Wild Array Of Web Page Type Sizes

Oct 28, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate 64X and I've managed to do this to myself before. The only computer around when I grew up was Univac and I've never come close to catching up. Bottom line is that every web page I open including my igoogle home page has a wild array of different sized type. I've messed around with the zoom controls but haven't been able to get everything back to normal.

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Screenshots Started Appear And Build Reportedly Wild

Jul 12, 2009

Windows 7 build 7600 and Windows Server 2008 R2 build 7600 screenshots have started to appear and the build is reportedly in the wild.

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Alternative Browser: Concerning The Internet Explorer - New Zero-Day Exploit In-the-wild?

Dec 13, 2008

Concerning the Internet Explorer - New Zero-Day exploit in-the-wild, besides applying the workarounds advised, I've also seen it recommended to maybe use an alternative browser until this has been fixed. I've only ever used IE7 and would like some advise please on which other browser I could use on Vista that would be the most secure. I've been looking at Opera, Firefox and maybe K-melon or Google Chrome, but from a security point of view, don't know which to choose.

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Cannot Activate Windows After RAID Array

Feb 15, 2009

I recently formatted my hard drive so I could set up a RAID array. Windows Vista is now asking me to activate it again, but it wont accept my product key because it says it is an upgrade edition. I already upgraded from Windows XP to Windows Vista, I don't know why it wont accept the key. Is there anything I can do?

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Multiple Desktops, Nested Array Of 'Desktop'

Mar 14, 2009

The problem is that he has many many desktop folders. Under his user folder he has a Desktop folder. Click on that and there's a folder called Desktop. Click on that and another. This goes on and on for perhaps 30+ times. Worse there is another called Desktop1, with a nested array of 'Desktop' folders below. Worse still Windows Vista won't let you delete any of these because their filenames are too long. It won't let you move their location either to condense/combine them for the same reason. I don't know when the problem started or why.

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Reinstall Vista Raid Array Get Rid Of The Boot Loader Option

Nov 3, 2007

I have a less than simple couple questions. Background,Dual boot PC (XP and Vista),No longer need XP as I am happy with Vista.XP is installed to a raid array of 2 80Gb SATA HD Vista is installed to an IDE HD,

1) What I want to do Reinstall Vista to the raid array Get rid of the boot loader option that asks XP or Vista at start up Want a clean install of Vista on the raid when done, not really interested in executing an upgrade
2) Concerns I have several media licenses (wma's from Walmart Music Store) on Vista on the IDE drive.,Questions for the group ,Could you tell me the best way to do #1,Can the windows easy transfer keep the media licenses or do I have to go through Wal-Mart to get the licenses reactivated? Or are there other options for the licensing of the WMAs

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Hotmail: Page Opens From An Already Open Internet Explorer Web Page

Oct 21, 2007

When I open hotmail from windows live messenger, the page opens from an already open internet explorer web page + a new one with a message saying that the email address or password is incorrect. Does it happen to anyone else here?

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Font Sizes

Apr 8, 2009

I don't know if anyone can help me, but I was wondering something. I just got this laptop 7 months from a friend. I was wondering why the smallest font size on this thing is only 8? Is there anyway to add any font sizes smaller than 8. I need at least a 6. It is this way for every font. And i have the same problem on my desktop and it's still XP. If anyone could shed some light on this, I'd be grateful. Thanks.

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Font Sizes Had Grown By At Least 100%

May 30, 2008

I am really tired of Vista deciding what it wants to do with no input from me. This time all the font sizes in the display windows decided to grow larger. It was fine when I turned off the PC, but when I turned it on the next day all the font sizes had grown by at least 100%. I tried to change the size of the font, but that did not work. In reality I would like to get rid of Vista and go back to XP--there I didn't have to worry what it was thinking up to do today

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Icons Sizes Are A Problem

Mar 23, 2008

In Vista icons size (Taskbar, Explorer) are a problem. They are too small or too large.
Only desktop icons size is customizable at will.How can I set OTHER icons sizes in Vista?

