Computer Freezing Rebooting And Generally Acting Strange

Jul 7, 2012

My computer has been acting up in increasingly odd ways for no apparent reason. Firstly my computer will, seemingly at random freeze up, my monitor will go blank, and it will pop back up, occasionally with an error shown below.It has also caused my flash player to randomly crash as well. I've done plenty of virus checks, but every time it comes up clean and nothing changes. I'm not sure what to do.

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System Acting Strange Behavior?

Jan 15, 2013

basicy my system seems to just freez up when i do things..example i will be installing a program and it will hang. my harddrive led will constanly blink and my system wil become unresponsive and then suddenly it wil finish what it is doing.kind of like a delay but a very big one at that. this dose not seem to have any effect when i run a program like a game . I recently looked in event viewer and under in summery of ministrator events for 7 days it reports 363 errors,112 warnings,3,277 information and 702 audit success i dont no what all this meens and would like it if somone could hlep me ideintifi what is causing this problem.

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Keeps Rebooting And Makes A Strange Sound?

Nov 30, 2012

i formatted yesterday my pc, today i installed the drivers then i activated windows and it needed to close the pc to be saved.but when i booted my pc it keeps rebooting and makes a strange sound.hardware: mobo b75m-d3h gigabyte,i3 3220 win 7 32 bit home premium

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Freezing And Rebooting Even After Reformat?

Nov 5, 2012

My Asus G73JH laptop [Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit] is about 2.5 years old and the other day it began suddenly freezing and rebooting. What I mean by that is the following: A) When it freezes, there is no warning, no gradual slow down, no anything. The mouse instantly refuses to respond, the computer makes no "thinking" internal noises, nothing. I'm forced to hard reboot. When it reboots itself, it is also instantly. There is no gradual closing of programs, it's just SHABANG. This became an issue suddenly. One day it was fine, the next it was doing this unpredictably.So I decided to go ahead and reformat the thing and re-installed everything via the Asus-provided "AI Recovery Burner" program.Annnd it's still having the same problems. Not only did I experience several errors when trying to do the million and one Windows updates, but it's still freezing and rebooting. Even in safe mode, it freezes. The timing of these things is unpredictable, it could happen 2 minutes after boot-up or, the computer could run fine for hours. So far, the freezing is much more common than the rebooting. Assuming the issue was hardware related, I ran Memtest86 last night for 7 iterations and it turned up zero errors.

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BSOD Whilst Generally Using Computer Local ID: 2057

May 19, 2012

whilst generally using my computer it will blue screen and state that it is dumping memory, there have been several codes but the latest is:

Local ID: 2057
Additional information about the problem:


I'm currently trying to run "Windows_NT6_BSOD_v3.03_jcgriff2_" but every time i try my computer blue screens so will try and update if it manages to complete.

Edit: how should i attach the system diagnostic report as it saves as a html and says invalid file on upload.

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Strange Slowdowns And Freezing Ever Since Upgrading To SSD

Oct 4, 2011

I upgraded to a OCZ Vertex 3 120GB boot drive about a month ago and I can't say I've had many problems until about a week ago when it happened for the first time. I was using word and had multiple windows open(half a dozen) when it started to show signs of slow down. What was weird was that it happened slowly, feature by feature, first the windows were frozen and could not be manipulated in any way then slowly more and more things were unusable until everything completely froze.

I couldn't even Ctrl + Alt + delete to the task manager, it was just unresponsive. I waited for probably a good 10 minutes just to see if anything would respond and finally restarted my PC. The drive was not recognized the first time and just booted to my original mechanical boot drive that I now have set as the second boot drive. I restarted again and it recognized the SSD, and booted back normally. This has now happened a second time, about 30 minutes ago.

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Computer Acting Choppy And Sluggish After Closing Games

Aug 28, 2012

As of maybe a month or two ago my computer has been acting rather strange. The first thing I noticed is that now whenever I need to restart my computer (for updates, ect.) the screen will flash for a few seconds, return to normal, flash for another second or two, and then properly restart. Then a few weeks after that, I noticed my computer having trouble when I play games on my comp (I built my comp originally as a gaming rig).

