Underclock For Specific Reasons: Pretty Sure Bios:P

Dec 11, 2009

here and ive been wanting to Underclock for specific reasons but thats not the point. When I boot up my pc I get into setup (which im pretty sure is bios :P) but there is none of the settings I need to change. for example Front End Bus or Core voltage or Frequency voltage my Clock speed whats going on? I bought my cpu built already so. I dont know if that has something to do with it but this is really bugging me?

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Reasons For A Recovery Partition

Mar 22, 2009

1. Cheaper for the OEM
2. Users regularly delete it and consequently have to pay more money to

Micro$lut to get Windows working again. WPA and WGA serve the same purpose for Micro$lut.

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Ten Reasons Not To Buy Microsoft At This Time

Jun 15, 2008

1: Windows XP is still for sale


2: You can still buy PC's with Good old reliable Windows XP installed

3 There are other more reliable Operating systems available


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50 Million Reasons Is A Pile Of Crap

Jun 13, 2009

vista has 50 million lines of code

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Doesn't Look To Pretty On 24 Inch Widescreen

Sep 23, 2008

I was just on my desktop working on some editing and 3D apps, decided to give it a reboot for no other reason than I hadn't in a day, and the computer boots back up with nothing but problems! First of all the resolution looks like it reset to default 640 x 480 or something. Which doesn't look to pretty on my 24 inch widescreen. I have a video card that's less than a month old, and it's not overclocked or anyhting, so no idea what's going on there.

To make it worse, I have no device input control whatsoever. I first tried with my normal DiNovo keyboard and mouse via Bluetooth. Getting no response at all, I swapped to a standard wireless keyboard I have and mouse. Still no input reply at all. When windows loads, it's saying it's loading a device driver in the taskbar, but it just loads forever. I don't even know WHAT it's trying to load! Getting back to DOS and booting off my CD, I can get to the repair and recovery section...for all the good it does me being as system restore is turned off. I tried the startup repair but of course it didn't find anything wrong. Oddly enough the keyboard and mouse DOES work while Im here in the system recovery app. I have no idea what to do. I just got my PC all nice how I like it. I finally get in the mood to edit me and my wife's home movies and this happens! Help? Anything?

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Vista Software Pretty Slow Running

Mar 23, 2008

Vista is good looking software, but pretty slow. Altough my computer has no problems running it, because there's WAY enough power to do that. BUT, some serious issues have come up. And the most worst and annoying thing is the lag in games, internet etc. There's this lagspike that comes every 10 to 60 seconds. When youre playing a game that needs connection to internet example Guild Wars, it's annoying. There's no way you can play the game properly. First this lag wasn't so bad, but it has come to a point where the whole game disconnects from the server because lag is too long. This problem is experienced by many people and they are as annoyid as I am. More specificly the problem is experienced with wlan connections. I hope Microsoft quickly fixes this major problem.

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Recording Audio Disk Space Pretty Fast

Jul 29, 2009

I'll be attending a 5 day course, 8 hrs per day. I'd like to take my Vista laptop with me and record the voice. I'm worried that I'll run out of disk space pretty fast. Is there any software that would allow me to record in a compressed form straight away?

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Disable Bios To Work: Do Update Bios

Mar 12, 2009

I have been building computers for a while now and have not had any problems so far that I could not solve. Now I don't know where to start. I have purchased the following items:......Now when I try to install the vista 64 bit I get the famous BSOD! Mostly with the error message I stated in the title. I dont know what to do. Does anyone have any information for me?? ....65N Rast to disable the TBL patch in the BIOS in order for this to work. I do not know where to diable this patch on my mainboard. Do I need to update my BIOS? With what version??

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Pretty Tool: Update Neat File Sharing Folders

Mar 3, 2006

Ive been using it for a couple months its pretty cool. They just came out w/ an update for it which made the GUI more aero like. It has neat file sharing folders and a lot of games you can play with people.

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BIOS Opinion, BIOS Is Out Of Date

Feb 25, 2009

Sometimes when I install drivers I get the message that my BIOS is out of date (including updates from AMD) if I go to the Phoenix site it says go to the motherboard manufacturer or run Biosagent if you use this you pay for the update but you do get this info so is it worth e-mail gateway support, using the boisagent or just leave well alone.

Info from biosagent
BIOS Type: Phoenix-Award
BIOS Date: August 18th 2006
BIOS ID: 08/18/2006-C51PVGM-GB-6A61HE1BC-00-None
BIOS OEM: C51PVGM-GB V1.0 081806 - 6.00 PG.............

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BIOS: Press Delete And Then It Says "loading Bios" But It Freezes

Jun 1, 2008

My brother has just built a computer and can't get it working. The problem is that when he starts it he gets to the screen where he can choose to enter BIOS. 9/10 times he can't do anything from there but 1/10 times he can press delete and then it says "loading bios" but it freezes there (he waited 30 mins nothing happened). Does anyone know what the problem mihht be?

