"unexpected Problem Trying To Create Or Write To Logfile" Error #7

May 11, 2009

I have a new laptop with home premium on it....i'm trying to install a baseball game,but I keep getting the same message at setup "unexpected problem trying to create or write to logfile"...error #7 i've tried running the program as administrator and it has no effect. Might there be some other form of security that vista won't allow this software past?

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Unexpected Error: Restart Computer And Installation Of Windows

Apr 26, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 1521 laptop that this past week decided to do a Windows update and afterwards was running at 100% cpu and really slow. After everything I did and everything I knew to do I decided to clean the HD and re-install the OS. I partitioned the HD and tried to install Vista. It got all the way thru to the point it was "suppose" to reboot and ask for my name and comp info and just shut down. When I turned it back on a window popped up saying something to the effect of "windows restared unexpectedly or had an unexpected error please select ok to restart your computer and installation of Windows" so then I have to re-install all over again and it failed again and again. I ran the pre-boot system assessment and found out my HD crashed. I installed a new HD and ran the pre-boot assessment again and everything checks out but I'm still getting the box to pop up cause it keeps turning itself off at the same point as I mentioned above. I can't/ don't know how to get into DOS so I can check the motherboard but I'm getting ready to throw this thing up against the wall.

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Blue Screen "Windows Has Recovered From An Unexpected Error"

Aug 28, 2009

I bought Dell Studio in the middle of July and before today it was working just fine. But today I got the blue screen for the third time. It is really annoying. Showing the blue screen the system gets restarted. After restart it shows a message that says - "Windows has recovered from an unexpected error". Problem details shows the following texts:.........

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System Restore, "unexpected Error"

May 2, 2008

I get this message when I try system restore after - it appears to be complete - in other words it finds a restore point, I agree and it does its thing. Just when everything is restarted the error message is that System restore was not successful due to an "unexpected error". I have a new Dell laptop running Vista Home Premium (SP1 has not downloaded yet) and Norton Internet Security 2007 and Spybot latest version. I tell you this because on my old XP desktop I had to change a setting on NAV to enable system restore to work and once I did that everything was fine. -

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NTFS: MFT Folders $Logfile Placement

Apr 26, 2009

Is is often recommended (if defragmenting tool allows it - as JKDefrag and incoming MyDefrag ) to keep MFT and folders close together for short access time. $Logfile ( NTFS transaction circular log ) seems not to be movable by Vista defragmentation API. Does make sense to keep together all of them by placing MFT / folders toward $Logfile?

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Cannot Write To Drive "Media Is Write Protected"

May 5, 2008

This seems to be a new development, and I'm stumped. I've got three internal hard drives- one housing Vista Ultimate x64, one housing Ubuntu 8.04 x64, and one being used for storage for both OS's. Up until recently they've cooperated nicely. Now, the storage drive (drive E:) will not let me write to it. I cannot rename, delete, cut, or write any new files to any part of that drive. That's troublesome, since that's where I send all of my downloads to!

Even earlier in this session of windows it was working nicely, I was able to download a torrent of the recent Ubuntu 8.04 release (legal and distributed from ubuntu.com). I started a session of Assassin's Creed (a game), and now that I've quit that, I cannot write to the drive. Specifically, the error is: "The disk is write protected. Remove the write protection or use another disk.".........

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Crashes Say GTAIV FATAL ERROR "unable To Create Depth Render Target"

Mar 2, 2010

I was tweaking my graphics card with Nervia and i was changing some options and now when i go into GTAIV it crashes say GTAIV FATAL ERROR "unable to create depth render target. please reinstall DriectX or install the latest video card drivers" i have tried switching everything to the defaults and i uninstalled it. i have updated my Direct X to the latest version and i am downloading the latest grapics drivers from Nvida

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Create An Account For Another User I Cannot Create One, Either Admin Or Standard

