Blinking Prompt After Install?

Feb 23, 2010

I was installing 7 on a friends laptop last night, everything was going fine, however after the installation has finished, upon turning on the laptop, windows does not boot. In the top left of the screen is a blinking command prompt like icon. Cannot type/ do anything from this point. If the 7 disk is in the option to boot from disk comes up, but this leads straight to install windows. There is a repair option, and it will allow me to scan for start up errors, but none are found. It also says windows 7 is definatly installed on the C partition.

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Blinking Command Prompt Screen

Aug 18, 2011

While working on my laptop a command prompt screen comes for a second and vanishes away and this happens a lot of time ..however since this happens so fast I dont what is written in that command screen as it exits in less than 1-2 second.Is there any way i can track wht makes to come this screen again and again

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Blinking Cursor And Can't Install Windows 7?

Aug 21, 2012

My PC had been running sweet for about 2 years heavy gaming and music production then my psu blew up which i replaced and everything was gravy again. about 2 weeks later i was playing battlefield and i got a bsod citing pfn list, the first ever bsod with this pc. from then i was getting bsods with various different reasons pfn list and others i cant remember which. after much faffing getting nowhere i decided to try a fresh install of windows 7 64 on a new partition. at this point i had an old xp partition on one hard drive as well as on old win7 64 partition and my current win7 64 partition on a separate drive. i created a new partition on the same drive as my win7 partitions whilst in windows and shutdown to start the new install. everything looked to be going fine but then the windows install stopped saying files were missing. after this point my pc no longer shows my old partitions and i only get a blinking cursor when i try to boot from any drive other than the dvd drive. ive tried pulling ram, yanking the graphics card, pulling the battery out.

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Black Screen With Blinking Cursor On Install?

Jul 2, 2011

My computer would not get past the start up screen � it just froze at the Windows 7 logo. Prior to this, I had absolutely no problems. I shut it down one night and came to start it the next morning and it wouldn't load. I format the drive and tried to reinstall Windows 7. It seemed to load everything fine and got to the "Completing Install" part, then just flicked to a completely black screen with a blinking line in the top left-hand corner.I did read on one forum that perhaps it was a RAM issue, so I removed one stick and the process actually completed! I thought I had nailed it. After setting my computer back up and with everything working just fine, I put the RAM back in. On restart, it locked at the logo again, so I figured it was definitely bad RAM, HOWEVER!! Even with the RAM now removed, I cannot get Windows 7 to reinstall. I am still getting this awful black screen with a blinking cursor.

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Clean Install Last Reboot Goes Into Black Screen / White Blinking

Dec 7, 2011

So, Im doing a clean windows 7 install. Here are the facts: [code] After the final stage of the setup where you enter PC name, set the password, enter time settings etc, the setup restarts the computer for the 'final' time, final indeed.What happens is that after the Bios / device scan, Windows won't boot and it won't continue past the black screen with the white blinking _ showing in the top left.Could this be because C: has been 'occupied' (or set as master partition) by the 1480GB partition and won't boot from the 105GB partition where Windows was installed?It's so weird because the first two reboots go without problem, no need to F8 and manually select the disk rather than the USB pen or anything.. But on the final reboot, nothing.

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How To Disable Admin Prompt Everytime Want To Install

Jan 31, 2012

keep getting this admin prompt to enter username and password when i installsomething. the machine is part of a network. and i am logged in as a user. how do i change settings so a user never gets the prompt

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Install Assembler Of 8051 In Cmd Prompt For Windows 7?

Oct 8, 2012

how to install assembler of 8051 in cmd prompt for windows 7

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Doesn't Prompt To Delete Partitions, Do Fresh Install

Dec 29, 2009

I'm trying to install Windows 7 x64 on a machine that currently has the Windows 7 RC on it. When I boot from the DVD, it immediately goes into "Windows is loading files...", which it does for 30 minutes or so and then reboots, at which point I get a message that says that Windows cannot start because files have changed.

Normally when I boot from the DVD, the first thing it asks me is whether I want to create/delete partitions, do a fresh install or an upgrade, etc. I'm not getting any of that. Anyone know what's wrong?

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Command Prompt To Find Hardware For Windows 7 Clean Install?

