I'm new to seven forums and need help with a few odd BSOD's. This is my first high performance laptop and I just got it 3 weeks ago. Anyways, it works fine when im not doing anything like now, but when I start up a game, anything GPU intensive actually, after a while the screen will garble up and ill get a BSOD with the sound of what was currently happening recuring in an infinite loop. I have all 3 dump files and will have them attached.
Well my computer blue screened again. I've attached the dump reports. I don't know why it's still doing this; is it really still my wireless USB adapter? If it still is then I'll invest in a PCI wireless adapter instead.I forgot to copy and paste the error report when Windows started.Here's my specs:i5-2500K Sandy Bridge stock @ 3.3GHz16GB (4GBx4) DDR3 1600MHz Corsair VengeanceNVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 HD 2.5GB [EDIT: the card is an EVGA branded card]GigaByte GA-Z68MA850W Corsair CMPSU-850TXV22TB (2TBx1) SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 64MB Cache 7200RPM HDD
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 7178 BCCode: 116 BCP1: 85F1A008 BCP2: 91E1C9B0 BCP3: 00000000 BCP4: 00000002 OS Version: 6_1_7601 Service Pack: 1_0 Product: 256_1
Files that describe the problem: C:WindowsMinidump 80912-16645-01.dmp C:Usersjoset.COBROS_DOMAINAppDataLocalTempWER-61089-0.sysdata.xml Read our privacy statement online: Windows 7 Privacy Statement - Microsoft Windows If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt
I just received a new system from ibuypower.com and everything was working fine for the last 3 or 4 days but today I bluescreened twice. Their tech support is closed until Monday, so I thought I would post something here on it. Below are the two Bluescreen view logs.
I am encountering a random crash during computer use. I can not seem to correlate this with a specific action or process, i.e. it happens at different times doing different things. Below I am including three of the BSOD error messages. I have tried changing out RAM and have made sure that my temperatures are good in the case. I ran memtest for 4 hours with no errors, also prime95 did not produce and crash.
My system:
AMD FX 8120 Eight core 3.1 ghz Sector 5 DDR3 1333 mhz RAM (4x4gb) 2 Geforce GTX 550 TI SLI Gigabyte 990fxa-ud3 Windows 7 Home Premium 64x
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem:
My computer is 2 years old and I only use it for gaming. This problem just started after installing Reckoning 2 weeks ago. Sometimes the comp runs for hours without a BSOD other days its every 15 minutes. This same thing happened when I was playing World of Warcraft AFTER i installed Reckoning.
I keep getting random BSODs even though I'm not stressing the system. It seems to happen only in Windows i.e. not in a game. It's been happening more often over the past 2 days. It's a new system, recently aquired about a week ago.I've attached the performance monitor report along with the windows nt6 folder zipped up together and the latest minidump file from the last BSOD.Windows 7 Ultimate x64 full retail,installed 3-4 days ago. New hardware except for the GPU and HDD.
I have a: Gateway NV53A AMD Phenom 11 X2 N660 ATI Mobility Radeon HD4250 and 3GB DDR3 Memory and 320GB HDD
I am running Windows 7 64 bit. It crashes basically whenever computer goes to sleep mode and when I try to hit enter and wake up the system from sleep mode I get this blue screen issue and below is what I get.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BlueScreen OS Version:6.1.7601. Locale ID:1033
Additional information about the problem: BCCode:7f BCP1:0000000000000008 BCP2:0000000080050033 BCP3:00000000000006F8 BCP4:FFFFF80002E82890 OS Version:6_1_7601 Service Pack:1_0 Product:768_1
Files that describe the problem: C:\Windows\Minidump\090911-22791-01.dmp C:\Users\Punukollu\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-34117-0.sysdata.xml
It first happened while I was playing Diablo III. The colors on the screen went crazy then Diablo froze and the screen started flashing which eventually lead to a crash and a blue screen. After the reboot windows started and automatically ran the cmd prompt with winSAT trying to diagnose something? It would go through the process and it seemed like it was just looping over and over with no solution. I closed the cmd prompt and it crashed shortly after, with the same errors.
Code: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 116 BCP1: FFFFFA800A640010 BCP2: FFFFF8800F6649C8 BCP3: 0000000000000000 BCP4: 000000000000000D OS Version: 6_1_7601 Service Pack: 1_0 Product: 768_1
On the next reboot I then ran in safe mode and did a system restore hoping it would clear up. It did not. After the restore it did the same thing and eventually crashed again. Here I have both the dump files from the incidents (it only recorded two of them). I have googled and read up a lot on similar errors and it seems to be either a hardware issue or a driver problem. I am downloading drivers right now and will see what happens, but I am doubtful. Also when the blue screen came up, it said something about the "nvlddmkm.sys" file, but I don't recall what it said. It was too fast for me to catch it all.
I have just bought a new pc and it has already an error!! When I swicht off my pc, a bluescreen appears with "driver power state failure". It's the first time I have seen this error: (a little part is in italian, but errors are international![CODE]
Recently, I've been experiencing BSOD. The errors occur when I play games for more than an hour, two or sometimes even three hours.
Quote: Additional information about the problem: BCCode:124 BCP1:0000000000000000 BCP2:FFFFFA8004C48038 BCP3:0000000000000000 BCP4:0000000000000000 OS Version:6_1_7600 Service Pack:0_0 Product:256_1
Files that describe the problem: C:WindowsMinidump70912-29094-01.dmp C:UsersDavidAppDataLocalTempWER-36675-0.sysdata.xml
Read our privacy statement online: [URL] If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt
I have RTL81918192SE Network adapter I made upgrade when i want to connect to wifi happen blue screen and restart bccode 076. Minidump i put here. Maybe i need just disable some drive?