Vista Setting Backup Software

Apr 2, 2008

Are there any good third party programs for doing Vista setting backups. In Xp I used backup genie. I don't care about files. that one can do manually But things like sound schemes, appearance, internet explorer setting, windows live mail, folder setting ect ect...

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Vital Setting Restore Full Vista Backup

Sep 14, 2009

I'm using a combination of the Vista backup to do a complete backup of my OS and applications (for emergency restore) and another backup tool to handle my data. My OS is on C: and my data on D: (and other drives). query is that C: will contain application settings/data - for example if I write actions in Photoshop they will be stored under the user application data subdirectory or if I create a DOT template for Word it will be stored under the hidden data directories for Word.

I want to be sure that I am backing up all of the vital application data/settings so that I can either restore just those or in an emergency can restore my full Vista backup (done weekly) and then restore the application data (which I want to backup daily). I've searched this set of forums and elsewhere to find something that lists which subdirectory tree(s) I need to ensure that I have backed up (and I guess I'll need to do a registry backup too each day just in case settings are stored there). I can't find such a list. Does anyone know of a document that details what the vital stuff to backup is?

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Change The Backup Time And Save This Setting?

Mar 23, 2008

I already have my backup settings configured, but wish to go in and change the backup time. How do I change the backup time and save this setting WITHOUT starting a new backup?

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Complete PC Backup Of My System Onto An External USB HDD Using The Backup Facility In VISTA Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

I did a complete PC backup of my system onto an external USB HDD using the backup facility in VISTA Ultimate. When I went to do a complete PC restore I am told form the Help info on VISTA Ultimate to restart my computer, push F8 and choose the 'repair' option to run the restore. WHen I do this I get the safe mode options, debugging mode etc etc but there is no 'repair' mode. How do I get to the repair mode??

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Can Vista Backup Be Set To Continue The Existing Backup Onto An Additional Drive

Jun 30, 2008

I have a 720GB internal drive that I've maxed out with automated weekly backups. I have another drive with a lot of space, and my question is, can Vista backup be set to continue the existing backup onto an additional drive. In other words, the backup files would be spread over two drives?

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Windows Mail Folders: Backup Mail, Not Using Vista Backup

Feb 15, 2009

I've moved from Outlook Express on my XP desktop to Windows mail on my Vista laptop. I plan on moving to Outlook on both computers, but not until I get this folder thing straightened out. I was able to import my OE mail into Windows Mail ok. Then I had a hard drive failure on my laptop. I had backed up my mail files and I was able to restore my Windows Mail ok.

I had several "Recovered Folders", but they included everything. I moved all of my folders out of the recovered folders and placed them once more under the Inbox. Then I deleted the empty recovered folders.

Now I want to backup my mail, not using the Vista backup, but with a third party. So when I go into my Windows Mail folder in Windows Explorer, I find all of the "recovered folders" are still there. Now they're listed as Local Folders. I can't find the configuration of my folders as I see them in Windows mail at all. I have a "Backup" folder with a "new" folder inside of it with a windows file that is unopenable.

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Can Not Find Setting Vista Registry

Jul 29, 2009

My company has a fax shared on one of the 2003 servers. When I print to this fax server in Windows XP the Fax Wizard walks me thru all the necesarry screens and remembers my Delivery Notification settings, i.e. whether I want a notification, the email address I want the notification sent to and the attach a copy of the fax to the notification.

All of these settings I can find in the XP Registry at HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftFaxUserInfoReceiptEMail(dword), ReceiptAttachFax(dword) and ReceiptAddress(string). However, I cannot find these same settings in Vista Registry. I can set these each time I send a fax in Vista under ToolsOptions, but it is a pain to have to set these everytime I send a fax in Vista. Where can I find the equivalent Vista Registry values?

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Running Vista 32bit Setting

Oct 3, 2008

Just a quick question about the paging file.. I recently added more ram to my comp (im running vista home edition 32bit) my total ram is 2.5gb - what should i set my min and max paging file to now? After checking the web out, i now know how to access the settings for this procedure but am unsure of the min and max settings for the amount of ram i now currently have...

