Control System Partition During Install

Nov 5, 2009

I once read that someone used an XP disc to create the system partition for a Vista or 7 install. The reason being that the Vista/7 system partitions are larger than the ones XP creates.

Anyone know of this technique and if it is safe? By safe I mean 7 would run stable and reliably from a smaller system partition.

Or are there other techniques (maybe a disk partitioner) that would do the trick. I hate to see so much space "seemingly" wasted.

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EFI System Partition After Re-Install?

Feb 11, 2013

I reinstalled windows 7 today, When i got to the part where i have to format my SSD it wouldn't let me so i clicked "New" Then started the install.Once installed, I go to disk management and i see "100mb EFI System Partition" Now, Before i re installed windows i had just 100mb Windows Reservered, Why do i have this EFI thing instead? When i started up my PC Before it would take about 16 seconds, Now it's around 2-3 Seconds more.why it installed this partition and can i remove it?

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition - Installation Error

Dec 28, 2011

I have my HP Laptop which came with Windows Vista as the OS. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 so I bought Windows 7 from my local store.I entered the disc and did boot from CD. It reached to the page where it shows the disk partition. I deleted the partitions and created new one. However, whenever I create the partition, it creates a primary one and gives me error saying Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.

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System Partition On Second Drive - Cannot Install Application

Jul 29, 2011

I am having a vexing problem possibly relating to the windows 7 system partition.I recently bought a new HP Pavilion dv-7 laptop running x64 windows 7 HE installed a 500GB 5400 RPM hard drive. I installed Fallout 3 at the time and it ran beautifully.Because the notebook had a second drive bay, and I wanted more speed, I purchased a 128 GB Crucial M4 SSD and installed it. Of course, in order to take full advantage of the SSD it was necessary to do a fresh OS install on the new drive. I installed a clean, bloatware-free version Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on the new SSD and ran as a dual boot as I moved files around and got my drivers in order. I then formatted the slower disk drive so as to leave the fresh install of Ultimate as my only OS. In this way, I planned on using the SSD for windows and crucial application data, and to partition for a dual boot with Ubuntu in the near future. The old, larger disk was meant to be used for data such as videos, music, and games.Somehow in this process, however, the 200MB system partition remained on the original hard disk that had housed the factory install of w7he. I did not notice this complication until I tried to reinstall Fallout 3 on the original disk. I need to install the game in the second drive because it is huge and space is at a premium on the SSD. The installer now gives me an error, telling me that it cannot install on the old HD because "it is a system disk". This is distressing because: 1) The data partition on the drive is NOT the system partition, which of course cannot been seen in explorer and 2) I was perfectly able to install the game on the disk when the factory OS was installed there. Anyways, I could really care less about the game. I am worried that this is going to be an ongoing problem with future installs and who knows what else.I am not 100% it is the system partition being on the same drive that is throwing a wrench into the works. I also (perhaps stupidly) chose the drive path as the location of my system restore files when I activated system restore.

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Create A System Reserved Partition After Install?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a bit of a problem. I recently got a new SSD and configured it to make it my boot drive. I kept my old installation on my hdd and also made a new partition on that device to hold all of the program files, data, etc. Whenever I was finished installing all the programs that I had on my old setup on my new setup and had transfered all necessary documents, I figured it was time to remove the old partition and expand the new data partition to fill the drive. I used gparted to delete the old one and expand the new one.

For some reason, whenever I installed windows 7 on my ssd, it never created a system reserved partition. Everything booted up fine. After deleting my old partition, my system now fails to boot up and gives me the message "BootMGR is missing. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart". Clearly, my computer is now wanting a system reserved partition.

My question is, how do I create a system reserved partition AFTER Windows 7 has been installed?

I have already tried startup repair and all of the bootrec.exe commands, but none of them seem to work.

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System Partition Lost After Install Windows 7

May 28, 2010

i got a problem in loosing D Drive after install win 7. when i check disk manager,,the partition seems like hidden(but all the previous data is exist).
as a solution i create a new partition. I thing its happen because of false during installing the win 7.

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Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition

Aug 13, 2012

I have a copy of windows 7 from a friend. (USB, possibly enterprise)It runs well, is official and can be re installed and is verified through the Microsoft site, so the media doesn't seem to be a problem.I was able to install Win7 Ult x64 on my WinVista HomePrem x86, but I went back through to clean the hard drive (it was full, I didn't format before) and after low level formatting I cannot reinstall the OS. The harddrives are completely empty, and I get stuck at "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition," after hitting next when you are selecting the HD partition to install on. I tried a couple of things already:

-Installing on another harddrive
-Formatting using Hiren's bootcd
-Using a hard drive with XP installed to see if it is an upgrade and not a full version (no luck, still wouldn't install)
-diskpart > list disk > select disk 0 > list partition > active \ in cmd..I have three hard drives attached to the computer right now, they can't all be broken. T.T

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Install Error Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition

Nov 5, 2011

I am having a problem with doing a fresh install of Windows 7. It is on a Dell Inspiron 1546 with a 150 GB hard drive. There was an original install but the computer was having issues as some files were corrupted. I used the Windows 7 disc to format the hard drive and booted from CD after restarting.