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Sp1 Install: Don't Speak, "pretty" Features

Jul 9, 2008

I have created a stable version that trims a lot of the fat, including 30 languages i don't speak, "pretty" features that i paid extra for, and tons of drivers/features that i haven't ever used. However, after running sfc /scannow i don't get normal error messages (maybe this is obvious to everyone but me ;p). the only errors i get are "cannot verify component..." which include Intel and amd64. however i do not have an Intel chip so this seems odd to me.

my goal is to maintain the sanctity of my slipstream copy as much as possible and to be able to install sp1. i haven't tried using the repair installation yet due to fear of it "fixing" my installation more than just fixing the errors i get. i am posting an attachment text file of my sfcdetails.txt with the above filter because i get none of the member style errors per the tutorials

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Bios And Revert Would Not Bios

Sep 19, 2008

I've been messing around in my BIOS. Installing some faster RAM and trying a slight overclock (2.4 t0 2.7Ghz on a Q6600) and seem to have caused myself several problems. Firstly I tried to push it a bit further on the FSB- from 1200 to 1300-the system wouldn't boot and wouldn't let me into the BIOS. I eventually got round this by removing the mobo battery. I was able to get back into the BIOS and revert to my original oc. However when I booted I got a re register Windows this is not a genuine version notice. I had to 'phone microsoft and get a new activation ID. I'm now back in windows (Vista HP 64 bit) but seem to have a few left over issues. My clock was set back to 2006 and that meant I couldn't activate Gmail etc. I went back into the BIOS and reset the date but could not change the day. So it's 3.19PM on Monday the 22nd of September, 2008. I've tried everything I can think of but cannot find a way to make it Friday, which it is.

Also I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2009. This keeps reporting that my computer is at risk and I need to update. I've updated over a dozen times but it doesn't seem to change and is still telling me it needs to update. These are ther first problems I have noticed. I hope I don't find more. Does anyone have any advice as to how to get my day and date correct and how to convince Kaspersky it's up to date?

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Specific Features Not Available Anywhere Else?

May 10, 2008

What are some of the specific features of Vista that are not available anywhere else?

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Specific Updates

Feb 7, 2008

Just got new pc with Vista home prenuim? Have downloaded 5 updates that look useful? not installed them though? Notice there was 500 or so updates? Im on usage allowance with mobile broadband. Heard about sp1 for release feb/mar? will sp1 incorporate all / most of the available updates so shall i wait til sp1 and forget updates? Also wonder if im downloading updates that have auto downloaded anyway!

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Is It Possible To Disable UAC For Specific Programs?

May 14, 2010

First, I added the three programs in the pic to the start up folder, but they get blocked. I have to manually run each one and then accept the UAC. So, I next tried adding to the task scheduler and running at log on, but they still bring up the UAC.

IS there a way to accomplish this for these programs?

Core Temp;

HD Tune;


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64-bit: Specific Advice Should Follow?

Feb 9, 2009

I do support in a smallish/mid-sized business, and for the first time ever we are considering trying out a 64-bit windows client for our 3d cad operator. I've never had any experience with a 64 bit OS before, but I need to try to test it out and make sure it is compatible with our software and systems here. We have a 2000/2003 mixed-mode AD domain with exchange 2007 and terminal servers. A couple of our 2003 servers are already 64-bit.

- What if anything should I be concerned about? Any gotchas?
- Would it be wise to test this in a virtual machine before spending money on the hardware and then finding out it may not be feasible?
- Is there any other specific advice I should follow?

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Share Specific Files

May 19, 2008

My Vista Laptop. I enabled Guest, although I heard it is better not to do that. I have a administrative account named "Owner". And I added a user name called "Brandon T". On this last one I assigned a password. Network is set to "private". Password protected sharing is set to "off" to avoid any hassles. Public folder sharing is set to off because I want to share specific files. For the specific folder "music", sharing says "Brandon T" and "Owner". "Brandon T" is "reading" but that's ok because I only want to copy for back up purposes onto my desktop. I have McAfee protection but I disabled firewalls on both sides of the equation.

My XP Desktop. One user account "Brandon T" with same password as laptop. Workgroup is set to same as laptop, "MSHOME". I have NOT downloaded the LLTP .... thing ... because I read it wasn't necessary to share. My Desktop CAN SEE the "music" file, but ... and you know what's coming ... " is not accessible. you might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access pemissions."

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Trying To Block Specific Words

Jan 21, 2010

When I had outlook Express, I could block specific words from coming into my Inbox (and messages containing that word would go straight to Junk). I can't seem to find this option with Windows Mail. I have tried adding domain name etc to block senders list, but still keep getting about 40 e mails per day, staight to my Inbox, and all of them with the same subject heading.

