Cannot Receive E-mails,due To Account

May 31, 2009

I have windows mail. I have permanently deleted all old e-mails, but I still cannot receive e-mail due to 'user account is overquota'. what doI do?

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Cant Receive E Mails: Error Message "The Connection To The Server Has Failed. Account....."

May 28, 2008

For past week have not been able to receive e mails, though can send. I can get them on old laptop, running xp and I can log in to web base email. I have tried reloading accounts etc. The techies dont know why and say its nothing to do with the server. The error message each time is: The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Receive Mails Gmail In WindowsMail But I Don't Receive All My Mails

Apr 9, 2010

I try to receive my mails Gmail in WindowsMail but I don't receive all my mails.

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Unable To Receive Mails ...

Jan 21, 2010

I have a problem in receiving e-mail,using either Windows Mail,Opera or Thunderbird.I can receive mail sent by local users(just a few miles away)but anything else cannot be received.I have no problem in receiving all mail using Virgin Web Mail.I am assuming that I must be using the correct configuration,otherwise how can I be receiving any mail at all?Oddly,the local mail I am receiving is all sent by home users,whereas the missing mail all appears to be from commercial organisations-is this significant?

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Receive E-mails But Not Sending

Mar 24, 2008

My anti-virus is McAfee. I am able to receive e-mails but not sending them. I called my internet provider and they said the settings were fine and maybe something was blocking out-going e-mail. They asked me to contact McAfee, but all I got was on-line support which did a scan and said everything was fine. I still can't send e-mail. additional infos : I have a Google gmail account and I used it to send an e-mail to myself at my Windows Mail account. The e-mail was sent out OK. So, is that McAfee's problem or Windows Mail's problem?

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Can Receive E-mails But Cannot Send?

Mar 11, 2010

I can receive e-mails but cannot send. Error message is - The connecton to the server has failed. Subject 'Re', Account:'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port:25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number 0x800CCC0E

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Cannot Receive E-mails But Send

Mar 2, 2009

cannot receive emails in outlook express but I can send. Everytime I hit send/receive it goes through the motions then tells me that there are no new messages. I can check through the web and there will be several. I am not getting any error messages and have checked all settings and everything is in order. This started about 1 week ago. I'm running Windows Vista on a Toshiba Satellite computer.

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Able To Receive Mails But Can't Send

Mar 31, 2008

Error de conexi?n con el servidor. Asunto 'Re: Notas de Enric', Cuenta: 'patricia_garcia01-yahoo', Servidor: '', Protocolo: SMTP, Puerto: 465, Seguridad (SSL): S?, Error de socket: 10061, N?mero de error: 0x800CCC0E

Error de conexi?n con el servidor. Asunto 'Fw: Formulari rebut', Cuenta: 'cartaabiertafmysfc-yahoo', Servidor: '', Protocolo: SMTP, Puerto: 587, Seguridad (SSL): S?, Error de socket: 10061, N?mero de error: 0x800CCC0E

I am able to receive mails but very often i can't send those in the box to send out. Sometimes it takes more than 2 days to go out as now. Actually, two of them go out after one day waiting while others stay still in the box. I use windows mail [Version 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101_2205) ] and windows vista In Spain the use of Yahoo is free.

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Can't Receive Forwared E-mails

Mar 23, 2008

I can't receive forwared e-mails using windows mail. when I open the e-mail, the original e-mail isn't there and at the bottom of the e-mail it says "Note: Forwarded e-mail attached" however there is no attachement to the e-mail.

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Can Receive Not Send Mails

Mar 23, 2008

I can receive but not send. the message i get is below (i've deleted my email address for security. The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.

The rejected e-mail address was '' '' (emailkatiegould@). Account:'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '530 5.5.1 Authentication Required y34sm993081iky.6', Port: 465, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 530, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

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Cannot Receive Or Send E-mails

Mar 23, 2008

i cannot receive e-mails for some time and now cannot send e-mails and i do not know what to do. i have been on tools and just going around in circle's

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Can't Send Or Receive E-mails

May 27, 2009

A year ago when I bought my laptop with Windows Vista, Windows Mail worked well. Now I can't send or receive e-mails.