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Monitor Speakers Not Vouleme Setting On Vista

Oct 29, 2008

I recently started to use the monitor speakers - previously had the monitor volume turned right down. There is an annoying medium-high pitched hum thru. the speakers. The volume of the hum varies with the volume on the monitor, not the volume settings on Vista. Detaching the 3.5mm sound lead ( DVI lead attached )reduces the hum considerably. Detaching the DVI lead (sound lead attached ) removes the hum. Using VGA lead makes no difference. Have tried different sound drivers, different video drivers, reinstalled the o/s - makes no difference.

As the hum seems to be travelling down the DVI/VGA lead, tried a different graphics card ( with passive heatsink - no fan ) - makes no difference. Took the side off the pc and can just discern the same hum if I get my ear in the right place - from inside the pc. Detached the rear fan - no difference. Detached the mobo fan - no difference. The only thing left is the psu - could the fan noise/vibration be traveling via the graphics card to the monitor ?

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Resetting C-drive Allocations To Default Setting In Vista

Jan 15, 2010

To prepare for a dual boot installation (Vista / Ubuntu) I had to allocate space on my C-drive using Vista's 'Disk Management' and 'Shrink Volume' features. Unfortunately, in the process of making the allocation, I mistakenly allocated 40 MB instead of 40 GB. Went back into 'Shrink Volume' to correct the allocation but it apparently cannot increase space. Also tried 'Extend Volume', no luck there either (or maybe I just don't understand how it works). For what it's worth, here's my current C-drive allocations.

144.81 GB NTFS
40.00 MB Unallocated (reserved for Ubuntu) (this is what should have been 40GB)
75.29 GB Primary Partition
3.24 GB Primary Partition
9.49 GB NTFS

I should also mention that I already have Ubuntu installed, so this is actually a re-installation to solve a connection problem I'm having with Ubuntu.

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Backup Vista Before Crashes

Feb 6, 2007

Back it all up: The Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions of Windows Vista include the Complete PC Backup feature. It allows you to save an image backup of your system drive (and, optionally, other drives as well), which you can restore in a matter of minutes if you need to recover from a hardware failure or a software mess. Data file backups: Windows Vista gives its new Backup utility star billing. For Home Basic and Home Premium editions, you can choose file-based backups based on file types and save your selection for reuse. Back up on a schedule: The final step of the Backup program encourages you to create a schedule for automated backups. The first one you create is a full data backup; subsequent runs are incremental, backing up only files that are new or changed since the last backup. There ya go. Backup your vista before it crashes!

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Pc Complete Backup Not Available Vista

May 10, 2008

I am looking for a means to create system backup of my Vista Home premium version in case I shall ever have to reinstall the system, for instance on a new harddisk. The backup help on my system tells me that the tool for this task is a "PC Complete backup", but also that this is not available on Vista home versions. Apparently this system backup must be burned on a CD (or DVD), but where can I find a utility that does just that?

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Vista Backup And Restore

Oct 15, 2009

Running Vista Home 64 going to upgrade to 7 professional. I understand that I will have to reinstall everything. My question is if I am using the vista backup and restore once I have completed the 7 install will I be able to restore my files with 7 even though it was originally backup up with vista or do I need to manually copy all my files onto an external drive instead of relying on the vista backup?

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Backup Vista Restore Os

Oct 14, 2009

If I download Macrium Reflect and backup my OS (Vista), will I be able to restore the entire OS back to Vista, after trying Windows 7, but prefer Vista?

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Vista Backup Machine

Mar 5, 2010

Just installed Vista Home Premium x64 on my backup machine and all went well. The next day I installed Nero BackItUp Burn on the same machine and it said at the outset it needed to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable to continue so I clicked O.K. and the program went in and worked just fine. No problems with Vista so I went on to install the 51 updates, SP1 and SP2 and all was still fine. Went into Control Panel to Programs and Features to view the list and found two instances of Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable one on the day Vista was installed, and one the next when Nero BackItUp was installed. My question is do I need both of these files as they appear to be the same? I checked my primary machine same OS and it only has one instance of this file.

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Chaning Setting Control Pannel, Power Setting : Registry Resets Not

Jun 22, 2008

It has happened occasionally, but with no predictability that I can see. I change settings in control pannel / power settings / balanced to 10 min for monitor and never for computer. I check the "advanced settings" to assure that they are the same. I use balanced because that seems to be the default in the registry. I do not see the actual settings in the registry. Every so often Vista resets the settings back to 20 min for the monitor. I have looked at but it speaks of "System Settings page" - I don't know what that is. In any case, my settings have no effect and I can't get the monitor to dependably go to standby after 10 minutes.