Sep 13, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 32 (system specs: laptop 2.1 Ghz core 2 duo, 4 gb RAM, 500gb hd (about half full) nvidia 8400M GS, Avira Premium Security Suite). I have had the computer for about a year running fine with 1 main admin account. Now when I need to create an account for another user I cannot create one, either admin or standard. When I create it, using either the control panel or command prompt, it creates the user picture, making the account visible on the control panel user accounts screen, and on logon screen. However, when trying to log into the new account I am greeted with the error "User profile service failed on logon. User profile cannot be loaded." The standard fix for this from various forums is to edit the registry key of the account. However, on going to regedit I see that no key even exists for the account. On further investigation I discover that no user files have been created either. I attempted a system restore, but discovered that all my past restore points were gone, and intruigingly, the computer had stopped createing 24 hour checkpoints. I cannot say for definite whether it was this issue or another one that caused system restore to mess up, as I don't check my system restore all that often. Either way, system restore is not an option. There have been mentions of a full Vista reinstall, though if at all possible I would like to avoid this.

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Cannot Create Shortcuts On Desktop Windows Could Not Create The Shortcut

Apr 30, 2010

I am having problems with creating shortcuts on my desktop. when i select send to desktop (create shortcut) it comes up with the error. Windows could create the shortcut. Check to see if the disc is full.I have over 180 GB free space left. To get things to the desktop i can drag it into the tab section next to the start icon, and then drag onto desktop.But when i do this i am always required to give permission and it creates two desktop icons.i have been having problems with my catalyst control centre but i dont think they are related.

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Create Local Account Won't Create One Called Admin

Mar 5, 2009

When I install Vista, it wants to force me to create a local account, and it won't let me create one called Administrator, becuase the name is already used (thus the Administrator account exists). I don't want to create some dummy account just just to log in to join the domain. How do I get past the "Choose a user name and picture" screen and log in as Administrator so I can just install the network drivers and join my domain?

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Windows Failed To Start: ERROR "cannot Create A File When That File Already Exists" (0x800700b7)

Mar 23, 2008

My elderly Mother's Vista PC isn't working, and as she relies on this for shopping etc I need to get it working (I am several hundred miles from her). The PC tried to install the latest Vista updates (20/2/2008) but upon restart she gets the message "Windows failed to restart - a recent hardware/software change may be the cause - File windowssystem32winload.exe "The selected file could not be loaded". She doesn't have a start in "normal mode" option. I have walked her through trying system repair/restore using the Vista installation Cd, but after trying to restore she gets the message; "system restore failed due to an unspecified error; "cannot create a file when that file already exists" (0x800700b7) We have tried 3 different restore points with the same result.

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Unexpected Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I;m getting unexpected shutdowns so often that i can barely do anything on my pc. i've already had three this morning. this is what the problem info reads on the first two;

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen:OS Version:6.0.6000. ,Locale ID:4105 Additional information about the problem:

BCCode:1000008e,BCP1:C0000005,BCP2:8A8539FF,BCP3:973377E8,BCP4:00000000,OS Version:6_0_6000,Service Pack:0_0,Product:768_1,Files that help describe the problem:,C:WINDOWSMinidumpMini011908-01.dmp,C:UsersCarrieAppDataLocalTempWER-48609-.sysdata.xml,C:UsersCarrieAppDataLocalTempWERF575.tmp.version.txt,.........i noticed that they are different, but my computer shuts down very frequently. I'm comfortable on computers but i'm not very advanced. Could some one tell me what this means and how i can prevent it from happening again?

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Unexpected Shutdown When Close The Lid

Aug 27, 2009

I've been having a problem on my new dell studio 15 laptop, at first,whenever I closed the lid, I would lose my wireless connection, now, when I close the lid I get an unexpected shutdown. I did my usual research, but it seems that people get this problem for different hardware issues, and there isn't a "one size fits all fix" Here's my error message...

Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BlueScreen OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:4105

Additional information about the problem:

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Unexpected Shutdown To Bluescreen

Mar 23, 2008

My computer has shutdown three times without warning over the past two days the error message that appears is as follows:


Shut down unexpectedly

1/13/2008 2:20 PM

Not Reported

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:1033............

