No Snipping Tool For Vista Basic That I Have In The Toshiba

Mar 23, 2008

i m beginning to think there is no snipping tool for vista basic that i have in the toshiba.

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The Snipping Tool In Vista Has Decided It Will Not Forward My Snips To Be Emailed

Dec 17, 2008

The Snipping Tool in Vista has decided it will not forward my snips to be emailed. Everything else about it works, but when I press the email icon it does not respond. This is a new development. I have used the tool for a year now, without problems. I have tried the add and removal tick in the tablet box, still no joy. I use this tool all of the time

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Get The Toshiba ConfigFree Icon To Show On The Notification Bar On A Toshiba Satellite With Windows Vista Installed

Jun 7, 2009

how to get the Toshiba ConfigFree Icon to show on the Notification Bar on a Toshiba Satellite with Windows Vista installed?

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Reliability Scores: Snipping Tool In Vista "Select All" At The Top Right Before Uploading A Screenshot

Jul 2, 2008

Hows your Vista Reliability 18 Months after the RTM release? Note A tutorial on finding and using the Reliability Monitor can be found here: Reliabilty Monitor. A Guide on using the Vista Snipping Tool for the Screenshot can be found here: How to use the Snipping Tool in Vista "Select All" at the top right before uploading a Screenshot for a complete view of the entire Vista Reliability period.

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Snipping Tool

Mar 25, 2008

I have a new PC running Vista Home Premium. I tried the snipping tool soonafter I received the computer three weeks ago. It appeared to work fine atthat time. I just tried to use it again but could not find the shortcut. Ithad been in the start menu under accessories but it was no longer there.

Using the Search facilities I found the program file "Snipping Tool.exe" onmy hard drive. I created a new shortcut but the program will not start,nothing happens. I also tried double clicking on the "Snipping Tool.exe"file.

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Not Have Snipping Tool

Jan 14, 2008

Vista Home Premium does not seem to have a snipping tool. how does one do a screen capture? At Circuit City a technician located the tool on the demonstration computer. I wonder whether this is a feature of versions beyond Home Premium.

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Missing Snipping Tool

Dec 15, 2008

My Snipping tool has disapeared. The box is ticked in the 'Turn windows features on and off' section and the 'Tablet PC' folder shows in the accessories section how ever it is empty .....

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Snipping Tool Icon Has Changed

Dec 24, 2008

Snipping tool icon has changed and program no longer responds, can't understand why, I don't use it that much ...

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Snipping Tool Storing The Pictures?

May 24, 2009

I've used the snipping tool. Once I'm on a web page and see a picture I want to save how do I go about pulling up the snipping tool? Also, do I need to already have the place I'm planning on storing the picture opened and in a drop down tab?

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Snipping Tool Will Not Save The Snip

Jan 14, 2009

Anyone know why my snipping tool will not save or send to email, the snip? It has worked in the past.

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Snipping Tool: Click The Icon, Nothing Happens

Aug 22, 2009

I have Vista 64-bit SP2. The Snipping Tool was running and looked nice to have. But after that first run where I was checking it out, it never ran again. If I click the icon, nothing happens. I watched the task list in Task Manager. That ever so briefly lists a new task before it vanishes. I also tried running the tool as an administrator. That had the same results.

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Search Cannot Find SNIPPING TOOL?

Apr 5, 2009

Search cannot find SNIPPING TOOL, why?, How do I get it back?

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Snipping Tool No Longer Allows Saves

Feb 4, 2010

I can no longer save when using the Vista snipping tool. Clicking save as does not bring up the dialogue box that it used to.

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Snipping Tool Capture Window

Jan 18, 2009

I just used the snipping tool to capture a window. I then hit edit and copy but am unable to get this image into this forum. What do I need to do

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Snipping Tool/Sticky Notes Cannot Start

Mar 23, 2008

I just noticed today that when I try to run the Snipping Tool, I get this


I've been running Vista Ultimate for about a year now, and installed SP1 this week.

Restarting doesn't fix, I've also tried adding/removing the TABLET PC OPTIONAL COMPONENTS in the Windows Features On/Off control panel. This doesn't help. I even went to the extreme of uninstalling SP1 to no avail.

I also notice that I get the same error as above with Sticky Notes:


And Windows Journal too!


The ONLY function in the Tablet PC that works is Tablet PC Input Panel. Well it runs, but neither of the TOOLS or HELP pull down menus work.

I've seen others with the same Snipping Tool error while searching google, but never found a fix. For some people they had to reinstal the whole OS, but even then the errors came back after a while.

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Snipping Tool In The Search Bar In The Windows Menu

Jun 6, 2008

Reading the latest Computer Shopper, one of the tips was using the Vista snipping tool. The article says it is in the accessories folder on the start menu. For the life of me, I can not see it. How do I make it show up?

