Testing Connection With Telnet

Apr 27, 2008

my gmail account stopped suddenly receiving and sending mails with windows mail , with the message... The host 'pop.gmail.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop.gmail.com', Server: 'pop.gmail.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

I'm sure my connection settings and port numbers are right ,so I tested the connection with telnet command "telnet pop.gmail.com 995" and the result is " could not open connection to the host on port 995 :connection fails ,, another computers on my workgroup can connect to the all mail servers ,so I thought the problem in my laptop ,but I can connect when I use another dial up connection ,I couldn't understand where's the problem

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Using Telnet Or Similar

Oct 4, 2008

As you can see on another thread I am having trouble with one of our two laptops sending and receiving emails.

Both laptops have the same OS (Vista Home Premium), AVG 8.0 and use Windows Mail for emails.

One cannot send/receive emails due to the incoming mail server timing out. The outgoing mail server was changed just before the problem arose and the AVG was reinstalled when it developed a fault after automatically updating.

It has been suggested that I use "Run" and then "telnet mail.xxxxx.co.uk 110" to check the connection. However I cannot get any meaningful output as the "black" screen that should appear with the results only remains on view for a fraction of a second.

(Just as athought it took me ages to find Run - why is Vista so much less simple to use than XP?)

I see from Windows Help that I could use winrs instead but when I try to use "winrs /?"

I get no useful output due to the black screen staying for so short a time.

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Unable To Telnet, Goes Blank

Jun 25, 2008

I am trying to telnet pop.gmail.com on port 995, and the result of this statement is that the screen (command prompt window) goes blank and then again show the original command prompt (before executing telnet command). I am able to perform trace route successfully i.e. at hop 12 I get the desired result as follows :

12 612 ms 648 ms 716 ms py-in-f111.google.com []

Also the firewalls are shut down.

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How To Change Telnet Client Color

Jun 10, 2008

I want know how to change the color of telnet client program. I tried to change the color by using the command . But the color f0 command change only the cmd windows, that is dos prompt window. By the command , the colsole color changed. But when I connected telnet server in the colsole, the color of it did not change. I tried another method to change telnet color, for example, , but only to fail. Is there anyone who knows how to change telnet client color when connected telnet server which supports IAC or ANSI. If there's any, let me know it. Anything is welcomed. If you use registry or by command argements, it will be helpful for me.

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Jun 5, 2009

My previous message hasn't shown up on the news server I use.

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Testing GPU?

Jan 10, 2009

I'm having system instability (computer keeps freezing up with a WSOD after I benchmark with 3dmark vantage and let it sit for a while) and I want to see if my video card is the problem. How do I test the video card to see if its defective? Are there any programs like MEMTEST86 for graphics cards?

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RamBoost--testing Available?

Feb 28, 2009

I have read the opinions on whether RamBoost actually works or not (mostly negative). So I was wondering if there might be some site/utility/etc. that could actually measure the effect of RamBoost on a specific system.

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Testing WeB Interface (MS-CDO)

Jan 12, 2010


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Need Memory Testing Program

Dec 8, 2008

I'm starting to oc my athlon 64 4000+, have it at 2,48 GHz at the moment, pretty lame I know, but there are no dividers in my BIOS and my multipliers are locked so I can only increase the HT Link (FSB). I'm really kind of stuck here...:s. Now I need a good memtesting program so I can see how far I can push my memory and OC that athlon as far as possible.

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Use CPU And Memory Stress Testing?

Jan 1, 2008

I have just jumped up to 4x2bg A-DATA PC2 6400 and am currently running Memtest+86 on my machine (I am at work now). I used to use Prime95 and SP2004 Orthos Edition for CPU and Memory stress testing, is anyone using these with Vista x64? I will give them a try later and report back but if anyone has any other stress programs that will work.

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Internet Connection: Secure The Connection Permanently

May 20, 2009

my computer is not holding it's internet connection, even when i refresh it just wont reconnect and i end up having to restart and then the connection is fine. I'm running Vista Home Premium, Defender, ZoneAlarm (free) and Avast (free). Broadband connection. is there anyway to secure the connection permanently (which it should be) Have i, a setting wrong? At all times my internet icon says i am fully connected?