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Restore Vista And Have A Backup Machine

Jul 6, 2009

I have a HP Pavillion M8150N with a quad core 2.4, (2)320 drives, upgraded to 4gbram (that was a waste) ... and ... its a great machine. I bought it 18 months ago and it fixed every problem I had with my old celeron 1.7 machine. I bought a project pavillion M9040N desktop box with no hard drives. I bought an HP Restore Disc and moved my (1) unused 320 SATA drive from my 8150 to the other machine ... and expected to just restore vista and have a backup machine.

It wasn't quite that easy. After (20) tries, I <powered on>, <hit F10>, entered the setup program and made the HD the first device, made the CD the 3rd device, made the HD the first boot device, and set it to display the parameters as it loaded. I dont know if I said that right.....

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How Vista Creates 138 MB Backup Folder?

Mar 29, 2008

In XP the backup feature was very extensive, highly configurable and trustworthy. It was the only OS in each I had to do disaster recovery and I can prove from experience that it works (Windows Server versions use the same). You could schedule several types of backup (Normal, Differential, incremental, etc) and could get NT backup to compress the catalogue, which if you have lots of highly compressible documents (DOCs, etc) can reduce the size of the catalogue quite considerably.

Yesterday I asked Vista to do a full backup on the new HD. It only gave me 1 option, which was to choose the destination (the new HD). I did not find options for scheduling, types of backup and compression. This morning after the backup has finished the backup folder that Vista created was 138 MB.

Now please tell me, how come Vista creates a 138 MB backup folder if I now only have 110 GB of data in the disk? Where did it get the extra 28 GB from? If you are going to justify saying I now need to buy a backup application, don't bother. It was there in XP and it worked. It would have cost MS absolutely nothing to leave it there. I don't even trust the backup that Vista did, so I am left with the feeling that I ended up wasting 138 GB of space for nothing.

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Backup And Restore Not Included Vista

Nov 10, 2008

I have just bought a new pc with vista home edition premium, included in the package were 2 dvds with blank recovery dvd written on them ,on inquireing I was told that I would have to make my own recovery dvds and that instructions on how to do it would be found on my pc I then found out that windows complete pc backup and restore is not included with vista home premium Can anyone tell me how I can reinstall vista should I ever need to without some sort of recovery disk,as one wasn't included in the package

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Run Vista Backup, Can't See Hard Drive

Apr 7, 2008

I installed Vista Ultimate about a year ago, and a few months later also installed Suse 10.2 and I know dual boot, GRUB handling the boot. I have no problems whatsoever running either OS, and they are both installed on the same physical disk, just different partitions. Now, here's the strange thing: If I open disk management, the C-drive is visible and listed as healthy. If I run the Vista backup app, it can't even see the hard drive it itself is Installed on! A while back I had problems installing a patch, and through Googling it started having suspicions that the patch problem could have to do with my dual boot setup (the patch had to do with the disc encryption thing), so I thought I'd restore Vista's boot record and delete the Suse partitions, but when I start from the DVD and select repair, it can't see the OS.

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Norton Ghost Vs Vista 64 Ultimate Backup

Apr 16, 2009

I have Norton Ghost 14 and Vista 64 Ultimate. I don't see any reason to use Ghost over Windows Backup. Both take about 2 hours to backup my hard drive.

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Registry: Cannot Find One For Vista, Activate The Backup

May 8, 2008

There is a link for activities on the Registry for XP and previous Windows, but I cannot find one for Vista. Will someone (with more knowhow than I) please advise me either what is the link, or tell me how to make a backup of the Registry. If I make a backup and then whilst removing unwanted files make a mistake, how do I activate the Backup? Will the activation of backup also restore the removed files?

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Windows 98 Backup Work On Vista Machine?

May 11, 2008

I have 4 PC's running Win XP and use Windows 98 Backup to transfer files and keep things in sync. One of the computers is at a remote location during the summer so I can't use a network to transfer files. All computers have identical file structures and I've found that using Win 98 backup works great since it allows data compression and I simply have to make a backup, transfer the .qic file to a CD and then do a restore. The XP backup software does not allow data compression unless you are backing up to a tape drive.

