Email Disappears After Reading

Jan 16, 2010

Once an email is read, it disappears. Not into deleted mail folder--it just disappears

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Received Email Disappears

Mar 26, 2008

I am running Windows Vista home edition and when I receive my email using Windows Mail, it says it is receiving the email ok but then it all disappears. There are no messages in the inbox or any other folder. I tested that my email is getting to my mailbox on my ISP'S server by using their webmail. I have had people send me test messages and they
all show up in the mailbox. After I start up Windows mail and it says it is receiving "n" messages and then they disappear, I logged back onto my webmail and all the mail is gone so I know it is being sent to my PC.

Can anyone help with this problem? I have no idea where the messages are going to, they just seem to disappear. I hav uninstalled the antivirus program that I had because I thought maybe it had something to do with it but that did not do any good. I have no other firewalls or anything running on the PC outside of what comes with Vista.

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Email Disappears Between Webmail And Windows Mail

Feb 25, 2009

They have Vista and Windows Mail with email through Telus. They were set up with an IMAP account but she was encountering problems with "mailbox too full". So I decided to switch her to POP3 not realizing that I had to do that through Telus not just through the Tools, Accounts area. I created a new POP3 account, deleted the IMAP account, when I realized that deleted all her messages from the inbox I deleted the POP3 account and recreated the IMAP account. Then I contacted Telus and found out they had to make the IMAP to POP3 change on their end. I saved the messages she wanted to keep and had Telus make the change.

I then deleted the IMAP account and created a new POP3 account and sent a test message to it. I checked the webmail and the message showed up in webmail but when I clicked send/receive the system checks for messages and says "no new messages" but the messages disappear from webmail. At no point do I get an error message...........

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Vista X64 Not Reading Dvd

Aug 16, 2009

I did a search and found nothing, but here it goes anyway.

I am running Vista Ultimate x64 and this was a fresh install about 1 month ago the OS runs great have not had any problem with it except for this.

I have a LiteOn DL DVDRW-SHW-160P6S the drive works fine when I insert any regular cd, it burns dvd's and cd's just fine it will just not read any preformated dvd's such as games or movies.

I have tried several deferent burning softwares but it does the same.
This has to be a problem with Vista x64 I am sure, I took the drive out and placed it in my other system running vista x32 and it works perfect so it has to be something with Vista x64.

Also I took the DVD drive from my vista 32 system and put into the vista 64 and it did the same thing.

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Not Reading/Writing CD/DVD

Mar 14, 2009

My Vista Business desktop seems to have stopped reading cd's and dvd's and also not writing them. it is ever since i formated it from ultimate. i've tried with and internal IDE and an external USB Drive. i know the external works perfectly as i have used it on an XP laptop. i've also tried with burnt and non burnt discs such as the Sims cd's

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E-mail Deleted After Reading

Feb 2, 2010

After the last windows update, all the mail in my in box is automaticly deleted after I read them. Some of the e-mail I may want to return to and they are not in any other folder.

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DVD RW Not Reading Blank DVD Disks

Oct 7, 2009

I have a Toshiba A100 laptop with vista home premium installed on it. I am trying to burn DVD disks on my laptop, and when i insert a disk it says i don't have a disk in the drive and i should input one. I tried several DVD disks, including a rewritable one. I looked at a similar Toshiba laptop, and it does write DVD disks.

I don't know how long i've had this prob since, i use this option very rarely. Is there a way to fix the DVD drive without replacing it? and keeping reinstalling windows as last option ? (I'm not sure reinstalling will help). The drive does read DVD disks that have something on them. The drive does burn CD type disks

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Not Reading Network Adaptor

Mar 2, 2009

I just bought a copy of "Windows Vista Home Premium" Yesterday. Went home, and clean Installed it. (Yes, i wiped my data before hand. Backed up all my drivers, etc.) Things were going really well, until I try to connect to the internet and no dice. So I thought, ‘hey ok, I’ll just go throw my back up CD in, update the drivers.’ No dice. So I called around. I was told to plug my internet directly into my PC tower, etc etc. And nothing. They didn't know what to do, as usual, so I thought I would try to reset my modem and reinstall my internet. I have Verizon DSL. When I started the installation, I was told that My computer didn't have an Ethernet card, or whatever, and to try to connect using a USB cable. I know that whatever is up with my computer, can't be extremely bad.

