Pictures Appeared BUT Only Thumbnails Of Them

Nov 9, 2008

I have managed to lose all of my daughters photographs from when she was born until today. Basically my machine has been playing up for a while and I attempted to create a 'things to move' folder on the desktop to send all my important stuff too for when my external hard drive arrives on Monday. However I stupidly copied all of the data from the 'my documents' folder that sat on my desktop. This contained 'my desktop' and things spiraled as the 'things to move' folder was on the desktop but now also contained my desktop within it. Loads of error messages came up and I tried to back track by moving everything to a new location directly on the C: Drive.

I went to check the data tonight and couldn't find my daughters pics (they were stored in their own folder on the desktop itself) so i clicked the start button and typed the name of them. Low and behold in the search results all of my pictures appeared BUT only the thumbnails of them. If you click on the image to open it, it says it has been deleted or moved. It refers to the file name my documents/desktop/things to move/desktop/things to move/desktop......yadiyadiyada and despite searching everywhere I can't find the originals.

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No Longer See Thumbnails Of Pictures

Mar 23, 2008

When I'm in my Windows folders, I can no longer see thumbnails of pictures, just an icon. Not sure if an association was changed by another program? My Folder properties are set to "pictures and Videos"...

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Thumbnails Pictures Can Not Open Folders

Oct 13, 2008

I am new to this forum. Recently, I have been not able to see thumbnails of pictures. All i can see is the standard river and tree like thingy. Secondly, I can't open folders in the same window. Each time i double click, it gets opend in a new window. I tried different methods to both the problems like going to folder options, unchecking "always show icon, never thumbnails" , a full scan of my system( using norton). I even tried some of the solutions posted in this forum. But still both the problems are not solved.

One thing i noticed is that, when i on my computer, i can see thumbanils for few seconds then all of them get changed to the standard image.(river and tree). Could this be due to a virus or something?

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Blue Screen Appeared

Jul 3, 2008

I got a new pc yesterday, plugged it all in and after downloading the driver for modem worked fine. Untill it started shutting down and a blue screen appeared. I ran the solution checker and it said it was a problem with the driver to the modem.

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Blue Screens Appeared

Jun 20, 2009

Recently 2 blue screens apeared in my Vista, and i would apreciate if you could help me to discover why did they appear.

*FIRST ONE 16-JUNE-2009:*

Assinatura do problema
Nome de Evento de Problema: BlueScreen
Vers?o do sistema operacional: 6.0.6001.
Identifica??o da Localidade: 1046

Arquivos que ajudam a descrever o problema (talvez alguns arquivos n?o
estejam mais dispon?veis)

Exibir c?pia tempor?ria dos arquivos
AVISO: Se um v?rus ou outra amea?a de seguran?a tiver causado o
problema, abrir uma c?pia dos arquivos poder? prejudicar o computador.

Informa??es adicionais sobre o problema
BCCode: d1
*BCP1: 0000000000000080
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: FFFFFA60040F0F76*
OS Version: 6_0_6001
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1
Informa??es do servidor: 6cb78256-ae96-4394-92fb-8bc2c70805af

*SECOND ONE 20-JUNE-2009:*

Assinatura do problema
Nome de Evento de Problema: BlueScreen
Vers?o do sistema operacional: 6.0.6001.
Identifica??o da Localidade: 1046

Arquivos que ajudam a descrever o problema (talvez alguns arquivos n?o
estejam mais dispon?veis)

Exibir c?pia tempor?ria dos arquivos
AVISO: Se um v?rus ou outra amea?a de seguran?a tiver causado o
problema, abrir uma c?pia dos arquivos poder? prejudicar o computador.

Informa??es adicionais sobre o problema
BCCode: d1
*BCP1: FFFFFA8020000000
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000008
BCP4: FFFFFA8020000000*
OS Version: 6_0_6001
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1
Informa??es do servidor: 0d2c6f0c-1639-49f7-9d51-0bc4132f8b37

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Do Not Have Access To The Burner Appeared

Dec 11, 2009

I have a compaq laptop - only had it a month! & have Vista Premium home edition. Things were great with it till last night - tried to burn an Audio CD using "Cyberlink Power2go" and error message "no burner available or you do not have access to the burner" appeared. Used this program before without any probs so thought it might be a problem with the disc, tried another got same message, so I stuck in an original DVD to see if it would read that OK.

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Recycle Bin Icon Not Appeared

Jan 18, 2009

My recycle bin icon. Somehow, when i delete something, the 'rubbish' in the recycle bin icon does not appear, only when I refresh the desktop(by pressing F5), only it appears.

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Outlook Suddenlty Appeared Washed Out

Mar 5, 2010

my Office docs, inc Outlook and even the pages on IE have suddenly appeared washed out and a lot brighter. It is making my eyes strain and the blue wording you often see on IE pages such as on forums, is faint now, at least the small words that are often to the side of boxes etc. I did a system restore and that came back as successful but there was no change to the bright pages, they are still bright and washed out. All of the boxes for instance in Outlook at the bottom left of the screen, are all bright and washed out, everything is.

