Having These "lag Spikes" Every Minute

Mar 22, 2009

Ever since I bought my new computer with vista vista ive been having these "lag spikes" every minute or so that last about 2-7 seconds,where everything around me character just runs in place.It seems as if the internet is being interrupted every minute for some reason,but I cant figure out why.The problem is either OS or computer related,but I cant figure out how to fix it.

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Lags Every Minute

Nov 22, 2009

I have been having this complicating issue with my laptop. i have windows vista x64 bit home premium. i have determined that it is not my internet because games like counter strike source still lag very badly with my internet off (9 fps every minute). i have tried reducing the services and amount of processes running on my computer and it didn't help at all. do i just need to update vista? i recently have had this problem for a week or two and i cant figure it out.i have a Hp Pavilion Dv7, amd turion x2,ATI Radion HD 3200,4 GB of RAM.

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Every 60 Sec, Get Lag Spikes

Feb 26, 2009

excuse me for opening a duble thread on this theme but i m looking for a solution to this problem that makes online gaming impossible. using vista antilag but still doesen t work every 60 sec i still get lag spikes. on the other thread someone was speaking about a vista lag control. but i didn t find it on the net.

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Locking Computer After 1 Minute.

Aug 23, 2009

just curious why it locks, and if it can be changed.

- If I turn on screensaver, and choose 'On resume, display logon screen'
- If I turn it off again, it locks my computer after the time set in screensaver. Even though it's turned off.

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Restarted After Log In 1 Minute Freezes

Nov 18, 2008

Here is the problem, yesterday i downloaded movie converter, and it asked me to restart. I restarted and after log in, after 1minute my vista freezes...all i can use is MSN, this is only program what is working, other programs are freezed. Also what i noticed that when my pc freezes, some ´´world shaped´´ icon comes to my start bar, green coloured. Im running 64bit vista. Ive run vista for more than 8months without any problem:

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Speed Of Vista: 25 Minute Startup

Nov 3, 2009

if anyone has seen my previous threads you might have seen me complaining about the speed of vista. now i have a powerful PC and i JUST reinstalled vista less than one month ago and AGAIN its loading so incredibly slow its painful and im about to cry. i have literally less than 20 programs installed on a 500 GB HDD and it boots up as slow as a win '98 20 mhz cpu computer. i swear, ive never been more confused in my life. i havent reinstalled or de-installed anything like at all, i upgraded to SP2 i tried to a system restore and of course, it failed. for the past week im literally finding myself going to eat dinner and then coming down to see that my startup programs are just finihsing after 30 minutes of initial boot. once they are all loaded the pc works like a charm and nothing goes wrong. if you say i have "too many startup programs" iwill laugh because i litteraly have 4 startup programs. yes ive tried no startup programs but it doesnt help WHATSOEVER. im just onwdering how windows can corrupt files like by itself. no its not a virus. i ve checked with over 4 diferent anti viruses.

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Wireless Lag Spikes And Gaming

Jul 25, 2008

Basically im quite upset and angry at the fact i just bought a beautiful new machine, thinking ill be able to finally game propelly, to only find that.. I get these 2-5seconds where my gaming ( World of Warcraft ) freezes completely. Basically from what i've read its something to do with Vistas wireless that searches for a new and better connection every 60seconds. My computer is NOT connected to the router, it has a 3/5 signal strength and my ping is OK. Its just these lag spikes that are killing me. I've tried VISTA Anti-LAg and the WLAN optimizer. Nothing works at all. Anyone have ANY other suggestions as to what i can do to get rid of these 2-5second lag spike/freezes with my gaming? Im running VISTA Premium x64bit...

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Random CPU Spikes, Not Sound

Apr 28, 2009

my problem is that every few seconds my PC suffers from a quick CPU spike that lags the PC's frame rate, but not sound. I've tried running safe mode and this problem does not happen, which says to me that it's a driver problem. i've checked through Windows and my drivers are all up to date and i have problems updating my graphics drivers manually from the website. the spikes arn't a major problem for generally use but it makes reaction based gaming (FPS for example) incredibly hard.

i've also tried:

• checkdisk

• sfc /scannow

• defragmantation

•virus scans

and some other possible "solutions" i've found across the web.

