Delete Is Not Allowed On Current Boot

May 16, 2010

So I am dual booting XP and 7 at this point. However, I have no need for the XP OS now, and want to delete that partition.I've tried doing it via the command prompt way. When I type delete volume it says:"Virtual Disk Service error: The device is in use." but when I type in delete volume override it tells me:
"Virtual Disk Service error: Delete is not allowed on the current boot, system, pagefile, crashdump or hibernation volume."Is there a way to go about fixing this without wiping my entire drive and starting from scratch?

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Delete Current Playing Video?

Aug 9, 2011

I have hundreds of videos I captured and I need to clean them up. Is there a player that allow me to delete the video permanently while playback without going to the folder and delete it manually? Like when you browse images and delete while browsing.

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Delete Current Playing Video?

Aug 9, 2011

I have hundreds of videos I captured and I need to clean them up. Is there a player that allow me to delete the video permanently while playback without going to the folder and delete it manually? Like when you browse images and delete while browsing.

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Delete The Current Admin Account?

Apr 24, 2012

delete the current Admin acct. and make myself the new Admin. How do I do this?

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How To Delete Windows.old With Securom Without Affecting Current Games

Mar 10, 2012

I'm trying to delete the windows.old folder, but found out that I have Securom and it's preventing me from doing so. There are two files that are apparently encrypted with strange names and I've found some advice on how to completely remove Securom from my computer. However, I just want to make sure that I don't remove it completely as I'm currently playing Company of Heroes: Game of the Year edition (Amazon download) and the Mass Effect 2 demo. how to remove the files in windows.old only? Does this involve deleting specific registry keys, too?

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Will Windows Anytime Upgrade Delete Current Programs And Files?

Sep 28, 2012

Will Windows Anytime Upgrade delete my current programs and files?

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Allowed To Change The Boot Disk?

Jun 12, 2012

well i wanted to change an old laptop to an ssd and I was wondering whether I could in fact do this wothout the licence becoming invalid. it has a COA but it doesn't say oem or have a manufacturers name on it. I googled it and it said you could change most if not the motherboard; but i read conflicting opinions on whether you could change the main boot drive

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Current Dual Boot - Deleting Vista

Oct 24, 2009

Currently i have both Vista Home Premium 64bit and Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit on my pc.


Ive decided i want to get Vista off this PC.

Can i just format the vista partition and add it to the Windows 7 partition?

Seeing as Vista is the original OS i was afraid i might loose valuable info,im not too worried about applications or documents,i mean drivers etc.


Is there anyway i can put Vista on a CD incase i ever want it back?

I have made a recovery disc,can i boot from this?


Can i install apps from the backup disc or is it drivers only?

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4gb+ Allowed On X32 Using Patch?

Dec 18, 2011

i have 2 ddr3 2gb's in my laptop, i have patched it so it can run 4+gb of ram on 32x and can tell a massive difference, however if i was to put ubuntu on second drive will 4gb still take place?

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Drivers Before Installation Is Allowed

Feb 12, 2011

there is the Toshiba notebook NB305-N442BL which had windows 7 starter on it. i formated it and wanted to change it windows 7 ultimate edition and it is asking me of the drivers before installation is allowed. i have downloaded the drivers from Toshiba,extracted into a folder and tried to installed but still not picking.

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Why Is IE On Firewall Allowed Programs

Jun 28, 2011

I have just noticed that IE was on the Windows Firewall Allowed Programs list, I unchecked and deleted it from the Allowed list because it was not there when I first got this laptop and as far as I'm concerned, never needs to be on the Allowed list! I have been running Microsoft Security Essentials, Malicious Removal Tool, MalwareBytes and SuperAntiSpyware to check for viruses or any other internet-based demon but nothing has been discovered and programs are up-to-date.I just can't understand why IE would need to be on the Firewall Allowed list I assume allowing IE or any web browser on the Allowed list opens my computer to a greater number of problems and potential re-formatting and re-installation of Windows to make the computer safe and secure again?

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Not Allowed To Login With Admin

Mar 4, 2012

Ive got two workstations that both have windows 7 64 bit installed.When I enable remote desktop on one to get into the other with network level authentication I am not allowed to login with Admin.However if I try to log in with a user I can get into it. Ive made sure to all selected Users and allowed Admin but it is called Administrator. I thought about going to user accounts and rename Admin to Administrator but i get an error with it saying it already exists.

