Windows Explorer Can't Working

Aug 26, 2009

when u first in stall windows everything works perfectly, but then over time, things erode little by little until some things stop working properly.. my problem is this...after selecting a large number of files (3200) and right clicking on them, the windows explorer goes thru a few seconds of "not responding" and then gives me nothing....the file context menu never appears.. then i logged into another barely used account (hidden admin) and found it worked like when i'd just installed windows... obviously, it's got something to do with USED accounts eroding over time...which leads me to my question.. is there anyway to (without doing a system restore) restore the integrity of the user account files that would have an effect on things like this?

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working, Internet Explorer Stopped Working, What DOES Work?

Jul 25, 2008

Lately when I've tried looking at different folders and files on my hard drives I keep getting "Windows Explorer has stopped working and will restart." It's driving me nuts, I can barely do anything.
Also, same thing with Internet Explorer...I'm getting real sick of Vista's shoddiness..

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working, Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Jul 6, 2008

By now it should be obvious that, under the Vista operating system, I have Home Premium, there is a severe overall, general "has stopped working" problem.

Thus far I've experienced:
"Internet Explorer has stopped working"
"Windows Explorer has stopped working"
"Word has stopped working"
"Sherlock Holmes Nemesis (Adventure Company) has stopped working"
"Outlook has stopped working"
"Acid 4.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Acid 6.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Sound Forge (Sony) has stopped working"

Is it not obvious by now that Vista has a problem, maybe a compatability problem, with everything from Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word to third party programs which cause programs, as I mentioned, even programs made by Microsoft, to "stop working"? Is there no an overall "stopped working" patch or something that Microsoft has released by now?...............

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Windows Explorer Not Working

Feb 18, 2007

After getting to copy a few small folders from external HDD, I need to use EXPLORER (right mouse button). Only this way I am able to see the files. Sometimes, I have been receiving an error message, Windows Explorer crash. I need to restart the windows explorer to be able to resume what I was doing. The appcrash is affected. Does anyone know how to solve it?

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Can't Working Windows Explorer

Aug 22, 2009

Anyway, there was problem with Windows Explorer today, so I had to "restart" it. But when I clicked restart, Windows Explorer dissapeared, and didn't reappear! What the heck is happening? When I type explorer.exe in command prompt, nothing happens! What is happening? What is happening?!

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Windows Explorer Not Working. Restarting

Mar 25, 2009

When i go into my downloads folder, a message comes up saying Windows Expolorer is not working. then .. Restarting and my whole desktop refreshes... I wonder because I installed a microsoft update which i dont think installed properly crashed my computer, so i did a system restore. That was a week before this problem arose.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Jan 13, 2010

For quite a while I have been getting the message "Windows explorer has stopped working".whenever I try to right click a file in a file listing. I have been working around this problem but I'm getting fed up with it.

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working?

Apr 19, 2010

I got this problem in vista home premiun since I installed service pack 2. It happens when I click the right button of the mouse, I was told that it could be because I installed some application but I didn't find the culprit. Anyway, I want to execute command prompt as administrator and since I can not do it from the all start menu with a right click button, is there another way from a command line??. Actually I need to make some changes to HOSTS file and in order to do that I need to edit it as administrator.

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Internet Explorer And Windows Can't Working

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought a new laptop with Windows Vista in it and I am a user of Myspace. I am having issues when I go to certain pages on myspace the pages are not fully loading or I can not see all of the content on the page. I have been thru this entire computer and settings and such and still can not figure out why I can not see all the content on the pages.

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Windows Explorer Not Working And Cannot Browse

Mar 23, 2008

I have two computers. The Windows XP Professional is wired directly to my 5 port SpeedTouch 780 10/100mb switch. The Vista Home Premium is a laptop and is wireless connected to the same SpeedTouch 780 DSL Router. Both computers can see each other on the network. I can browse all the allowed folders on the Sony Vaio Vista Machine but I cannot browse the folders on the XP machine from the Vista machine. I CAN open the folders but I cannot copy files and if there are a lot of folders, VISTA will sit there and hang while the progress bar progresses and finally the Vista machine will kick back an error message saying that Windows Explorer has quit with no explanation.

HOWEVER, IF I disconnect the Vista wireless connection, and I cable it, to the same SpeedTouch 780 switch, THEN I CAN browse my folders on the XP machine and EVERYTHING works like it is supposed to. I have turned off the firewall and disabled anti virus on both machines. What can I do to troubleshoot this problem? And DOES ANYONE have a tech support phone number for SpeedTouch 780 DSL Routers?

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Windows Explorer Can't Working KB955430

May 5, 2009

Whenever I double click on a directory in the contents panel a new window is opened, even though the "open in same window" checkbox in the options is checked. In the context menu the "explore" option is bold (default action) and if I select that explicitly then the folder is opened in the current window, but double click executes "open" instead of "browse". This behavior is since today or at least very recent. I do not recall an update being installed. I am current with the updates. I have checked shell's default value in regedit (is set to none). I have tried re-applying the checkbox. Rebooting... The only thing left is to do a rollback of the system to a previous checkpoint, but I would expect the behavior to return. Incorrect statement; I see three update installed two days ago. KB955430: Update voor Windows Vista voor x64-systemen 2007 Microsoft® Office Suite Service Pack 2 (SP2) Internet Explorer 8 voor Windows Vista voor x64-systemen As a side note, I noticed that if I hold ctrl to open a new tab for a link, IE8 does not actually download that page, but it stays on "Connected". I already activated Safari as the default browser. I'm going to rollback that update.

