Taskbar Disappeared

Aug 12, 2009

There was a sudden power outage that lasted about 1 second and my computer shut down and immediately powered itself up again. Ever since then the taskbar disappeared from my desktop. The resolution was changed too as a result of the outage but I fixed that easily. Pressing the Windows button on my keyboard does not do anything. When I minimize my windows, they disappear to the right of the screen to nowhere. I have tried to see if the taskbar moved over there but it did not.

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AVG Has Disappeared

Feb 24, 2010

I am running a Vista 64-bit platform with a VMware guest, using Vista 32-bit. Although I have Windows Defender running in the guest system, I have not had any anti-virus software (I use McAfee on the host system). Last night, I downloaded and installed the AVG-free anti-virus software for the guest system. It was working as intended when I shut down the computer.

This morning, in booting to the guest system, there is no AVG software in sight. The downloadable program from AVG is not even found in the Downloads folder! Windows Defender is still operable, and telling me that I do not have an anti-virus program installed.

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Files Have Disappeared!

Jul 29, 2008

I backed up my files onto CD (work files). Made a number of CDs. I'm on dell inspiron 9300, w/ xp and did an upgrade to vista using an in place install. My understanding was that the programs AND files were to be carried over onto the new OS. All of my programs and applications stayed. But my files...gone! can't find any of them. And all but one of my CDs are good--except that for some reason the most important files are in an empty folder on one of the CDs, many months worth of work related documents- I must have messed it up when backing it up. Is there anyway to find the files that vista was supposed to keep? I picked up an external hard drive today when I realized how little space I had left but not soon enough to use it to back up before.

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Desktop Disappeared

Oct 19, 2009

while surfing online i was looking into some language converter tools when my system hanged.. i manually shut down the system by holding the power button.. But since then on starting, my desktop and taskbar have disappeared.. however m able to access everything from task manager..

I looked onto 1 of the treads which had the solution to such a problem and changed the value of shell in the registry to explorer.exe.. However even then my desktop is not appearing on start up .. Only when i start a new process from task manager "explorer.exe", then my desktop appears..

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CD/DVD Burner Disappeared

Mar 23, 2008

I bought a new ASUS M51SN laptop last month running Windows Vista. I have subsequently loaded MS Office 2003, Skype, Norton SystemWorks and NERO8. I recently upgraded Vista with SP1, Nero, Skype and Norton to their latest versions and the ASUS Bios to 304. While I had a number of software problems prior to these upgrades, I placed my faith in the Vista upgrade, but am still left with a number of irritating problems.

My DVD burner has disappeared from Windows and Norton while Nero is still happy to test it (Diskspeed). The device manager says everything is good, but I cannot see the DVD in either Windows Explorer or My Computer. In the event log, I can see that the unit has encountered a number of bad block events, as well as a number of errors during a paging operation...............

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SP2 Update Disappeared!

Jul 29, 2009

Yesterday just before switching off I noticed that SP2 was available via Windows Update. As I was going to bed, I thought I would leave it until today to install it. When I go to Windows Update, SP2 is no longer offered, although some other updates were. SP2 hasn't been installed, so where has it gone? Will it be offered again?

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Sidebar Disappeared

Jun 18, 2009

how to get the sidebar on my Vista back on again. Has disappeared for some reason. no gadgets.

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CD-DVD Drive Disappeared.

Aug 2, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion dv6700 Notebook with Vista Home Premium. The computer is just over a year old and the Pioneer DVDRW drive (DR-KD08HB) just stopped working. It no longer appears under Device Manager or Windows Explorer and the disk tray won't even open. I've had no problems with this drive before, it just seemed to die on me yesterday after I inserted a CD (which I can't retrieve). I ran the Microsoft Fix it 50027 but nothing happened. Is there anything I can do to get it working again?

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Dvd/cdrom Had Disappeared??

Jul 29, 2009

I have just installed vista onto a laptop using the dvd drive, but when it was all installed it hasn't seemed to install the dvd drive as it doesn't appear on my computer or device manager, just wondered if anyone knows a solution, I have tried to do the regedit thing but the files that need deleting aren't even there, want to put xp back on as the network adapter isn't working either as i think that it isn't compatible with Vista but can't seem to do it as when i try rebooting with the cd in the laptop isn't finding it, even when i got to setup to try and change boot default there is no cddvd drive option there

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Mahjong.exe Somehow Disappeared.