In Windows XP I can set simply the wanted sizes editing 2 strings in the registry key:

HKCUControl PanelDesktopWindowmetrics

Shell Icon Size (for big icons)

Shell Small Icon Size (for small icons)

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Backup Folder Sizes?

Mar 23, 2008

My external 500gb drive is being used for both Vista File Backup and Complete PC Backup. It says I now have only 70gb free on the drive? I'm puzzled on the disk usage. My file backups go into a folder under the PC-Name folder called Backup Set 2007-08-05 230745 but the folder properties says it has 0 bytes usage in 33 folders. I've been doing a scheduled file backup once a week since August 5, 2007. Now my Complete PC Backup is under WindowsImageBackupPC-NameBackup 2008-01-03 052342 and the folder properties says it is using 91gb with 10 files inside. There are no other Backup folders under WindowsImageBackup, just a Catalog folder taking 24kb of space.

I'm wondering where the remaining used space is at? I tried changing folder view options to show hidden and system folders but they don't account for the missing space. I wanted to delete a bunch of the old File Backups to make room for more Complete Backups. I'm getting an error when trying to start a Complete PC Backup saying there is not enough space on the drive? The File Backup still works.

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Aug 22, 2009

You wouldn't waste money if you install 4GB REGARDLESS of Windows (starting
w/Vista) or hardware (starting w/post-2006) you have, but you can do more,
read my article:

As you know from Electrical Engineering basics, theoretical memory space is
defined by the address bus width. In a binary system it's simply 2^N where
N is the address width.
In plain English:
If your Windows is 32-bit it can theoretically manage 2^32 = 4GB.
If your hardware (e.g. Intel945 chipset?) is 32 bit but Windows is 64 bit,
or hardware is 64bit but Windows is 32 bit it's still 4GB as obviously the
lower address width limits the system, and disregards 64 bit elsewhere.

The practical numbers are somewhat different:

a) Windows 32-bit claims a whopping 0.75GB for itself ("untouchable" by
you - the user) due to I/O overhead in a 4GB memory space leaving you with
ONLY 3.25GB of usable memory
Too long to explain but just accept it as a fact - almost a Gigabyte is
eaten by the BIOS, I/O, etc. memory addresses your applications cannot use.

b) On the upside you can go over 4GB EVEN in a 32-bit Windows if this
Windows is a Server, and not a Client version.
There's a 99.9% chance you running a Client and not Server Windows, so your
usable memory is therefore:

3.25GB But I don't know exactly what Win version you run, so you can
calculate by understanding this article, i.e if you're so advanced as to
have Windows SERVER edition, then even in 32-bit configuration it can "page"
more than 4GB.

How much did you pay for 4GB and how much WOULD you pay for 3GB?

The $dollar difference as of September2009 is NOT worth any regret.
You'd lose pennies, stop worrying & have at least 4GB. Also better if you
install memory modules "symmetrically" which, as a consequence, also means
you'd have an even number of memory units.

In plain English, it's better to install two modules 2GB+2GB = 4GB, than
2GB+1GB = 3GB which is assymetric, although such may not longer be of any
importance for new computers, in the past it was an issue. Still I
recommend not to play with assymetry for DDR2 memory, I don't know about
DDR3 and this example covers 4GB. You might have 4GB+4GB=8GB for example,
for 64-bit Windows AND 64-bit hardware as a requirement.

Why would anyone need 8GB?

Well, I even need MORE - 16GB for CAD/Engineering & Graphics design work, so I can lots of memory running heavy-duty engineering simulations.

Plus it stimulates industry (but hurts environment)

So memory space is defined by 3 factors:

OS bit width

Hardware bitwidth

Whether your Windows addressing is using virtuial/paging/etc to bypass
normal addressing limted to 2^N - i.e. is it a regular Win Client or Server,
and how much your Windows wastes for itself (overhead)
Just get 4GB and be done with it.

BUT IF YOU NEED 1GB+1GB MODULES = 2GB of laptop, DDR667 speed memory, let me
know - I can ship for free (you just pay shipping by Post Office in USA or
abroad), I removed them and replaced with 8GB on my laptop.