This is ridiculous really. Before I wiped my hard drive, about Six hours before installing vista, everything worked. My internet ran on this computer, and the two laptops that are in the household are also STILL running with internet connection now. I can't find any drivers that are actually compatible with vista. And I’m sick of looking for a stupid Internet card model number on the inside of my tower. I actually had to use a little mirror to find the numbers because the card was that close to the side of the tower. But what I managed to find was "537epg". I try to look that up. Thought I finally hit gold, and found out that this download had been deleted from the manufactures database.

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Only Reading SOME Files On XP Burned DVD?!

Apr 30, 2008

This is the strangest thing I've seen. Burned a DVD ROM of pics and videos on my laptop (Inspiron 9300) running some form of DLA Software and it worked just fine. I can read them just fine on my laptop. Stick them into a vista machine and the disc reads but 1/2 the files are gone and it's consistent - not a disc read error - There are no videos - there are missing pictures. It's as if the VISTA drivers are incomplete... anyone hear of this symptomology and have a fix?

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Can Not Reading HD Clicking Sound

Jul 6, 2008

My computer is not reading my second HD. It keeps making a clicking sound, when I opened it, the drive arm (actuator) keeps going back & forth.

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DVDRW Drive Not Reading After Upgrade

Feb 13, 2009

I'm new to the forums and the reason im Posting is i have a older (2004) Modle Alienware Laptop computer witch i upgraded to Windows Vista Ultimate.

Eveything is working great thus far except after the install my DVDRW Drive witch is a SlimType DVDRW SOSW-852S ATA Device. it dose show up in my computer if i insert a disk it dose not tell me what hte disk is and dose not boot the disk. I can hear it spinning. the Drive dose show up in my BISO aswell. it can also boot from the vista CD and Format and Re Install windows Vista ( i tried to boot XP Pro and no luck on hte drive working) i called alienware they said it MIGHT be a incompatable hardware issue.. Any ideas on this would be great i have read meny fourms on this issue with this drive and they all seemed to just not work in or out of the windows OS but mine DOSE work outside the OS.

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Disk Drive Not Reading CDs Or DVDs

Mar 30, 2008

My CD/DVD drive (optical drive?) is not reading anything i put into it! It makes the same sounds that it always makes when I insert a new CD, but then nothing happens. It does not ask if I want to open it in Windows media player or any other program. So I tried opening all my programs manually, but still it does not show that anything is in the drive.

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Dvd Drive Not Reading Purchaded Dvd Movie

Mar 22, 2009

My dvd drive tells me that there is no disk in the drive when there is. I was trying to place a movie in to watch and it would not pick it up. It made all the sounds as if it was trying to read it but it could not. when i try to press on the drive to open it a window pops up telling the drive is empty when it is not. Every once in a while a small disk thing on the mouse will come up for a moment then leave, but still not reading the disk. I tried to go to device manager and uninstall then reinstall. i tried another disk and still it does not work.

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Reading Attachments BLANK Page

Jul 29, 2009

yesterday I received several attachments in Windows mail and was able to open them and print out the attached .doc which was written in a microsoft word program. Today.....when I try to open the same documentattachments it is a BLANK page.

'Microsoft Office Word' "This file could not be found Try one of the following
*check spelling of document'
*try a different file name'

I keep getting a message that I have 'unsent' email and would I like to send it......WHEN I check to see what is in the 'outbox' the message is blank??