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How To Allowed System Administrator

Feb 21, 2012

Making my PC an administrator

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Logon Method Not Allowed Suddenly?

Jul 16, 2010

am a school teacher and my school is trialling 1:1 computing with some students.Essentially, classmate pcs from intel with windows 7 enterprise. Yesterday at about the same time, all the students find that they cannot log into their classmate pcs, with the error "You cannot log on because the logon method you are using is not allowed on this computer. Please see you network administrator for more details."Now this is very strange - the students have been using their machines for about 2 months to date without any error. How and why did they suddenly act up, altogetheI took a machine that has not been issued out, and found that I could log in. Then I found that it is not connected to our wireless as we changed our password a few weeks back. So I keyed in the password, got connected, and logged off and log in again - this time it shows the error. At first I thought it could be a windows update messing things up, but this small experiment indicates that this is not likely as the wireless was connected only for a minute at most before i logged off. We did not change any group policies.

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How To Disable Run Only Allowed Windows Applications

Jun 3, 2012

how to disable run only allowed windows applications

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Remove Print Drivers & Packages Not Allowed

Jun 16, 2012

I want to remove print drivers and am having issues. When I go to the devices and printers and select on a any printer, then go to Print server properties, then select the drivers tab, choose a driver I want to remove and select remove. When I choose the next few settings and then get to the removal section, it gives me an issue that I cannot delete because in use.

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It Allowed To Make One Copy Of Recovery Partition

Nov 15, 2011

Am I only allowed to make one copy of my Recovery partition?I have a Dell desktop, with a built in Dell recovery partition. I have read that. "You are only allowed to make ONE copy of your Recovery partition and it must be on to ROM CDs or DVDs."I didn't know that when I made a copy of C and recovery partition to my external drive,
I am a bit concered that I can only do this once. Is that strictly true?

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What Are The Allowed Max Limits For Number Of Contacts Per Email

Jun 18, 2011

I regularly send emails to about 300+ members of my social club. Our club is growing and I am concerned about hitting the allowed limits, especially now that I am trying to transition from using an email client to using web-based Windows Live Mail.Before I commit to it, does anyone know the maximum allowed limits for emails in WLM?

1. How many contact addresses are allowed in a single email?

2. How many contacts can I email in a single day, or per hour?

3. If I send out 2 emails to the same 300 people, does that count as 300 or as 600?

4. Are there any other limits I should be aware of?

5. What happens if I go over the limit?

6. Can I be allowed a higher limit if I can demonstrate I am sending out legitimate emails to people who want these messages from me (i.e. that I am not a spammer)?

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User Allowed To Run Executable As Admin Without Prompt?

May 5, 2012

I have a special case where a user needs to run an installed executable as an admin. This exe was written for XP and will only work properly when ran as admin. I do not want the user to have an admin account or the admin pass, but he needs to be able to start and stop this program at will. I have tried checking the box to always run as admin, creating a desktop shortcut to run as admin and I even tried creating a shortcut that uses the command line runas /savecred but all attempts failed. Windows 7 always asks for the admin pass. I understand this is how it is supposed to be, but are there any options available to me? If I turn off UAC will that do the trick? But will turning off UAC override the GPO I have setup for non-admins?

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Backup Copy Of Windows 7 Allowed On Same Computer?

May 27, 2012

I'd like to just do a clean install of Windows 7 Pro on a new drive for the same computer and use the previous drive for storage. But want to make sure everything goes well first. Oh and it's the windows 7 pro OEM system builder pack version.

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Number Of Installs Allowed With Upgrade Disc

Jul 4, 2009

Currently have 3 computers that I will be upgrading to Win 7 (running RC dual booting on 2 now): a laptop currently running XP, desktop running Vista x86/RC x86 and a desktop running RC x64/Vista x64.

I believe I read the disk will have both x86 & x64 versions. My question is will there a limit to installs/activations from one Win 7 Upgrade disc?

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Win Xp Pro / Win 7 Dual Boot - Delete Xp

Dec 6, 2009

Dual booting XP Pro and Win 7. Used Gparted to shrink my original C: partition (XP) for room to install Win 7 Pro. Everything works quite well and I see myself putting XP into the bit bucket soon.

Now my question. Can I "just" delete the XP partition from Win 7 and regain the HDD space with Win 7's tools or will there be some problems with Win 7 after that? I've read several threads and am somewhat confused. Concerned that there might be some cross pollination between the two OS's (g) which will bork the Win 7 install.