Mar 23, 2008

Somehow I deleted it from my directory and I cannot find it in the recycle bin. I am running vista64.

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DVD/CD Rom Drive Disappeared

Mar 23, 2008

I have a E systems Laptop and recently the DVD/CD Rom drive disappeared from the list on my computer as well as on device manager. It briefly said that drivers had been instaled and it appeared on my computer, then i put in a CD and DVD and it jut did not work. i have already uninstalled itunes!

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CD Uploads Had Disappeared

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista Home Premium and basically my files keep disappearing. I have saved them in the same way I used to on Windows XP: I create some text files - straight forward Windows Word Processor - when I had about 6 I created a folder and dragged and dropped them into it. I uploaded photos which were also put in a folder and CDs likewise. After a period of 2 days to 2 weeks the CD uploads had disappeared and now after 1 month my text files and lots of picture files have also vanished, leaving behind the folders I created empty. The 'Sample Pictures' that came ready installed have also gone. Obviously I want to store things on the hard drive,

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Files Disappeared

Apr 26, 2008

Several days ago some folders from My Documents folder just disappeared. The folders and files in it are really important for me and I was trying to recover is somehow but I found no clue for that. When I search for files it shows that they are on their original location but I cannot access them, they can just be on the Search index I suppose and it makes no s??ance. But I installed Undelete program to check if somehow it is deleted itself and from there I sow lost folders with only those files in the folders which I have deleted before and it is showing that the folder itself is not deleted.

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LAN Connection Disappeared

Jun 20, 2008

When I first installed Vista Ultimate there was an icon in the system tray representing network connctions. Now it's disappeared. Can anyone tell me where that's configured?

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Cd Room Disappeared

Aug 31, 2009

this my first article but i have serious problem my cd room disappeared from computer and device manager when i insert a cd but it still available in bios and i use windows vista ultimate 32bit.and the same thing happen when i was have windows xp.

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Bookmarks Have Disappeared

Mar 17, 2009

Well I just opened up my Internet Explorer for the first time today and all my bookmarks are gone! I have had many of them for years. Does anyone know what might have happened? I checked the recycle bin and there not there.

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Icon Disappeared?

Oct 2, 2009

I just installed Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, and the icon on the desktop is ok, but the icon in the start menu is not there,only showing white background with three dots?,how do I get it back?,and where did it go?

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Everything Disappeared From Desktop

Jan 29, 2010

i have scanned the entire internet but still can't find a solution to my problem which started Today. Firstly, I am using Dell e6400 working on Vista Ultimate. Everything started when I installed printer Samsung SCX4016 drivers and rebooted. And after this (censored) reboot everything was gone from my desktop. The other bad thing is that when I try to click on Documents and Drive C: - i see that the explorer window just flashes for a second and then nothing happens. Another bad thing is that I can access the Control Panel but... I can't access user accounts to try and create a new one. I have uploaded a quick video of what's happening on my laptop and I really hope it's possible to save my data.

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Taskbar Going Crazy?

Jan 12, 2010

my taskbar is messing around and being unresponsive, and very hard to click.

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TaskBar Is Hidden Behind IE

Jan 4, 2009

(i'm running vista 32bit SP1, i hope its not too out of place to ask a question in a 64bit forum)

this looks like the closest i've found to a forum w/ my prob.

essentially i backed up my HD on an external (western digital) using "second backup" as the backup software.

i noticed after backing up that all my folder icons (favorites, contacts, music, pictures, etc...) reverted to the generic yellow folder.

i was able to change one or two (and only those in the shortcuts in "favorite links" heading of a windows explorer window) by right click -> properties -> change icon but all the folders (in their actual location eg. c:users"username") remain the ugly yellow folder.

changing them one by one seems inefficient and if annoying if it were to occur again.

i've done the right-click on destop -> personalize -> change desktop icon -> restore default, no result (tho i didnt really expect one since the desktop icons arent really the issue)

i've rebuilt the icon cache, no luck.

i've re-written the desktop.ini for a couple of them, no result (tho i didnt really expect one)

system restore isn't an option, i dont have an old enough restore point (hense the need for backing up).

i'm wondering of a systemic way to essentially restore the default icons for all these folders (music, video, downloads, etc...) and their respective shortcuts.