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working Frequently

Nov 24, 2009

when my Vista home premium 32 bit windows explorer stop working frequently. when ever im doing something else in firefox or microsoft office, once i try to click Start button or i click dekstop icon. the whole windows will just freeze and ask me to restart the program(windows explorer). Im currently using a genuine vista OS, genuine microsoft office. Below are the data i copy from "Problems Report and Solutions". I did try the solution provided by microsoft, but they are just asking me to do windows update. but its seems like not solving my problem by just updating my windows. this problem did not cause me lot of problem. but its just too frustated to see it keep restarting for the whole night.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Explorer.EXE
Application Version: 6.0.6002.18005
Application Timestamp: 49e01da5
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18005
Fault Module Timestamp: 49e03821
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00066796
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 17417
Additional Information 1: cd80
Additional Information 2: a4d78125ad538c035e8838c8cbc364a1
Additional Information 3: 1c11
Additional Information 4: a0d05fbdfaec8ef138d723df00928cfb

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working - Restart

Dec 23, 2008

I don't know if my Threadtitle fits the exact English message (doubt it) but that's my Problem. Since the start of my PC today my Windows Explorer stopped working, everytime i click on Computer or Control Panel. It always just restarts the Explorer and i got the same again. By searching the Error via Google i found 1000s of Topics about this Issue

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working, Restarting

Oct 6, 2009

I am getting the windows explorer stopped working/restarting loop upon computer startup. I followed a suggestion to check "eventvwr" from the task manager and it seems as though the fault is associated with My problem (or at least I think my problem) is that I cannot locate this file to delete it. A simple search of the computer does not bring it up. I already tried the "change from thumbnails to icons" thing in the control panel but can't seem to get to the correct screen it in time.

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Rundll32 & Windows Explorer Stopped Working

Sep 21, 2009

Rundll32 & Windows Explorer Stopped Working. Everytime I 'bootup' computer. the above errors pop up and screen looks like it refreshes itself.

Unable to access anti virus/malware apps

Unable to use computer or get online

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Windows Explorer Screen Stop Working

Mar 1, 2007

another problem with this OS, it seems once an hour my Windows Explorer will completely kick the bucket. What happens is all the windows and tabs at the bottom of the screen stop working and kind of migrate to the bottom left all mashing together making everything practically useless. So I end up have to end explorer.exe and resterting it.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working When I Right Click .exe Files

Jul 31, 2008

I have vista home basic. My computer is a compaq presario sr2170nx. The last couple days I have been getting the following message when I right click on icons on my desktop or click on quick launch icons: Windows explorer has stopped working. It gives me the option to restart or search online for a solution. either one causes the icons in the system tray to go away and then reappear. this doesn't happen when i right click on folders on the desktop but any icons for applications it will. Also any icons in those folders will do the same thing. I have virus scanned with nothing found. I am currently scanning with adaware although i don't think it will find anything either. I have downloaded a few programs recently to convert portions of a dvd to mpeg for a class I'm taking but nothing else out of the ordinary.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working Playing Movie DVD

Aug 27, 2009

I am trying to play a DVD movie that I burned about a year ago. It has always worked previouly, but now when I try to open it from Autoplay or from Computer, I get a message telling me that Windows Explorer has stopped working. Can you help me with this one?

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Extract Files:Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Oct 20, 2008

my computer new less then a year ago and use it for internet access, word processing, and a little gaming. recently i've had update issues, but even stranger when I attempt to extract a file using vista's in home extraction program(dont have a third party one) I get a message "Windows Explorer has stopped working" which then immediatly is followed by "Windows explorer is restarting." I can not extract files nor move files around that are in these files without this occuring. I went to the problem reports and solutions and get the following message:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: explorer.exe
Application Version: 6.0.6000.16549
Application Timestamp: 46d230c5
Fault Module Name: avgoff2k.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4885e26d
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000041e6
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 8d13
Additional Information 2: cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
Additional Information 3: 8d13
Additional Information 4: cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 858947222

Along with that I also got a COM surrogate error this morning when I tried to extact a file. I have no idea whats going on, I called Gateway support, and they are sending me a wipe disc but I'd prefer to just fix this.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: When Open Files Mp3, Rm, Wav

May 15, 2008

have a folder named "Mutimedia" its size is 3 GB and it contains a lot of files (mp3, rm, wav, ...).Many times when I open this folder, I got "Windows Explorer has stopped working" message and the folder stopped working.

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Opening Folders: Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Apr 7, 2010

S.O. Vista Home Premium SP2 Problem: opening folders. For some time it is impossible to open the folder double click, crashes with error message: Windows Explorer has stopped working .... I can only open them with right-click Explorer, while right click Open gives me the same problem. I tried, in vain, downloading ShellExView and disabling all non-Microsoft items.

