Chkdsk Deleted Orphan Files Now Factory WebCam Does Not Work

Jun 21, 2012

I have a 1yr old Asus g74sx laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. The other day with no warning the ntfs chkdsk appeared on startup and I did not cancel it... BIG mistake. I saw it deleting several files and once my laptop started up my built in web cam is no longer working, nor is the power option(battery icon) or wireless strength meter available in the taskbar either.The built in web camera shows the driver is installed and is working appropriately in the device manager list, but when you attempt to open it with other programs they all say something like "This device can't be found or is in use by another program". I thought I would try to install an external webcam by logitech, but it does the same as well. What can I do to restore this? There is no program that I can see in the application list that has control of it and I do believe obviously chkdsk did something by deleting VERY important files.As another note I have tried to fix the battery icon through all the suggested ways, but it still remains "greyed out" when I try to turn it on in the control panel section.

I DO NOT want to do a recovery with the Geek Squad discs.I did run a Seagate software utility to do a full scan of sectors on my hard drive and it found zero problems so I don't understand yet why the chkdsk did what it did.

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Windows 7 Explorer - Removing Orphan Files?

Aug 15, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 and have been unable to remove the below entry from my windows explorer download folder. When I trying deleting the file, I received an error message stating unable to locate the file.


I've trying removing the file from the command prompt, safe mode, and other advanced uninstaller programs, but they can't locate the file.

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CHKDSK Does Not Work

Jul 18, 2011

Im trying to run CHKDSK. Upon restarting my notebook, its just a blackscreen and windows does not start up. After 30-40 mins it goes into sleep mode and when I go out of it, everything runs fine, but I dont think CHKDSK has run.

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Windows Backup And Chkdsk Don't Work

Jun 1, 2012

I just replaced the internal hard drive in my laptop, and now I'm trying to set up Windows Backup to backup to an external hard drive. It always fails, giving an I/O device error. I looked for a fix to this, and everyone says to run chkdsk on both hard drives. I ran it on the internal (running Windows 7), and it was really slow (it ran all day, and I went to bed and the computer had restarted by the time I got up). Running it on the external from within Windows, it gets stuck very early in the process and won't proceed.

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Reinstall Windows 7 X64 From Dell Factory Disc On A Deleted OS?

Aug 31, 2011

Today, after a bad driver update, I decided to do a system image from a known good image that I have used once before. The image is on 3 DVD's. I inserted and ran the 1st DVD like normal, and when prompted, I inserted the 2nd DVD. That's when it happened.The screen kept saying that "No DVD is installed in the drive" even though I could hear it spinning. I clicked OK, and the message would return. I opened, replaced the DVD and closed the tray many, many times and I got the same "no DVD installed" error message.I tried and tried to no avail. So I cancelled the system image thinking I could just boot from the System repair disc that I made, but no matter how many times I try to boot from it, I get an error message, and nothing but "No operating system installed".I called Dell and they are sending me a factory Windows 7 Home Premium x64 disc that I should receive Friday................I have no clue what to do when I receive it, but I want to at least try.

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Deleted Videos Need Recovering After Reset To Factory Settings?

Nov 13, 2011

My wife reset our old laptop to factory settings before we gave it away. She has now discovered that she has not transferred 6 months off videos from our daughters lives which was stored on the laptop. These were not backed up as I was away working. Is there any way we can recover these videos? The operating system was vista.

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Files Disappeared On External HDD, Chkdsk?

Dec 30, 2011

I was listening to music from my external hard disk, when the music stopped and i got an error. When I tried to restart music, all my folders on my external had disappeared, but the space required for all those files was still "used".I don't know why... maybe because I remembered something about it... i ran chkdsk /r and it found a lot of errors and then it wrote 105684709 KB in 9719 recovered files.Now it's checking for available space. What I'd like to know is: did I make an error running it? Will it put all files into some strange un-readable archive?

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How To Recover Chkdsk Saved Files

Feb 28, 2012

chkdsk ran on a FAT32 SD card. It recovered two directories and several files which it put into files. How can I recover them?

The two directories it saved are in files with the same name as the directories used to be (i.e., "Masterpiece_Mystery_Zen_Ratking_720p_20110731_TTL", "Phantom"). Directory Phantom had several subdirectories.

The files saved are named FILE0000.CHK, FILE0001.CHK, ... FILE0045.CHK. They were all put into a directory called FOUND.000.

Is there any way to recover these files?

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CHKDSK Deleting System Files?

