Anyway To Stop Annoying Allow/Disallow Challenge

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Vista Bus. I have 1 program in my start-up group which seems to get challenged every day or so.Is there a way to stop that annoying "Allow/Disallow" Challenge? Also I have 1 website that when Protected mode is on causes IE7 to go totally nuts. It tries opening the page over and over and over again. Until I force all the
pages to close. It seems to only be that 1 page, I am also working w/Symantec on this b/c Norton360 likes turning it back on.

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Stop Those Annoying Registration Boxes That Won't Go Away

Feb 19, 2007

Have you recently installed a system utility or a productivity application such as Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Dreamweaver and have been bombarded with registration messages that pop-up every time your start the application? Even when you check the box and tell the application never to remind you ever again? 

This happens to me all the time and is very annoying.  The culprit of this problem is... you guessed it, UAC!

Your application keeps asking you to register because the registry key that it checks to see if you should still be harassed into registration is never getting set thanks to UAC. When I check the box or hit the Never remind me again button the registry write gets virtualized because the app tried to write to a part of the registry a standard user does not have access to.  This is a feature of UAC and it does a great job of redirecting the registry write so the application does not crash out. However, since the application is not aware of this virtualized write location it keeps checking the registry value of the key in the normal location.  Since the application has read only access to that location the key will keep getting virtualized every time you check the box and is why the registration boxes keep popping up.
How do you get out of this mess?  Real simple, just run the application as an Administrator ....

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The Next Challenge: X64 Crashes When Running With 4 Gig Of RAM

Jul 1, 2008

Firstly, thanks for all of the help and assistance with the installation questions. Here's the next problem :

My system does not want to run with 4 gigs of RAM. Since upgrading to the 64 bit version of Vista, I have not been able to get it to run using more than 2 gigs. When the full 4 gigs are installed, it will stall during the load up process, or only operate for a few minutes before locking up, which will then need a manual restart/reboot.

Just to rule out the possibility of a bad stick of memory, I have swapped the four sticks out/around, ran the memory test, and everything comes out fine. However, when the full load of 4 gigs is installed, the same thing happens - system crash. I've also installed all of the latest drivers and BIOS, but this seems to have no effect either.

Now, I'm not sure if this is a Vista problem, motherboard/RAM incompatibility issue, or what? I have consulted the motherboard manual to see if I could learn anything about the situation, but it's mostly incomprehensible to my non-techie brain.

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Chips Challenge: System File Missing

May 27, 2009

I Have a DOS game 'Chips Challenge' and i want to run it on Vista x86. But, when i try to run it, it says "C:WindowsSystem32AUTOEXEC.NT. This Required system file is missing. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." I try googling it and found program called 'DOSBox'. I installed it and follow the instruction to mount, etc. When i run CHIPS.EXE (the executable file for that game) on DOSBox, it says 'This Program Requires Microsoft Windows'.

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Weird Little But Annoying Problem

May 15, 2010

specs first: Acer Aspire 5315 (-2326) with Intel Celeron CPU processor and Vista Home Basic (32 bit).

Why would my desktop items suddenly move around whenever I reboot? I'm not talking about program/file icons but rather the clock and calender on the right hand side of my desktop. It's a section I never touch--just a clock, calender, and image of the month (photo for calender). Now, suddenly, when I start up the computer, these things appear on top of one another or rearranged. It's odd, but irritating to me now. I can find no mention of this anywhere online. Some people have issues with rearranged icons, etc., such as in vertical vs. horizontal rows, etc. etc. But not random movements of utilities, etc. Anyway. Any suggestion would help.

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Annoying Windows Installer!

May 24, 2009

I removed an old copy of Word (XP Professional) in preparation for theinstallation of Office Home. Now, whenever I do almost anything,the windows installer keeps popping up, looking for the XP Pro disk (andPRO.MSI in particular.)

I can no longer locate that old XP disk, and now I cannot install the newversion! I tried removing some references to Office 10 in the registry,but that didn't help. How can I remove the constant "nagging" and install the new software?