For Vista users you can just type "Snipping Tool" in the search bar in the windows menu. The first time you run it it will ask if you want to add it to your quick launch bar. I selected yes keeping in mind it is always easier to remove something from it than to add to it.

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Snipping Tool Fixed Via Office Diagnostics

Nov 22, 2009

I have been searching for a way to get my Snipping tool back in my vistax64 system. It started with the common errors saying there is a problem and to restart and so on. I installed a Wacom Bamboo tablet on a Vista x86 laptop and a x64 Desktop both SP2. The laptop has had no issues and the x64 desktop ran the snipper fine for months afterwords but eventually lost the tool's functionality. So do not blame the Wacom in my case. I say this because I have read elsewhere it was a suspect cause.

After reading about some folks doing an Office 2007 Office diagnostics from the Outlook Help menu I tried it and it worked but there is a different behaivor. I have dual displays and before it went bad it would open up in one display but now it opens the selection area across both displays. That's OK with me, I just wanted to report.

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Snipping Tool Disappear Start Program

Apr 20, 2009

I had my Snipping tool disappear from start/programs list AND short cut from quick links. An index search tool could not find it either. The popular solution of enabling from the 'add/remove programs windows function' in control panel did not help. Everyone and there brother told me this would solve my problem. I still could not locate the SnippingTool.exe file. I went to c:/windows/systems32/ and found SnippingTool.exe in the system32 folder and right click to create a desktop icon shortcut. bing...back in action. I still have no idea why my shortcuts and programs list from start menu would have disappeared, but at least if this happens again, I'll know what to do.

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Snipping Tool Turned Generic Icons Doe Not Work

Feb 18, 2009

I don't know what happened here, but my shortcut that points to the snipping tool turned into one of those generic icons - and it says that it can't find C:WindowsSystem32SnippingTool.exe. Sure enough, a check of System32 shows it's not there. I didn't go in there. so I have no idea what happened here. It's not in the recycle bin either, so it didn't get accidentally deleted, at least not recently. So, is it as simple as grabbing a copy of SnippingTool.exe from another installation and pasting it into System32? Any risk in this (aside from it not working if there were some dependencies that are also gone?) If that doesn't work does sfc restore this?

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Upgrade From Vista Basic To Vista Premium But The Activation Key Didn't Work

Mar 26, 2008

I recently tried to upgrade from Vista Basic to Vista Premium but the activation key didn't work. So I recovered Vista Basic from the windows.old file but there is still a corrupt version of Vista Premium on my hard disk. how to remove it?

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Upgrade Vista Home Basic To Vista Ultimate

Jun 30, 2008

CANNOT SIMPLY UPGRADE WITHIN VISTA??? FIRST TIME ISSUE EVER POSTED! I have a question that I cannot make sense of. I have Windows Vista Home Basic with SP1 installed on my computer. I have a copy of a legit retail version of Windows Vista Ultimate Upgrade SP1 DVD-ROM. I want to upgrade my current Vista Home Basic to Vista Ultimate. Sounds simple enough. I have read everywhere on the web and it can upgrade easily as long as you upgrade within Windows Vista and not a reboot installation. Okay, but when I get to a point in the Vista grade process, I CANNOT! During the installation process, when I get to the screen that states, "Which type of installation do you want?" AFTER INPUTTING THE VISTA ULTIMATE KEY CODE ON A PREVIOUS SCREEN, the option should be "Upgrade" ONLY and NOT "Custom (Advanced)" since the key code is set for upgrade option only. I GET THE TOTAL OPPOSITE!!! I only get the option "Custom (Advanced)" and the "Upgrade" option is grayed out. WHAT??? NO "Upgrade" option??? I SHOULD BE GETTING THE "Upgrade" OPTION!!! This does not make any sense!!! It states at the reason at the bottom of this screen, "Upgrade has been disabled. - The upgrade option cannot be started, to upgrade, cancel the installation and then choose to upgrade to a version of Windows that is more recent than the version you are currently running." This does not make any sense, does it??? I should be able to only upgrade since I only have an upgrade disc. I am upgrading from a lower edition of Vista to a higher edition of Vista, therefore I should ALSO have this feature to upgrade enabled too when it knows my CD key is a higher ("upgrade") edition. I have spent several hours searching and read around the web and cannot find my same or similar case scenario. A first time! People who have upgraded between different editions of Vista with either the Windows Anytime Upgrade retail package or (mine) the Windows Vista Ultimate Retail Upgrade box (includes the Windows Anytime Upgrade anyways on it) say it is a breeze! What is going on with me??? I should not be having any problems what-so-ever!