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Keeping Folder Sizes Constant

Jul 7, 2008

Is there anyway that I can keep folder sizes to remain constant? For example, in my documents folder, I like the folders to be large, however at times they will be small or in list view. Is there anyway to set the size to remain large no matter what?

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Fonts Sizes And Dpi Settings To Optimise The Display

Mar 2, 2009

At some point in the far distant past I was playing around with fonts sizes and dpi settings to optimise the display for my father. I have done something that causes the shutdown options icon (the blue arrow point on the start menu bar) to be "chopped off" so to speak and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to resize it. The attached screenshot explains it more clearly.

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Windows Explorer Not Folder Sizes Show

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way of doing this in My Computer &/or Windows Explorer? Windows has always shown file sizes, but NOT FOLDER SIZES unles you right click for the pop out menu, then click Properties. This is too time consuming for me. All I want to do is find which folders are using up so much HDD space so I can then go in & delete the culprit files. If Windows won't allow this simple request, is there some 3rd Party Utility available?

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Fonts And Sizes And Colored Backrounds Online

Mar 12, 2010

I'm having some trouble with my desktop and web browser fonts. See how the letters are misshapen, most noticeably the 6. My desktop fonts are also too bold when I boot up, which I can fix by changing the theme (every time I boot up) this fixes all the windows fonts but web browsing stays in this annoying misshapen style which makes reading hard with certain fonts and sizes and colored backrounds online.

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Does Not Calculate Folder Sizes Correctly ? Huge Discrepeancy...

Dec 14, 2007

If I open Windows Explorer, it shows the following:

1)Root (see all drives): Drive C: - 46.2 out of 58.9 GB free = 12.7GB

2)Right-click on "Drive C:", "Properties": Used Space = 12.6GB

3)Open Drive C:, mark all files/folders, "Properties": Size = 16.7 GB

the 100MB difference between 1+2, and b) the unbelievable 4GB difference between 1+3? All hidden and system files are visible. This is a fresh install with only Outlook and a few small system progs. System: Vista x64 SP1 RC

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Keeping Open Window Sizes Viewable Area

Mar 23, 2008

When I open a folder that contains a large number of files they are off the "viewable" window area. I end up having to use the handles to resize the window so I can see all my files. When I close the window and reopen it, it has reverted back to the small size and I have to resize it again. This doesn't happen on my XP machine a home. Is there a way to make the resized window remain the size I need it? Or is this a quirk of Vista?

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Recommendations On Relative Partition Sizes On 500GB Hard Drive?

May 12, 2008

I'm going to get a new desktop with XP installed. I have a copy here of Vista Home Premium and I'd like to set up a dual boot. From reviewing everything I can find online, I think I can handle that. Eventually, I expect I'll migrate over to Vista most of the time. When I partition to install Vista, I understand I'll be creating a new drive letter. Any recommendations on relative partition sizes on a 500GB hard drive? But ... something I've not been able to locate is whether, once I install Vista and then install Office 2007, presumably under Vista, whether I'll be able to access Outlook, Excel, etc. from either OS - will I be able to open my Outlook 2007 if I boot into XP? Will one version of my browser run from either OS?

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Cannot Type In Textboxes

Apr 13, 2008

I did a fresh install of Vista, and a stange problem has cropped up. I stated to re-install my programs, everything on C: by default when on without a hitch, but I want to install my games on E:. When I go to change the field, I select the text box and the program will crash. So I closed it down and tried again, same thing. So I opened Firefox, and it does the same thing, try to type a URL in and FF locks up. The keyboard works as I can type in my password at the beginning of Vista and if I press num lock for example it toggle on/off. My impression of Vista now is terrible, because now my computer is unusable. Does anybody know how to fix this?

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Email 'box' Moves When I Type

Oct 6, 2009

Whether I reply to someone's email or I create a new email, the scroll bar moves by itself either up or down while I'm typing in the message area - not just one or two lines. For instance I'll just begin typing an email and all of a sudden I'm at the bottom of the page. (Actually, it just did it now as I'm typing this). This happens all the time. Is there something that can be done about this?

