Constant Connection Reset Errors?

Nov 20, 2012

Basically, no matter what browser I'm using (I get the error in IE, Firefox, and Chrome), it usually takes me 5-6 tries to load any given webpage, and even then most of the time the formatting's screwed up, pictures don't show up, etc. I'm using a new(ish) HP laptop that's maybe about 20 feet from the router. The router itself is hooked up to the desktop computer, which never has this problem. My wifi signal is strong, and the indicator in the tray never drops below "excellent" signal strength even when I'm repeatedly clicking refresh. Power cycling the router doesn't work. I've cleaned out caches and histories, even uninstalled and reinstalled browsers with all necessary updates, and still nothing. I called the cable company that provides my internet and they're convinced it's not on their end. It doesn't matter if anyone else in the house is using the desktop with its net connection at the same time I'm trying to use mine. Theirs works, mine doesn't.

But here's the really weird thing: I had this same problem with my previous laptop.In both cases, I can take the laptop other places (school, coffee shop, etc) and never once experience this issue.It seems to have cycles where it'll be fine for a little while (maybe hours, maybe days), and then for a few hours or days at a time I just want to give up and go read a book or something.In IE, I typically get a standard "this page cannot be displayed" type error. In Firefox and Chrome, I tend to get more specific "the connection was reset" errors, often immediately upon hitting refresh. Sometimes the page will try to load, and "Sending request" or a similar message will appear in the status bar before everything craps out. Just as often, the page will appear to be very slowly loading, then parts of it will load but most of it will be an Error 105 message (In Chrome: "Error 105 net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address.") Doesn't matter what page it is. Google, Facebook, my school's library portal, reddit, Amazon, doesn't make a difference.

The only other thing I can possibly think of is that it's the router itself that's bad. It's a generic deal that doesn't even have a name; the manual I had to scour Google for refers to it only as "11g Wireless Security Router." But that still doesn't really tell me why the desktop connection works like it should (unless that connection is completely bypassing the router; I'm rather clueless about these things).

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Getting Constant Svchost Errors Due To Mshtml.dll?

Oct 29, 2011

I am getting constant svchost errors due to mshtml.dll. I have tried multiple things to repair this issue but have been unsuccessful.

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Get Constant .dll Errors Related To Direct X?

Jun 10, 2012

I have been getting these .dll errors since Civ5, then Deus X HR, then on far cry 2 if i switch to dx10. i fixed the civ5 and DXHR dlls they dont happen anymore. and it seems every time i download something new i get a .dll error. when trying to install the morrowind graphics and sound overhaul mod i got a .dll error during the auto installation!!!!! during the distant land setup to be exact. and i think it was the d3d9_42.dll compiler or something. please help. this is getting out of hand. im afraid now to even buy games because of these errors occurring.

EDIT: the error reads "C:windowssystem32d3dcompiler_42.dll is not designed to run on windows or contains an error" etc etc.

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D-Link Dir-655 Constant Connection Drops?

May 3, 2010

I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but for the past few weeks, I've been experiencing constant connection drops(I've concluded it that it's the router because both the modem (sb6120) and the router shows the amount of time it's been up) and everytime the connection drops, the router would show that it had just rebooted. Should I reset all my router configurations or is it something else that is the problem?

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The Connection To The Server Was Reset?

Sep 15, 2011

the connection to the server was reset

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Remote Desktop Connection Errors?

Jul 25, 2012

I am trying to setup a RDC with a static IP for my PC so I can access it from work. I started messing around with my laptop and PC trying to Remote Access them from one to another locally before doing set up my router to do port forwarding. I noticed that none of my laptops in my house can connect to my PC for Remote Access but I can connect to any laptop from my pc. I don't know what's going on. I've changed the IP on my PC 4 times and still nothing. Hard reset on my router, but nothing.

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Internet Connection Errors Since Upgrade To Windows 7

Apr 17, 2012

Over the weekend I upgraded my desktop from Vista home to Premium to Windows Home premium. Since then I cannot maintain my connection to the Internet via the router system in my building, although that had never been a problem before. It also is not a problem when I plug in my laptop.So I start connected and then after a couple of minutes of use become disconnected from the Internet. I go to troubleshooting and it resets the connection, for another two minutes.The two error messages I receive are Local Area Connection does not have a valid IP configuration and the default gateway is not available.

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Excel 2010 Web-Dav Connection To SharePoint Errors?

Apr 20, 2012

I am in the process of assisting some users in switching from Win XP/Office 2003 -> Win 7/Office 2010 and have hit a roadblock. I have a user that has an excel macro that opens an ADO connection to a SharePoint and grabs a record of the excel files on the SharePoint. The macro works perfectly on XP/2003 and XP/2010 but fails on 7/2010.

They are using this connection line: Code: davDir.Open "", "URL=http://SharePoint/Directory/URL", _
adModeRead, adFailIfNotExists, adDelayFetchStream
Set davFiles = davDir.GetChildren() Once they have the record they iterate through each Excel file on the SharePoint to open and parse them.