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Can Receive E-mails, Cannot Send

Apr 10, 2008

This is the error message I receive. I have Bullguard Protection and have wireless.

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Subject 'Re: we are what we eat', Account: 'BigPond Broadband Email', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

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Unable To Receive Mails

Feb 15, 2010

My windows mail is linked with my website and up until about a week ago it was receiving my website mail with no problems. I then received a welcome email from windows mail and ever since, I have not been receiving my mail. I have checked this by sending a message to my self from my hot mail account and as I thought, it didnt arrive. I did not select ption to leave copy of messages on my website email account so have no clue if clients are trying or have tried to email me.

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Can't Send Or Receive Mails And Disconected

Jun 30, 2009

I have yahoo plus and configured my vista mail, and i can't send or receive mails. It does not give me an error, it just start trying to send and then say disconected.

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Not Able To Receive Mails In Outlook 2007

Mar 23, 2008

I was using outlook 2003 initially and the mails were coming. Suddenly Incoming of mails stopped. (I think after some vista update) I installed outlook 2007 but the same problem continued. I tried windows mail and it is the same. I am able to send mail from all the three. I have uninstalled my firewall, antivirus and what not.

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Windows Mail Receive But Not Send E-mails

Mar 13, 2009

I've been using Windows Mail to for my wowway account for over and year and all of a sudden it just stopped letting me send E-mails. First when I tried to send an E-mail a Windows Mail pop up came on asking me to log into my account with username and password, which it has never asked me to do. I logged in and still nothing worked.Here are the error messages that I am getting Subject 'Fw: please read ',Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '250 8BITMIME', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 250, Error Number: 0x800CCC7D and The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Windows Mail Won't Send Or Receive E-mails

Jan 11, 2010

Windows Mail won't let me send or receive e-mails. When I try to sen I get "server unexpectedly terminated connection"

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Can't Send Or Receive E-mails: Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

May 17, 2008

I was able to fix one part with help from here but now I have another error message: Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): Yes, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F.

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Cant Receive Emails Or Import Outlook Account Info

Mar 28, 2008

I have an Outlook account on my old computer which ran Windows XP and i tried to switch it over to my new computer which runs vista. My first problem is that none of my mail or address book downloaded. i can get over that. But I cant receive any mail. I can send it though. Ive always had little quirky problems with Outlook but now it has a Vista twist. Here is that message I get:

Account: 'erica', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR authorization first', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

I have added Windows mail as an accepted program in Windows Firewall. I have unistalled Norton Virus. Ive removed the account twice and readded it. I have contacted support for Outlook, They say my anti virus program may need to be set up to accept Windows mail but I think Ive done that now by changing the Firewall. I read on here that maybe I should switch to a Windows live account but email address is a buisness account so can i just switch servers?

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Connot Send Or Receive E-mail: Error Message Stating: Connection To Server Failed Account, ''

Jun 28, 2009

i have been using windows e-mail forever, since the 6/22 i have not been able to send or receive. i get error message stating: connection to server failed account, '' ," protocol; pop3, port 995, secure (ssl): yes, socket error.10060, error number: oxooocc03 i have been reading other questions and answers and have tried most, downloaded regcure, nothing has worked.

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New Email Account: New AOL E-mail Account, Clicked 'Add E-mail Account' At The Bottom Of My 'Windows Live Account'

Aug 24, 2009

I have a Windows Live Mail account and a Yahoo account and they both show up on the left hand side of my Window Live Mail account so I can choose which account I want to use or, for example, which inbox to look in. At the bottom, also on the left hand side of my Windows Live Mail account, it shows 'Add e-mail account', which is what I want to do with a new 'AOL' account and I want it to show on the left hand side like the two other accounts.