However when I try to install the new Windows 7 it sits at the part where it says: Expanding files. Then after a while an error pops up that says: Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the Setup log files for more information

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Windows 7 64bit Clean Install Error, Unable To Create System Partition

Sep 19, 2012

I had 32 bit Windows 7 home premium provided by OEM. Recently I purchased Windows 7 professional 64 bit in order to increase my memory.(My system is 64 bit capable) I followed [1]. I am using USB for installation. I booted the system with USB. Then at disk manager I deleted all the partitions(including recovery ) Then I refreshed and click next and I got an error saying setup unable to create system partition.

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"Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition"

Jun 7, 2012

Recently my SSD failed so I tried installing windows 7 from DVD on my HDD but I always get an error message: "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition."I've tried everything I could find here: I gave boot priority to the HDD, I unplugged every other device but nothing seems to work.

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Move System Reserve Partition To System Partition C:

Jun 28, 2012

Through a series of shenanigans involving experiments with mirroring on Windows 7 64 bit using Disk Management, and then subsequently removing the mirror after having recurring errors/problems with the synching, My 100MB System Reserve partition has ended up on a separate partition than my system image. For instance: Disk 1 System C: Healthy (Boot, page...) Disk 0 Healthy (System Reserved...).

In addition, the System Reserved partition has been assigned a drive letter "G:" or "E:" and is now visible in explorer and it won't allow me to remove it and supress from explorer view.

I'd like to

1) move/create the System Reserve partition to Disk 1 (with System C: drive)

2) remove the System Reserve partition from Disk 0 to free it all up as a data drive

Do I use command below to create a System Reserve on Disk 1? bcdboot C:Windows How do I then delete the System Reserve partition on Disk 0. Also a byproduct of all of this, when I reboot now, I have a "Windows 7" option and a "Windows 7 Secondary Plex" option. The "Windows 7" option no longer boots (it's stops while the logo panes are flying in circles to form the logo and goes into a fix loop that never fixes it). I have a feeling it's looking for the old mirrored hardware configuration or something. However, "Window 7 Secondary Plex" option does boot just fine. Do I use MSCONFIG to remove the "Windows 7" boot entry so I don't get this annoying option at boot?

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Windows Virtual PC To Control Existing Xp Partition

Apr 30, 2012

I am currently running WinXP Pro SP3. If I was to install Win7 on a separate partition, would I be able to use Win Virtual PC to control the existing XP partition or would I need to re-install all the XP software onto the virtual machine?

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Cannot Mirror System Boot Partition On Unallocated Partition

Dec 18, 2012

I have Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit installed on DELL desktop (Optiplex 990) i7 Core. I have two HDD: Disk 0 contains the operating system 500GB. and Disk 1 empty 1TB.

I want to make a partition on disk 1 to mirror the operating system partition and keep the remaining for data storage. I tried to do but I had the following error message: "All disks holding extents for a given volume must have the same sector size, and the sector size must be valid."

I tried to attach a screen shot but couldn't.

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The Partition Table Does Not Have A Valid System Partition

Jul 24, 2011

I wanted to resize a partition, so I backuped all important files and booted from a vista PE CD. The program used is called "Easeus". After the resizing a message appeared, which told me that the system information couldnt be updated. After a restart, it - well, it didnt restarted. I tryed to format my C:Windows partition, but Easus decided to randomly format my linux partitin, too. Yey. After that i just formated everything, so i can create one big partition so this never happens again :P. To put it in a nutshel, there is no way to boot besides from booting from a cd. The diagnostic tool of the fabricator is giving me the "error code: BIOHD-3 No bootable drives detected" message.I tried to fix it with a win7 repair disk (just realized, that the disk is for 64bit, i have a 32 bit os - i think it doesnt matter, because there isnt any os installed at all). I used pretty much every "bootrec" command, sucessful, but no change. The startup repair gave this message: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" diskpart - act isnt helping either: "The specified partition type is not valid for this operation."I dont know if i could install any os from a disk - i dont have a bootable installation cd/dvd. Because of that i would be happy if someone can tell me where i can find a free os and how i install it. From a os i can install my win 7.