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Partition With Specific Spaces

Feb 1, 2009

i have 4 partions in my hard drive. But basiclly i screwed it up. i cant even use google sketch up 7. and chrome. i want to reinstall. i want my new pc to be like this

C drive. (my os) 30gb
D drive 7.67gb (it not my drive. it for recovery purposes. it hp lol
Z drive to install my programs 182.33gb
E drive (the bummer) my other os. chiness version. my mom hired someone to install it. i can access it from the boot menue. 80gb.

basiclly i want to reinstall ONLY my C drive. i havent screed up my E drive i can do so. but im afraid of screwing it up E drive.

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Turn Off UAC Notification For Specific Programs

Apr 24, 2010

I'm running a number of programs such as skype with special settings (for skype it is Vista SP2 compatability so it doesn't use up my taskbar bar when minimized). If I do that I get a popup asking me if I'm sure I want to run the app (allow it to make changes). I don't want to turn UAC completely off but even on the lowest settings before shutting it off, it has popups for my "special" apps. How do I add exceptions for my special apps as I have quite a few of them I run on a regular basis.

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Unable To Disable UAC For Specific Application

Jun 6, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP2. Vista's UAC continues to nag me every time I run Eudora, my mail client, while it has stopped nagging me about other programs, both startup items and non-startup items. Is there any way, short of turning UAC off altogether, to convince Vista that I trust Eudora to run? I've tried enabling "run as administrator" and disabling it; nothing seems to work.

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Connecting To Specific Network Dropped Off

Mar 29, 2009

I used to be able to connect to the network in my shared house with no problem via the wireless but at some point it just dropped off and was doing so intermittently, then it refused to connect point blank. The router is in the room next door to mine and the computer can see it is there with 100% 'reception' but it cannot connect to it. It works fine via the ethernet cable that I have but not wirelessly. In addition to this I can connect to an unsecured network wirelessly that occassionally becomes available which has less reception than the one I am trying to access. I don't understand why I can connect to one but not the other. I have not been able to connect wirelessly to this network for months now, and whilst the ethernet is working fine using it defies the point of having a laptop and wanting to move it around.

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Searches Can MP3 Files Via A Specific Bitrate?

Jun 13, 2009

With Vista or Windows 7, is it possible to search for mp3 files specifically by bit rate For example, if I wanted to search my hard drive ONLY for mp3 files that have a bit rate of 320, is it possible? If so, what is the procedure?

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How To Auto-Back Up Specific Files?

May 8, 2009

Vista automatically backs up my computer files to my external hard drive every week. But these files are used for restore, not for storage. How auto back up my documents, pictures & music to the external hard drive. On my old laptop (running XP), I used to have a "briefcase" in my external hard drive. Every time that was connected, it would automatically add any new files in the briefcase (in this case, music). I am constantly downloading new music & etc. so it's a tedious task to manually back up these files.

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Start Applications On Specific CPU And Priority

Feb 11, 2007

There is a great little utility that has been around for ages in Windows called the start command. This dos command allows you to start any process with advanced settings.  In Windows Vista it is perfect if you want to start an application and tell windows to only run it on one CPU and at a high priority level.  For example, let's say that you want to start Microsoft Paint and have it run on your second CPU core at Above Normal priority. The command below will accomplish this: ...

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How Do I Change The Icon For A Specific Folder Or Drive?

Jul 29, 2009

I would like to set some key folders to have icons that identify what is inside. So my Windows install folder would show a folder with the Windows logo in front. (I have the ICO for that.) But how do you do that? I found a folder that has such a specific icon, but I wasn't successful getting it to work. My example used an icon inside an EXE. My icon is a stand-alone ICO.

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No Longer Receiving Emails From Specific Account

May 25, 2009

After many months of trouble free use windows mail is no longer picking up mails from my primary email account with virgin.net. I have tried removing and adding the account again through tools, accounts, but it now gives me the box "Windows Security" and asks me to verify both username and password for my mail server which I have just resubmitted - it wont take the details I input and continues to give me that box - if I click the X to close that window I get the following error message -Account: 'pop.virgin.net', Server: 'pop.virgin.net', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR invalid command', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC91

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Set Specific Applications Work On Secondary Monitor?

Sep 10, 2009

could someone tell me if its possible to have my laptop have windows media player playing on my secondary monitor whilst still having my main monitor free to let me work at the same time?

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Windows Mail: BCC Or CC A Specific Email Address?

Apr 7, 2008

How do I make a setting to always BCC or CC a specific email address?

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Arrange Folder Of Different Photos In Specific Order?

Mar 23, 2008

I am having the same re-naming issue with Vista that i saw someone else had on this forum some time ago. I can't find the original posting but I don't think it was ever properly resolved.

The Problem:
I want to arrange a folder of different photos in a specific order (that is relevant to me) and then to rename the files so that they have a common name and are also numbered sequentially in the order i have put them in.

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