I've not been fiddling with buttons anywhere or altered any settings. I'd like to have it back the way it was. I do a bit of gaming with the table lamp off and I may have hit a key combination and ended up with it due to that. I don't know for sure. Does anyone know a sure way to make my screen look normal again? I'm using Vista Home Premium OS and my graphics card is NVIDIA 950GT.

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Hidden Junction Folders Appeared Not Working

Feb 6, 2009

I'm finally getting around to really exploring Vista for the first time, and I found a bunch of hidden junction folders that, at first glance, appeared not to be working. Of course, I later realized that there was a Deny permission issue going on, and after Googling it, I discovered that that was by design. "Why deny folder browsing only?" I won't ask, but fine, it's by design. I suspect that early on, I might have deleted one or two of these apparently non-functioning junctions. Is there a way to get Vista to re-create the default junctions? Or do I even need to...will it do so automatically when an older app tries to use them?

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System Frozen, Windows Logo Not Appeared

Jan 11, 2010

I was watching a programme online and noticed my other open windows seemed to have frozen (the cursor was doing the busy rotating "o" symbol and when I attempted to bring up the other windows nothing happened). Ultimately even the window I had open froze so I tried CTRL-ALT-DELETE to open Task Manager. Nothing happened. I turned off my laptop and turned it back on. I selected "Start Windows Normally" and got as far as the Microsoft Corporation page with the loading bar...but the Windows logo never appeared. After about 10 mins I freaked out and turned off my laptop again. Tried turning it on again, was given the option of Startup Repair. Chose this option, but still ended up at the Microsoft Corporation page with a futile loading bar as if nothing had happened. Any ideas what's wrong? Have tried selecting Vista as operating system from Setup Menu, but still nada.

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Email Account Window Asking Password Appeared

Feb 26, 2008

I recently got a used computer with Vista Home Basic on it. Everything went fine last night when I first started it. Put my email account on it, etc. However, when I came home today and got on it, a window asking for my password appeared. It's my name, but I don't have any idea on what the password, evidently from a previous owner, could be. I don't even know how I got where I got. Now I can't get in the computer at all.

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Vista Antivirus Pro Has Appeared And Is Creating Havoc On System

Feb 6, 2010

I have a Toshiba laptop running Windows Vista. Vista Antivirus Pro has appeared and is creating havoc on my system. Is anyone familiar with Vista Antivirus Pro? I removed my laptop from my network and then I ran a boot scan with Avast! It said that it removed a Trojan, but today, Vista Antivirus Pro is back. I don't know what else to do.

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Pictures Not Coming From MY PICTURES Folder

May 15, 2010

I have recently had strange pixilated images mixed in with our photos when playing music and selecting slide show, our photos appear along with random images, they are not coming from MY PICTURES folder as i have right clicked when the odd pic appears and they are coming from random folders that i can't find.

I thought the strange graphics were coming from itunes or Tom Tom so i have uninstalled them both...but the images keep coming. How do i stop media center looking and producing these annoying images

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Pictures Disappeared From Pictures Folder!

Aug 26, 2009

All the pictures in my Pictures folder have disappeared, leaving behind a bunch of empty folders. I did not delete them, and I have no viruses according to AVG. It appears that this happened to a few others on this forum, but no solutions were presented. I noticed that the Read Only button was checked on the main folder, so I unchecked it, and I watched the status window un-apply "read only" protection from all my actual pictures files, so it seems to me that they're still there but invisible.

I performed a system restore, and Recova is in the process of performing a "Deep Scan" for my pictures (the quicker scan did not find the files). Has anyone solved the problem of the disappearing pictures? Is this a Vista problem, or perhaps a problem with an update?

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Bugged Thumbnails

Nov 14, 2008

one day my thumbnails just stopped loading and i have no idea how it happened.

when i open a picture folder it looks like this:

most of the time they look like this:

only way i can get them to display is to press the "Views" button 4 times then stop on the large icon view which displays properly:

could this be the thumbnail cache? or maybe the app/program that generates them?

possibly explorer?

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Thumbnails Not Visible

Mar 27, 2008

Whenever I view a folder (stored on a CD) with photo files using windows explorer it does not show the small pictures. Instead the standard windows icon/picture is shown. The pictures are visible for a short moment and then replaced by the default windows icon picture. This problem does not occur when I via a folder with photo files located on the harddisk. I use Windows Vista home premium (dutch version)

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IE8: When Create A New Tab Can't See The Thumbnails

May 15, 2010

My problem with IE8 is that when I create a new tab I can't see the thumbnails. All I see is three green lines with options under them. The lines are:

Reopen closed tabs
Browse with InPrivate
Use an Accelerator

What shall I do to restore the thmbnails?

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Video Thumbnails

May 23, 2008

I can see thumbnail icons for my pics but I not for my videos for some reason. I tried the options under the Folder Options with no results.

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How Can Restore Thumbnails

Sep 11, 2009

I'm not very good with computers and during an disk clean up I accidentally clicked on the option to delete thumbnails for my pictures. I read another post that was similar to this but the solution to it didn't work for me so how to restore my thumbnails??

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Accidentally Deleted Thumbnails

Feb 22, 2009

Was doing a disk cleanup and deleting thumbnails was one of the options in order to save space, and I accidentally checked the box.

