Cannot Move Unscanned Files To HCest

Dec 14, 2012

I cannot move the unscanned files to chest. the apply button is frozen

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Cannot Move Unscanned Files To Chest - Apply Button Frozen

Dec 14, 2012

I cannot move the unscanned files to chest. The apply button is frozen.

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Move Program FIles To SSD - Leave Users Files Behind?

Jun 2, 2011

Greetings Again,

My file and storage system is set up like this:
C: Drive - 120 GB SSD This is my Win 7 64-Bit Ultimate Boot drive. It has my most important Microsoft programs on it. Out of the 111GB available, I've used 42GB, leaving me 69GB free space. I want to keep this area open.

My next drive is a 1TB WD Caviar Black segmented into 3 partitions.

E: Drive = Program FIles This has the majority and rest of my programs. It also includes USERs Files. I've use 96GB out of 150GB. Out of that 96GB, 64GB are in USERS files.

F: Drive = Data Files. This stores all of my data except for media. I've used 91GB out of 350. I want to leave this be.

G:| Drive = Medsia FIles This stores all Media = Vids, Music, Graphics, Pictures. I've used 80 GB out of 500GB

I also have a 64GB ~ 55GB actual storage SSD drive that is partitioned but has no data on it or assigned drive letter.

Here is what I want to accomplish. i want to move my actual Program FIles to the 64GB SSD, assign it a drive letter, and keep the USERS files where they now reside on the F: dirve

My main concern is that in moving all these files around and splitting the USERS files from the Program Files that I'll mees up my Registry. Will someone please suggest some links I might read that will best help me acheive these moves.

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How To Move Files

Apr 2, 2012

Copying and pasting files is easy. But how do I move files so they no longer appear in original location. The time has come for me to make some room on my hard drive and the way to do it is move all the pictures to another drive. What is the command to do this? Isn't drag and drop copying and not moving? I suppose I could copy then come back and delete. But moving would be better I think. Less chance for a mistake

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Move WMM Files To Windows 7?

Sep 18, 2010

Just updated to Windows 7 and need to locate and use my WMM projects etc. on the new OS..I have copies of my old data etc which the install of W7 kept for me plus an acronis backup.

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Move Boot Files

Nov 10, 2009

I think I was stupid enought to not notice and installed the windows 7 in a disc, having as first boot device another disc. -.-

Is it possible to put those boot files to the disc they should be?

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Move Files Within Windows 7?

Jan 24, 2011

How can I move files within Windows 7?

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How To Move Files In Windows 7

Jan 10, 2010

how to 'move' files within Windows 7? Shouldn't there be a 'move' choice within the drop down menu? I am using 'copy and paste' to move files now to my desired folder. But then I must go back to the original folder and delete the file from there since it was only copied and not moved.

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How To Move Files On Windows 7

Jun 22, 2012

using you tube downloader i've downloaded some music vids but they go straight to documents.I want to move them to windows media player but I cant see how

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Unable To Move Files To Recycle Bin?

Dec 16, 2011

Well, my desktop is a terrible mess, and I'm trying to move most of the files there to the Recycle Bin. But Windows is being stubborn... Ever since I reduced the privileges of all the user accounts on my laptop, and created an Admin account with a password for extra security, I can't move files there any more. I did a Google search of the error, and found no useful results of relevance to my problem.

Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.26GHz (2 cores, 2 threads)
AMD Radeon 3650, 512MB DDR2
Windows 7 Home Premium x86 SP1

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Move Files Between XP & Windows 7 Partition?

Jan 2, 2012

I currently running a dual boot system. However, I haven't been able to copy files from one partition to another i.e from XP to Win & or vice versa. For e.g. i can't find any music file in my XP partition, it's like it's not there even though i searched through drive C (XP) from drive D (win 7). I still use XP more but do my gaming on win 7.

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How To Move Files To Specific Folders

Jan 15, 2012

How do you move documents/files/graphics from Windows 7 document folder to specifically named folders on a flash drive?But it only shows the letter of the drive I wish to move the item to and not the individual folders. How can I put a document for say a cookie recipe in a folder on flash drive named Deserts?