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IE 7 Will Close Down If I Type In The Search Bar

Apr 4, 2010

I cannot pinpoint the exact date this first started happening, mainly because I use Firefox for most of my browsing. There are however some sites out there that still do not like Firefox.So on the rare occasion I am forced to use IE, I click on the icon IE opens, the second I try and type in the search bar it shuts down. I have tried upgrading to IE 8 and the same problem still exists.I have run my anti virus and also superANTIspyware, to make sure no nasties have made there way in. They both come up clean.Also if I get an email, that has a URL attached, I can click it open (IE is still mydefault browser), and it will take me to the page.But once again the second I try and type something into the search bar wham its gone. and if I try to use ctrl it disappears also.It never used to do this, I have to date tried :-

Upgrading to IE 8 (no difference)RED BACK TO 7
Reset all the defaults (no difference)
Been to this site How to fix Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close The first one works when i try regsvr32 wintrust.dll I get an error.The odule "wintrust.dll" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005. do not know whether this is relevant or not, but I do not have MSN installed.

regsvr32 softpub.dll
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dl1

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Can Not Type Korean Language

May 19, 2008

I added Korean as other input language on Vista home premium system. I do see korean language bar appeared on my screen, but it won't just let me type in korean.

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Always Ask Before Opening This Type Of File

Oct 9, 2009

I was installing a .msi file. I double clicked it, and my cat jumped on my keyboard. This unchecked the "always ask before opening this type of file" box, and I clicked continue, not realising until I clicked it. how do I make it ask me again? This option was from running it, off of my desktop. This is to do with Windows Installer

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Fastest DSL Connection Type?

Nov 26, 2009

I have Verizon DSL with their supplied DSL Modem. The computer can be connected to the moden via an Ethernet cable, USB or Wireless. It use to be in past years Ethernet was the fastest internet connection. Is that still true when compared to USB, and now USB 2 and Wireless?

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Type The Character "

Apr 10, 2008

I'm having trouble with this key: " I'm working in microsoft word and I want to type the character above but its showing some other character.

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ISO File Type Association?

Jun 19, 2009

I have Virtual CD installed on my computer and it was handling .iso files and a very useful feature it had, it caused some options to appear in the context menu of the file (i.e. right clicking on the file) to be able to directly insert the .iso file into a virtual drive. But then I installed WinRAR and regretfully (!!!) I chose WinRAR to associate with .iso files ... and I lost those useful options in the context menu.

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What Type Of Backup Does Perform?

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Busines on my laptop. I'm using the built-in back up tool to back up my laptop onto my home NAS device. I'm using apporx. 50B of my hard disk space on my laptop and each back up job seems to be around 1GB. When I go through the wizard, Vista never asked me whether I wanted to do a full or incremental back up. Can anyone tell me whether Vista is performing full or incremental backups? Does each backup job stand alone or do they need previous back ups in case I want to restore something?

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Can't Save Any Type Of File

Mar 17, 2009

I can't save any type of file. I click save or save as and nothing at all happens. If I close a spreadsheet and it ask if I want to save, I can click on yes and still nothing happens. Right clicking on a picture to save as, nothing happens.

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Use To Creat HCR File Type

Mar 19, 2009

what program do you use to create or read a .hcr file?

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"Logical Drive 0" And "RAID-0" Array

Jul 6, 2009

I just installed Vista Ultimate (64-Bit) on my Qosmio G35-AV660. Problem is this, it is now seeing both my HDDs as one in a "Logical Drive 0" and "RAID-0" array. Instead of 2-120gb drives I now have one 214gb drive. I want to return to separate HDDs "C" "D" w/out RAID. I have tried booting from the Vista installation disc, and when it asks for raid driver, I install and it still only shows the "one" drive and not separate drives.

I also went into the bios screen at start up and it shows the separate drives with same RAID array, and wasn't able to change it. I tried the changes available, but it continues to reset itself and boot normally. I understand I will need to reinstall the os after RAID is removed. If I remove the second drive while doing a clean install, will it force it back to non raid, and then I can reinstall the second drive after the new install? Or is there a better way?

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