File List Pane Not Showing In Save Dialog

Sep 26, 2011

Four days ago, suddenly file list pane disappeared when I try to save a document. At first file list was absent only when printing file to a PDF but now I'm not able to see file list pane in any of the saves in any document. I had updated Acrobat X when I had received an automatic update and I suspect that is when that happened so today I removed Acrobat X and problem did not go away so I made a fresh install of the version that was working for me but the problem still persists. I now have to type the name of the file I want to save while before I would select an existing file from the list and then modify the name slightly to reflect the version number.

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SAVE Button Missing In Save Dialog?

Aug 6, 2010

I changed via the dialog the TEXT SIZE via the screen resolution in the control panel to CUSTOM SIZE.With one of the newer "Cinema" or Very Wide screen (1680 X 900) displays after I'd increased the text size to over 160 % I didn't get the possibility to SAVE any documents any more via the SAVE AS button. The SAVE dialog would appear but the SAVE button was missing.The effect was noticed in Office 2007 (all programs) Notepad etc etc.Seems to be a Windows fault as this should not be allowed to happen.on more traditional "Squarer" type monitors -- no problem.

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Errors Whenever Dialog Box For Open/save

Aug 19, 2009

Whenever (about 50% of the time) I use a program that'll eventually pop up a SAVE/OPEN dialog box (file explorer?). This could be ADOBE, or IE8 when I want to save a picture, or anything that'll prompt me to open a file or save a file, whenever the file explorer comes up it'll start to lag, then hang and then not respond and I have to close and restart.

Is it a windows explorer or file explorer problem? It happens on several of the computers/laptops I have the RC installed on.

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Switched From IE 9 To Chrome - Dialog Box To Save Downloads

May 9, 2012

I've just switched from IE9 to Google chrome, as some websites didn't load right in IE 9 even with compatibly mode enabled. The only thing I don't like about chrome is that if you download a file it automatically saves it, where in IE9 you had the option to save it, or just open it. Is it possible to achieve that in chrome, as some stuff i download i don't need saved, and i hate having to go through my download and delete stuff.

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Save-as Dialog Freezes When Browsing To Desktop?

Nov 27, 2012

I recently bought WD MyBookLive and I'm busy figuring out how to set it up. I'm confident that my problem has to do with the fact that I've mapped drives to the external backup drive.My problem is this: Whenever I use the Save-as dialog and I click the "Desktop" button so that I can save to the Desktop, the dialog freezes up for a while. Sometims, the dialog itself is not frozen (i.e. I can press Cancel to dismiss it) but the display where the icons from the Desktop are supposed to appear, remains blank. Sometimes, however, both the dialog and the program from which I called it freezes. If I wait long enough, the icons appear, and I can proceed with saving the file or navigating to subfolders on my desktop.This has only started today, after I started mapping drives. I don't think it has to do with WD's software because I had installed those yesterday and didn't notice this problem.

Thing is, even if I disconnect all my mapped drives, the Save-as dialog problem remains. Rebooting has no effect. It is as if Windows is trying to access some resource before it will show me the desktop icons, and it takes a long while for Windows to realise that it can't access that resource (or perhaps it just takes long to access it).This does not happen to all Save-as dialogs -- only to the types of Save-as dialogs that are non-resizeable and that show the five shortcut icons on the left (Recent Places, Desktop, Libraries, Computer, Network). I can actually save a file to the Desktop immediately, but I can't see the files on the desktop (in the dialog) nor can I browse to other folders from there, until I wait a long while. the same applies to Open-file dialogs -- the ones that look similar to the misbehaving Save-as dialogs have the same problem. If I want to open a file using such a dialog I have to wait a minute or two before the list of files display, or I can manually type in the file name and press "Open", and it will open the file.i'm using Windows 7 HP 64-bit.