After exiting games like Minecraft, Red Orchestra 2, Total War, or any of the other games I play, my computer will act sluggish for a few minutes after they close. It generally takes a minute or two until my comp seems to be back up to speed. Another thing is that my computer seems to have a difficult time closing my games, especially Red Orchestra 2. When I exit RO2 my comp will sit there at the game screen as if its frozen (I can't move my mouse or anything) and then finally exit the game.

Then, after exiting the game my comp screen will be all distorted and it will take another 10 seconds or so for the screen to return to normal. RO2 is definitely the worst when it comes to closing, all of the other games for the most part close fine, but my comp will still perform slowly after I exit any game. Normally, after I exited a game I could jump right in to my browser, start menu, or any other app if I wanted to.

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Computer Is Rebooting Itself Over And Over?

Aug 18, 2012

So I was on the internet when my computer close out of everything, and just shuts down. I my head I was saying, oh is it rebooting, android sdk unpacked fast(its a program that lets me play games and apps on windows). So as the computer restarted it went to a black screen with a blinking course And after 10-15seconds it restarts, just to starts the whole process over again. So I used my phone to get on the internet to check how to fix it, saying "oh man what is wrong, a virus maybe?" I seen some threads on different site with answers saying to to reboot in safemode using f8 and ... so and so. So I did it. nothing happened. So i held it, nothing. ( it just doesn't work) so now im stuck. With a rebooting computer. what to do now? I also heard a bout a error r something. It just reboots it there is a error, I don't know.

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Computer Keeps Rebooting?

Feb 13, 2013

Last night, I forced shut down my laptop, holding the power button. Now it won't load Windows at all. It turns on, the IBM thing comes on, it's a blank screen with a __ at the top right that's blinking. Then it restarts, and the process starts all over again. I have forced shut down my laptop a lot of times, bit this the first time this ever happened.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Computer Is Constantly Rebooting?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a dell optiplex 360 that is running windows 7. I added a video card geforce 7950 gt, at the time when I added this the computer was running fine for months. Then I upgraded the power supply to a raidmax rx730ss because the video card needed the 6 pin power supply that the old psu didn't have. After I installed the new PSU the computer would start running the post (dell logo screen) finish the load bar, go to a black screen then reboot and start running post again. the computer does this indefinitely as far as I can tell.I installed the old power supply and it did the exact same thing.

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MSE Virus Keeps Rebooting Computer

Aug 15, 2012

I recently downloaded Microsoft Security Essentials and now I think I have some sort of virus. Within minutes of logging onto my computer, a message keeps popping up that there is a critical error and that the computer will restart within one minute. I have tried to do anything I possibly can to get rid of this issue! It does the same thing while booting up in safemode as well. I also tried to restore my computer to a previous date before this occurred, and it still keeps happening. I figured i'd try to restore it to factory settings also, but it does not give me the option while booting up (f11), or on my control panel. I also tried using the TDSSkiller but my computer reboots before the scanning/fixing finishes.

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Computer Says Unexpected Shutdown After Rebooting

Dec 1, 2012

my computer says unexpected shutdown after rebooting...the problem occurs only after the opening interval of 3-4 hrs otherwise once OS runs there is no problem in restart or any other system operation.

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Computer Rebooting And Stutter On Startup?

