain Adviser program that was installed, without my knowledge. Now that it is removed and I am declared virus free by Avast, Malwarebyes and Spybot Search and Destroy I started my computer up in normal mode. However, after logging in it is just black with a white cursor. I have two monitors, but in case it matters there is only one cursor and it can move to either screen. I cannot access crtl + alt + del for the task manager and it just sits and sits. I didn't have the patience to wait more than ten minutes because I know its not supposed to do that. Prior to the virus issue it booted in less than thrity seconds all the way to my desktop. Oh, and the time from log-in to supposed desktop screen is longer than usual but still not more than a minute or two. is this repairable or did the virus do permanent damage to my pc? If it is, please please instruct me on how to fix it, since it does still run in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Logon Screen With Dual Monitors?

Jun 30, 2011

issue with the logon screen in Windows 7 and how if you have dual monitors, the other monitor is always black?

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Changing Logon Screen To Classic Windows Look?

Oct 21, 2011

I have been looking for a way to change the logon screen to more of a classic windows look, without success. Then the other day I saw this image on a blog: [URL]. That is basically what I would like to have. DSurely that is a modified logon screen? It does say "Copyright 2008 Microsoft...", so maybe this is from one of the earlier builds of 7?

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Slow Startup For Windows Logon Screen?

Nov 5, 2011

i am using windows 7 os but it takes about 5-6 seconds to go for logon screen?

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Slow Startup Of Windows 7 Logon Screen?

Nov 5, 2011

how to recure from slow starup of windoes logon screen.

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Windows 7 Pro Slow Startup To Go For Logon Screen

Dec 4, 2011

I am using win7 professional 64-bit os. It takes about 8-seconds to come for logon screen. Whether below mentioned procedure is suitable for the solution of slow startup:

1. Click on the Start orb, enter "regedit", and press the "Return" key.
2. Go to the following "folder" (also known as "keys" in Windows registry slang): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem
3. If you see an entry called "DelayedDesktopSwitchTimeout" on the right-hand side of the folder, move on to the next step. Otherwise, you need to create the entry. To do that, right-click on a free space in the folder, and select "New/DWORD (32-bit) Value". Type in "DelayedDesktopSwitchTimeout", and press "Return".
4. Double-click on the entry. Now all you need to do is to enter the number 5, and click "OK".

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Change From The Welcome Screen To The Logon Screen, Startup?

Apr 17, 2011

I am just a home user, and am not connected to any company network. ason JasonDiv11 has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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No Logon Screen With Black Screen And Mouse?

Apr 11, 2012

yesterday when i was making log out from my computer, there is no log out screen!! just black screen and mouse cursor, and when i did restart again , no logon screen appears or no any thing in screen , just black screen and mouse cursor too.I was tried every thing and no difference :safe modestartup repairrestore to some point (i dont have a point)upgrade windows or reinstall iti think the things maybe was made this poblem are :i was edited userinit.exe value from registry by deleting the comma from the end of its value. i used Windows 7 manager to make some clean and fixes some things on computer.

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Delay Of Several Minutes Between Windows Logo And Logon Screen

Apr 1, 2012

I have a Dell inspiron 1545 with Windows 7 Home Premium x64. I recently reinstalled AutoCAD 2012 Student Edition on my system (I had this installed earlier but I'd uninstalled some of its components).

Since reinstalling, the Windows Logon screen takes around 3 minutes to appear after the Windows logo disappears after booting. The only thing on the screen is the cursor. Pressing ctrl + alt + del does nothing. I can only move the arrow cursor around for 3 minutes.

Restoring the system to a point before I'd reinstalled AutoCAD fixes the problem, but reinstalling it brings the problem up again.

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Windows 7 Freezes Before Logon Screen, Even In Safe Mode?

Feb 26, 2012

Upon booting the machine it just shows the background and the mouse cursor. Tried it in safe mode and i get the same issue. I also tried startup repair same issue. Machine came pre installed with 7.