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Globally Set Legacy Open / Save Dialog View

Dec 7, 2011

Okay, have managed to tweak *most* of what I dislike about Windows 7,diabled libraries and favorites, turned off stupid giant icons and got Explorer view back to the Details/ Date Descending that I've been using since Win3.1 days. Fixed taskbar, fixed the theme, got away from all the web styled view as link nonsense, but.I cannot get the Open/Save dialog that appears whenever you use, well, open or save in most any program, especially legacy or XP-based programs (for instance, Irfanview, VirtualDub,etc)to remain consistent folder to folder.Windows 7 seems to insist, rather lamely, that this be manually set with multitudinal clicking for each and every folder. Especially if differs from the default Explorer view (i.e. Details/Descending in Explorer, but want List/Descending in dialogs)Went thru a long process that involved customizing almost every folder I have to be "general items" instead of whatever the stupid folder contents discovery decided it would be, and then set general items to be viewed a certain way in dialogs via registry edits. But Windows 7 unilaterally decided to forget most of these changes after a short time.I also killed libraries entirely around then so that might've been it.Anyhow, is there anyway to have Windows7 actually respect global folder view settings? (without using dumbass libraries/favorites)Call me crazy, but I prefer real folders not virtual ones, named intelligently based on contents or purpose (i.e. not stuff like "my documents"),all located straight off the root C drive where I can navigate to them quickly, not buried three levels deep in some favorites menu,

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Windows Open And Save As Dialog Boxes Cannot Expand Folders

Dec 29, 2011

Whenever I use the windows open/save as dialog box, I'm unable to expand 'My Documents' folder under Documents. Yet, I'm able to expand 'My Documents' folder from windows explorer. Same is true for all the Libary folders under Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. I can only expand the first folder level.

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Cannot Save A Play List In Media Player 12

Mar 26, 2011

When I create a playlist in WMP 12 and try to save it I get the following Message:"Windows Media Player encountered a problem while creating or saving the playlist"I have tried disabling the WMP feature, rebooting and enabling the feature but the problem still exists.(My profile doesn't show it but I am using SP1)

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File Open Dialog And Thumbnails Photoshop

Jun 24, 2011

I'm not talking about PSD files here, just jpgs and other "regular" image formats. I have no problems with seeing thumbnails by default in any other software's File Open dialogs other than Photoshop (CS4 in my case). No matter what I have tried in Folder Options (yadda yadda) PS CS4 refuses to display thumbnails unless I manually choose "Icons" from the view menu once I am in the dialog. (Ideally I'd like it to automatically display Extra Large Icons.) This is driving me nuts as I work on jpg photos all day and every day. Sure I can use Bridge, but it is SO slow, or something else, but someone out there must have a fix? I can't see anything obvious in the Adobe areas of the registry and don't know enough about it to hack it myself.I realize you can use Libraries to get thumbnails, but that's about as many clicks (or more) than File>Open>View>Ex Large thumbnails every single time!!

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No Network In Open File Or Folder Dialog

May 19, 2009

My computer lets me browse the network just fine and even sees everything there is to see. However, when I want to say, mount a DVD from a networked computer for example, the Network icon is nowhere to be found on the Open File or Folder dialog window.

Going back to the root level (from the path bar in the very same window) lets me see all the usual stuff: drives, homegroup and such but once again, no network.

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find any solution to this and it seems like a very silly thing to remove from the OS.

I hope it's just me being blind and I really appreciate any information you guys can share on this subject.

(Using Windows 7 RC1 64-bit, in the same network with two Vista 64 computers.)

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Open File Dialog Freezes Program?

Sep 26, 2011

Recently I have run into a problem with W7. Every time the Open File dialog window opens, the window freezes, as does the program. It is becoming super annoying. I could live with it at first finding ways around it, but I have hit a roadblock in a few programs that require it. I have found several possible solutions but none have worked. No extra network drives attached or anything like that.

MSE is virus program running. I have tried disabling everything else using CCLeaner, but problem still persists. I could simply do a reformat but that is a PITA.

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Enable The Places Bar In The Common File Dialog?