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Change The System Partition From XP Partition To Windows 7?

Apr 10, 2012

I currently have a dual boot on my computer with Windows 7 and XP. Unfortunately as my computer is quite old my hard drive is not very big and with it being partitioned I am fast running out of disk space. So I tried to shrink the XP partition to allow me more disk space for Windows 7. Unfortunatley this would only let me shrink it by 83mb for some reason. I decided that since I barely use XP anymore that I would simply reformat the XP drive then try and merge them together. When I tried to format the partition it just gave the error "Windows was unable to complete the format". I then discovered in Disk Management that the Windows XP partition was the system partition which was causing the problem.

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Installation - Partition - Why A 100MB System Partition ?

Oct 22, 2009

I have started the installation process of windows 7 on a clean 1 TB hard drive. In order to ensure expediency of the read time of my primary drive, I choose the custom installation. When I did I partioned the drive as 250GB & 700GB. Hoever it also created a 100MB system partition on its own. It never did this in Vista. Is it suppose to do that?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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Way To Make A Partition NOT A System Partition?

Jul 2, 2010

I recently acquired a 60GB SSD and want to migrate my current system hard drive to the new drive. However, when I go to the Windows Backup manager to create a system image, it wants me to copy ALL of C partition and ALL of D, when it should only be C.D drive is full of a bunch of crap that I do not want included in the system image.If there even are system files on D, by no means is copying the entire partition necessary!Therefore, is there any way to make partition D NOT a system partition?

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"setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing Partition"

Jun 8, 2011

A friend has asked me to install Widows 7 on a friends laptop which has XP. The laptop doesn't have a DVD drive (no drive at all) so I've had to stick the installer on a USB stick from disc using a program.The USB boots up fine on the laptop, just like a disc. I formatted 2 partitions (same drive) and tried to install windows 7 but I get this error:"setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing partition"So now, I have someone else's laptop with no OS. The owner is a 70 year old computer illiterate man.i'm planning on trying to install Vista instead and if successful, upgrade to 7. I would have upgraded in the 1st place, but P can't be directly upgraded to 7.

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System Administrator Setting In Control Panel

Dec 14, 2012

I am the sole owner and user of my laptop. When I first set it up, I established 3 'User Accounts' in the Control panel. One account - the one I would be using most frequently - I set up with 'System Administrator' privileges. The other 2 accounts are for guests, and do not have 'SysAdmin' privileges. My problem is that fairly often, I get a pop-up box that says "You require System Administrator privileges to perform this action." This happens when I am trying to make room on my remote HDD by deleting an old backup. It seems that the operating system does not recognize my 'account' - or any other account for that matter - as having "System Administrator" privileges. How can I correct this problem? Using Win7-Home Premium on an HP dv7 laptop.

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System Image Is Not Recognized In Control Panel?

Jan 8, 2012

I have a 256Gb SSD partitioned into 121GB (Volume label left at default "Local Disk") (C:) and 116 GB Data (D:) (sizes select by default in initial access to Disk Management). I also have an internal SATA 6Gb 500Gb Backup (E:).Apparently this label of my E: drive is both "meaningless" and "meaningful" for Windows 7:When I wanted to make my first SystemImage, Windows 7 suggested that my destination choice was not a good idea. It makes perfect sense for me, but I can see that Windows 7 might prefer an external USB hdd.But I went ahead and made the System Image on Backup (E:) and it appears to be in good order: I allowed Windows 7 to name it with its default folder "WindowsImageBackup" with thesubfolder named from my system name, with add'l subfolders:Backup 2012-01-03 (+ some 6 digit id #,I presume)CatalogSPPMetadataCacheHowever, this System Image is not recognized in Control Panel...Backup and Restore and the "Select another backup to restore files from" dialog does not recognize the E: drive nor allow me any means to select it.

However, if I select "Setup backup" Windows 7 immediately selects Backup (E:), adding the comment [Recommended].I can see the statement near the top of the dialog aboutrecommending a backup on an external drive, but this is not what I consider an intelligent backup approach. I prefer to make both internal backups on my additional internal hdd and external usb hdd copies of backups.The extensive listing of advantages and disadvantages ison. No?My copy of Windows 7 Annoyances informs me about how to access this System Image by the "Attach VHD" option from "Disk ManagementWork with Partitions," even instructing how one can use this method to restore individual files, which normal access to System Images apparently prevents. I have not tried this approach, so I have no sense of its reliability. However, the author has stayed with the evolution of Windows and might be considered to have worthy conceptualizations.