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Change Location Windows 7 Password Box On Logon Screen?

Mar 9, 2012

I there a way to change the location of the password box on the Windows 7 logon ScreenI managed to remove the Picture Frame on the login screen using instruction found on this forum months ago, but now, I am an assassin's creed fan, and I have changed the background screen to the Assassin's Creed Logo and would like to move the "password input box" down so that It does not end up n the middle logo.

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Changing Windows 7 Logon Screen To Only Show Second Account?

Sep 29, 2012

My father's girlfriend is giving this Toshiba laptop to my father, and I'm charged with setting this up.Starting off, the only (non-Guest) account has been:


I created:


So when you boot up Windows 7, it lands here:

[HerName] [HisName]
Administrator Adminstrator

1) To put [HisName] first, on the left?or better yet, 2) Remove [HerName] from the logon screen, keeping the account so it can be switched to?

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Why Does Screen Saver Go Away But Desktop Items Stay

Feb 16, 2013

sometimes after i turn on my computer my screen saver goes away and is replaced with a black screen, but my desktop items stay.

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Windows 7 Black Screen With Move Able Cursor?

Apr 2, 2012

My computer starts to boot up as normal, shows the 4 colored dote resolving to the Microsoft logo followed by the light blue screed with usual Microsoft decal then the screen goes black and all i have is the cursor. the cursor moves as normal but that's it. Ctr-Alt-Del brings up the light blue screen with the usual options and if I select Task Manager it appears but still with a black screen behind.I can reboot in safe mode and I get the normal Windows screen. however my Anti Virus (Bitdefender) will not load. trying a system image restore has produced the same result.

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Windows 7 Boot Configuration Is Corrupt 0x460 On Logon Screen?

Sep 3, 2012

I am trying to fix my girlfriend's computer, which freezes on the windows log-on screen. (I am accessing these forums from my computer.)If I input her password in quickly, then it freezes with "Welcome" in the center of the screen and "Windows 7 Home Premium" at the bottom.If I am slow inputting her password, then it freezes before I get a chance to input the password.After a few minutes, the computer shuts down. When I boot it up, it says something about the computer overheating.I have tried a few things like system repair, etc, but not in any sort of rigorous way (and honestly, I don't remember which ones I have tried so I wouldn't mind starting from scratch, step-by-steph.

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Windows 7 Stuck In The Corner Of The Screen Without Any Option To Move It?

Jul 8, 2012

Here is a funny situation. [URL]

I have no idea how it got there. But there is no place to drag it. I tried changing the resolutions to no avail.

Anyone with a trick to move it around?

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How To Create A User Profile Logon For Docked And Undocked Logon In Windows 7

Apr 18, 2011

I just want to know how to create a user profile logon for the docked and undocked logon in Windows 7?

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Move Context Menu Items Into A Cascading Context Menu?

Mar 17, 2012

Okay, I'm not sure if this can be done as easily as I'm hoping. What I'm wanting to do is move already existing context menu items into a cascading context menu to organize and reduce clutter. For instance, I would have a cascading menu named "Scan with" and inside it would be avast! Internet Security and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.On a side note, does anyone know how to remove the following context menu items?Computer- Show on DesktopControl Panel- Show on DesktopImages- Set as desktopbackground- Print Rotate clockwise- Rotate counterclockwiseMusic/Videos- Add to Windows Media Player List

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Black Screen Upon Logon

Sep 5, 2012

My toshiba laptop screen is blank when I log on.

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Black Screen After Logon?

Aug 7, 2012

My Windows 7 started going to black screen after logon, I presume it started after my power went down suddenly.Anyway, I re-installed Windows 7 and it persisted. Then I installed Windows 8 preview to try something different and the same thing kept on happening.Also, half the time my computer won't even boot at all, I push the power button, hear the computer starting but the screen doesn't even turn on and it behaves like there is no input.

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