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Wireless Connection Works, Cable Connection Does Not!

May 15, 2009

I am having the worst problems connecting using a cable connection, which I need because as I am in Europe at the moment, many sites or private homes are not equipped with wireless. Now, when I connect with cable, everything seems to be working fine, the Toshiba connectivity doctor tells me I am connected, the diagnose program assures me that the problem has been resolved etc. etc. and yet whenever I try to connect (IE, Mozilla, Google, I have tried them all), I get an error screen. I have tried everything I could think of, checking my settings etc. Nothing works.

Let me emphasize that:
1) wireless connection works fine
2) it is a problem with my computer, not the host, since I have encountered
the same problem everywhere (libraries with password protected access,
private homes without password protected access etc.).

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Bad Connection W/ Broadband PPPoE Connection

May 2, 2010

I have a strange problem. I have AOL broadband and I'd like to connect to the internet without using the infamous bloated AOL software. I know how to do that using Vistas' "set up connection or network" wizard and I can successfully log in using by username and password. The problem is the connection is very poor when I use this method. The speed tests show the correct speed and downloads are full speed but pages seemingly randomly do not load (for long stretches of several minutes). For example my home page does not load ("page cannot load" error), google does not load, some pages load but not fully with many errors.

This isnt a browser issue (I tried firefox, IE, chrome), this isn't a modem/router issue (I have a laptop that works fine with a permanently logged in router), it's not an AOL issue I can still log in fine with AOL software and then browse fine with firefox, it's not a hardware issue, and it's not a firewall issue (it's off). Therefore it must be an issue with the way windows connects to my modem when using the built in PPPoE broadband connection. I really have no idea what could be wrong. Maybe one of you do?

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Wireless Connection Without Selection The Connection

Mar 24, 2008

With Vista, I can get internet for my new Dell XPS laptop over the wireless connection without doing anything other than selecting the connection. No user name or password is needed. But to plug in directly into my cable modem, it does not work. Seems to require user name and password. But I use Verizon and a Motorola SB5101 modem and while it is broadband, I did not think it is pppoe. I don't even know of any user name or password for my account. Am I wrong, is all broadband pppoe? My internet connection works just fine without asking for pppoe login info when I use my desktop with Windows XP. So, it seems to Vista specific problem.

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Gets IP But Has No Connection

Jan 24, 2008

I'm using Vista Ultimate x64, and a few days ago I started having troubles connecting to the internet. I have tried using both cabled and wireless connections, and both ends up with the same problem. I do get IP-adress, DNS and gateway from my D-link DI-624+ router, and when i try to ping a hostname on the internet ie. vistax64.com it resolves the hostname to a IP-adress. In "Network and Sharing Center" there is a red cross between my gateway and the internet-icon. I have no trouble connecting to other computers with other versions of Windows on my local network. The connection is also set to a "Private Connection".

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No Connection

Jul 8, 2009

my wired connection wasnt working so i looked in the network connection there was a network 5 and network 6 i dsiabled 6 and it was gone i thinking. i could re-enable it but no

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Tricia-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Mixed
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : socal.rr.com
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1C-26-06-50-C0
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes............................................

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Extender Connection

May 3, 2009

I have been having ridiculous amount of trouble setting up my Linksys DMA2200 extender and I am a tech. I finally set it up and I also creating some instructions on how to set up the extender properly. Hope this helps you in getting your extender to work and save you the time it took me. All the updates listed are required and I do not have Service Pack 1 installed. I am using the advanced firewall ON in Windows and not using LiveCare and running AVG and no problems. View my site to see the list of items required for configuration to get the Windows Media Center to work properly with the extender. Also, the other link below has all the codec's that the DMA Extender to work. If your extender drops connections constantly set your NIC card to not go into Power Save mode. If it continues then reset the extender (Button in Back) Note: Need to hold it for 30 seconds. Then, turn on the extender and reset to Factory. Repeat setup process. If extender continues to lose connection after turning off again then contact Linksys or Seller for replacement.

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Connection Popped Up

May 22, 2009

It appears that I do have a very serious connection problem, which has popped up suddenly out of nowhere with no sensible explanation.