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Recovered From Unexpected Shutdown

May 15, 2010

I have had an issue twice in the past couple days of my system rebooting on its own. Here is what it says:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 9f
BCP1: 0000000000000003
BCP2: FFFFFA80090BD050
BCP3: FFFFFA80090BD050
BCP4: FFFFFA800D4845C0
OS Version: 6_0_6002
Service Pack: 2_0
Product: 768_1

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Unexpected Shut Down In Window

Jun 24, 2008

I have been experiencing an unexpected shut down with my laptop since I got it which was in Jan 2008 up till now 5 times >>>>it happened in a month twice where there is a gap of two month between the incidents.. Today was the 5th and I was able to write what the report said on the blue screen since I have made my setting for the computer not to reboot after an unexpected shutdown... Don???t know if I could get a help here as to what could be the cause... some are listed just don???t know where to start from or what to do or if I can do anything before sending it to the vendor..

Note Usually after this shut down the computer reboots and all goes back to normal The problem is a blue screen with the following written on it:-Problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.check if you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable driver or check with the manufacturer for drivers updates. change video adapter. Bios update check with your vendor. Disable bios memory options such as cashing or shadowing, if you need to use safe mode to remove Or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced start up options, and then select safe mode. and of course while all the above have been written on the blue screen the following also was going on:- Collecting data for crash dump Initializing disk for crash dump. Beginning dump of physical memory. Dumping physical memory to disk. Physical memory dump complete. Note Usually after this shut down the computer reboots and all goes back to normal

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Unexpected High Volume Of New E-mail

Jun 3, 2008

Today (June 3) I experienced an astoundingly high volume of new e-mail loaded into my Inbox. The new e-mail was unexpected and upon further review is a duplicate of past e-mail.

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Hibernation: Unexpected Shutdown Or Reboot

Apr 12, 2008

I've just been using my computer (XP) and have lots of applications running, taking up a lot of memory, even when minimized. Then it hit me - why not (probably in an upcoming version of windows) have an extra button near minimize/maximise, that puts the application into hibernation? The idea being that if the application needs no interaction, like possibly you are writing a word document, but you are waiting for some information to put in it via email. In this case, you don't really want to close word, as the email may arrive at any time. On the other hand, you aren't using word, so it is running in the background, taking up resources.

Why not make it so that when you click the 'Hibernate Application' button next to minimize, it minimizes the application, and writes the active memory onto the HDD. Then when it is restored, load it back out of the HDD into the RAM (much like the way the Hibernate Windows feature works). Certain applications won't be ideal for this, such as if you hibernated an mp3 player, it would result in stopping playback. But for other uses, this seems an excellent feature. It could even be expanded to restore individual applications to their working state after a full reboot (the applications would be there when you logon). This would safegard against losing your minimized word documents that you have open, if there is an upexpected shutdown or reboot. I understand that there is some optimisation going on when you minimize applications anyway, but I'm talking about total hibernation.

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Computer Freezes, Unexpected Bluescreen

Jul 6, 2008

Computer freezes while i'm in the middle of something, the mouse pointer will get "stuck" for 3-4 seconds, then the screen goes black (but the power is still on). I get no message, and nothing works except for holding down the power button to turn off the pc. When I restart there is no record of any problem in the problem history.

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Automatic Update Gives Unexpected Shut Down

Apr 17, 2009

When ever i installed any automatic update my computer gives me unexpected shut down and BSOD ( blue screen of death). 1-wat should i do install any update or not? 2-if i do not install it would be right to do for my windows security or not?

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Gateway (model:GT5428) Unexpected Shutdown

Jul 29, 2009


my dad bought a Gateway (model:GT5428) desktop about two years ago. well not long after that it started to shutdown unexpectedly. ofcoarse my dad thinking that it would cost a butt load of money to get it fixed. so he tried to fix it himself and asking my step-grandfather to help him, but the problem still continues.