Oct 11, 2011

When I open or save a document in pretty much any application in Win 7, I no longer see the places bar on the left side, instead I see a Windows Explorer type of tree

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File Download Dialog Box Doesn't Pop Up Anymore?

Nov 12, 2012

I accidently check the don't show for my download dialog box and it doesn't pop up anymore so I can save new downloads, what do I do to retrieve it?

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RealVNC Not Showing Jump-list?

Oct 5, 2011

I have used RealVNC on several computers in our network. In the past, even when the VNC Viewer is pinned to the start menu, I have never gotten a jumplist of recently connected to computers.I recently installed it on another machine and it DOES have a jumplist of recently connected to computers. This is a great help and I would like to have it on other machines. how to make a program (vncviewer.exe) show a jumplist?

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Dual Pane File Manager

Jun 25, 2011

I am looking for replacement of window explorer - dual pane.I know there is Directory opus. I have seen a few others last year bur I am unable to find them now.I use windows 7 ultimate sp1.

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File Download Dialog Box Doesn't Pop Up Anymore Windows 7

Oct 14, 2011

my download dialog box won't appear anymore, instead a thin rectangular white box with yellow trimming pops up, and it will say its going to run/open/ or save something, but it doesn't.

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Scheduled Task Not Showing Up In Active List?

Jan 19, 2012

I setup my first scheduled task of an executable. But the task is not showing up in the list of Active tasks. I know that it is there because I re-created it and it stated that it already exists. In case I have to modify it, I need to be able to see it. I have clicked to show 'Hidden Tasks'.

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Preview Pane - Can't Rename MS Word File

Jun 13, 2011

I recently found I could not rename an MS Word file selected in Windows Explorer while the Preview Pane was "on". Apparently, Windows opens a Winword process to display the file and Windows considers the file "open". With Preview Pane "off", the Winword process quits and the file can then be renamed. Is this a "feature" of Windows or a bug that Microsoft can / should fix?

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USB Device Not Showing On The Safely Remove Hardware List?

Apr 23, 2011

I have a USB modem for wireless internet. It is listed in "Computer" and in "Devices and printers", but not showing on the Safely Remove Hardware list. It was showing in Vista. I have a 7 Ultimate x86 newly installed with not too many programs (some AV, etc.). going into "Devices and printers", right clicking on it and choosing option for removing. I don't have this option.

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USB Device Not Showing Up On The Safely Remove Hardware List?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a HUAWEI USB modem for my wireless internet. It doesn't show on the Safely Remove Hardware list. It does show in the Device ManagerDisk drives as aD Storage USB Device, also in Devices and Printers and in Computer. It was showin

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Wireless Network Suddenly Is Not Showing Up On The List Of Available Networks Anymore

Oct 15, 2011

My wireless network suddenly is not showing up on the list of available networks anymore.It was working fine and suddenly (maybe after some Windows updates?) it just disconnected and it is not on the list.Other networks show on the list and the network adapter is working.The network is working too, I can connect my other devices.

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Windows 7 Live Mail - EML Extension Not Showing In Default Programs List

Jul 8, 2010

I cannot add a .eml extension to Default Programs so I can associate a program to go with it. The .eml extension does show in the Indexing list, but not in the Default Programs list. How it can be added to the Default Programs, and if so how can I do it and would I associate Windows Live Mail with it??? I have missed quite a few mails because of this problem.

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Way To Save Cmd File

May 7, 2012

How to save cmd file, ex: we r going to cmd and telnet the router we r showing the file that file how to get...

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List Of Associated Programs For File Type

Aug 30, 2010

On XP there is a facility to add programs to a file type - you can add more than one program, and each one has a name (which appears in the pulldown list), and a program location, which can have options added to it, e.g. an html file could have a browse function, and an edit function (I want to use SeaMonkey with a -compose option, assuming I can do this). I don't want to have to pick one program as the default unless the other one is easily accessible. I'm sure Windows 7 wouldn't kill a very useful XP facility... would they?!