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Windows Explorer Stops Working While Connecting Network.

May 3, 2008

Nice to meet u all! I am using vista home premium and when i right click on the wireless internet thing (the two computers with the red "x" or w/e) and click on "connect to a network" i get this windows explorer stopped working error... and when i try to click on "start" and then "connect to" it says that rundll32 has stopped working error... this is really frustrating...

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: After Close A Folder

Mar 31, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium edition. Earlier today, a new problem started to occur. Each time I close a folder, I get a message telling me that Windows Explorer has stopped working. It then restarts and things appear fine. I can do everything as normal on the computer, but if I try to close a folder again, same error message.

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Lost Autorun Windows Explorer Stopped Working

Nov 10, 2009

I bought an HP Pavillion a6750f in May. Its OS is Vista 64bit. This machine ran fine for the first month, then I started having issues. I cannot pinpoint the start of the problems to any one event. I first "lost" autorun. I was trying to install PhotoImpact. The first disk worked fine, but when I put the second one in, I got an error message telling me something about autorun (seems to me it was something else, but I cannot remember what at this time). Any way, if I put any disks in, the computer would not automatically open them, or run them. After a few days of struggling with this, I finally got things working again. But, about a week after that, I began getting the Windows Explorer has stopped working error. That still is not fixed! I am a college student who takes most of my courses online. I needed Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Dreamweaver CS4, so when I tried installing them, I got a bunch of errors, issues, and problems. I uninstalled just about every program I had, and tried installing one at a time to see if any of the programs were causing problems. Vista, as you know, does not support many older programs, which is a PAIN! But, I did find a few "upgrades" for some of my programs so they would work with Vista. Unfortunately, after installing those "upgrades", my computer still did not work properly......

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IE 7 Crashes ALL The Time: 'windows Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working.'

May 4, 2008

and I don't get it. 'windows internet explorer has stopped working.' and then sometimes when I start it---the links are all missing. All I have is the basic IE7 with the Yahoo toolbar, latest version. The next time it happens, I will take a SS. I may have to go to FF which is not my preference. How do you get FF be the default browser for yahoo mail, for example?

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working :happen Initially After Booting Up

May 29, 2009

Windows Explorer has stopped working and then closes and restarts. It doesn't happen initially after booting up. But after a short period of usage like 3-10 mins, every time I open up Explorer or Control Panel, Windows Explorer crashes and has to restart.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: Turned Off The System Restore Option

Apr 29, 2008

running Vista Home Premium (32-bit). When you log into Windows, you immediately get the error "Windows Explorer has stopped working". Then it says explorer is restarting, restarts your desktop, then is ok for about 3 seconds. The error then pops back up and it is stuck in that loop.

It started when he clicked on some popup he shouldn't have. I removed a trojan identified by Mcafee as exploit-byte verify. I have also disabled all startup programs and services (except windows services) through msconfig. However, I am still getting this error popup. Unfortunately, he had previously turned off the system restore option and got rid of the recovery partition.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: After Updation WinPatrol, RoboForm, Java 6

Apr 14, 2009

I am running Vista Home Premium. BitDefender Internet Security 2009. I installed a small program called SUMo tonight. Other than that, I updated my WinPatrol, RoboForm, and I updated Java 6 update 11 to update 13. I keep getting a pop up that Windows Explorer has stopped working, then looking for a solution, then it says it's restarting but then when I try to open my control panel the same thing happens all over again. I restarted and so far it hasn't happened since my last restart, but I have restarted several times tonight due to this problem.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: When "uac" On

Apr 19, 2009

i get this message all the time when i have "uac" on,when i turn it off no problem,but i dont understand why. when it happens i cant get to controle panal to turn off "uac",the only way is to use system restore to get back to when it was turned off,and then all is well again

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"Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working"

Jan 11, 2010

I'm having a problem with my Acer Aspire 5100 with Vista. After turning on the power, selecting the User, and entering my password, the following occurs;

1) Welcome screen for about a minute
2) Black screen with the Windows message "Windows Explorer has stopped working",When I select "Check online for a solution and close the program" it takes me to a Problems, Reports, and Solutions block entitled 'Download updates for Windows' where I "Click to go online...." This Windows Update website tells me to use my Start menu to check for updates. But at this point I still do not have a Windows desktop with the Start menu.

3) While this has been going on, another Windows box opens with the message "Windows host process (Rundll32) has stopped working" [NOTE - all of these problems began when I tried downloading from a shareware site for the first time. I suspect Rundll32 has something to do with that.]

4) A minimized Windows box shows up and when enlarged it reads "Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host has stopped working" This box provides a choice of "Going online" or closing. If I click the going online command the screen goes black and stays that way. If I chose to close the program. This same Search Protocol Host messages returns and returns and...

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Windows Explorer Startup: Open Windows Explorer In Either XP Or Vista It Opens The "My Document"

Jun 8, 2009

When I open windows explorer in either XP or Vista it opens the "My Document" folder as the default. However I only want "My Computer" to be expanded and everything else left unexpanded.

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