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Annoying Disk Access

Apr 7, 2009

Every second or so my disk access light on the pc flashes - Windows XP Premium SP1. I have tried every tool I can think of to try and find out why but I am at a loss. This is my fourth install and on the first 2 this didnt happen. I have switched off everything I can think of that may be causing this (prefetch, defender, indexing etc) bit it still goes on. Is there any way I can track down what is happening? Vista was installed 7 days ago.

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Spam - Harmful Or Just Annoying?

Jun 11, 2009

There are emails that are not getting through to my computer. I suspect it is McAfee Total Protection's Anti-Spam. It is set to its lowest level. There is an Anti-Spam folder, but they don't go there either. My ISP (Roadrunner) is set to send all emails to me, so it is not them. We are very careful computer users and do not open attachments. How dangerous would it be to disable the Anti-Spam?

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Mail Addresses And Password Request Annoying

Jul 29, 2009

I use 2 mail addresses and lately from time to time (not everytime) WM asks for password validation. It takes time and is annoying. after validtaion it works OK until next time. (give me back the old outlook express which ran fast and trouble free)

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Annoying Pop-up Windows, Set Password, Activate Parental Controls

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista Ultimate. Every time I turn on my computer, little pop up windows tell me to set a password as a way to activate Parental Controls. HOWEVER, I do not need Parental Controls - I am the only user of the computer and I have not activated the Guest Account or created any other user account. And I do not want to give a password to myself? How can I stop these annoying pop up windows from popping up EVERY time I turn on my computer?

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Ultimate: Disabling Annoying System Tray Warnings

Mar 30, 2009

I'm on Vista Ultimate, how can I disable the annoying warning alerts that pop up from system tray?

for example:
-- "this device can perform faster" (doesn't even tell you what device..)
-- Java update available.
-- user account warning
-- and all other annoying warnings
I want to disable all these warning alerts,

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Turn Off The Annoying User Account Control Feature Without Vista Telling That You Have Turned It Off

Mar 23, 2008

How can you turn off the annoying User Account Control feature without Vista telling that you have turned it off, and having an icon in the system tray telling you that it is turned off?

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MS Cannot Stop XP

Mar 31, 2008

Will XP's 'execution stay' for emerging markets apply to other countries? Posted by Mary Jo Foley Speculation continues to swirl as to when and whether Microsoft will extend the June 30, 2008, cut-off date on which many PC makers will be expected to cease bundling Windows XP with new PCs. But some pundits seem to have forgotten that when Microsoft initially granted Windows XP five more months to live, back in 2007, the company left itself a loophole. (And I don't mean just the early 2009 cut-off date it granted white-box vendors/system builders). Late last year, Microsoft officials said that vendors preloading Windows on PCs aimed at "emerging markets" wouldn't have to stop selling Windows XP until 2010.

From Microsoft's September 27, 2007, press release: "(S)ince some of the systems that ship in emerging markets don't meet the requirements for Windows Vista, we will be extending availability of Windows XP Starter Edition to June 30, 2010. This will allow our OEM partners who sell PCs in emerging markets more opportunity to offer genuine Windows licenses."............

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Redirecting Won't Stop

Oct 7, 2009

Whenever I try to go to GMAIL the tab starts rapidly moving from "gmail"to "connecting" to "redirecting", and this moves very fast and continues until I manage to re start. How can I fix this ? I created a new user and I can Access GMAIL there but it's a pain to switch users just to access vista 32 bit, google home page, gmail is default.

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How Can I Stop IE8 From Updating?

Jul 29, 2009

I use Firefox and I would like IE8 to stop showing up as a critical update.

Here is a screen shot of the update options Window.s When I uncheck the box I can't continue - the continue button is grayed out.I would like to keep Auto Update on, but I don't want IE8 to install.

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Stop These Alerts?

Mar 23, 2008

I may choose not to do this full time... but how do I disable the security alerts that Vista displays when I start programs or change settings?

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Background To Stop Or End

Mar 23, 2008

Has anybody here used the program EndItAll 2 with Vista? I was thinking about installing it to end background tasks & such in order to play my games. Since Vista is such a resource hog, thought this might help with the performance of my game. I don't know which programs or anything that is running in the background to stop or end so thought this program "End It All" might help.