Aug 14, 2012

i had some dodgy memory, but running memtest (which i needed too do to RMA) really buggered up my system, as i was getting instant BSOD just trying to get into memtest. Anyway manged it and duff memory sent off, i insert my working memory and get loads of windows errors and issues. Cut my losses and format and start a fresh. New Build...So everything is installed and working, however i seem to get some input lag and stutter when windows loads, but apart from that it seemed ok for the entire day.When i tried to play Battlefield3 i would get in to the game between 1 and 5mins my gcard fans go mental and the pc shuts down.temps are fine, but wondering if i have somehow borked my gcard or mobo using the dodgy memory?At a loss knowing what is at fault.all hardware has been working fine for about 8 weeks before i added the new duff memory. memtest says current memory is fine and i was able to stress test using prime for 45mins (all overclocks removed)

Corsair 650D Case
Corsair TX 650w V2 PSU
Asrock Z68 Extreme4 Gen3 Intel Z68
Intel 2600k i7 @ 4.4ghz
Corsair H60 CPU Cooler
Corsair XMS3 16GB DDR3 PC3-12800C9 1600MHz ( 4 x 4GB)
Crucial RealSSD M4 128GB
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 Windforce 3X 2048MB GDDR5 PCI-Express
2 x 1TB Weston Digital
Benq XL2420T 24" TRUE 120Hz 3D Vision 2.0 Widescreen LED Monitor
Windows 7 Pro - 64 Bit

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How To Troubleshoot Rebooting Computer And Insert

Sep 21, 2011

Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected for windows 7

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After Rebooting Computer No Sound Everything Looks Fine In Drivers?

Dec 3, 2012

So on Friday installed a new video card (7850) and this morning I had opened up the case as I have been experiencing some freezing with the new card (reason why I replaced the old card) however I have never had sound issues.I did the following prior to leaving today:Rebooted system a few times, had removed video card a few times, inserted monitor cable into the motherboard, booted that up, disabled the vga adapter, then rebooted and turned it on again (figured it might help with the freezing) I also pressed the reset button that is ON this motherboard (Asus P8z68-V Pro)So in any event long story short, When I came home today i didnt hear sound. I have tried just about everything, the Windows 7 seems to reflect sound is "fine" all the drivers are fine, I see the volume going up, I know the right speaker is "default" nothing is muted. I remove the speakers plug them into the other computer and they work fine. Also the head phones don't work in any slot either (i have several jacks on the computer for headphones)I am thinking during the reboot I have fried something on the MB preventing me from using the analog cables for sound. Should I try the HDMI on the video card to avoid having to replace the MB if this was the case? Windows 7 does not tell me anything is wrong with any hardware.I even updated the drivers for sound etc but remember this is a sudden issue, thats why I dont think its a "setting" problem.

System Information
Time of this report: 12/3/2012, 17:24:54
Machine name: JEFF-PC
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)


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Strange Application Started Along With My Computer

Mar 21, 2011

The usual utilities associated with ATI catalyst software, my Kaspersky security software, the weather channel app. But then this one started, and the only thing I could see on the taskbar looked like an open application such as Word - and a title of MyOleComputerWi..., and a small black square maybe two inches square on the screen. This ran for approximately 3-5 seconds.

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Experienced Computer Builder Having A Really Strange Error?

Mar 9, 2012


So i come to you guys as a last result after spending large amounts of time and money trying to, troubleshoot my own issue. Before i dive into details, im 95% sure that my issue is caused by overheating, i just dont know what and why.As of roughly 3-4 months ago i began having issues with my computer randomly shutting off while playing high intensity games (BF3 on medium which caused my HD5670/CPU to run at ~90-100% capacity). It wouldnt blue screen it would just turn off. Upon shutting down it wouldnt boot for between 15 minutes to even 4-5 hours (where i would pull the whole thing apart in exasperation and upon putting it back together it would boot). So over the next few months i did the following in an attempt to fix/stop the issue (dot pointed so you guys dont TLR)

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Do Drivers Go In System 32 Folder Generally

Apr 28, 2011

I've been having BSOD lately after mouse clicks and so I did a "sfc /scannow" and got corrupt file report that windows can't fix (Im using Windows 7 64-bit).I'm just wondering because I looked at "cbs.log" and the files that "sfc" reports as being corrupt (or don't match hash) are files like xxxlan.dll xxxamd.dll and similar. Aren't those drivers like my LAN and maybe my video card that sfc is reporting as corrupts?

