So Much HDD Space Compared To XP?

Apr 30, 2008

I don't see 20GB or more of extra features in Vista compared to XP so just what is using up so much more space in Vista?

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4GB Gets Cheap: 9 Dual-Channel Kits Compared

Dec 2, 2008

4GB Gets Cheap: 9 Dual-Channel Kits Compared. DDR2 SDRAM prices began dropping significantly last summer as the world prepared for DDR3-only Core i7 platforms, culminating in today’s ultra-low-priced, four-gigabyte dual-channel kits. For as little as $25, users of this older technology can step up to memory levels that had been reserved for only the upper echelon of last-year’s buyers.

Who needs 4.0 GB RAM? At these prices, does it really matter? Most systems eventually get clogged up with rarely used programs such as second or third instant messengers, redundant spyware blockers, and other once-useful tools that have become parasites while users, still mindful of the program’s former effectiveness, often don’t want to bother removing. The accumulation of junk can affect any operating system.

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Default Vista Supplemental Drivers Would Mean Loss Of Graphics Quality Compared To Using Up To Date Drivers On A XP OS

Oct 4, 2005

While being satisfied by the cool effects and new interface of Windows Vista Codename Longhorn, many of us testers are what you would call "gamers." The lot of us would like to know if gaming on the default Vista Supplemental drivers would mean loss of graphics quality compared to using up to date drivers on a XP OS. For example, I installed Vista and then installed my trusty game, Battlefield 2. I tried using the new nvidia Vista drivers but the game kept crashing when I start it up. So I reinstalled the Vista Supplemental drivers and it happened to work. Quite interesting. I am able to run the game on default vista drivers and not the nvidia vista drivers. Coming to conclusion, would using the vista drivers result in loss of quality and graphics compared to using up to date drivers on a XP system?  Or you can also rephrase it; Would gaming be better on the Vista Beta or XP? Does anyone know if SLI works on Vista?

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Is The Vista Ultimate User Account Passwords Located In A Different Place As Compared To Other Versions Of Vista

May 27, 2010

A friend of mine has been locked out of his Dell laptop and cannot find the password for the single account that it has. The laptop has Vista Ultimate installed on it and I am unable to activate the hidden administrator's account to get into Vista. Other investigations using other software shows only 2 accounts, Administrator and Guest but not the actual user single account that shows up onto the login screen. ( I have managed to blank out the Administrator and Guest passwords ) I have a standard Vista Recovery Disk , but I am unable to either repair or re-install Vista from the Dell hidden partition , and the only alternative is to install a unused retail version of Vista Home Premium that my friend has been given awhile ago. I have 2 questions

1) Is the Vista Ultimate user account passwords located in a different place as compared to other versions of Vista?

2) if I install this retail version of Home Premium on the Dell laptop, will I have problems with the propriety hardware that is on the Dell laptop and would I need to find all the Dell drivers for the laptop?

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How To Bring Back The Amount Of Free Space And Used Space On A Hard Drive

Nov 28, 2008

I would like to get vista to use the login style used in Win 2000 ... ctrl+alt+del gives a login box in which to enter the user name and password.

Win XP Pro had this option also, but, it's default was like vista (pictures showing all users).

I have been able to get the ctrl+alt+del part but instead of the login box I still get pictures.

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HD Space/JkDefrag: How I Lost 100 Gigs Of Available Of Space

Nov 29, 2008

I have a 320 GB HD. When I checked it, I only have 25 gigs of free space. However I can only find about 180 gigs of files/data. Any ideas as to how I lost 100 gigs of available of space? Just a couple of weeks ago I checked and I had plently of space. No recent installs, only recent changes are the removal of Mcaffee monitoring software and running JkDfrag.

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Hard Disk Space: Showing Less Space

Jun 14, 2008

i reformatted my whole c drive and then clean installed vista ultimate onto it and at start i had 268Gb out of 274Gb. now its gone to 243Gb and i've only installed a couple of programs and when i highlight everything in the c drive it says its 7.38GB. I've Defragged it a lot of times and the space keeps on going down.

