Deleted The 'desktop' Folder By Accident

May 26, 2009

i deleted the 'desktop' folder by accident from the My Documents window (or just above my documents folder)...

Now the 'Desktop icon' at the top of the folder list shows a different set of shortcuts/folders (incl. RecycleBin, Network etc etc)... the now 'yellow' desktop folder that is under the 'user' is messed up.

I've attached 2 screen shots because i'm sure my explanation is poor. Anyway, this is driving me crazy - can't figure it out. I've been messing around with it for hours - at one point i had 'desktop' with about 15 'desktop' subfolders......

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'Desktop' Folder Deleted: Restore?

Jul 27, 2009

I use Vista Home Basic and out of nowhere I realised there was a 'Desktop' folder in the Favorites tab on IE. Since I have no need to have all my desktop shortcuts messing up the arrangement of my fave webpages so I went ahead and deleted it. Warning bells should have gone off in me head when File Operations was asking for permission but I persisted. And now all the files that I have kept on my desktop are gone i.e. pics, pdf, resumes!! I have checked the Recycle Bin but they are not there either. I tried using a software that downloaded online -> WinUndelete but it made me more confused.

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Deleted Items: Can't Empty Folder Deleted Messages

Apr 5, 2008

I can't empty my folder deleted messages. Following message appears: unknown error occurs.

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Cant Delete The Deleted Items From The Deleted Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I cant delete the deleted items from the deleted folder. The message UNKNOWN ERROR COMES UP.Any ideas how to deal with it?

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Stop Deleted Items Folder Being Deleted

May 22, 2008

How can I stop my deleted items folder being deleted when I shut down windows mail? I would rather keep the messages for a while before I delete the folder.

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Deleted Something And Desktop Is All Stretched Out

Mar 23, 2008

I deleted something from my computer (by mistake). I think it was something with the ATI program. Now my desktop is all stretched out. Before, my screen resolution was 1280 x 800, now the highest it will let me set it at is 1024 x 768. Things look stretched out and blurry. Is there something I could download?

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Deleted Items NOT Showing Up In Deleted Items Folder

Dec 31, 2009

I've been using Windows Mail for 18 months without any significant problems.

Now, when I delete an email from my "Inbox," it does NOT appear in my "Deleted Items" folder. It just seems to disappear. I did read many of the earlier posts and have tried the suggestions. I've gone to Tools>Options>Advanced>Maintenance - the "Empty messages from the Deleted Items folder on exit" is NOT checked. I've also gone to Current View "Show all messages" - that's identified/checked. Is there something else that I can do? I'd appreciate any suggestions. This is the first time I've used
the Discussion Group, so I hope that I'm doing this correctly.

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Desktop Icons Deleted, But Won't Disappear

Feb 16, 2010

I deleted some files off my desktop. The data was deleted, but the icons are still there. They now contain "0 bytes". I've tried deleting them, and I get an error message saying that the file cannot be found. I've tried refreshing my desktop. I've tried restarting. I've tried deleting in safe mode. I can't rename them, and I can't move them, because they "can't be found."

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Deleted Desktop Was Not Compatible Vista

Oct 25, 2009

Several months ago, I was attempting to install software that I didn't think to consider was not compatible with Vista. It was made for Windows XP, and I was deleting files on my C: Drive to make room. I accidentally deleted a file that took my desktop with it. Now, when I log on, to any user on the computer, there is a black screen with the "My Computer" window up. I've included a picture to show. Minimized windows are irrelevant. I'm just multi-tasking at the moment.

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Deleted My Recycle Bin Icon That Sits On The Desktop

Sep 19, 2009

I was trying to de-clutter my desktop and I got too happy. I accidentally deleted my recycle bin icon that sits on the desktop.

My question--is there any way I can get that back, or is it just gone?

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Deleted Temp Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I sent my temporary internet folder to the recycle bin and deleted it. There are no cookies in my view file on the control panel even after visiting sites. Is there any way to add a temporary internet folder that tracks cookies or are they being stored anywhere else?

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Folder Deleted After Reboot

Nov 21, 2008

Some times after I reboot vista (ultimate 64bit), random folders in C drive are deleted.