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Flash, Video Playing, Sound And Generally High CPU Usage

Jul 1, 2009

i've done a fair amount of reading and searching on cpu usage in windows 7 (both beta & rc 1) and haven't had any luck with this issue yet.

the issue i'm having is my cpu usage spikes up to 80-100% very often and performance of any other task during this period is frustratingly laggy. these spikes happen from even the simplest action ranging from opening the start menu, to scrolling through text on a webpage and worst of all playing video (Internet is my benchmark tool, 80% usage guaranteed during video play).

using any web browser with 3+ tabs open is guaranteed to spike cpu usage over 50%. multitasking in general begets a sluggish os performance.

some of the solutions i've read and tried:

installing nvidia's windows 7 video drivers, no improvement.

disabling the hd audio in device manager seems to help a lot of people, i don't have this in my device manager.

sound drivers/devices also seem to be a leading source of cpu over-usage in a lot of cases. i've tried disabling/removing my sound card, drivers, and audio services to no avail. i initially had a sound card and on-board sound (ac97) running and disabling one of the two had a minor improvement in performance but nothing spectacular.

even with both disabled the cpu usage still spikes to 90-100% during video play, not to mention the video stutters and stops often.

i also had on-board lan in addition to a wireless card installed so i've switched between the two, disabling one or the other with no marked improvement.

setting the page file to manual control with a 4+ gb size setting, no difference.

disabling aero, using a windows 7 classic theme, no dice.

i like to think that my hardware is strong enough to handle video streaming/playing without maxing out the cpu but if you think i'm mistaken then feel free to let me know. my windows 7 performance score was somewhere around 3.4. i've also watched the process explorer extensively and i can't find any service that sticks out terribly.

any ideas? any diagnostic tools you guys would recommend?

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Hearing Strange "beep" Inside Computer?

Apr 17, 2012

Every time I click a link or whatever on a page, I hear a strange 'beep' sound inside my computer. Sometimes when I'm clicking into a webpage that has to load a lot of scripts or images, I hear multiple beeping until the page is loaded.

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WMP Not Acting Right?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm having a problem with windows media player (version 12), when I try to open up a file all I see is the "visualization" and no controls at the top (i.e. minimize, restore down, and close) also WMP seems to be gone from my start menu, I would reinstall it but windows thinks I should have it (because it came with win 7) and there is no place to download it.

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Computer Keeps Freezing?

May 27, 2012

I have an old Toshiba Satellite L355-S7905 that was handed down to me back in 2009It gave me some problems beforehand (needed a new OS twice since I got it) but over the past year it's been fine. Suddenly, out of the blue, the OS crashed on me a few days ago.The crash was pretty bad and the OS wouldn't boot anymore. So, I did what any logical person would do; I reformatted my HDD (to ensure no viruses or spyware remained) and attempted to reinstall Win7 Ultimate. After the install, I manually updated all my drivers, and went underway resituating my programs. All was well with the universe, and then it happened.My system froze. One reboot later and it started freezing any time I tried to launch Firefox. Shortly after that, it started freezing whenever I tried launching any program at all. It even froze when I launched the Command Prompt. I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to solve the problem of the CPU spiking then the system locking up. I've tried virus scans, registry cleaner, disk defragenation, and disk clean up

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Computer Keeps On Freezing

Nov 4, 2011

does anyone know what is wrong with my computer? can u please tell me if it is a virus or what can be the problem, and how to solve it if possible?
alot of times whenever i use itunes or go to Internet on my computer, my computer freezes. my computer wont allow me to do alt control delete so i can end task the programs that r opened cause nothing pops up when i do it.about the freezing i hear the song play on Internet but my computer screen just starts becoming blurry and starts to glitch.i have tried to scan my computer with avira and malwarebytes anti-malware full scan and quick scan on both, but it does not detect anything.

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Computer Keeps Freezing

Apr 19, 2012

My computer keeps freezing. Doesn't matter what I'm doing. HD is good swapped a new one same issue. Reloaded windows to no hope as well. Yet runs fine with linux systems. No BSOD/ black screen just locks up no activity at all ( on windows). Computer is only two years old.