May 15, 2012

I just installed a new hard drive. How do I find the hard drive partition to install my new windows 7. I am dot seeing the hard drive

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Run Administrative Command Prompt From Command Prompt

Jul 22, 2011

Ok So I got myself into a unique bind here. I was trying to install some custom system files (for a theme) and I did it wrong and now I cant open explorer.exe . I dont want to goto a backup because this is a easy fix. (in my view). So I need to know how to run command prompt with administrative privleges from command prompt.

I am trying to do this command: copy explorer.exe C:Windows

So if there is also another command I can just tack onto that that gives me admin rights to do it. I would be happy.

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HDD Light Keeps Blinking?

Oct 8, 2011

I have recently obtained a laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium installed. This is the first time I'm using Windows 7.My HDD light on the laptop keeps blinking, even when I'm not doing anything, just staring at the desktop. I don't notice anything on the performance, everything seems to run fineOne thing I was immediately aware of is how Windows 7 seems to run a lot of processes in the background; indexing, defragging, etc... I have turned these off, along with stuff like WDefender,Firewall, my hdd light still keeps blinking.I have also noticed that googling this issue reveals lots of results with mixed replies. Some say HDD light is supposed to be blinking and/or this is completely normal, others say it might be an issue.Just as I was writing this, I also downloaded a gadget for monitoring hdd: Drives Meter. Looking at the graph, the hdd doesn't seem to be doing much. It usually stays on %0, just some little activity here and there... Yet the light is blinking on a heartbeat rate. Bear in mind, I am running Comodo+Eset at the background; however, for comparison, on my PC (running XP Pro) which also runs Comodo+Eset, there is no blinking whatsoever.

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Blinking Screen

May 3, 2009

Well, I think we might have a new one, I looked back a few pages in the whole list of topics.

My wife's computer is using a fresh install of Windows 7 build 7000.

This problem seems to happen randomly and we cant find a rhyme or reason to it. At first I thought it might be a heat issue, perhaps with the video card. Well about 4 months back(the blinking problem was not present at this time), I found her video card's fan had stopped working and we replaced the card with a new nVidia 9600GT.

The blinking started maybe a week or two ago.

Rebooting the computer does not help in most cases.

Placing my monitor on her computer was inconclusive. It did not blink.

Placing her monitor on my computer was also inconclusive. It did not blink.

Right now she is using a driver that is dated 4/2/2009. We are currently downloading the driver for 4/30/2009 hoping this will help, and once it is downloaded and installed, I will write back on my findings. Maybe we should update to the latest build of 7?

If I'm in the wrong forum, or location or if I missed a post regarding this same issue, please let me know so we can get this figured out on our end.

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Monitor And Tv Blinking

Mar 4, 2012

After laptop connected to tv, the laptop monitor and tv started blinking at the same time every couple of seconds.

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Blinking Cursor Upon Boot?

Mar 4, 2011

About a month and a half a go my laptop was infected with 2 trojan viruses and ever since I haven't been able to start it up as it stays on a black screen with a blinking cursor after the toshiba splash screen. I am able to use my computer by booting with Hiren's boot cd and have since cleaned up my computer and gotten rid of any viruses..but have to continue booting via disc and it is getting sickening to do so.

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Blinking Cursor Before Boot?

Nov 3, 2011

I built my own computer last year. The computer boots up just fine but before it bios screen comes up there is a blinking cursor that runs for almost 20 seconds and then bios kicks in and everything goes on normally form there.

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Screen Blinking While Clicking?

Jun 13, 2011

Almost every time I click (Open windows, maximizing windows etc, etc...) The whole screen will blink and I will see a brief (Not Responding) which only lasts for a split second, then I can resume my work, in the worst of cases this can happen 9 or 10 times until the computer actually responds and selects what I want it to.I have recently upgraded my graphics from a ATI Radeon X1200 (Old and useless) To a NVIDIA GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS. ALL of my drivers are up-to-date and a system restore is not an option.

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Blinking Lines On Screen?