Here I'll give detailed discription of what usually happens: when logging in, the unit's fan gets really noisy as if its handling alot at once. if we open a program like internet explorer to soon it will shutdown; so we usually wait a while until we think it's ok to open the program. but after shutting down a blue screen appears and then it reboots. now in safe mode it works fine so I'm pretty sure it's not a Ram problem but I believe it maybe a driver issue concerning some hardware( a linksys wi-fi adapter) that was installed by someone at circuit city when he bought the computer. so I need help finding the problem. Problem reports and solutions has logged in 366 unexpected shutdowns since 2007.

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Unexpected Shut Downs Without Warnings, Hard Drive?

Mar 23, 2008

One of my computers is a Gateway desktop, that came with Vista Home Premium. This computer has been giving me problems ever since I got it last May. It has been giving me unexpected shut downs without warnings. I have formated the hard drive numerous times, and finally paid Gateway to get the restore disk so that I could do this. Well, the problem kept continuing. I had talked to Gateway numerous times also. Anyway, the last straw was yesterday when I restored again, and this time she did a shut down on me when it was installing the necessary updates.

Now I knew it wasn't a software incapability or something that I loaded that was causing it. So I called Gateway again, and this time I rant and raving about how I was frustrated about this and I wanted to find a way to absolutely clear my hard drive from this corrupted thing or virus, so I could do another clean format. After her research about this................

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CD-RW Write Protected: Cannot Format?

Apr 29, 2009

I am trying to format a cd that I bought (memorex) vista says it cannot be formatted because of its write protection. Unfortunately this is my only blank cd left so I can't use a new one. Is there a way of forcing a format? Or removing the write protection?

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Write A Macro For Sleep

Jun 25, 2009

I have Vista 64 bit. My PC stopped going to sleep when I pressed the sleep button (in fact it crashed); to cut a long story short, I eventually traced the problem to a new sound card I'd installed - disabling the card allows sleep to work normally. (I see that the card manufacturer, M-Audio, includes a note in its FAQ to the effect that none of its cards will work with sleep. Great.)

I'm now faced with the prospect of having to navigate through Control Panel and the Device Manager to disable the card every time I want to put the PC to sleep, and then the same performance to re-enable to card when I wake it up.

Does anyone know if it's possible to run a series of commands when the sleep button is pressed so that it disables the card before going to sleep? I suppose I'm asking if there's a way that someone who's only semi-technical could write a macro and apply it to the button - or is this just cloud cuckoo land?

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Auto Log: Could Not Write DefaultUser Name?

Mar 23, 2008

I was look for an auto log on like I used with XP called Power Toys for XP. found an auto log on However when I run it I get the error? Could Not Write DefaultUser name? .I was using my ID and password, I am the only user and a administrator. Does this auto log on work only with the Administrator ID? Or is there another reason it will not install?

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How To Disable Write Combining

Jun 9, 2007

I could disable ''Write Combining'' in Windows XP but in Windows Vista I only see this: (look at the attackment) How do I enable it in windows Vista?

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Disk Is Write Protected?

May 7, 2008

Running Vista64 Home Premium SP1. About every 4 or 5 times I boot the system, my data HDD D: presents as "write protected". A reboot corrects this. I have run diagnostics on the HDD and all appears OK.

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Installed Nero: Not Write CD-RW

Aug 25, 2009

I used Nero Burning ROM v6.6.1.15 through option compatibility with Windows XP SP2. She recorded DVD-R/W disk and spoiled CD Then she began to spoil all the disks. I installed Nero Burning ROM v9.4.13.2b. She recorded my DVD-RW, but spoiled 3 DVD-R disc and does not write CD-RW:cry:

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Write Permission For Just 1 Computer In LAN?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a small network at home with 4 computers. My main computer is "Bob". Another computer on which I work is "Paul". I want "Paul" to be able to write, delete and modify files on "Bob". But I don't want the 2 other computers to have this permission.

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Removing Write Protection

Mar 23, 2008

i just got a new 2 gig micro SD card for my phone. I put it in the front card reader of m computer, but when I try to add anything to it, it says, "this disk is write protected, to add anything remove write protection".

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Can Not Write Group Policy

Mar 23, 2008

My Group Policy is SNAFUD and now I can't write to my floppy drive.

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