Install Fails, Not Renam

Mar 23, 2008

i'm trying to install wow on my new xps 420, after getting to 100% it says install fail and it lists a mess load of files with could not be renamed (conflict manager::resolve conflicts) or could not be deleted(conflict manager uncreate objects) after them

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Install Windows Updates, KB973565 Fails Install

Dec 6, 2009

I am helping a friend install windows updates on her Sony VAIO laptop with Vista Home Premium SP1 installed. Laptop had not been updated since January 2009. All updates completed fine with the exception of KB973565. When installed via automatic windows updates I get the following error...........

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WMP 11 For XP Install Fails When Run

Apr 3, 2008

I am trying to install Windows Media Player on a Windows Vista Business N machine. The Microsoft site tells me to download WMP 11 for XP but the install fails when run.

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VIsta SP1 Fails To Install

Jun 17, 2009

Vista Ultimate - Win SBS R2 Domain member Symantec Anti-virus Corporate edition ISA firewall client. I have 2 vista systems on my small home network. I tried the push update of SP1 and it failed and I tried the downloaded SP1 and it failed with the usual error codes. I wnet through KB947366 and actually got the long install but it failed in pass 3. My other system had no problems and is at SP2. Both vista systems have nearly the same applications and both are domain members.

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Install It Automatically But It Fails

Mar 14, 2008

I recently decided to take a bold leap and upgraded my Vista 32 bit to a 64 bit machine. Th efirst day everything worked beautifully. I downloaded the latest Nforce drivers, creative drivers, and ATI drivers, most of my hardware installed automatically. Now whenever i try to install a USB device such as a simple USB drive, it recognizes a new hardware has been plugged in it tries to install it automatically but it fails!!! The same thing happens when i try to attached a USB hub it tries to install it but fails. Pretty much and usb device i try to intall dose not work. i am using a Microsoft USB bluetooth keyboard that works great (except my keyboard shows up as unknown device), a USB printer that works great but any new USB device fails to install. i am running on a abit KN9 board, AMD 6400 X2, with 6 gigs of ram

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Install .NET Framework 3.5 Fails

Apr 25, 2009

For some reason, my computer refuses to install the: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update(KB951847) x64. It fails every attempt and is listed as an "Important" update. The error found was: Code 643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.

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Hardware Fails To Install

Jul 29, 2009

1. If I right click the desktop and choose Personalise, I get an errorbox with: but the 'Control Panel > Personalisation' page opens as normal. I also get the same problem with any other control Panel right clicks. The error pop-up can also happen at other times:

2. I cannot install new hardware. I have just tried to connect a HP officejet printer using the latest downloaded drivers, but the driver installation fails, giving an error window with: Then:The error number returned was 1603, so I went to HP's site and followed 'this workaround' docname=c01511439&tmp_track_link=ot_recdoc/c01453071/en_uk/c01511439/loc:2&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=uk), but that didn't work.............................

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Transfer Download Fails Install W2K

Jul 29, 2009

I have down loaded the MS Easy Transfer programs but from all I can figure out it no longer will install on Windows 2000.

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Install Fails, Can Not Locat Rome.exe

Jun 24, 2008

I just want to start off by saying I think it might be a good thing that I am having the issue with my pc that I am having just cuz I found this place. Ok! Now that I have the a$$kissing out of the way, here is my issue I am trying to update a game (RTW) from the 1.3 patch to the 1.5 patch. The patching for 1.3 went smooth. Now the issue I am having is the newest patch I am trying to install fails and said is can not locate rome.exe.. I have installed the game a few times and even in trying to sent the install to C:programfiles... rather than the one that has the (x85) in it it still uses both directory locations. I think the scripting for the patch program is looking for the .exe file in a predetermined location rather than searching or letting me point to it. Does anyone know of a way around this issue. This is not the first time I have come across this it is just the more resent. I would even be inclines to open the patch and rewrite the script to point to the correct location but I have no idea of how this would be done...

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Windows Update Fails To Install?

Apr 6, 2009

when windows update fails to install a KB, and it lists it as FAIL. why wont it reinstall or re-download ?? Or does vista reinstalls it when you restart the computer?

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Install New Version Of Itunes Fails

Apr 25, 2009

I posted a thread yesterday about problems with uninstalling programs. Which in the end I managed to do successfully. But I have a new problem. At the moment I am trying install a new version of Itunes which I downloaded from the website. However I have tried repeatedly to install but my computer continues to say that the administrator has set policies to prevent the installation. Also that I do not have sufficient access and to contact the system administrator. Is there a way I can get around this? If not who would be the system administrator that I would contact?