Aug 3, 2012

I have been using my emachines netbook 350 for a year now and running windows7 in it since I bought. A month ago, I've started seeing those blinking horizontal lines on my screen. Almost half of my screen is affected. I wonder if it is a problem with my video card or just some viruses. Well when I print screen, the lines are not showing. The same as when I connect my netbook to a projector

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DVD - HDD Lights Blinking During Play

Jan 27, 2009

just noticed my cd drive light flashing on/off constantly during playback and the HD light is flashing in exactly the same rythym. totally wierd, never noticed anything like that before! is that unusual or just...something new? using windows 7.

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Blinking Cursor On Boot Up?

Aug 3, 2011

I just rebuilt my computer, but reused my old WD HDD, OS and all. It used to be hooked up to an AMD rig, but my new CPU is an i5-2500k and mobo is an MSI P67A-GD53 (B3). So when I hooked everything up and booted for the first time, the computer showed an error saying that the memory or cpu had been changed and that I needed to run the setup, which I did. That led me to the blinking cursor on a blank screen.It stayed that way for several hours before I decided to reboot. That time "A3" "99" "B4" flash on the screen, then it goes straight to the cursor. So I decided to give a new hard drive a try. I went out and got an SSD, hooked it up, same problemMy best guess right now is that the mobo was DOA. I'm still kinda new at this PC building thing

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Blinking Cursor In Windows 7, Cannot Use F8?

Feb 27, 2012

My problem:-Computer restarted itself while I was working (I believe I had awindows update installed, and it restarted by itself)-Rebooting never gets past the Gateway logo.-What I see: Blinking cursor, even AFTER pressing F8.What I did:I tried F8 (to get into system restore) but all I can do it so into F2 and F12. When I press and hold down F8, the computer beeps 3 times. After that, any key I press will beep.My computer:-I have a Gateway netbook laptop, running on 64-bit Windows 7-I do not have a CD-ROM drive in my netbookI do not know what to do.

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Windows Won't Boot - Just Get A Blinking Cursor

Sep 19, 2012

I started IT for a company a couple weeks ago. I get this tower with no idea what OS is installed.Is there a file that I can load through Trinity Rescue Kit that will tell me what version of Windows is installed on the system?

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Halts On Startup With Blinking Underscore?

Aug 31, 2011

I am having a major issue with my laptop! First, here are the specs:

HP G60 Notebook PC
Windows 7 home premium
Pentium Dual Core T4300
Total Memory 3072 MB
BIOS version F.53

Just recently i got a virus and since i dont have much money i didn't have protection. I used my system restore to get past it (not the first time i had to do this). I dont remember if i was able to use the laptop after that or not, but it was only a day later that i noticed the laptop wouldn't boot into the OS selection screen (I had Ubuntu installed also, so i had to select between that and windows 7). At any rate, i will press the power button, then it has a screen that shows HP's logo, then changes to a blank screen with a blinking white underscore in the top left of the screen.I reset, then pressed ESC immediately on start and ran a few tests by selecting "System Diagnostics" which is selected by using the F2 key.

100 percent of system memory tested OK
Hard Disk passed Quick Scan
Hard Disk passed Full scan

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Black Screen With Blinking Cursor?

May 14, 2012

I have a sony vaio vpceb11fm laptop. the moment i turn it on i get the vaio sign and then a black screen with a flashing cursor on the top left hand corner i tried f10 to recover the system but come across the same problem.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Blinking Cursor

Jun 6, 2012

So I installed Windows 7 on my HD. The installation process went well. I chose my Username, password, etc, and then Windows prepares the Desktop for the first use, and then the PC automatically reboots.

The problem is that when the pc reboots after the final stage of the installation, Windows won't boot up and I get stuck with a blinking cursor. The only way I can boot up is when I turn on the PC and keep pressing F5 and then it takes me to a GRUB 0.4.4 Red Window like this one

When I chose the "alternative method", Windows boots with no problem. Is there a way to choose the alterative method as the default?

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Computer Does Not Boot, Blinking Underscore?

Dec 14, 2011

About two hours I was doing a recover in my hd (with Acronis true Image 2010) when at 1/3 of the process the computer rebooted. I thought it was normal, but soon after the image of the motherboard appeard, a blinking underscore emerged and the boot does not proceeded. I have tried changing the boot to dvd and hd (in the bios), also I tried to put the windows disk but the option to boot from cd does not appears. ie, the PC starts, the image of the motherboard appears and then immediately the undersore flashing.