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CPU Usage Spikes, Jumps From Perhaps 10% To 70-80 %

Apr 10, 2008

I have a Toshiba notebook with Vista Business installed. Recently I installed the sidebar and added the "CPU performance meter" and noticed that it was constantly in motion. Looking at the Performance tab in task manager, I see that the CPU(s) (dual core) are very priodically show spikes. Every 4 to 5 seconds, the usage jumps from perhaps 10% to 70-80 %, and then goes back to 10%.

The laptop shows this bahavior over long periods of time, even if no application is running. Looking at the processe that are running, it appears that one of the "svchost.exe" (of which there are quite a few) seems to be the culprit, but I have no idea what is behind it. How do I find out what this process is actually doing? Can I simply end it to see what happens, or will that harm my laptop?

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How To Troubleshoot CPU/Disk Spikes?

Aug 21, 2008

I have narrowed down my serious start up degradation on a Gateway ML3109 to spiking CPU and Disk activity as I start up and do almost anything on the notebook. Something is making various services, apps and drivers throw up errors about taking too long to start-up and shutdown. I thought I had narrowed it further to Sound drivers but updating and repeated reinstalls only reduced the sound-related errors. I'm almost sure this is hardware because I have done two clean reinstalls of just the Vista Basic system and it doesn't change. I thought it could be the generic drivers Vista's install disk uses, so I replaced every driver I could find on gateway's website for my model (only chipset wouldn't download, saying my system didn't "meet minimum requirements" even though it was downloaded from Gateway for my serial number) but the result is just fewer errors at each startup, or shutdown, in the Performance-Diagnostics>Operational log accessed on the Advanced Tools panel.........

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X64 Lag Spikes While Playing Games

Jul 17, 2008

Topic pretty much says it all. It happens when I play numerous games - Counter-Strike, Warcraft III, etc. This has never happened when I had Windows XP. I've searched the forums for a solution but have yet to find one. I'm using 'Win Optimizer' right now and I still get spikes (more frequent as of lately). Anyone know a "fix" or solution for this problem?

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Screensaver Wait Time Resets To 1 Minute

Dec 1, 2008

I have a Gateway DX4720-03 Vista-64bit PC. Recently, I noticed something strange. The Screensaver always reverts back to 1 minute after booting up. While booting up, I can quickly check the screensaver settings, and the wait time is what I set before rebooting. After the services start on the PC, the time resets to 1 minute. When I check this in Safe Mode, the wait time stays whatever I set it previously, and does not change. How would you go about determining the bad startup program or service that is resetting the wait time?

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20 Minute Boot Time, Even After Reinstallation Of Windows

Apr 22, 2010

I'm currently experiencing an issue with a Visa Business laptop where it had suddenly been taking approximately 20 minutes to boot, after running various virus scans and checking through the boot logs I was unable to find a solution and as such decided to reinstall Windows to resolve my problem. However, I have found that even after completely reformatting the drive and reinstalling Windows Visa I am still experiencing this extremely long boot time. I have observed that the long boot time does not occur if I select to boot in to safe mode, and for a large majority of the time when the computer is booting the hard disk activity light isn't even flashing with Windows freezing on some attempts while booting.

To attempt to see if this was a hardware issue I downloaded a copy of Linux Mint onto a DVD and booted from it, as expected it booted extremely fast (for a disk) compared to Windows. Being unable to fix the problem myself I have decided to finally request help from people whom would be more knowledgable in this area than me :P To assist in finding the resolution of my problem I have included a copy of the bootlog (I have disabled the drivers that do not load and have noticed no difference in the overall boot time).

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World Of Warcraft: Hiting Lag Spikes

May 28, 2009

I'm sure this has been reported by several individuals before me, but ever since I have been playing World of Warcraft wirelessly on my new notebook with Vista I have been hiting these lag spikes every couple minutes, that can range anywhere from a second to 15. During this time cpu and disk spike to 100% usuage. I have tried updating my drivers for my NIC and my graphic card, as well as disabling a roam feature on the vista wireless network, but these have not halted the dreaded spikes. Also, I have tried playing while directly connected to the internet but even then the spikes occur. Does anyone know what is causing these spikes and what can be done to solve them?

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