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Windows Update Fails To Install Updates

Apr 2, 2009

When I try to install updates with Windows Update, I get a message that it's failed and an error code 80070002 (unknown error). I have deleted files in the Windows downloads folders as suggested

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Fails When Attempting To Install The Cisco VPN Client

Aug 4, 2008

Has anyone seen or heard of a fix for the VPN client in x64? We had an end user at our office purchase a Vista Home Premium x64 laptop. Pretty nice machine but it fails when attempting to install the Cisco VPN Client. From what I understand, the only fix is to run a VMWare XP in 32 bit mode and install it there. At least this is what we had to get it up and running. This was several months ago and I'm hoping that Cisco has released a patch or new release for this.

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Sp2 Fails To Install: GRUB Boot Manager?

May 29, 2009

From what I gather, sp2 fails to install due to GRUB being my boot manager. If anyone has found a work around...besides ditching Vista...share it. Unplugging a drive isn't an option...I have 5 OS's on 2 drives managed by GRUB. I believe GRUB was written to the MBR.

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Windows6.0-KB917607-x86 Does Not Install And Fails To Update

Aug 17, 2009

Windows6.0-KB917607-x86 does not install. No problems with administrator's pw. But after it runs comes back with the message "Some updates did not Install". No number or anything else. Second, Win Update keeps giving me error 80070002. I have tried all the suggestions I found in the net, but nothing works. The problem is still there. Thirdly, I tried to manually update IE7 to IE8 and also told me the same thing, it fails to update.

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Catalyst Software Suite Fails To Install

Mar 6, 2008

I cannot install any ATI driver on my Vista! after the installation exe begins, it goes into a detecting phase. Then it says "Fail to find any installable component"; and, the error msg is "Cannot detect any compatible ATI hardware" Workaround: Install the driver thru Vista's Device Manager. However, Catalyst control center doesn't install in this way.

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Install Taxcut Fails Start Windows

Mar 26, 2008

I am trying to install TaxCut and the install fails just after the program starts Windows install. HR Block is no help. I want to reinstall windows installer and try again but I cant figure out how.

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Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor Fails On Install

Nov 4, 2009

"Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor ran into an unexpected error. Please reinstall... and try again." (upon run attempt)

a. I hope it didn't hurt itself when it ran into....nevermind.
b. Reinstall = same result.
c. Re-download and reinstall = same result.
d. It does appear in installed programs.

Microsoft will not support due to =OEM= Vista upgrading to retail Win 7 Upgrade. Gateway will not support due to "its a Microsoft software problem." Web search = no help. Machine is a laptop Gateway M-6881, 3GB, 2.2GHz core2duo. Do I just forget about Win 7?

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SP1 Fails To Install: Automatic And Manual Download Versions Of SP1

Jun 11, 2008

SP1 went through the full install routine, but when it reaches the end of Stage 3, I get a message saying that SP1 failed to install and it then goes through a lengthy process to revert to the computer's previous state. There is no detailed error message telling me why it failed to install. I've tried both the automatic and manual download versions of SP1. I've also tried it with all of my virus and internet security turned off. I still get the same message. how I can get SP1 to install.

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System Restore Applet Fails To Open / Windows Updates Download But Fail To Install

Jul 29, 2009

A friend's Vista SP1 PC is failing to install Windows Updates and also some other updates such as those for Itunes. The symptom is that the updates get downloaded but the installation phase never finishes (he's left it for 12 hours!). In the case of the Windows Updates, there are several updates that try to install themselves as the PC is shutdown or even restarted, but the message "Installing 1 of 6" never advances: the only recourse is to switch the PC off.

As I was looking at the PC, I noticed one thing which may have a bearing on this and may even be the cause: the System Restore applet (windowssystem32 strui.exe) fails to run. It displays an initial User Account Control window but the "Restore System Files and Settings - choose a restore point" window never appears. No error message is displayed and there are no entries in any of the Event Log logs.

It occurred to me that if System Restore is buggered, this might prevent any updates working if the first thing they try to do is to create a restore point before installation begins. I can't find any reference to System Restore failing to open its initial Window - I've looked on and done a general Google search for "Vista System Restore fails". All the info seems to describe possible problems if you get slightly further and select a restore point which then fails to install properly.