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Blinking Underscore After Logo Screen?

Sep 29, 2012

i have a acer aspire 5336-2460 laptop, everytime i try to boot into windows it gets stuck at a black screen with a blinking underscore in the top left. I tried making a bootable Windows 7 dvd and it still doesn't solve the issue. F8 won't work only F2 and F12.

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Blinking Mouse Cursor And 6% Processor Use?

Jan 26, 2011

I upgraded to Win-7 64 bit and now my mouse cursor blinks with the busy icon about every 6 seconds. I also see the processor is running at a constant 4% to 6%.

When I had Vista the solution was to disable the HD Audio device and it solved the problem. Now this isn't working at all.

I also installed a new video card: ATI Radeon HD 5770.

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Blinking Cursor Screen - Windows 7?

Nov 4, 2011

i have a lenovo thinkpad edge 14" running 64-bit windows 7 home premium. the laptop didn't come with any CD's, everything was pre-loaded on. all i get when i boot it is a black screen with a blinking cursor , when it boots all it shows is the thinkpad splash screen then straight to the blinking cursor. i have access to a lenovo x220 running the same (i.e. 64-bit Windows 7 home premium) however no CD drive, the edge 14" does have a cd drive. looked at multiple articles on seven forums but none of them help because i dont have a cd burner

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Constant Blinking Underscore On Boot Up

Sep 1, 2012

I have an HP laptop that upon boot-up would show the HP logo and then go to a constant blinking underscore on the upper left hand corner. During the HP logo screen, I pressed f2 to enter "HP Startup" where I scan the hard drive and it passed all the test. Also I can go into the BIOS by pressing f10.

From my research, I changed the order of boot-up and put local hard drive at the very top. I also unplugged the battery. And laptop is still not working. I also read that perhaps putting in a System Repair Disk might work(?) But I just discover that my cd-rom drive is not working. What would be the best way/ or my options in going about to recovering my data?

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XPS M1330 Screen Blinking And Glitching

Oct 28, 2009

I just installed the latest nvidia driver and bios in my XPS M1330 with windows.7. It worked fine but after two days, the screen blinking and glitching. I have to boot into safe mode and roll back to "standard VGA graphics Adapter driver" and it work fine.

so my question, is it dell until now no solution for XPS M1330 Graphic GPU problems? or any solution for this? i just want to connect my window 7 to projector. or any suggestion to connect to projector with standard VGA graphic adapter driver?

OS: Windows. 7 ultimate 32bit

graphic: nvidia geforce 8400 M GS

driver: v191.07 Windows 7/Vista 32bit | NVIDIA - NVISION

bios: A15

I tried all the driver in forums.laptopvideo each with driver sweeper to clean up the previous graphic driver but no luck. Anyone know how to connect the projector with simple driver or with 'standard vga graphic adapter' driver?

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Black Screen Blinking Line?

Feb 26, 2011

Ok I am at my wits end with this computer. I am trying to do a clean install of Windows 7 from a thumb drive, I have used this thumb drive for several successful installs, including one after my issue just to make sure it wasn't corrupt.

PC details Foxconn A74ML-k Motherboard with a Dual Core Amd proccessor, sorry cant find the model off hand. using on board graphics card, and a Western Digital WD6401AALS hard drive and 2 gigs of gskill ram.

This PC was running windows vista just fine before I attempted to Install Windows 7, I have tried to install Windows twice, once with the usb drive and once with a dvd disc both end results are the same. The install will go perfectly smooth, all the way til the final reboot. Once the actual install is complete when it try to first boot all I get is a black screen with a blinking cursor, I cant seem to enter safe mode.

I have searched and while it seems many have run into similar issues is usually due to things such as dual monitor set ups etc. All I have connected is a mouse, monitor, and keyboard. Microsoft lists the motherboard as compatible, I have reset the bios, tried a different hard drive, ubuntu live works just fine, the file system is there. I even pulled the hard drive out of my laptop and plugged it into the pc and I get the same result. Also I tried windows start up repair from the discs, it found no issues.

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