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How To Get Rid Of 15gb Space On HD

Jul 31, 2009

When I went from 32bit vista to 64bit vista I now have 15gb of unallocated space (partition?)to the left of my CO drive it has no data on it and letter designation,disk management only gives me the option to create "simple volume" for that 15gb.I would like to merge that 15gb back to my CO drive, only have 1 hard drive.I think because the15gb is to the left(in front) it wont let me expand the C partition.I hope I am explaining this right

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Where Has All My Disk Space Gone ..?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a Fujitsu Siemens laptop with 120GB hard drive. My problem is, there is only 78.2GB space left on it. I have hardly anything on it really so I am wondering where is has all gone. I have turned off the system restore and then turned it back on. I have run CCleaner, defragmented, done disk cleanup, so I dont know what to do next. I ran TreeSize and according to that there is 13,243.3MB taken up in the Windows folder and 10,099.7MB taken up in the Users folder, all the rest of the folder dont have that much in. Can anyone shed any light on this problem and tell me if I can safely delete any of these files to free up some disk space.

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Free Up Space On C

Jul 29, 2009

C drive is almost full. D has lots of free space. What sorts files/folders can I safely move from C to D without having any future access difficulties?

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The Files Take Up Space

May 26, 2008

I have a different partition for the recovery. i was doing a windows re-install for another back-up I stuck some of my files in the recovery partition side of the hard drive. When you explored that partition, they would be there like on the normal hard drive.

Once i re-installed windows i went in to find the files and they are gone. But, they are still taking up the space on the hard drive. a few of the small files i tried to put in thre again and it said it was already there, but it's not. I don't need those files, i just want to delete them from that partition so i can free up the space. They are not hidden files either, i checked that. How could they be gone but still take up space?

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Low On Disk Space!

Apr 4, 2008

I have an acer laptop which for various and assorted reasons I want to throw out the window. Problem of course is that I can't afford another laptop so I am forced to make the best of it. My main source of irritation right now is that I am constantly running low on disk space.........

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Low Disc Space?

Jan 25, 2010

When i bought the laptop the there were 3 partitions, due to the two seperate hard drives, i used Drive C:/ for all of my programs and just school files. Drive D:/ is for music and movies, and E:/ are the standard HP recovery discs that come on the Hard drive. Yesterday when i turned on my computer i got a message telling me i had low disk space on drive D:/. But i don't have that much on it. The day before i still had 160gb free on that drive. It has just all a sudden become filled.

I have run symantec antivirus, windows defender, ad-aware, and ccleaner to try to fix the problem. I have also defragged the drive, and gone in and manually looked at all of the hidden and system protected files. I see no reason that the frive should be full, because all the most i have on that drive is 60gb.

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Low Disk Space On D

Jan 9, 2010

I run Vista home premium x64 and kept getting a low memory msg. for my recovery disk (D). I used vssadmin.cmd under administrative privaledge to increase D by 200GB. I still get the Low Disk Space warning and all backups fail due to lack of memory. What is the fix?

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Empty Space Top Of I.E.7

Jul 8, 2008

I don't know if I can attach a file or not, but I'll try. There is an empty space near the top of I.E.7 in Vista that I have spent a lot of time trying to get rid of.

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Less Space Showing

Mar 1, 2010

I have a windows 7 Samsung NC110 with 240gig HD and 1 gig of RAM. I have noticed that my D: is showing that i only have 10.7 gig free of 117GIG. I have checked through the drive and I do not have anything like 106 gig installed on that partition. On my c: i have 46.1 ree of 100GIG.

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Where Did All My Free Space Go?