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Keeps Reading File After Copy Cancelled

Mar 29, 2009

I started a file copy from one drive to an other using Total Commander, then I cancelled in the middle of the operation. However, when I checked in the Resource Monitor svchost.exe was still reading the file for an other ca. 5 minutes with Background Priority, so the speed was only 15-20MB/s, but still annoying... What could cause this? ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing

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Shows A Blank Screen, Disc Reading Error

Oct 29, 2009

System shows a blank screen saying disc reading error, press ctlr-alt and delete to restart, when I do, it ust goes back to the same screen

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Reading A Website: Error Message By 'Bad Behaviour' Telling Me I Have A Virus Or Something

May 4, 2010

I have been reading a website called Butterflies & Wheels for many months. Suddenly I cannot contact it, I get an error message by 'Bad Behaviour' telling me I have a virus or something. I have Norton and I dont think I have any viruses. I suspect that 'Bad Behaviour' is reliable, and is finding something suspicious on my registry. The Bad Behaviour page has an automatic removal option for the problematic entries.

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The Screen Turns Black, And After A While A Box Pops Up Reading; 'window Error Recovery'

Mar 23, 2008

I just got a new laptop with vista a few months ago. Everything ran smoothly until recently when I went to turn it on and got an error message that???s repeated ever since. It shows the black 'vista' page, the screen turns black, and after a while a box pops up reading; 'window error recovery' A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. It suggests I launch startup Repair. However when I do so it says "startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically."

I've tried going into system recovery options and using system restore to a date when it was working correctly, but it seemed to have no effect. I haven???t changed any hardware or software recently, and the only thing plugged into it was the power cord. I'm afraid I'm not very tech savvy, but I don't want to give up on a brand
new computer!

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READING LARGE DOCUMENTS ON COMPUTERS - Maybe E-paper, E-ink, Kindle, Ebook Readers, Or Just PRINT IT?

Oct 1, 2009

I deal with megatons of PDF docs e.g. datahseets, manuals, etc. It's mostly text. As I've been doing computers for decades & health is my priority, not something in "background" I have SUPER healthy environment such as all-black background, silver-colored fonts, no distractions/graphics, brightness at zero, contrast at comfortably low setting which is in hardware + nVidia videodriver, my graphics is 512MB nVidia GeForceMobile. It's too long to explain but everything is as good as it gets.

The bright ideas don't arrive into your head in the office, in bright light while a bunch of people swarm around, you can hear peeing in the toilet, PHONES, etc. I use earplugs 34NRR rating, blue things that far exceed so-called noise reduction headphones (which are a ripoff).

Do you kno whwere bright ideas get born? In a park, woods, the bench, MY CAR - the best, I sit alone in total silence, no cellphones, no dorks of my neighborhood - I just drive out to s State/National Park and that's where I work on complex problems. I need all these PDF's with me. Printing is not an option you obviously understand. One Datasheet for Microchip PIC18F4420 is 421 pages, and I need like a dozen of things of this sort with me.

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Album Art - WMP, Disappears?

Sep 28, 2009

WMP 11 is behaving erratically i.e unpredictable, unstable - when trying to avail of the option "Paste Album Art Here" The option is available sometimes, and then disappears? Also options in "Tag Editor" are greyed out? Example:


OS: Vista 64-bit

File Description: Windows Media Player 11

Additional Information

File Version: 11.0.6002.1806

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DVD-RW Drive Disappears

Oct 12, 2009

i have a Samsung SH-S223Q Drive. It was working fine for a while, then suddenly it won't read any cd's or dvd's. Basically what happens is, i insert a cd and the drive disappears from my computer and device manager. I can scan for system changes and the drive shows back up, but if i try to run the cd it disappears again. Haven't been able to find the same problem on here after searching. Found similar problems but none of the those fixes seem to work.......

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DVD RAM Drive Disappears

Feb 18, 2009

HP Pavillion dv9500 notebook running Vista Home Premium. I installed a 2nd SATA hard drive in bay 2 og the notebook and now my DVD RAM drive has disappeared from Explorer, Drive Management, and Device Manager. I swapped out the DVD drive with a new one to rule out hardware failure, but the problem persists. Does anyone have a clue as to why this has happened? I want my DVD drive back!