On Windows 7/2010 I get these errors when it gets to the davDir.Open line:When they error trap it throws this error:Quote: Object or data matching the name, range, or selection criteria was not found within the scope of this operation. Without error trapping it throws this error:Quote: Run-time error '-2147217895 (80040e19):Automation error I can connect to the SharePoint fine via IE or File/Open in Excel 2010. I have tried every variation of the URL I can and I just keep getting the same error.

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Reset Password Without Having A Flash Drive Equipped With A Reset Wizard?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a Toshiba Laptop that after installing Dragon speech hardware somehow after shutting down my laptop it lost the password.Therefore I cant boot my laptop. How ca I reset my password without having a flash drive equipped with a reset wizard?

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Reset The Popup Blocker In Explorer But Can Find Tools To Do The Reset?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm trying to reset the popup blocker in explorer but can find tools to do the reset.

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How To Reset Passwordwithout Password Reset Cd

Mar 2, 2012

74 deg here in Fayetteville Arkansas USA.for MARCH 1ST we still have a chance of a Freeze till April 15...6 Weeks!Windows7 Home Premium

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To Reset The Computer To Factory Reset

Feb 1, 2012

I had to reset my computer to factory settings a while back. I've done nothing to it except download advanced system optimizer and windows antivirus. This was a miracle alone due to the fact that my Computer locks up for extensive periods of time and will barely ever finish a task; such as transferring a picture to USB drive, scan, or any click command. It has never done this before the reset.

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Reset User Password Acer Aspire 5742 Without Password Reset Disk?

Apr 19, 2012

i bought a laptop from a pawnshop and its locked. how do i reset the user password without a usb flash drive or floppy disk

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Dllhost.exe Constant 50% CPU?

Sep 29, 2009

I just did a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and I have a new problem:dllhost.exe (COM Surrogate) is constantly taking up ~50% CPU, I don't have Nero installed, the only things I've installed so far are:

Windows Live Messenger + Plus! by Patchou
Alcohol 120%
nVidia Forceware(newest)
Drivers for my E-MU 1212M soundcard

In the middle of an installation of Adobe Creative Suite(but the problem was before I started installation).UAC is on.

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Constant DNS Failure Out Of Nowhere

Sep 9, 2011

I'm having problems with my system, I can barely go 10 minutes without having to restart my computer because of DNS failure. I've restarted my router, changed my IPv4 DNS location, etc. And I've had no luck.

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DNS Not Responding / Connection Specific DNS Suffix Under 'Tunnel Adapter Local Area Connection'

Aug 19, 2012

I started getting a "DNS not responding"? on my desktop. All my wireless devices work fine, and when I turn off my laptop's WiFi card and plug it into the same router it works as well.I've done some Googleing on the issue and none of what I found has helped.When I do an ipconfig on each maching, the thing I notice is that on the working laptop I have an entry for the "Connection specific DNS suffix under the "Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection", where on the desktop that's not working the suffix is blank.

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Constant Firefox Error

Jul 13, 2009

I made the switch to Firefox from IE8 and i'm highly considering going back because of this annoying and disrupting error message. Take a look at the screen shot and give me a holla at what to do.

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Constant Freezing Of Computer?

Dec 2, 2011

so at first i had some problems with athrxusb.sys ive taken the wireless router off and think i deleted all files associated with it but i keep getting random freezes screen turns black and sound hangs up... so here is my latest mini dump file, could anyone be of assitance?

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Constant BODs Due To Usb Driver?

Dec 20, 2011

My laptop has been getting the BOD several times a day and reboots itself constantly (been going on for over 2 weeks). The Blue Screen always indicates BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER When I look at the dump files, this is usually indicated Caused By Driver : usbhub.sys Caused By Address : usbhub.sys+Laptop details: Windows 7, 64-bit OEM I had to do a reinstall of Windows a couple of months ago after the laptop crashed after a Windows service pack 1 installation. ASUS U50F series, 2 years old have included two different perform reports one from the night after the computer has been on all day and one from the morning. Ive noticed that the report is usually different.

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Getting Constant Crashes And BSOD

Dec 29, 2011

I've been getting constant crashes and BSOD.. I've managed to get on, and get the dump.

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Almost Constant BSOD Soon After Startup?

Apr 7, 2012

I had a thread before with some blue-screen errors, mostly memory errors, so upgraded my RAM (8Gb DDR3), installed a new operating system (32bit to 64bit) and on the first boot-up: CRASH.