I already lost 4 games and 2 apps (~40 GB).

I think it's happening only after restart and only on C drive, but it's really hard to watch all (4) drives.

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Deleted Video Folder

Jun 6, 2009

How do i replace the video folder with one like the original.

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Deleted Items Folder

Aug 19, 2009

I have three Web based e-mail accounts. One of them is a good 'Google Mail' account. It is different to the other two accounts in the way that it does not have a 'Deleted Items Folder' as such. What the account contains is:

'Google Mail'
'All Mail'
'Sent items'

Recently I signed up to a Website to receive their news literature in the form of an e-mail. I have since undersubscribed to the Website so that they may not send me any more of their newsletter e-mails. I have three of their e-mails all in the row in the 'All Mail' folder. I have tried deleting all three of those e-mails and they disappear at first. When I go to another folder and then come back to the 'All Mail' folder, the three e-mails are back again. I have tried to get rid of them many times but every time I go back to this folder, they are come back again..........

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Deleted Items Folder?

May 29, 2008

I have right clicked on folder and selected "empty deleted items folder", but am unable to empty it in one click.I have to delete each item one at a time to empty folder,and obviously this takes some time,as the inevitable question " are you sure" appears before I am allowed to do this.Does anyone have the solution?

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Deleted Folder Cannot Be Cleaned

May 9, 2008

I have this problem that everything in my deleted folder stays, yet when i click on the message it gives an error that message cannot be displayed. I try to delete everything in the folder and nothing deletes. It's as if the message doesn't exist , yet it remains in the folder with the user, title, etc. I have over 1000 messages yet in my deleted folder.

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Cannot Delete From Deleted Items Folder

Jun 9, 2008

I know there are many threads on the above and have tried downloading the KB041090 fix. I do use 32bit Vista Home s/ware. However, it says that this programme fix is not applicable to my I also tried the 64bit patch and this gave me the same response. Everything was running just fine until about a week ago....

I do use Norton Antivirus, but it expired about a week ago and I have reinstalled it today - neither action seems to have made a difference to the fix issue. I currently have about 200 e-mails that I could do with getting rid of...

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Cannot Delete All The Items From Deleted Folder

May 31, 2008

1. I lost almost all of my contacts for no reason-I need to retrieve them!

2. I cannot delete all the items from my deleted folder. I've tried downloading off and when I do it I get a message "the update does not aply to your system".

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Deleted From Delted Items Folder

Jul 3, 2008

Can you restore a message once it has been deleted from deleted items folder?

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Deleted Junk Folder Emails

Sep 30, 2009

i accidently deleted folders that were part of the junk mail folder. where do these deleted junk mails go and how can i recover them?

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Deleting Mail In Deleted Folder

Mar 23, 2008

When I open an email in deleted mail folder I get the messaage "Message could not be displayed." At this point I cannot delete this email. The following message comes up when I try to delete this message "Windows mail encountered an un expected problem while displaying this message. Check your computer for low memory or low disc space and try again." How do I empty this folder?

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Cannot Purge Deleted Items Folder

Jun 10, 2009

Suddenly, the "empty deleted items" command no longer works. I cannot purge the entire folder. I can go through each item seperately, and delete it, but it is a slow process.

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Non-emptied Deleted Items Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I recently made a back up of all my Windows Mail folders. Looking through them, I was amazed to find that the Deleted Items folder still contains a copy of every single file that I had ever deleted. I had thought that once the preview screen showed "There are no items in this view" all the files would have been removed from the computer especially since the option to "Show All Messages" is selected. Is this a feature of Windows Mail or is there some setting somewhere that I need to tweak to avoid this? If I emptied the folder manually would this cause any problems?

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Cannot Delete Files From Deleted Folder

Mar 29, 2008

I'm running OL2007 on a Vista Ultimate machine. All has been well for the past year, but lately, I have run into the problem described below. It seems to happen most often when I address an e-mail to multiple recipients. It shows stuck in the outbox, although it appears that most of the time it does get sent. I often get a message to the effect that "Sent Items folder is full, delete some of the messages" (it doesn't have any more messages in it than usual, I purge them regularly).