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Move Files - Rename Drive

Dec 17, 2009

I have all my programs stored on the P: drive but its running out of room and the D: drive is available.

Question: If I move all the programs to the D: drive and rename it to P:, will everything run from existing shortcuts?

Is there a simpler migration I am overlooking?

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Move Thousands Of Files From One Folder To New?

Oct 28, 2011

I need to figure out a way to take thousands of .dwg,.docx,.xlsx, ect. files and organize them all into folders. I want to take file named 54321.xlsx and 54321.docx and put them in the folder 54321. Right now all my .docx files are in a folder, but I want them all seperated by seperate folders. I have already made the 100k folders for each job using a batch file. Now I just need to figure out how to organize the files into the corresponding folders.

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How To Move Program Files / Folders To HDD

Aug 25, 2011

I recently built a PC with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I use an SSD as a boot drive and an HDD for storage. Since the Windows installation I have installed several other programs in both the "Program Files" and the "Program Files (x86)" folders. I'm running out of space on my SSD and I'd like to move both Program Files folders to the HDD. It would also be nice to have the option of only moving some programs to the HDD and leaving some on the SSD if that's possible.

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How To Move Subfolders Files Into 1 Folder

Sep 16, 2011

Each one got music files such as 01.mp3, 02.mp3 and so on. I want them all in one folder though. I'd use Windows search for this (and drag them from search window to folders), but the thing is, if I do so the files's order is going to get messed up, because the content of almost each folder has similar named files so it's going to ask if i want to keep both files when i try to move them. I select yes and they will be messed up. If I rename them all straight from Windows search first before dragging them into the new folder, it wont work either, because it's not going to autorename them all like this "example (1).mp3, example (2).mp3 etc". Instead it will rename them inside their folders they are currently in so again i get 300+ duplicate files because each folder still contains example (1).mp3 and example (2).mp3.

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Unable To Move Files To Separate Drive

Aug 5, 2012

I was just recently moving some of my files from My C drive to E. It was all going smoothly as I had done it before but, this time instead of copy and pasting I dragged and dropped the files over. I was doing this to cut down space on my C drive, to my surprise though I saw it was increasing (drive C) by every file I had put on E. I would like to know if I had done something wrong or what happened I started at 148GBs stored and it increased to 156GBs. If it helps I was moving games from my x86 program files.

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How To Move Programs And Files From Vista To Windows 7

Jan 29, 2011

I have a new desktop with Windows 7 Home Premium. My old desktop is a Vista Home premium and both systems are 64 bit. I bought a program called Laplink PC mover and I want to move all my programs and files from the Vista system to the Win 7 system. Can I do this?

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Move Windows 7 Backup Files To A New Larger HDD?

Mar 17, 2011

I purchased a larger external hdd for my Win 7 Backup. I would like to move or copy the existing Win 7 Backup/Restore files to the new external hdd to freeup the old external drive for other data. Do you just copy the Backup folders on the old hdd to the new drive? Strangely, the Win 7 Backup folders' properties show zero bytes. I have restored files / folders from the Backup files, so I know they are not empty.

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How To Move Files / Folders From PC To Say A Flash-drive

Jan 10, 2012

I just got a new laptop pc with windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I'm making the jump from Windows XP to 7.I know I have to make a recovery cd. Should I do it before or after I remove a lot of unwanted bloatware that came with the new PC? How can I tell if I have service pack 1 installed? If not, where can I go to download it? Or should I? The new laptop is a HP brand desktop replacement with a 17.3 screen. My old one has a 15.4. I'm having trouble adjusting to the wider screen. Also having problems adjusting it to where I can read text clearly. I tried the true-text settings, and the dpi but the text still looks too small and fuzzy.What happened to the Move, Copy, Delete menu that appears on the left hand side in Windows XP when you highlight a file or folder? How do you move files/folders from the PC to say a flashdrive or vice versa?

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Move Location Of Macrium Image XML Files?