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Critical Error Control In System Information

Mar 6, 2011

Device manager shows hidden devices for Non Plug and Play Drivers marked with a yellow star ...My pc is suddenly super slow when I google search and will time out, then it says cannot display web page....system information has critical error control on 16 kernel drivers..Do I start or stop non plug and play? Or is the critical error control the reason my pc is crawling? I have checked for virus and malware...and there is none..Im using mcfee security suite.

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Administrator Account Cannot Take Control Or Change Permissions To System Folders

May 3, 2012

I'm running windows 7 ultimate and am trying to install some software off of a secure server at a remote location to my hard drive. The install fails every time because the my user account (an administrator) does not have full write permissions to the program files directory. I have tried taking ownership of the directory, but I don't have permission to change it from TrustedInstaller.

I turned on the built in administrator account and logged in through that, but there is no difference in permission level. When I attempt to change the permission level I get the following error dialog box: An error occurred while applying security information to:

C:Program Files (x86)
Access is denied

Then the following: Unable to save permission changes on Program Files (x86)Access is denied. I've been fighting with this for three days now and I consider myself pretty adept at typical windows bs. Yes, my UAC is set all the way down. That was the first thing I turned off. I also tried shutting down virus protection and firewalls to no avail. Any help here would be awesome since none of the posts I've been able to find say what to do when the admin can't take control from TrustedInstaller.

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Catalyst Control Center Won't Install?

May 4, 2012

So I wanted to install newest version of catalyst control center and it would install it but nothing would change. I formatted my laptop and still it wont install the newest version of ccc. I downloaded a driver from toshibas site it would install that but it seems like an old version (2010.0315.1050.17562).

This are my computers specs: windows 7, 6 gig dd3 ram, Intel core-i5-430m 2.260 MHz, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650

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Install/Uninstall In Control Panel?

Apr 26, 2012

When you go to your User Account , open Control Panel and click on Install/Uninstall, does it list programs that the User Account downloaded or does it list programs for all accounts, including Administrator Account Downloads?

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Cant Install Catalyst Control Center

Jan 15, 2013

Ive been trying to install this program on my computer because when i plug my laptop by HDMI cable to my Samsung TV, the resolution does not fit well and everything looks pixelated.My friend had the same problem but his laptop included the Catalyst Control Center and he made some adjustments and the problem was solved.I already installed the program but when i right click on my deskop the program doesnt show up on the options, on my control panel it says it is installed but it wont open for some reason.My computer is an HP Pavillion dv4-4068la with Intel HD graphics card.

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Can't Install Windows 7 Due To Catalyst Control Center

Nov 9, 2009

I tried to set up my windows 7 but it said that my ATI catalyst control center is incompatible with windows 7. what should i do? Also i cant get rid of it because it is used for my graphics card.

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Install Ubuntu - Cannot Control Pointer With Mouse

Sep 9, 2009

I am trying to install Ubuntu but cannot take control of the pointer with my mouse, i can only use the keyboard. I have installed Vista and windows 7 without any problems.

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Catalyst Control Center IIn't Appearing In Install Manager

Dec 25, 2012

catalyst control center isn't appearing in catalyst install manager? i have uninstalled all ati stuff from my laptop and ccc simply won't appear, also, when installing the display driver, my screen resolution will always get ruined and becomes stretched and messed up. and i am having problems with battlefield 3, where my terrain becomes black and just a bunch of random boxes, similar to this - battlefield 3 graphics problem (black ground) (solved) - Internet but i'm trying to install catalyst bullshit and leads to my first question.

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Cannot Install Anything As No Password Field In User Account Control

Sep 6, 2011

have had this problem for a while now and any help would be greatly appreciated. Essentially I cannot install anything, as it requires User Account Control verification, but the password field for the admin pass does not show up, so the only option each time is to click 'No' and cancel the installation. I assume this is because there is no admin password set. I tried for a long while previously, I have tried to enter using safe mode and try and disable UAC, yet when doing so the UAC actually pops up in sade mode without the pass field again. I have also tried using Offline NT Registor and Password Editor to create a new pass for the admin, yet no luck as the admin afterwards doesn't require a pass nor does the pass field in the UAC show.

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Catalyst Control Center Won't Install With Newest Drivers

Apr 10, 2012

My catalyst control center was bugged so i decided to just do a complete uninstallation, which was successful. When i went to do the fresh install, the install manager would not give me the option of install the catalyst control center even though i uninstalled it. i have been looking through various fourms for solutions, but i only found one that seemed appropriate but it failed. it was the solution of looking in windowsassembly and uninstalling the ATI related products with the public key code of 90ba70f846762.

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