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Can't Use Basic Functions Of Vista

Apr 18, 2009

I went into the registry to remove a file that said I didn't have permission to edit (even though I was the admin) because the person whose help I asked for told me that was how to fix it. So I went into the registry and deleted the files in the registry (about 3 or 4 keys). But the files were still there. So I deleted the key that was show in the details section of the UAC. That didn't seem to do anything either. So I quit.

Now, once I restarted my computer, I can't use many of the basic functions of vista. I can't move, copy, cut, paste, or rename files. I also can't empty or restore the recycling bin. For example, I can't rename a txt from the folder, but if I open it in notepad I can save I as something different. I remade the key from the UAC but going into the registry editor and making a new key and entering all of the information, but it didn't correct the problem. That key is {3AD05575-8857-4850-9277-11B85BDB8E09} by the way.

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Change The Appearance (using Vista Basic)

Mar 26, 2008

I was trying to change the appearance (using Vista Basic), have not idea what I did, but now all my text windows are light gray, the text is somewhat blurry and has a gray show tail after everything making very hard to read on my homepage and in Microsoft Mail. Can someone please tell me how to go back, I promise not to touch it again.

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Basic As Opposed To Vista Home, Pro, Or Ultimate

Jul 30, 2009

What is VIsta Basic (as opposed to Vista Home, Pro, or Ultimate)? A local retailer has the ACER 5516 laptop for less than $300, but it says it has Windows Vista Basic - that makes me wonder what features you don't get. Wht features will Vista Basic not have that Vista Home would?

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Files X86 Maximinze Windows Appear Vista Basic

Sep 12, 2008

Why do i have two Program Files folder? I have Program Files, and Program Files x86.. Oh, and when i maximize any window, my transparency goes away and it appears vista basic, but if i minimize i have the window transparency again... And why do i have that symbol of Take Ownership in front of some programs??

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Vista Home Basic Install Dvd For An 8 Pc Network Setup

Mar 26, 2008

In our Language School we have a Multimedia Language Lab (allowing the school
students to access through user name and password an internet platform to do
the exercise work after each class lesson). This system uses Windows Vista Basic as operating system and is based on a 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN.

1.It is possible to create a Vista Install DVD allowing ??? in case of serious problems with the hardware on one PC ??? to format the hard disk and reload the Operating System, Configuration, Programs and LAN configuration (not exceeding 2 or 3 GB of disk space for the image) just by loading the Install DVD, without the need for calling any expert to solve the situation. I have to explain that recently a similar situation occurred and it took three hours of an expert???s time to reload the whole configuration and programs on the PC concerned.

2.If the answer to the above point is yes, what are the simple steps to follow to achieve what described at above point 1.

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Diagnose A Slow Vista Home Basic Machine?

Feb 25, 2009

A friend found out that I have a Vista computer so he brought me his wife's computer to find out why it is so slow. I have no problems with mine but this Vista Home Basic PC is ungodly slow. Just to open an Explorer window takes over 90 seconds. I scheduled a checkdisk and ran it on the next reboot. I defragged and ran the disk cleanup wizard. I downloaded and reinstalled the ATI video drivers after seeing an eror message about ATI. It is slightly faster but not enough to make any difference to the user. Where do I find the diagnostics, or logs or something that can tell me what is slowing it down so that I can fix it? I couldn't find a diagnostic on the eMachine site. My last option will be to reformat and start over but I'd rather not do that if there is a way to fix it instead. It's an eMachine with only 512 MB RAM, but it did run much faster when new. Intel Pentium 3.0 GHz, 160 GB HDD. Also the wireless card is very slow, but the wired connection is pretty fast for downloading.

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Vista Changes Its Appearence From Areo To Basic When I Run A Few Programs And Games

Sep 2, 2009

Vista changes its appearence from Areo to basic when i run a few programs and games. It didnt do this when i got this laptop but its slowly started. i'm running vista home premium. is their anyway to stop this from happening?....other then leaving it at Basic....

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How To Back The Date Up On Windows Vista Home Basic?

Jul 15, 2008

How do i back the date up on windows vista home basic?

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Change Windows Vista Basic Logon Screen

Mar 23, 2008

does anyone know how to change windows vista basic logon screen to the one where u have to enter ur username and password and click enter. ive already enabled ctrl - alt - delete function,

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Vista - 1 Basic And 2 Home Premium Not Stay Sleeping

Mar 7, 2009

Our family has 3 laptops running Vista - 1 basic and 2 home premium. One of the home premiums will not stay sleeping. Sometimes I have to make it sleep twice or even 3 times before it will appear to stay sleeping. But the next morning it is no longer sleeping. I have to unplug the Ethernet cable to be assured that it is not doing anything on the web. How can I correct this problem?

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