When I go to "Connect to a Network" I see that my connection has only one of five bars, with the connection status listed as "Low." When I go to "Control Panel>Network and Sharing," and "View Status" I see that the "IPv6 Connectivity" is listed as "Limited."

I removed the "Microsoft 6to4 adapter" previously because it had a yellow exclamation point listed next to it in my Device Manager after having read on the Internet that it could be deleted without any side effects if a person can't get it working, which was what I did. I now see that the "IPv6 Connectivity" is listed as "Limited" when I go to Control PanelNetwork and Sharing Center, and am wondering if this is due to my having removed the 6to4 adapter even though the system said it wasn't functioning properly. But I didn't have this slow connection problem until just the last couple of days, and I deleted the 6to4 adapter over a week ago.

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Only Local Connection

Sep 3, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 with Windows Vista
I'm trying to connect to some unsecure wireless networks at a friend's house for the first time and am only able to connect with local access.
I try diagnose and repair and it says that there are no issues. Three other computers are connecting to the internet just fine.
They signal is good, and there is supposedly data being sent and received but no programs will connect to the internet.
This issue has never happened before. I regularly run a registry cleaner and tried restoring to a backup from a couple days ago and that didn't help.

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Not Recognizing LAN Connection

Dec 31, 2008

I recently built a second PC for myself, and decided to try out Vista on it. It installed flawlessly, but there's one problem. Vista does not seem to be recognizing my LAN connection. I tried hard-wiring it from my modem, to my router, to the Ethernet port on the back of my computer with no success. From there, I tried plugging it straight from my modem to the port on the back of the computer.

No success there either. I know that it's not a problem with the motherboard because I installed this program that came with the mobo called 'Expressgate'; and when I run that before my computer loads the OS, the internet works perfectly.

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Lan Connection > Mal Functioning

Feb 6, 2009

i have been having problems with a slow internet connection just lately.when i am trieing to diagnose the problem with my isp's tech on the phone another problem has surfaced they ask me to connect via ethernet cable to the modem,when i am connected my machine says i am connected i.e the little blue circle in task bar but when i try to open a web page it shows "internet explorer cannot..ect" i have reset the lan adapter and rebooted the modem my sons laptop connects via lan ok and i can connect wirlessly ok is there a setting i have to do .I find that i have to turn my wireless adapter off to get a connection via lan i have updated drivers ect iam using vista h/p ompaq presario the lan adapter is a realtech family fast ethernet adapter.

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VPN Cannot Choose Right Connection

Mar 23, 2008

I'm trying to use a VPN connection and it works fine if I'm using my wired connection, however if I'm on my wireless network at home, the VPN connection does not work unless I disable the ethernet card.

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Passing A Connection Through.

Mar 14, 2009

I have a Cross-over cable (I'm sure becuase the wires either end are different) that's Cat5E (incase it matters). I'm trying to pass the internet through a wireless connection on a Vista machine though the LAN onto an XP machine. I changed the XP computers Workspace to WORKGROUP for the Vista one. Also ICS is enabled on the wireless connection, Do I also need to bridge the connections?

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Network Connection Together

May 15, 2010

At my office we have 2 computers (both Vista version 6.0) networked together. I'll call them computer A and computer B. I can access, modify, and save Computer B files from computer A - I can save them directly to B or A. However, when I'm on computer B, it will only let me access files on computer A, which I then have to save to computer B if I want to save any changes I've made. I get a message saying they're read-only files and I don't have authorization to save to computer A.

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Not Support VGA In Connection

Jan 2, 2009

Im on an HP530 with Vista Home 32bit. I wanted to see some videos on my TV (Sony Trinitron XBR) which is "kinda" old and does not sport a VGA in connection. I bought a VGA to RCA cable and got it today so I connected the male VGA to the computer and the RCA to the TV and the laptop is not recognizing anything. Am I missing something? The VGA-RCA cable ALSO has a SVideo female and also tried that one. I already clicked the windows key+x to add it manually thru the "mobility" settings.

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DNS: Connection To The Internet

May 7, 2008

I have had a problem keeping my connection to the Internet. when I connect everything is OK until I want to use my browser and then I lose the connection from my server to the web (dialup connection)I am still connected to my ISP but cannot access anything from the Internet zone,It is shown only that I have a local connection only. I can ping my ISP and Ping the ISP's website. so it seems that I have a DNS misconfiguration, question is what do I start looking for?