Jan 15, 2013

I just noticed that the default location for the xml files it creates with each image is on my C:.... My Documents/Reflect.I always just let it choose until I came to the image, which is on an external drive.Should these be on my external drive, and can I move them safely so they will be recognized, in case my C: fails?In other words, can I move them and Macrium will find them? Do I have to do a step after I move them

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Copy Or Move Files Using Right Click Reg Code?

Sep 12, 2010

Hope someone can help with this as I am very frustrated trying to get it to work correctly!

I currently have a reg file that moves a single file to my reg hack folder.


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Can Only Copy/move One Group Of Files At A Time

Jul 15, 2010

Is it just me or has Win 7 stopped the ability to move more than one group of files/folder at a time?

For example, I'm trying to transfer some music album folders to a USB or another folder. I drag and drop the first album in there, but I have to wait to the progress box to finish before I can drag the next one/group in there.

I KNOW this was never a problem with XP, where every group of files/folders your moved/copied would open a new progress box, each doing their own thing. Why would such a basic function have changed?

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Move Users And Program Files Directories?

Oct 14, 2010

My computer has a 60Gb SATA2 Solid State Drive which I am installing the OS and I have 2 640Gb SATA3 hard drives, one of which I want to use for both users, program files and program files (x86).I have read and tried many different approaches and I would prefer using a 'symlink' to achieve this rather than any registry hacks, as I have read that a symlink has fewer side effects.

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EZ Move Apps, Files To Windows 7 From Vista?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a new HP Win 7 Home Premium computer, AMD 6-core, 6GB, 1T HDD, 64 bit and want to minimize the hassle of transferring apps and files from an HP Vista computer, AMD dual core, 32 bit, 2GB, 350GB. Any advice re PC Mover v. Zinstall

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Windows 7 Can't Rename / Delete / Move Mkv Files

Jun 15, 2012

My computer has been acting a little weird lately. Recently i've downloaded some .mkv files and now i can't rename or delete or move them. I tried using command prompt and unlocker and it's still not working. It says "action can't be completed because it is being opened by other programme", i don't get this as i close all programmes and it still says the same thing.

My main purpose is to actually move them into another folder. It's only these few days that my computer is acting like this. I can move/delete/rename other avi or mp4 files.

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How To Move Files To Clear Disk-space

Jul 17, 2011

I need to clear up some disk-space by moving lots of picture and movie files to an external hard drive. On xp and previous you just right click and move them. On seven it is not so simple it seems.

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Can Move Pagefile / TEMP And TMP Files To RAMDISK

Jan 8, 2013

I'm trying to optimize performace of my SSDs.Can I move Pagefile, TEMP and TMP files to my Ramdisk? I already moved interenet cache.I have 32GB of memory available and an 8GB ramdisk. Memory allocated to ramdisk is dynamically managed by software (Primo Ramdisk Ultimate) so only the used portion is used and not the full 8GB.

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Windows 7 - How To Move Large Files To External HD

Jan 28, 2012

I have a 30 GB file on my desktop and I want to move it to an external hard drive. In Win 7 it just won't go! Cut/paste, move to, nothing. How can it be done?

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Move User&program Files To A Different Hard Drive?

Jun 22, 2011

Basically I bought an SSD to put Windows 7 on along with some of my most used applications. However, I want to some how put my users folder and program files folder onto my 500GB HD. Ive tried multiple times to mess with the registry settings but it doesnt seem to work..? Ive also tried an application but that just meant when I restarted my PC it diddnt recognise my user account meaning I couldnt log in at all forcing me to reinstall again. I basically want only OS & a coupel of aps on SSD while having my desktop/users/prorgam files on my 500gb.

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Batch Code To Read, Then Move Files From One Folder To Another?

Sep 27, 2011

I need to read several .txt files and search them for a specific string, lets say "key1" and "key2." If the file has key1, then it needs to be moved into directory1. If the file has key2, then it needs to be moved to directory2. There's no telling ahead of time what line the string is going to be on, so I'm guessing I could use "Find" to search for the key? Then how do I loop through all the files, read them, then sort them into the different directories?

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