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How Stop IE 8 Notification

Jun 28, 2009

I downloaded and am using IE 8. A few times a week, however, I get that half screen pop up from microsoft telling me that I should update. I received my IE8 through automatic update. Any way to stop this harassment?

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HDD Led Runs Non Stop

Apr 17, 2009

Why is is so that ever since I have been running Vista Ultimate my HDD led runs almost non stop. I have disabled Superfetch, Indexing and Defrag just to name a few in a vain attempt to track down why this happens. It appears to be normal with some but not all Vista installations. Before Vista came along this sort of activity would ring alarm bells. The System and Performance monitor shows it is updating system files but why does it need to do it 100% of the time. Hard drives are NOT built with a 100% duty cycle in mind. I need some knowledgable person who knows the complete answer to this problem.

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How To Stop Search?

Mar 20, 2010

Xp had a button to STOP searches. In Vista how do you do that, I can't find any such button. Clicking on the X is no option as it kills the app. What to do?

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IE 7 Vs IE 8 Stop Working

Aug 12, 2009

Am having problem w/IE8 stop working...then have to restart. How do I go back to IE 7? Install 7 / uninstall 8?

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Stop An Email Being Sent?

May 11, 2009

How do I stop an email whilst the computer is trying to send it? Mail say it is sent, but I can see the icon on the tool bar of the message going out. I can tell it will be rejected, and sometimes it will try to send for several minutes, slowing down my internet. How do I just tell it to stop?

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RAID 1 To Stop?

May 7, 2008

I installed Vista recently doing a fresh install. When i did it, it only had 1 drive visible when i have 2 of the same drives. In my bios i do not have the drives turned on to RAID i just have them in their naitive modes. I installed Vista and now it set up a RAID 1 all by itself. Has my C Drive as MIRROR[0][2] SCSI Disk Device. Now i want to stop this so i can use the other drive. Can i do this with out a reinstall? Or what would happen if i whipped on drive then plugged it back in , would this clear the other as well?

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Uptime Stop?

Apr 14, 2008

Does anyone happen to know if Vista still has that old 49 day limit bug when counting uptime?

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Turned UAC Off Stop

Apr 20, 2009

I turned my UAC off so I would stop having to tell it OK to open the program. When I did it completly stopped letting me open the program so I turned it back on. Now it asks me for permission to open the program but still won't open the program. Anyone know how to get the UAC to work properly again?

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HD Stop Working

Oct 12, 2008

The picture explains all.

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HP Update: To Stop Asking?

Jun 26, 2009

lower right corner of monitor, about a 2" square opens with HP Update and says "would you like HP Update to check for software and driver updates now?" There is nowhere to click on the box, and it won't close without restarting. I can move it around by dragging, but can't remove it.

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Stop My Monitor From Sleeping?

Apr 11, 2009

when i leave my computer on untouched my monitor sleeps. then i shake the mouse or hit a button it says Digital Input and turns back on. Can i stop my monitor from sleeping?

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Stop Running This Script Msg

Apr 11, 2009

Just started getting a msg after trying to open something from doing a google search saying.

stop running this script.

A script on this page is causing internet explorer to run slowly

If it continues to run,your computer may become unresponsive.

If i then put the adrress in manually i can go to the page no problem. i have checked disable script debugging and still get the msg

Its starting to do my head in now.

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E-mail Stop Working

Jun 7, 2009

I have windows vista bought it 6 months ago, used windows mail from the start it has now stopped working, also have Mcafee antivirus, stopped receiving mail, looks like mail is sent but does not get there.

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Microsoft Stop The Clowns

Jun 27, 2008

Microsoft bashers , that right you know who you are . You people are sad. I never before seen such a bunch of low life to spend your time bashing Microsoft. Every company has its fault but with all its fault you seem to spend your time bashing them , you guys are true clowns. What make me laugh is all the free time you have wasting away . Why don't you try to use your wasted mind on creating a operating system . This way instead of bashing Microsoft you can bash yourself as to how stupid you really are. GET A LIFE AND GET OFF THIS NEWSGROUP CLOWN. Microsoft why can't you block there isp. Or give MVP the power to delete them . Either way something needs to be done to these morons. Clowns >>> like I care for your opinion

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