Nov 14, 2012

I recently built a windows 7 computer and It has been running great. However, about a fortnight ago my computer ran CHKDSK, said that it has deleted some files and now I can't get past the windows loading screen even in safe mode. Startup repair didn't help and the installation CD didn't recognise the OS thus not allowing me to go into repair mode. I reinstalled the OS, but just today it has happened again.

My specs are below

Core i5 3470
Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3V
AMD radeon HD 7850
8gb Ram
1TB Seagate Barracuda
500W CoolerMaster PSU

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Orphan Dll File?

Dec 30, 2012

On my secondary HD, used for backups, I have a gdiplus.dll sitting by itself on the root, not in a folder. My checking indicates that this is a Windows file, and since my system is working fine, I assume that this is not the one I need, which is undoubtedly somewhere on my C drive. Is it safe to delete this

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How To Restore A Deleted Webcam

Jan 27, 2012

how can i restore a deleted webcam?

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HP G60 / Factory Default Reset Won't Work

Mar 21, 2012

I have an HP G60 Laptop, I have made the factory default reset discs, but when i boot the first one up it tells me that my hard drive has insufficient space to perform to fix this without getting a new hard drive?

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Deleted Some Progames And Now Internet Won't Work?

May 18, 2012

I deleted some programmes that i thought were not important from my control panel and now my internet does not work and there is no option to connect to a wireless network. My laptop is an asus laptop and i tried to download enthernet driver but it didn't work.

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Can't Reset Acer Laptop To Factory Settings But Now Wireless Won't Work

Sep 19, 2012

i recently reset my acer aspire 5750 to factory settings and im having a real problem connecting back to the internet.The laptop wont evan give me an option for connecting with wireless for some reason?? I need to get back on the web asap for work.

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TOSHIBA SATELLITE PRO C670 Factory Restore Doesn't Work?

Dec 15, 2012

I can't perform a factory restore on my C670 laptop. Every option I've looked up fails and goes back to a blank black screen.

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[IE8] Deleted A Registry Key On Accident And Now Internet Doesn't Work?

Dec 7, 2011

While struggling to get rid of the win7 security 2012 virus I believe I accidentally deleted a registry key that had to do with my internet instead of one of the ones for the virus. I am not very tech savvy but I can navigate around a computer fairly well with the right guidance. I did not make a copy of the registry keys before attempting to edit them, and for some reason I have no restore dates before I made this mistake to use system restore. Now whenever I open my internet browser (internet explorer 8) I receive a: internet explorer cannot display this webpage. I have connectivity with my router but limited access. I tried trouble shooting and got a message saying there was an error with the DNS. Possibly just a list of what registry keys could possibly cause just my internet to go down. If I can find out which one I deleted I should be able to manually type it in.

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Deleted Registry Entry To Fix Code 31 / Network Adapters Won't Work

Jan 12, 2013

The comp started BSOD'ing out of nowhere, a new adapter I think called ISATAP or something like that shows up under network adapters in device manager which had a yellow exclamation icon. (Code: 31). Disabling or uninstalling its drivers resulted in BSOD's. Googled around and found the only way to fix it was to delete some registry entries, so without backing up the registry I deleted some keys. I don't remember which keys but the image above is the result. I got Ubuntu live booted up and using it to post this because my Win 7 installation obviously can't connect to the Internet.

*I tried reinstalling drivers (Marvel Yukon & Belkin), disabling and enabling stuff but nothing seems to be happening.

*Got some registry fixing tools or whatever, still the same.

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Factory Restore, But Keep Some Files?

Jul 30, 2012

Okay, my computer is very clogged at the moment and I would like to do a complete restore, but I have some files that I need to keep. Is there a way I can do a complete restore but keep some of the files (no external hard drive).

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Files Can't Be Deleted?

Dec 31, 2012

I am constantly running into issues trying to delete files--mostly .exes. It really interferes with many "autoupdate" programs like Steam and Origin. I have to use safemode to install updates... It also affects other things like compiling; I get occasional (essentially random) errors when the output file already exists and I want to overwrite it. I also can't delete the affected file(s) for a long time--often upwards of 1 minute. However, if I wait long enough, I can eventually delete the files.The error is always something like "you don't have permission blahblah." I have tried those unlocker programs, and while they can sometimes delete the file, an autoupdater (for example) can never actually write the new copy, even though I don't see the file in the directory.

I have tried running programs as administrator.I am using an administrator account.I have UAC dsabled.I am not running an antivirus or any program that should be interfering.I've tried changing folder permissions as per multiple guides I have read (some from this site).None of the above does anything..This problem has been plaguing me for almost 1 year. I have reinstalled Windows 7 twice in that time, and the problem exists from the get go. I have been using Windows 7 for over 2 years, but I never had this problem until my second to last installation. I don't know what changed.