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Can't Save Log File From Hijack

Dec 17, 2011

My computer is win 7 and here recently it the circle by the pointer goes off and on periodically i have ran windows security and also malwarbytes and hijack this hijack says for some reason your system denied write access to host file. is this bad also i cant save the log file from hijack this.

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File Save Error

Dec 24, 2009

This has been puzzling me since Vista and now Windows 7; at least now I know the reason...

The type of file being changed is .txt, .css, .html, etc. Open the file in Notepad, Dreamweaver, or any other HTML editor, modify the content, and save or "Ctrl+S" the file under the original name. Windows does not allow saving the file and presents this pop up:

Reducing the content of the file generally does not result in this error, depending on the level of reduction; addition on the other hand always does.

The culprit for this error is the Windows Explorer layout, more accurately the "Preview pane" under "OrganizeLayout" section. Explorer displays the content of the file in the "Preview pane" if and when the file name is highlighted. As far as Windows is concerned at that point, the file is "opened/owned" by Windows Explorer and as such, the system locks file editing by any other application.

It doesn't matter that both the Windows Explorer and the file in itself opened by the same user, evidently Windows Explorer process takes precedent over other application process when it comes to modifying file content. This file lock is temporary and last until the file name is highlighted or Explorer is closed. The permanent fix for this error is to disable Explorer's "Preview pane", especially for people who edit HTML files with Notepad or any other HTML editor.

Interestingly, none of the MS Office files display this error when editing word, excel, etc, files. Microsoft did make provision for the Office files; however, it isn't only Notepad that hasn't been accounted for. For example Microsoft Expression Web 3 also falls victim to this error:

The "Preview pane" is most certainly a feature that should behave the same across the board instead of being dependent on the file extension. Does anyone have an idea how to make Windows handle any file extension the same way as it handles Microsoft Office extensions?

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Add File Extensions To Show/hide List?

May 31, 2012

I have file extension .sfk that I'd like to have the files hidden by default. I can manually hide each file, but that'd take forever. I'd like it to be hidden by the "Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives" option. I'm completely blanking on this whole thing so I'm not even able to word it properly to search

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Deleting The Names In The File Name Drop Down List?

Jun 21, 2012

When I go to open a file in Windows Media Player (and indeed many other programs), there is a box to put in (or click on) the file name. On the right end of this box is a little down arrow which, when clicked, provides a drop-down list of previously opened files. A picture of what I am talking about is below:is there a way to delete this list? I cannot really find a way to do it in the Options settings for the program. Alternatively, is there a setting somewhere that can be adjusted to not store these settings?

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Refresh The Network List In File Explorer?

Feb 11, 2013

When I open a Windows Explorer window, on the left column there are the usual Favorites, Libraries, Computer and finally Network. Click on network and after what appears to be a brief scan, it will show a nice list of all the computers connected along with Media Devices.

But sometimes, some of the other computers drop off. I seem to notice this after mine wakes from sleep mode (and perhaps some of the other computers have been off and on. It doesn't refresh the network list. Mine shows up, but nothing else.

If I reboot, everything shows up again. But I don't want to do that all the time. Is there a way (command) that will refresh the list manually?

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Start List Is Not Showing ANY "Programs" X86 Or Otherwise?

Jan 29, 2011

but my Start list is not showing ANY "Programs" x86 or otherwise.I can find them in "Computer C:" but have they updated something or was I just imagining them being in the Start list.Just found this aout fter uninstalling MBAM and trying to reinstall it and it's telling me I still have it in x86 progs - and you know the rest.

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IE 9 Won't Ask To Save XLSX File - Just Open It In New Tab

Oct 21, 2011

I'm having some issues with IE9 on my Windows Server 2008 R2, when users try to download an *.xlsx file, it's being opened in a new tab and shows some strange characters, it doesn't even asks to save the file, when they try to use "Save target as..." IE saves the file as a *.txt file and not *.xlsx why it's happening like this

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