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HDD Disappears During Formatting

May 30, 2009

I installed a new, second HDD. I initialized it and began formatting it on Disk Management. When I just came back after being away from the computer for a few minutes, I noticed that the whole HDD, not to mention its formatting process, had completely disappeared from Disk Management! The HDD is still physically connected, it wasn't taken away by a fairy. What caused this and how to prevent it from happening?

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Taskbar Disappears

Feb 4, 2009

I had this problem recently , when i open any window ( Windows Explorer, Firefox, IE ... etc ) my taskbar disappears without a reason. On the other hand when i minimize all the applications the taskbar appears again this is so annoying because i cant switch between my applications easily and i must press Alt+Tab to switch between them, besides i love the presence of the taskbar so i can see the time, in breif the absence of the sidebar makes me pissed off. this is my normal view of the disktop ( When everything is minimized ) : but when i maximize any window the taskbar disappears and the view SUCKS and looks like that: i tried everything possible, note that the Auto-hide the taskbar option is not enabled.

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Downloading Stuff But It Disappears

Oct 4, 2008

When I try to download something. It downloads but then I can't find the file.I save them to desktop and they just disappear.When I search for them it says it can't find the file?

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DVD Drive Disappears And Reappears

Dec 30, 2008

I'm using vista 32bit home premium on a vaio laptop.

This week my DVD drive has stopped working and disappeared.

The DVD drive has disappeared.

Oddly enough, when I uninstalled and later reinstalled the DVD driver the drive temporarily reappeared for a day (so driver is current).

The DVD drive always responds to the physical eject button (so it is not a power issue).

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Language Tool Bar Fix For When Disappears

Sep 24, 2008


Simply check that CTFMON.EXE boots at startup (for all users) Or go to start/run and type CTFMON.EXE then enter.

Use the following code (copy and paste to a .REG file) if you don't know how to add manually this executable to HKLM startup.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


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Folders Column Disappears...

Jun 26, 2009

I helped a friend select and install a new desktop w/Vista Home Premium. I set up Windows Mail to replace her Outlook Express she had used on her old XP desktop. Whenever she shuts down her computer, the folders column on the left goes away. She has to do View, Layout, Folder List to get it back. It stays there on subsequent uses of Windows Mail until the next time she shuts down. I'm going to suggest she Hibernate, not Shut Down, until I find a fix for her.

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SATA Drive Disappears...

May 2, 2008

I installed SP1 and all of a sudden when my machine wakes from sleep - my SATA drive disappears. Why is this?

I have enabld AHCI in BIOS and it worked great
I did NOT install Intel's Matrix driver
I have an Intel DP35DP Mother board
I have Vista Ultimate
I have an IDE drive as my primary/boot drive

I have two SATA drives. One is a SATA/300 and has no issues (so far). The one with issues is a Maxtor 250GB SATA/150 drive. IT DID not have any issue before SP!.

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IE Download Window Disappears

Jun 17, 2008

I'm having problems downloading anything. When I download something, whether I'm in Firefox or IE, the file downloads normally until it is complete. In IE the download window immediately disappears, and in Firefox the download "cannot be found". The file pretty much just completely disappears when it is finished downloading. I've searched for the files I download and found nothing. I've tried downloading to different locations also to no avail.

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Internet Explorer Disappears

Oct 11, 2009

A friend has a new Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista. When she double clicks on the Internet Explorer icon (on the desktop), IE will open up for 2 seconds then disappear. In it's place are three small identical windows, with the message "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page", and also a small google search line. I'm not familiar with Vista or the IE that comes with it. So this may be normal behavior, but in my world (Win2000 and XP) you can always open up Internet Explorer even if it doesn't connect to the web. Can someone tell me if there is a way to open up IE so that it doesn't disappear as I described.

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