Then, I find I can't delete the offending file. I get a simple "Folder is full" message. Also, I cannot delete any files from my deledted folder I now have 2090 files stuck in my deleted files, 6 emails stuck in my outbox. I cannot rely on sending any email from my home computer and now am relying on my lotus notes at work. I have contaced Dell - no help. I have observed all information in the discussion groups, The Intel IT people who are my neighbors have ried to address this. I am one of many experienceing this problem - even Intel staff have the same uncorrectable problem. Could Microsoft work on this issue ASAP as it is forcing me to use other email addresses and doesn't allow me to continue to work form home....

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Deleted Virtual Music Folder

Feb 28, 2009

I had a similar problem where two virtual music folders in $USERPROFILE% were created, but there was just one in C:\Users$USERPROFILE% I believe that this event occurred because I initially accidentally moved the music virtual folder in $USERPROFILE% to another area, and the 'MUSIC' link in the start menu located it there. However, at the time, since i have only been using Vista for 3 days now, i did not know that virtual folders existed. Thus, thinking that another music folder had been created, and was taking up space in my hard drive, I subsequently deleted the music folder. Consequently, the location of the music folder did not work, but when i tried to fix that up, two virtual music folders showed up in %USERPROFILE%, and only one appeared in C:\Users$USERPROFILE%. I thought this was a registry problem, and decided to take a look at: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionExplorerUser Shell Folders

I also looked at the shell folders as well. But, as I am not proficient in registry files, I did not do much except just check that the link for the music folder had not been tampered with, and was showing correctly, $USERPROFILE%Music. By the way, if i had deleted the virtual folder, it would delete the two folders in $USERPROFILE% and the single folder in C:\Users$USERPROFILE%. So, after deleting, relocating, and reading many posts, I believe that I fixed up the problem by following Dzomlija advice. I had also turned off 'Indexing'. So, i turned indexing on, and let the laptop run for the night. Then, i deleted the virtual music folder (there were 3), and rebooted. For some reason, Vista managed to recognise that the virtual folder was missing, and just created it, and my problem was fixed! Although I am still trying to understand Vista, I have learnt that it is not a great idea to always manually edit things.I have created this post because I do not want someone to spend 10 hours on fixing up virtual folders like me.

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Deleted Files Prefetch Folder

Jul 7, 2009

I recently deleted all the files in my prefetch folder? Now everything seems slower? Is this normal?, and will it speed up again?

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Restoring A Deleted FOLDER In Windows Mail...

Jan 18, 2010

I inadvertently deleted a Folder is there any way I can restore the folder and its contents? I do not have a backup of my mail.

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The... Folder Does Not Exist. The File May Have Been Moved Or Deleted

Jun 24, 2009

when i click on a file to delete it, it comes up with this ---> "The... folder does not exist. The file may have been moved or deleted."

I think I have deleted these files a while ago but when i search for them they show up
as 0 bytes.

I tried - creating a new folder with the same name and putting those files in and then deleting them, but doesn't work. I tried Hijack this and delete on reboot, can't open as file does not exist for deletion.

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Deleted Items Folder Empty Automatically

Jul 3, 2008

In OE6 my Deleted Items folder would empty automatically when I closed the programme. I cannot find that option anywhere in Windows Mail Tools - is there one?

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Emails Automatically Move To The Deleted Folder

Apr 12, 2008

my emails would get marked as read or automatically move to the deleted folder when deleted. Instead, they remain BOLD black until I exit the inbox THEN return. At that point, the messages are either marked as read or have been deleted. It is weird nothing was changed by me! The box "Mark as read" is set to 0 seconds and that never changed. It's annoying to have to click on EVERY message in order to get it read and then delete what I want, move to the next message, delete it, etc.......exit the folder, then return to it for the messages to be corrected.

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Cannot Empty Deleted Items Mail Folder

May 2, 2009

W0yJHA.4632@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl> it just does nothing when I got to click on that option, and if I tried to delete thing manually I often get a pop-up error message that simply says "an unknown error has occurred" Has this happened to anyone else and if so, does anyone have advice on how to fix it?

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