Netcomm internal modem IN5920 and have tried a swansmart internal modem and a webexcel external modem with the same results. I can start to download virus defs Etc but will drop the Internet connection as soon as I touch the browser and be just left with a local connection. I have had this problem for over a month and have greatly increased Telstra's Australian coffers

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LAN Connection Blocked

Oct 8, 2008

I like to have some advice on my internet connection problems.. when i open up my browser and going to surf a little my connection blocks after a few windows. if i close down my browser, and open up again, it works the same some windows and blocks.

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DSL Static IP Can Not Connection

Jan 4, 2008

I have solved some of my woes. I will do my best to describe the rest of them to you. What I am trying to do is reconnect my Xbox 360 to my PC. I had this working for three months(since I have had the 360), then, I had to do a clean install of Vista. Well, almost a clean install, I quess it is a re-install, because if left a lot of the stuff I already had, just cleaned out my email and such. Now, I can connect my 360, and the pc recognizes it when I am in WMP 11 and look at the media sharing. Here's the problem. I can either connect to Xbox Live or I can remove the network setting in the 360 and I can browse the files on my pc through the 360, but I can't do both like I could before. It's one or the other. I am using a Netopia 2240 dsl modem/router. I have not changed any settings in the router whatsoever.

After I did a reinstall however, I could not access some SSL pages or recieve email( I could send ok, just not recieve). I fixed this by rolling back the driver for my Network card. The problem between the 360 and my pc existes only after the reinstall. Heres something else, win I try and ping my router it times out. And, I cant access it through When I use the cmd prompt and look at ip's, they are all static. Shouldn't I have dynamic? One last thing, when I click on my Broadband connection and click on details, next to dhcp, it says NO. However, on my LAN connection it says Yes??? PS- can someone tell me how to take a screen shot so I can post/better explain what I am doing.

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Connection Limit

May 12, 2008

some clue to improve the conncetion limit on Vista Sp1, cause i really need fast connection to work, i pay a lot for ISP, and cannot use it cause Window slimit it to 10, these days i try to use a AUTO PATCH to try to solve this problem. but i just recivie an DEATH BLUE SCREEN and need to re-format my new Hd. Please if someone can help me i'll be very glad for that, i.. , and a lot of million people too.

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WEP Connection: Wep Key Prompts

May 24, 2009

I just moved into a new apartment and the landlord lives above me he gave me his WEP key so I could use the internet, I easily added my ps3 and xbox 360 and they were able to get on the internet. Of course the problem comes in when I try to add my vista laptop and desktop it see's the network no problem but when I try to connect instead of letting me enter the wep key its prompts me for a username and password and domain name which there isnt. So I've tried to manage wireless networks and add it manually which I do but then after I've added it I click to connect to it I get the same screen. This is really frustrating and after doing a brief search on the net it seems its a common problem with Vista. I don't have access to the router but if need be I could ask my landlord just not sure how comfortable he would be letting me in to dick around on his computer to get this figured out. But it seems I shouldnt have to considering my PS3 and 360 are on the net just fine.

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VPN Connection Can't Work

Apr 15, 2009

I have two computers. One with Windows XP Pro and the other with Vista ultimate. Both are behind a modem/router. I want to connect them through the internet, so that i can have a file share between them, like i am on lan. I have configured the Vista pc to be a server and the XP as a client. I do the following on vista. I create a new incoming connection, allow the users i want, and enable the "allow callers to access my local network" option in tcp/ip properties of the connection. I also port forward the TCP 1723 port on both pc's as well as GRE. So everything should be fine. When i connect from my xp pc with a vpn connection to the other, the connection establishes and on the vista pc, i can see it says one client connected and it pops up the new network wizard and shows the user i used to connect. However on the status of the vpn connection says, ipv4 connectivity, not connected. My problem is, that although the connection is established , the pc's can't see each other in network. What am i doing wrong? I have read a hundred of articles that say that all you have to do is this. I also tried the other way around, with XP as server and vista as the client, but with the same result.

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