Or should I just nuke both partitions, reset the size of the partition to its original size and reinstall Win 7?

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Office S/T 2003 Exceeds Number Of Activations Allowed?

Apr 21, 2011

I am moving an image of an installation with Office 2003 S/T, it starts up on the new computer wanting me to activate, when I insert the Product Key it says it has exceeded the amount of activations allowed.I plan to delete the previous installation, before that it was on another computer which is already deleted.Is there a way to reset the number of activations so it correctly knows it is on only one computer?

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Sites You Are Trying To Open Not Allowed To View Network Administrator

Feb 23, 2012

The Sites you are trying to open are not allowed to view network administrator. What should I do?????????

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How To Delete Windows 7 From Dual Boot

Jul 24, 2012

I have windows XP and Windows 7 (Dual Boot). I want to delete windows 7 from it as my computer becomes really laggy. I have Pentium D as processor with 2 GB DDR2 RAM.

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Delete Windows XP From Dual Boot?

Nov 17, 2010

I first installed WinXP on the first partition of hard disk - drive C:. After that I installed Windows 7 on a new created 4. partition of the HD. When I start Windows 7 using boot menue, drive C: ist now for Windows 7 and D: is for WinXP with following status displayed by disk managment:

C: startpartition, paging file, core dump, logical
D: system, active, primary

Because I dont need WinXP anymore, can I delete the partition of C: and install instead a new linux OS on it? Will D: automatically be the system and active drive?

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How To Delete An Incomplete XP Installation On Boot And 2 Others

Aug 28, 2011

I have Win 7 installed and thats the only one I need.From what I see in the forum threads, in my case the MSCONFIG does not show 3 other previous versions of OS (1 XP, 1 incomplete installation XP and 1 DOS).I already tried from My Computer, Advanced Settings, Start Up and set to 0 the time elapsed to show other OS options at start up, but when I did it went directly to the incomplete installation of XP (instead of my default OS - Win 7)So, what I would like to know is that if I use the BCD software you recommed that will do the trick or if I need to try something else.

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'MBR' Text Shows Before Boot - How To Delete

Aug 5, 2012

I attempted to dual boot an ubuntu 12.04 with windows 7 on my hp mini 210 netbook long story short i got messed up with the process and made windows 7 running again as a result 'MBR' text shows up with blinking cursor below

i've tried removing that using linux commands but no luck. maybe this time windows can do it how can i remove this?

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Want To Delete An OS From A Dual Boot Configuration ?

Sep 26, 2009

I originally stated out with XP Pro and then installed Win 7 in a separate partition with dual booting. Now I want to get rid of the XP OS and recover the partition the XP OS is in for other uses.

Running bcdedit shows the the Win 7 as drive C and XP as drive D. The master boot record, I am guessing, in is drive D.

So how do I get the master boot record into the Win 7 partition so I can delete the partition containing the XP OS?

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Standard User Not Allowed To Run Backup - Requests Admin Password?

Jan 8, 2012

I'm building a Windows 7 PRo PC for a local club and want to lock down the PC. I have setup an Admin account, and set the main user account as a Standard account. I also want them to be able to use W7 Backup/Restore to backup the Standard Users "My Documents" folder to memory stick on a weekly basis. However, Backup/Restore will only run:

1. From the Administrator account , or
2. When executed from the Standard account it requests the administrator Password.

So in other words, it appears that for a Standard user to run a backup they need Admin rights? Kind of defeats the purpose of having a Standard account in this scenario. Is there any way to confer specific "rights" to a User account or Profile to access/execute specific programs? In this case allow a Standard User account the normal access, plus Backup/Restore (only) with conferred Admin rights?

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Scheduled Backup Of System Image Is Not Allowed On Removable Devices

Dec 12, 2012

I just upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 Home Premium x32. When I tried to set up Backup and Restore, I got the message "System image cannot be saved on this location." More Info gave me "Scheduled backup of system image is not allowed on removable devices." This seems to be a very strange message since external drives appear to be the most popular backup devices. Backup and Restore setup lists both the C: and the FToshiba external) drives but if I try to create a System Image, it does not list the Toshiba as one of the choices.

I have a Toshiba 500GB usb drive that I was working fine with Vista and Macrium Reflect. I now want to switch to MS Backup and Restore.

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