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Why Can't Some Files Be Deleted

Jun 5, 2011

Why in past few days once gifts have been either accepted of declined remain undelelted ubder games in farmville?

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How To Get Deleted Files From PC

Aug 10, 2011

how to get deleted files from PC

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Find "found" Files Created By CHKDSK?

Dec 17, 2011

I had some trouble with one of my harddisks, after I connected it via a USB hub. When I disconnected it and put it back in later on, checkdisk told me I had a corrupted file and proposed a scan. After scanning, it told me that it had created a found file somewhere. I didnt find it, but since nothing was missing, I didn�t think about it any further. A couple of days later, the same thing happened again, but this time most of my files were gone. I searched everywhere for the "found"files, but there are nowhere to be seen.

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Deleted Files Now IE Won't Launch

Jan 3, 2012

I won't go into details for my asinine behavior in running a cleanup that deleted many important files. I can't even recall the program I used because it was a while later that I realized the mess I'd created...Anyway I have been reinstalling/updating programs for several days and am left with two big glitches.First, I no longer can launch IE. I actually use Firefox but need IE for my work site. I have uninstalled it from Windows update several times and reinstalled without success. I then had the idea to download and install Explorer 8. I figured I could then upgrade. Unable to install that as it was apparently "unsupported"by Windows 7 (32 bit).

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Accidentally Deleted A Lot Of My Files

Jan 6, 2012

I recently installed Windows 7 to my SSD. Its only 64GB so I set Windows up so that the Users folder was on my seconday (X drive instead of my SSD, and setup a Program Files and Program Files (x86) on my secondary drive. I used this. I deleted the account I made when installing windows and accidenally clicked delete files as well. This deleted all of the data I had in my Users folder and many in Program Files and other places. I used Recuva, but now all of the deleted files are in one folder instead of their respective locations. Is there anything I can do aside from reinstalling and salvaging what I can and reinstalling all of my programs?

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Files Don't Disappear Once Deleted

Feb 26, 2010

I'm running a fairly new HP p6240f/Intel Core II Quad/2.50 Ghz/64bit with Windows 7 Home Premium. I've got a really strange issue.

When I delete a file from either the desktop or a windows explorer window the file "appears" to not go away, but if I double click I get an error that the file cannot be found. If I right click and then click on "Refresh", THEN it disappears.

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Recycle Bin Does Not Keep Deleted Files

Nov 19, 2011

My recycle bin does no longer retain deleted files and every time I delete a file it gives the warning that the file will be permanently deleted. Custom size of the recycle bin is 16375 MB; the option: don't move files to the recycle bin, remove files immediately when deleted is unticked; the option: display delete confirmation is ticked. This malfunction started after I downloaded a set of Windows7 updates. In the recycle bin there are still 3 files I had deleted as usual before the updating. I tried to go back to a restore point made before the updating but all the same the recycle bin does not keep newly deleted files.

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Have Deleted Temp Files?

Jan 26, 2012

By mistake i have deleted my temp filesNow my windows 7 color scheme has changed to basictell me how can i chage it to my original scheme

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Find What Files Were Deleted?

Sep 12, 2012

My wifes computer packed in so I removed her hard drive and connected it as a second hard drive in my machine. I rebooted and left the room for a minute. When I returned the screen was scrolling in what I'll call dos mode and stating "critical error deleting file. I pulled the plug in panic before I saw what was being deleted and from what drive. I removed the second drive and rebooted no problem. Is there a log that shows what files were being deleted?

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New Files Deleted After Reboot?

Jan 10, 2013

Windows loads up fine but when i shutdown and log in again it loads all previous files but no new or modified files. I thought my user account was corrupted so i created a new account. This worked but after the 2nd reboot a screen appeared before the login screen saying windows was configuring settings.

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All Font Files Deleted?

Sep 20, 2011

Several times now I have turned on my PC to find that all the font files in Windows 7 have been deleted leaving only Wingdings active. The only solution so far has been to do a system restore, rolling back several auto updates.Once was an anomaly - now its damn annoying.Has anyone seen this and have any suggestions or other solutions?On the upside, my wingding translation skills are improving daily

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Deleted Important System Files?

Jan 23, 2012

I was manually deleting a virus on my computer because no antivirus software could detect it and in the process I accidentally deleted a couple of system files, i think one of them was spider.exe, now my programmes wont open properly, only some of them will open and i have to right click and run as administrator for it to actually open, i really don't want to restore my computer, does anyone have any suggestions. I'm running windows 7, starter pack of that makes any difference?

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