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Fails To Boot

Apr 8, 2010

When I try to boot windows I get the black Windows Error Recovery screen with the options to Launch Startup Repair or Start Windows Normally. If I select start windows normally the systems quickly restarts and takes me right back to that screen. If I select Startup Repair, I get the blue screen of death, "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer". Even trying to use the boot options, launching startup repair still gets the blue screen, safe mode still just restarts and takes me back to the beginning. All of this started sometime last night when the computer must have installed updates and then tried to restart itself because I walked out this morning to the blue screen. Any suggestions? I do not have any sort of disk for the computer, its an HP. I am writing this from another computer, as I obviously cannot make the problem computer start at all.

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Fails To Get IP From Router

Jun 18, 2008

I just installed Vista x64 and found it failed to connect to my home network. Diagnostic indicates the Vista is failing to get IP from the router. This did not happen when I installed Vista x86 or XP x86, x64. Other machine running these OSes have no connection problem. What could be wrong with the Vista x64?

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WFS.exe Fails To Start

Apr 1, 2008

Until several months ago, I was able to scan in Vista Ultimate (SP1). Recently, however, when I start WFS.exe, nothing happens at all. I don't see the application in my task list or on the screen.

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SP 1 Fails During Installation

Mar 21, 2008

trustedinstaller.exe crashs. All pre-SP1 updates are installed. Using Vista Ultimate x64.

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Powered USB Hub Fails

May 12, 2009

I have an issue with my current vista installation of Ultimate SP1 x64 and my Hiyatek 7 port powered usb 2.0-hub. I've been looking for similar problem and solutions but so far neither of them have worked.

The problem is that randomly all usb-devices connected to it will fail and to get windows to recognize them again I need to unplug and reconnect the power and/or USB-cable to the hub. (It's quiet the anoyance to do this and watch while vista takes its time to find your newly connected devices as your party in the game is dying from lack of healing)...............

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SP1 Over SP1RC1 Fails

Mar 25, 2008

My attempts at putting the "approved" SP1 over the SP1RC1 (evaluation copy 6001) fails. Tells me already installed although I still have the "Windows Vista T Evaluation Copy. Build 6001" above the clock. System Info tells me I have "Service Pack 1, v.668". If 668 is the proper version, then how do I remove the "evaluation copy message from the desktop -- or how do I flag the system to accept the full SP.

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CTRL+C Routinely Fails

May 1, 2008

Ever since I've had vista, CTRL+C routinely fails, and I'm not just imagining this. I don't get it happen once in XP, but in Vista it happens several times a day and is extremely frustrating. The only solution, do it again..."Do it twice incase it didn't work the first time"

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File Search Fails

Apr 5, 2009

Vista Home Premium x64 SP1, HP Pavilion desktop, file search by partial name fails when filename contains numbers, search options to include subfolders and find partial matches both checked

example - 5 text files

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64 Fails To Access Net Share In WXP Pro SP2

Nov 3, 2009

I have a small network with 4 pcs. 1 is Vista 64, two XP Pro and 1 W2K. Peer
to Peer. All machines could see the other machines shares without problem.
The net browser is the W2K machine.

I had to change the chassis of 1 XP Pro box because of heating. everything
was phisically moved to another chassis, no OS change watsoever, nor
component changes. Now, both XPs and the W2K can see shares in each other
normally, as before, and they even can see shares on the Vista box.

But the Vista started behaving in a wierd manner:

Vista to W2K: sees shares normally
Vista to WXP Pro not modified Sees shares normally
Vista to WXP Pro with new chassis: The XP does not recognize the vista User
and Password. I tried as Administrator, as user, changed passwords in both
XP and Vista, created a New user in both machines with and without password,
and still the XP refuses to recognize the Vista credentials.

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Window Update Fails

May 1, 2008

I am using Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit. I keep getting Error Code 8007000B downloading windows updates. I tried going to the command prompt, running as an admin and typing in "fsutil resource setautoreset true C:" and reboot but I still cannot download updates.

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Upgre Ult32bit Fails

Jul 27, 2008

MS had a program that asked users of Vista and Xp to allow them to track user's web travels to help improve the OS. I agreed in return for a free copy to upgrade to Ultimate. They sent me both 64bit and 32bit versions. In trying to upgre to Ult32bit, my lappy grts half way through the upgrade and fails with no explanition given. I cintacted MS and found I had to unistall Vista SP1, upgrade and then re=install SP1. I tried this and the upgrade still fails.

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