So I made a new AOL e-mail account, clicked 'Add e-mail account' at the bottom of my 'Windows Live Account', then I put in my new AOL e-mail account and password where it showed me. Then I clicked next.

The next page was all about my email server. When I did this before with a new e-mail account, it was all filled out automatically for me, but this time, all the blanks were left open and I have no idea what to fill in. I believe once I have this information, the AOL e-mail account will automatically then show on the left hand pane of my Windows Live Mail account below the other two accounts.

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Admin Account Added Standard User Account Will Not Open

Mar 23, 2008

I use a admin account on my computer but when I added standard user account it will not open some web pages for example when I go to my yahoo mail it will show the email but when I click on it, it will not show any text, but when I use the administrator account the web page works fine, I can see and read all emails. Another example is when I go to and search under the standard user it comes up as a blank page but will show search results under the administrator account. I have windows vista home and 7.0 explorer.

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Removing Mail Account: Loose Email In Account?

Mar 23, 2008

If I remove a windows mail account will I lose all of the email in the account?

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Email Account Online Blank Account Hacked

Jan 24, 2010

My email account and online bank account was recently hacked so I'm absolutely freaked out and I'm terrified of using the internet to buy things/book holidays. I am running Vista home premium and my AV is Kaspersky (which has obviously failed to do its job). This is my Hijack this log file:is v2.0.2

Scan saved at 7:13:41 PM, on 24/1/2010
Platform: Windows Vista SP2 (WinNT 6.00.1906)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.6001.18865)
Boot mode: Normal
Running processes:
C:Windowssystem32 askeng.exe

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Windows Mail Account Don't Want New Account

Nov 10, 2009

Up until yesterday lunchtime my email inbox on Windows Mail (I have Vista) showed my old emails as well as my new mails. then suddenly all my old emails disappeared and I can only see new emails from yesterday lunchtime! my emails have vanished - how do I get them back? I use AOL - when I check my AOL via webmail i can still see the old emails so know they exist. so why have they disappeard from Windows Mail?

I have several folders set up on my AOL Windows Mail accont so don't want to have to set up a new windows mail account as I will lose allmy folders. And my account settings are set to "view all mail". even wehn I press "send & receive" none of my old inbox emails are being shown up.

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Gmail Account Not Retrun Account

May 15, 2010

my Gmail account has been comprimised yesterday They have changed the secondary email so I cannot just reset the password I have tried to fill out the form to regain control over your account but they declined to give me my account. I have filled it out as best as I can, but I cannot remember the dates that I set up (I have deleted the email that I got when I set up the account). I never use personal information with that email account, and I didn't really mind about it, but I have got accounts registered with other sites (VF, SF, EF etc.) on it. I have changed the emails and passwords on these sites, but I don't know if I have missed any websites. Is there any way that I can contact google (preferably by email) to sort out this?

I know people will try to say this to gain control over somebodies gmail account, but you can check my rep and posts, I am a truthful person. This is the email that Google sent me: Originally Posted by Google Thank you for your report. We've completed our investigation and cannot return your account at this time. We were unable to verify that you own this account based on the information you provided. If you can provide additional information to verify that you own this account, submit another report. Whether we can return access to this account depends on the strength and accuracy of your responses, so be sure to provide as much information as possible. If you're unsure about specific dates or information, provide your best guess.

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Mails Don't Sent

Feb 8, 2010

An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'silver wedding', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 you are not allowed to send mail to ', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC69

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Can't Get Any E-mails

Jan 31, 2010

I cannot get any E-mails to my laptop. Is there anything that i am doing wrong ?

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Apr 15, 2009


The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be
correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this
problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the
"I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining
the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.

The rejected e-mail address was ''. Subject 'teste',
Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server
Response: '553 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected:
DE ACESSO AO UOL.', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error
Number: 0x800CCC79

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Can't Send E Mails.

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to set my Windows mail up with my yahoo but a, struggling on the sending front.

I keep getting the following error message

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Read: Your new BT security
software: download information', Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket
Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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