To get Win 98 backup to work on XP I carefully transfer the appropriate files that are used by Win 98 backup to the c:windowssystem32 directory and, most importantly, I set program compatibility for Windows 98. I am faced with replacing my old laptop with a new one and it seems that it will be difficult to buy one with Win XP. So my question is: Is it possible that Windows 98 backup will work on a Vista machine? Does Vista have program compatibility mode that can be set like XP has?

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Backup Vista 32 Bit External Hard Drive

Feb 25, 2010

I currently do a complete PC backup with Vista Ultimate 32 bit to an external hard drive. I am buying a new computer with an Intel® Core™ i7-920 Processor and Intel® DX58 Chipset. I believe this is a 64 bit system. Two questions... First of all, can I restore my 32 bit files to it? and secondly, my new computer has a larger hard drive. Is the larger hard drive a problem when restoring?

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Warranty Repair And Backup For Vista Home Premium (VHP)

Jan 18, 2009

Notebook going in for warranty servicing, replacement of fan.

I wish to store VHP system and Vista setup information on an external HDD.

Has anyone found a freeware or workaround to allow me to save and then restore my Vista settings and programs to a new default install of Vista?

I understand when my notebook is returned with a new fan, VHP will be at factory default status.

Files, documents and the like will already be on a backup HDD via Sync Toy 2.0.

Am more concerned about the Vista setup and other aspects such as Windows Mail. Contacts, Windows Calendar, etc.

Will I have to reinstall all my programs and the like?

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Vista Business Reinstalled :How To Recover Lost Backup

Oct 16, 2009

I recently had to have Vista Business reinstalled b/c my computer crashed. I have a complete backup on an external drive using Vista Backup & Restore (keeping my fingers crossed it is a good one) but it is from several months ago so I decided to have the tech that was checking out my computer do a backup before reinstall. Unfortunately, he couldn't backup everything and I am missing quite a bit of stuff. I have no idea how the complete restore would work. Am I able to select certain data to restore? Does it restore things back to their original location?

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Vista Mail Backup / Export Error Message

Oct 14, 2009

I want to backup my emails in Win Mail (Vista home premium) - all of them so theres hundreds of them in dozens of folders I have created. So I go file - export - messages, select a format, select an EMPTY folder on my 1TB external drive, then try to export. I either get an error message telling me that some files may be corrupt, or that the destination folder may be too small. Or if I select just a tiny folder to export, it says export successful, but it only exports ONE email - the top one in the list I think? I really dont think I have corrupted files here - any folder I select to export seems to have a problem... as my motherboard is flakey, and I want to do the backup ASAP before it 'flakes' again!

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Vista Boots From The Cd It Goes To A Windows Is Setting Up Files,then Goes To A Black Screen Where There Is A Lilttle Green Bar Moving

Jul 4, 2008

Once vista boots from the cd it goes to a windows is setting up files,then goes to a black screen where there is a lilttle green bar moving. Now right after that it goes to a blueish screen where there is just the mouse cursor on the screen and just stays there? This is on all new hardware. Also this is a sata hard drive,

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HP Easy Backup : When Pressed Runs A HP Backup Application

Jul 2, 2008

I have a HP M9200t running Home premium 64 bit that has a "HP Easy Backup" button on the front panel. When pressed, it runs a HP backup application.

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Complete Backup (Disk Image) To Backup

Jan 15, 2010

I always use vista complete backup (Disk Image) to backup both my hard disks, but I am a bit confused as to the restore options. Basically, I have a sneaky suspition that one of the drives is going to fail in the near future, so I backup quite regularly, but when I replace it, I want to get a bigger drive, as it's only a 150gig raptor, and I really would prefer a 500 or 1TB 7200rpm drive for storage.

Can vista restore the files I backed up on D: (the 150gig) to a new D: which would be a large disk ? If it can, could I also do the same for C: which is where vista is located? If that doesn't work,

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Is There A "real" Backup Program In 64-bit Vista Home Premium?

Mar 17, 2009

Is there a "real" backup program in 64-bit Vista Home Premium? One where I can select the files and folders important to us? All I can find on this HP computer is a simplistic backup that has me checking boxes for things like "pictures" and "documents." That won't do, as there are other folders with data that require backing up. And, how would I do a disaster recovery backup?

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