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Constant Shutdowns With No Warning

Apr 22, 2012

I have an acer Extensa 5620Z laptop and recently, without any warning it just restarts. A blue screen appears out of nowhere and then the computer restarts. When I was able to choose how to restartt I chose safe mode and went to the event log where it said "The driver detected a controller error on DeviceIdeIdePort2.". I have no idea what this is and I've seen a bunch of stuff talking about reconnecting thing and adding new roms

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Constant Computer Freezes When Using

Jun 17, 2012

I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if I make a mistake.I recently purchased a Dell Latitude E4300 refurbished laptop from a seller on eBay. Ever since I brought it home, it has been constantly freezing randomly, whether it be whilst I'm browsing, navigating through windows etc.I've reformatted, and completely wiped the system about 3-4 times, installing different versions of Windows 7 whether it be Home Premium x32 or x64, or Windows 7 Professional x32 or x64 bit, but regardless of what I do, it concludes pointless. I first suspected it was the graphics driver, hence I've tried updating, and downgrading the driver to see whether it would rectify the problem. After that appeared pointless, I suspected it might've been the fan, as the computer does heat up quite quickly, however that concluded pointless as the computer froze even on the windows 7 boot logo. Finally I suspected it might've been the hard drive, and/or the ram, I did some tests (Windows Memory Diagnostic & Memtest86+) and CHKDSK multiple times without any detected errors being found. What I found interesting was that it mainly froze when I initiated a "Windows Experience Index" test, however that was at the beginning.

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Internet Connection Over An Electrical Powerline Instead Of A Wireless Connection?

Mar 23, 2011

Internet connection over an electrical Powerline instead of a wireless connection?is it easy to setup, reliable, fast,..?More in particular a D-Link device:DHP-307AV PowerLine Homeplug AV Kit

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Windows 7 In Constant Safe Mode?

Aug 1, 2011

My Windows 7 on a Lenovo lap top is constantly running safe mode at start up.

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Constant Refresh Windows / Menus

Nov 17, 2011

I have 7, 64 bit, running on an HP and have been keeping pretty up to date on my drivers.amd a4 3300 processor with graphics card, and 4 g ram.When trying to use menus, the window or entire screen will seem as though it refreshes, closing the menu, i can watch the bar across the top of windows flash as if it had just disappeared for a split second and the menu is gone, leaving me to reopen it, but at a second or less between these refreshes I have to be quick on the pointer to get to what I want. It seems to happen on any menu item, including all drop downs, wether im right clicking a start menu pined item, a choice dropdown on a webpage, a setting dropdown, etc. it doesnt alwasys do this but more often than not. It seems like I can sometimes restart the pc and it will work, but it often will do it right at startup. I hadnt noticed it til I connected the VGA out AND the HDMI out to the same tv (dont know why I did it at the same time, I think to compare the cropping). Also, I used system restore to go back to before a bunch of updates and it seemed to fix it, but that might just be because the pc restarted in the process.

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Getting Constant Pings - How To Check What Program Is Doing It

Feb 2, 2012

I'm getting pinged constantly and I don't know what program is doing it. Is there a way of listing all my programs to configure which one could be the culprit?

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Slow Boot And Constant HDD Activity?

Nov 28, 2011

My PC takes approximately 90 seconds to boot! The HDD constantly reads/writes when windows has booted.My system:Win7x64, i7 920, gtx 560, 6 gig ram, Western digital 650 gig HDD, Asus p6 deluxe MB.

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Constant Request For Allowing Cookies?

Dec 24, 2011

I am using W7, home premium on 1 year old HP desktop computer.Recently, I was having trouble accessing videos from you tube, email and other sites. I had been using adobe flash player 9 and I was told to upgrade adobe flash and to get version 11. I installed version 11 but it would not play until I lowered my privacy settings from medium high to medium per instructions on Adobe. The flash player worked after that except now I am constantly getting the following message everytime I launch IE 9 and every time I go to a web site. The error message is always similar to this -"Privacy Alert The website (AZh).com has requested to save a file on your computer called a cookie. Do you want to allow?Allow or block"I am currently getting this message many times a day. No matter if I select block or allow, they keep coming back. This happens on all sites and often is unrelated to the site I am visiting.

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Waterfox Constant Cache Clearing?

Oct 28, 2012

I regularly have to go into Options/ Advanced/ Network/ Clear Cached Content to get pages to display properly.From time to time pages will display with just simple images a failed webpage load. The solution through trial and error has been to clear the cached content.

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Constant BSODs And Program Instability?

Dec 17, 2011

I've had these issues since I built this computer in about February last year. Programs are unstable or freeze (SC2, Skyrim, even firefox). I get seemingly random BSODs. I can't really define a pattern of when they occur, but it is at least daily.I have reinstalled the OS (Windows 7 home premium 64 bit, full retail version) multiple times in an attempts to resolve. I have 2 HDDs in addition to my SSD. OS is currently on SSD. I had tried installing the OS on the HDDs as part of troubleshooting but ran into the same issues. I wiped the HDDs with Deriks Boot n Nuke before using them as storage.I can run Furmark with no issues. I have run memtest86 with no reported errors. I've run Driver Genius Pro to keep everything there up to date.I believe that is all relevant information. Please let me know if there is any further information required. I have been looking for a definitive conclusion for a long time.

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