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My Computer Keeps Randomly Freezing Up

Nov 20, 2011

My computer keeps randomly freezing up, I know when it happens because my mouse starts to skip, and then like 30 seconds later, my whole computer freezes?

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Computer Freezing Non-Stop?

Mar 21, 2012

the other two ( won't mention names ) did not reply in a week's time. my computer went nuts from one day to the next. Internet videos freeze but i hear the audio. i have "google" as my homepage but it keeps changing to babylon... i've removed it but it keeps coming back. also, i try typing anything and have to wait for cursor to catch up to what i'm typing... i get the following message every time i switch from one webpage to another.. " security warning do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?this webpage contains content that will not be delivered using a secure https connection, which could compromise the security of the entire webpage. tsg sysinfo: tech support guy system info utility version os version: microsoft windows 7 professional, 32 bit processor: amd athlon(tm) 5000 dual-core processor, x64 family 16 model 4 stepping 2 processor count: 2 ram: 3070 mb graphics card: nvidia geforce 9500 gt (microsoft corporation - wddm v1.1), 1024 mb hard drives: c: total - 238372 mb, free - 190772 mb; f: total - 1907726 mb, free - 1419068 mb; motherboard: biostar group, n61pc-m2s antivirus: kaspersky internet security, updated and enabled

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Computer Freezing When Start It Normally?

May 21, 2012

i don't know much about computers, but i also can't download in safemode with the tool that was offered by this site so i'm not sure what all i should be includingi have an hp pavilion g7-1219wm notebook with windows 7. maybe about a month ago or a bit longer, the computer froze up while i was watching a movie on netflix. for a few days then, it'd been going slow and freezing momentarily but this time it would freeze for long periods of time and a few times i shut it off by holding down the power button (which i know you aren't supposed to do, stupid me) then when it wouldn't restart, at all.i did a recovery and re-installed most of what was in windows updates (except for two/three which refuse to install) but all of a sudden, it began freezing again. when i attempt to start normally, it seems fine - for under five minutes then everything freezes. i can move the mouse around but that's the only thing i can do. i've been using it fine in safe mode with networking thinking this month, we'd be able to get it fixed but that's not happening and to top it off, it's begun to freeze even in safe mode with networking

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Computer Freezing Soon After Start-up?

Nov 13, 2012

I have a samsung laptop, and run with Windows Seven. About a month ago my problem started. My computer will freeze and require me to manually shut it off and restart. At first it happened infrequently, but as of yesterday it freezes right after it starts up. I run spy-bot search and destroy, which I did using the guest profile. It found and fixed about 62 problems. I hoped that would have fixed the problem, but unfortunately it hasn't. Right now I am operating in safe mode.

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Computer Has Been Freezing Up Randomly?

Dec 8, 2012

Starting just last week my computer has been freezing up randomly. I don't know what is causing this, but it's getting really annoying.

Hard Drive Capacity 320 GB
SuperMulti Dual Layer DVD+/-R/RW
Processor Cores 2
Processor Speed 1.86 GHz
Processor Type Intel Pentium Dual-Core P6000

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Computer Freezing After An Hour Of Use

Dec 29, 2012

So in the past week, my computer has started freezing. After about an hour of use, the screen will freeze. Sound will still play for a while and the mouse still moves. But other than that, it completely freezes.

Ctl+alt+del doesn't do anything and I have to manually shut it down.

Sometimes if it sits for a while and I don't mess with anything it will black screen and tell me to insert bootable media.

My computer is only about a year old and I put it together myself. I have an 64 GB SSD with Windows 7 intel i5 2500k 3.3ghz CPU 8 GB of RAM EVGA GTX 570

My graphics drivers are up to date. My registry seems in order. I have no virus' showing up under my scans. My PSU doesn't seem to be overheating. Memory test in my BIOS shows fine My case has plenty of airflow HD tune pro doesn't show any bad sectors And I've cleaned up with CCleaner

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