Does anyone know how I can retrieve it so they can show up for my movie files, etc.

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Not Show Jpeg Thumbnails

Mar 23, 2008

None of my jpeg images show up in any folders, no thumbnails of them, but the bitmat ones show. I have already went in and made sure the show icons instead on thumnails was not checked, I've tried system restore, I've deleted the iconcache folder so it would be rebuilt, I've changed the monitor from 32 to 16 and back to 32 again. And restarted everytime I tried something new. I work in photoshop a lot, so it makes it really hard when you go to open a picture and there's no thumbnails in the folder, any folder. All of my pictures are now just plain ol icons. I've tried everything that I know to do. This is delaying me in a lot of work.

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Video Thumbnails In Explorer

May 15, 2010

I have read similar problems on this forum, but, unfortunately, did not solve mine.

After installing a software (I'm not sure which, it could be VLC or ffdshow codecs or videopad), video thumbnails in Windows Explorer would not show a frame from the video, just the icons. I then downloaded a .reg file which restored the video thumbnails, but now it only shows the first frame of the video, which is usually blank. So now all my videos show a blank black picture, which was not so earlier. Before the problem started, it would pick up a random frame from the video.

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Thumbnails In Windows Explorer

Dec 26, 2008

For all my photos, unless I view them in "Windows Photo Gallery which is inconvenient. I want to view them in Windows Explorer, I do not see real true thumbnails, I just see this default scene of water, green hills and sky. I have followed the instructions here Thumbnails in Windows Explorer here Default Programs - Program Default Associations (tho I wasn't thrilled about making Windows Photo Gallery my default program for JPG, I followed these instructions anyhow).

I NEVER had a problem like this in XP. I'm beginning to understand why Vista has such a bad reputation. Using (or attempting to use) Vista Home Premium 64-bit, BTW, (much less important question) why doesn't my Photoshop Elements even show up as an option when I set default programs? This problem was annoying before but to still have it after going thru all these forum instructions is really annoying.

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Disable Thumbnails In Particular Folder?

Aug 6, 2009

is there a way to disable thumbnails in a particular folder? like i don't want thumbnails displayed in the Picture folder, but i want to see them everywhere else?

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Thumbnails On Certain Folders Not Working

Apr 4, 2008

I am trying to view thumbnails on certain folders with pictures. in a folder with 20 files,half come up with thumbnails. i know it's not the files, because each time i refresh, it's different files that have thumbnails or are missing thumbnails. it can't be a performance issue, because i'm running a pretty fast computer.

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View Thumbnails Of .MOV Files?

Mar 12, 2010

It is extremely frustrating to transfer all of my iphone videos taken on my phone to my pc and not have the still first second of the movie as an image so that I can know what they are and organize the movies. view thumbnails of .MOV files with VISTA so that i dont have to click on all of my movies to see what they are and organize them.

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Photo Gallery: All See Thumbnails.

May 24, 2008

When I click on a .jpg photo sitting on my desktop, I want to see ONLY that picture in Photo Gallery -- NOT the hundreds of thumbnail photos in my pic folders. I used to be able to do this, but now all I see are the thumbnails.

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No Thumbnails In Media Center

May 22, 2008

I have not been able to get thumbnails in Media Center for my home videos. Media Center displays the file name and will play the videos, but I don't know what I am going to watch until I click "play". I am using a Sony DCR SR 42 handycam, Sony editing software, and Vista premium 64. The software disk states not compatible w/64 bit, however it loaded on the first try, I can capture video, edit, and play video. Thumbnails for videos show up in Pictures(default storage file), and Media Player, but not Media Center. So... I overlooking a setting, or do I need a patch or maybe something else?

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How Preview Tabs As Thumbnails?

Feb 26, 2009

after spending almost 30 min (yeah yeah I'm a newb or whatever you call people like me these days) trying to figure out how I can preview the tabs as thumbnails when I scroll my mouse over the task bar, I see that IF you have Vista Home Premium or better, you can change your Color and Appearance to Aero and then supposedly the option (under the Taskbar and Menu section in the Control Panel) for previewing tabs as thumbnails is supposed to be click-able... I have Windows Vista Home Premium, AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-56, etc. ... I tried to change the color to Aero and it won't let me, so of course it won't let me preview the tabs as thumbnails either.

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Not Have Thumbnails Off Task Bar Or Transparency

Aug 3, 2008

Im new to vista but really like it alot except that my install does not have the thumbnails off the task bar or transparency. I have Vista Home Basic 32bit. I installed this the same time as a friend of mine we both bought the same version for vista (At a discount of course) His install has these options but mine does not. I have posted else where without any real answers to my questions, most everyone said make sure your video graphics drivers are installed which of course they are. I have of course Activated my install and ran all the nec. updates including SP1. Is there a way i can tweak this think to have these featurs that i like so much?

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Unable To Preview Thumbnails

Aug 24, 2008

Running Vista Enterprise with service pack 1 and latest updates. All of a sudden I am no longer able to view thumbnails of my pictures within a folder even though I select small, medium or large. I can double click the thumbnail to view it.

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