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Change The Look Of My Taskbar

Jul 31, 2008

How do I or how can I change the look of my task bar with having to buy a program. I kinda like the look of apples task bar, icons across the bottom. Any ideas. Thanks

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My Desktop&taskbar Is Gone!

Mar 28, 2008

I have vista home premium, all was going well until yesterdayThe PC will boot up normally, I can see everything icons, taskbar all boot up. Once it is all up and ready they dissapear! I can't even right click on desktop nothing happens! The only thing left on desktop is the gaget bar.The only way to get online to internet is by going through the "get more gagets online" part of the gaget bar.

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Add Search To Taskbar?

Mar 23, 2008

I need to add the Search box (for all folders, files, email, etc) to the TaskBar in Vista for my boss. We're all using XP and added Desktop Search, using the search box in the Taskbar for quick searches. I can't seem to find a way to add it to the taskbar in Vista. I need a way to put it in front of him as he won't use it via the Start Menu.

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Taskbar Not Transparent

Mar 23, 2008

My Taskbar isn't transparent i have got my computer on Aero the Start Menu is transparent but my taskbar isn't I have a dell laptop with the same version of vista on and it's tranparent on there

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Transparency In Taskbar Gone

Oct 1, 2008

I have aero turned on and the transparency works for all application windows but my taskbar is just black. it's not transparent or anything. i know that when a windows is maximized then it will turn black but i don't have any windows or anything open and it is still black.

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Taskbar Locked

Apr 14, 2008

My taskbar is locked. I can't launch a quick launch item. If I minimise a window I can't get it back. I can't open any items in the systray. mI have been into control panel and unlocked and locked and unclocked the task bar to no avail.

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Cannot Move Taskbar

Apr 3, 2009

I moved the taskbar to the left edge several months ago, and now I want to move it back. Unfortunately the taskbar seems locked on that edge. I have unlocked the taskbar, and I can resize the quick launch toolbar. The taskbar cannot move or resize. However, the taskbar CAN move and resize in the Safe Mode. I wonder if I changed some registry entry or policy that I don't aware.

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101 Processes Going In Taskbar?

May 7, 2010

I am sorry but I am ignorant about the computer system. I have a Toshiba I bout about a year ago that runs Vista. On the computer it says Vista PC Workgroup Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2Duo My Internet connections have been glitchy lately. Our service is in a package deal (phone, cable, Internet) and usually is pretty good, but lately it was taking several tries to change websites. Someone said that it was due to the number of processes in my task bar. They said it should be around 24, but my has 100.

I am a school teacher and I have Smart Board software which takes up space, but I was wondering how I should know which processes to delete/ end. I tried deleting programs and I somehow lost my sound icon on my toolbar,

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How Can Taskbar Two Levels

May 28, 2009

I have purchased a laptop which of course, has vista. I am still on xp on my PC. On my pc I was able to add a second row of icons to my bottom taskbar. All my favorite programs and icons were on there. I cannot find a way to do that on my laptop with vista.Is there a way?

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Taskbar Disappears

Feb 4, 2009

I had this problem recently , when i open any window ( Windows Explorer, Firefox, IE ... etc ) my taskbar disappears without a reason. On the other hand when i minimize all the applications the taskbar appears again this is so annoying because i cant switch between my applications easily and i must press Alt+Tab to switch between them, besides i love the presence of the taskbar so i can see the time, in breif the absence of the sidebar makes me pissed off. this is my normal view of the disktop ( When everything is minimized ) : but when i maximize any window the taskbar disappears and the view SUCKS and looks like that: i tried everything possible, note that the Auto-hide the taskbar option is not enabled.

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Windows Aero Has Disappeared!

May 6, 2009

I am using Vista Home Premium 32bit. I used to have the Windows Aero theme, but one day it disappeared.

If I go to Control Panel>Appearance & Personalisation>Personalisation> Window Color and Appearance, I have Windows Standard and Windows Classic color schemes listed, but Windows Aero has disappeared.

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