Nov 24, 2009

It happens to everyone eventually. Your hard drive is suddenly full and you are left wondering where did all my free space go? Now you must begin the task of deleting old files and folders to reclaim space but where do you start? In the past I would suggest manually checking the sizes of all of your folders so you know where to begin the hunt but now there is a great utility called WinDirStat that does the work for you.  After inspecting a drive you are shown exactly how much data is in each folder, what file types are taking up the most space and even a visual representation of the files on your disk....

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Showing 3 Partition Space Instead Of 2

Feb 26, 2009

I m trying to reinstall windows vista and when im trying to delete all the partitions, it still shows that i have 3 unpartitioned space in which 2 unpartitioned space are empty without any space and i cannot delete them. However, i can still install windows on the 1st unpartitioned space which is of 160 GB.

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Freeing Up Space On C Partition

Jul 29, 2009

I'm trying to free up space on my C partition--I have about 25% left (8.5 gigs free out of 30). My Windows folder is taking up some 13 gigs, but none of the folders seem that large--System 32 and Explorer both have about 2 gigs. I have checked the folder options to display hidden system files, but still can't see anything. I have run Disk Cleanup a few times, as well as defragged. What can I do to see if any "hidden" files are taking up space, or to reduce the size? It seems like the folders in the C drive are not that
large--Program Files is about 2 gigs also.

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System Is Out Of Disk Space

Aug 17, 2009

I wanted a fast drive, so I bought a solid state drive. But I'm a poor college student and so got the 64GB one, which only has 58GB of space (because Lenovo put something on a separate partition which they say I cannot get rid of). The only thing installed is WinVist and MS Office 2007 (and McAfee and other progrms that came with the PC which weren't taking up much space).

Those two programs took up 30GB of space. Yesterday, some Windows backup thing started to run and said "There isn't enough room on this drive to do the backup, do you want to do it anyway? (I'm paraphrasing)". Since I like having things backed up, I said Yes anyway (and to see what happened). Now I have 1 GB free on my drive. Lenovo won't help me with Windows because that's "a configuration issue" and they don't do that. How do I get rid of this backup and get at least 20GB back? Then, how can I configure Windows and Office to take up less disk space?

It seems like Lenovo sold me a PC with a disk drive that doesn't have enough space to operate correctly. And they won't help me resolve the problem. Also, it seems that it is not as easy to separate your data in WinVista as magazine articles would have you believe. I tried configuring it so my "Documents" was on another external drive, but that proved too difficult.

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D Drive: Get The Space Back

May 17, 2008

I have a Compaq Presario laptop. my C hard drive is 60gb with it half full. that is not problem but my other drive. my D drive is 5gb and it only has 72.1mb left on it does anybody know a way to get space back? anybody know what I can do to stop it going down? i defragment the computer every month. i delete shadow copies i did consider compressing the folder but i read somewhere that is a bad idea what should I do to get the space back?

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Defragmenter: Ran Cleared Up A Ton Of Space

May 25, 2009

I ran a defragmenting session last night to clear up some space, and for some reason my C drive has dropped from 33.1 GB to 29.1. This has happened to me once before, but the other two recent defragments I've ran cleared up a ton of space. I honestly have no idea where the other three GBs have gone and I have not downloaded anything. I run a disk cleanup every night.

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Space On My Computer Being Eaten Up

Nov 7, 2009

I hope someone can help me. Ever since the latest service pack update, something is eating up the space on my computer and I didn't have that problem before that update. Right after the service pack downloaded on my computer, for some reason, it appeared that I had even more space than before that update. Of course, that excited me. But, ever since that update, as I said, something is eating up space on my computer. I have not downloaded anything new nor done anything that I don't usually do. But every time I turn my computer on, it seems I find a smaller number than when I turned it off. But even while I'm on it, it seems something is eating up the space.

I have cleared my internet caches as I know that seems to take up space at times. I do scans and everything and clear anything that isn't wanted.

As I said, I did not have that problem before the latest service pack update. Can someone please help me? I waited too long to get this laptop and I don't want anything to happen to it.

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Where Did My Hard Drive Space Go?

Dec 10, 2008

last week i was recoding some video's using Nero's Recode program (sidenote worked great) but now my 100 gig laptop on has 2 gigs of space left from the original 60 gigs free space. where did it go?? the video files have been deleted, i've used the disc clean-up program to remove the temp files and used the registry to enable Pagefiles removeal from another post of this forum. that clean up some on the space i now have 20gigs free space but i still am missing 40 more gigs that i have before i starting the recodeing.

in my disk de-fragmenter is shows me that i have a huge "yellow" portion of paging files still left and by just guessing it should be that extra 40 gigs just by seeing the size of the "yellow" bar.

how do i get rid of these "paging files" and how do i reclaim my lost space?

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Unalocated Disk Space

Aug 21, 2009

I have a 160mb internal hard drive with 1 partition (ntfs). Vista sp2.When viewing drive info 3rd party software is showing the used space and also 10mb of unallocated space.

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Fluctuations In Available Disk Space

Aug 26, 2009

Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2. I have noticed that during the course of an average week, the amount of available disk space on both my C: and D: drives varies by up to 15GB even though no significant activity in the form of manipulating files or installing programs is taking place. It might be 20GB available one night and then magically it's up to 35GB in the morning. The pattern is usually that it will reach a high and then gradually do down each day until it jumps back to the maximum all of a sudden. What could be causing this? I do not have System Protection turned on so the space is not being used for System Restore. The C: and D: "drives" are actually partitions on the same physical disk.

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Low Disk Space FOLLOWUP

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium on my one yr old HP laptop. I keep getting a popupindicating low disk space on my "D" recovery drive and have to delete files from my trash. Since the "D" drive is FULL, I have NEVER been able to do a full backup. I have not saved anything to the D drive. A friend suggested one of my 'spy security' programs had saved data there. I had 'SpyBot' but uninstalled it. I still have WeBroot Spy Sweeper, Adaware, and my Norton Anti-Virus running. Is there a setting that will allow an overwrite of the data in the D drive?

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How Increase Shrink Space?

May 19, 2009

How to increase the shrink space. I have lenovo Y410. Its hard Drive is partitioned in three parts: 20 GB C Drive - primary drive where i have my OS, one of 117 GB D drive just another partition for data and one more 10 GB for recovery. What i need is to shrink D drive to 107 GB and create a new drive of about 10 GB. but the problem is that disk management says that it can only be shrinked to about 2.6 GB ----So what to do....plz tell me. By the image u can see the disk management system. Its the D drive i need to shrink.

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Missing Disk Space

Feb 28, 2009

I'm missing a 100GB out of 150GB of my hard disk. I deleted all previous restore points backups, but no memory freed!

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Hogging Disk Space

Apr 18, 2010

I run a VMware setup with Vista (64-bit) Home Premium as the Host system, and Vista (32-bit) Home Premium as the guest system. Although I have only 16 GB devoted to the guest system, at one point recently I was only using not quite half of that space. Now, when I click on Computer, I am finding that there is literally no free space. If I delete some software, this freed up space gets consumed also.

How do I go about finding what it is that is clogging this allocated space? The only changes that I have made to the guest system is the addition of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software.

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Hard Drive Space Being Used Up

Jul 6, 2009

So i just got my laptop its a compaq presario and it came with 138gigs. Initially it came with around 119gigs and after awhile i started to see that it started to decrease like around a gig aday or when i left it on to long. I took it in and geek squad and they said i had a virus but i restored it and nothing on my trendmirco has detected anything. I run proccess explorer and i cant see anything weird that is poping up using alot of CPU and now after i restored it twice i think its slowly doing it again but i heard that Vista uses alot of memory stored in cache called superfetch is this the reason why i see the decrease when im doing something on the system or what is serverpack 2 the guy kept telling me that this could be the case also. Please help im trying to understand all of this

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